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After completing Trailblaze Continuance Foxian Dream, Huohuo will periodically appear in the Astral Express' Parlor Car or Party Car.
...too peaceful...
- (Idle quote)
- Huohuo: It's so peaceful here...
- (Initial interaction)
- Huohuo: ...too peaceful... Why do I feel like someone's watching me...?
Welcome to the Astral Express, Huohuo.
- Trailblazer)... That's a relief. Huohuo: Ah! Oh, it's you, (
(Scary ghost noises)
- Huohuo: Ahhhhhhhh! Help me! Help me!
- Huohuo: ...Oh it's you, (Trailblazer). Please don't sneak up on me like that!
Welcome aboard the Astral Express. Remember to take lots of pictures.
Welcome, Huohuo. Remember to try Miss Himeko's coffee.
- Huohuo: ...G—Good idea.
- Huohuo: The Astral Express is so peaceful and majestic. I've only been in the Parlor Car a few moments, and I already feel calmer. This place is the best!
- (Obtain
Stellar Jade ×10)
- (Subsequent interactions)
- Huohuo: The Express is such a lovely place... Umm, next time I visit, please... remember not to sneak up on me from behind.
Excuse me, (Trailblazer), do you have time?
- (Idle quote)
- Huohuo: I need some advice...
- (Initial interaction)
- Huohuo: Excuse me, (Trailblazer), do you have time? I need some advice...
What's the problem? I'm all ears.
- Ten-Lords Commission isn't too busy, and I ended up with a little vacation time. At first, I told myself: "breaks are hard to come by, I should make the most of every day." Huohuo: Lately, work at the
- Sushang and Guinaifen are doing on their days off... Huohuo: But then, before I knew it, I'd spent three days at home doing the usual things, and now my vacation is about to end... I can't help wondering what
Is that why you decided to visit the Express?
- Huohuo: I—I just thought it'd be good to get out... so here I am.
Why don't you get in touch with them?
- Huohuo: ...I did think about that, but in the end, I never found the courage to ask them...
It's fine to do nothing while on vacation...
- Huohuo: ...If I don't do anything, I always feel a bit... empty inside.
- Huohuo: I'd like to hang out with them, it's just...
- Huohuo: If it's up to me to do the inviting, that means I have to arrange a time and place, and I'm sure I won't do a good job of that...
Why not invite them to the Express?
- Huohuo: ...G—Good idea.
Social anxiety can be tough sometimes.
- Huohuo: *sigh*
- Huohuo: ...I need a bit more time to think this over.
- (Subsequent interactions)
- Huohuo: Vacation days are precious. I really shouldn't waste them. I need to talk to them both. I... I should be able to manage that.
Th—The conductor said...
- (Idle quote)
- Huohuo: I feel an invisible presence...
- (Initial interaction)
- conductor said there might be something invisible on the Express... so, I've been trying to investigate. Huohuo: Th—The
Have you sensed anything?
- Huohuo: ...I'm not quite sure yet.
I think I encountered it... [Note 1]
- Huohuo: ...Wait, r—really? Uh-oh, m—my legs are feeling a bit wobbly...
You're not running away?
- Huohuo: Everyone on the Express has been so nice to me... I'm only running away after I've helped out...
- Huohuo: There was a moment when I felt the invisible thing was r—right in front of me...
- Huohuo: I used all the tricks in the judges' handbook, but couldn't get any evidence. I—I—It's not some sort of space ghost, is it? I—I didn't think the Express would be this scary!
There's actually someone right over there!
- Huohuo: ...R—Really!?
- Huohuo: Ahhhhhhhh!
I'm sure it's nothing — just peoples' imaginations...
- Huohuo: ...I can't tell if you're serious...
- Huohuo: Wait. I—I can feel it again! Ahhhhhhhh!
- Huohuo: ...I think that's enough Express for today.
- (Subsequent interactions)
- Huohuo: ...That's enough Express for today. The n—next time I have a chance, I'll come back and visit again.
Oh, you're here!
- (Idle quote)
- Huohuo: The Express Crew are so nice.
- Tail: They're pretty good.
- (Initial interaction)
- Tail and I were just talking about how warm and welcoming the people on the Express are. You guys even prepared some snacks for him. Huohuo: Oh, you're here! Mr.
- Tail: Mm, tasty morsels. Very satisfying.
That's Express hospitality for you.
- heliobus' tastes with Phase Flame ash says a lot about their experience. Tail: The fact that your conductor knew to cater to the
You're quite the infrequent visitor, Mr. Tail.
- Tail: ...Infrequent visitor? I'm here every time this little whippersnapper is! Honestly...
- Tail: Luckily for you, your conductor had the foresight to prepare some Phase Flame ash as a snack. I'm in a good mood today, so I'll let it slide.
- Huohuo: When I first boarded the Express, I thought the conductor was just a mascot... but now that I've been here a few times, I know how important they are to the train. They're so considerate and reliable.
- Huohuo: Who do you think's cuter, (Trailblazer)? Pom-Pom or Mr. Tail?
- Tail: Cuter!? I'll show you cuter!
Pom-Pom's cuter.
- Tail: Right answer.
Pom-Pom's cheeks are so pinchable!
- Huohuo: Hee-hee, I know.
Pom-Pom's given me so many rewards!
- Huohuo: Oh. Really?
Mr. Tail is cuter.
- Tail: Bah!
- Huohuo: You think so?
There's something mischievous about him.
- Huohuo: Oh! I see what you mean.
Maybe it's because he's a new face around here.
- Huohuo: ...Uhh, I guess that makes sense...
Tough choice — they're both very cute.
- Huohuo: ...Hee-hee, I think so too.
- (Subsequent interactions)
- Huohuo: Right now... I'd say Pom-Pom's a smidge cuter.
- Tail: Hmph, well... good!
I heard the conductor say...
- (Idle quote)
- Huohuo: I heard the conductor say...
- (Initial interaction)
- Herta Space Station... and then without meaning to, you found yourself on a journey through the stars. Huohuo: I heard the conductor say something happened on
- Huohuo: I feel like, um, we're kind of... similar, I guess?
You mean because you didn't mean to join the Ten-Lords Commission...?
- Huohuo: ...Yeah, joining the Commission was kind of an accident... So was meeting Mr. Tail. Even getting promoted...
...So you didn't mean to board the Express?
- Huohuo: Not exactly...
- Huohuo: What I mean is, I've had plenty of accidents: Meeting Mr. Tail, joining the Ten-Lords Commission, even getting promoted wasn't intentional...
- Xueyi catches criminals and executes secret missions. Madam Hanya uses dreams to predict karmic offenses and write judgements... but what about me? I'm just a scaredy-cat who's afraid of heliobi... and yet it's my job to catch them... Huohuo: Madam
- Huohuo: ...Sometimes I wonder: If everything that's happened to me is just a coincidence or an accident, then... am I really qualified to be a judge?
From what Xueyi said, your promotion was no accident...
- Huohuo: So... you're saying Madam Xueyi has faith in my abilities?
- Huohuo: She did tell me that face to face... but I thought she was just trying to comfort me...
It's too late to doubt yourself.
- Huohuo: ...Mm, I know what you mean... I'm already a judge after all. Instead of worrying about whether I'm qualified, I should just focus on doing a good job.
Boarding the Express was my destiny.
- Huohuo: Oh, is that right?
- Huohuo: ...Then perhaps being a Ten-Lords Commission judge is also my destiny.
- Huohuo: Thank you, things are a little clearer now...
- (Subsequent interactions)
- Huohuo: But, um, if work gets too tough, I might still consider quitting...
- (Idle quote)
- Huohuo: I got this for you...
- (Initial interaction)
- Huohuo: Hee-hee~ (Trailblazer), I got this for you...
- Ruoyue, the owner, said these sparkling stones were your lucky charms, so I brought them back for you. They'll bring you good fortune. Huohuo: While I was away, I stopped by The Looking Bronze and had got your "Fortune for Today."
Wow! Thanks, Huohuo!
- Huohuo: Hee-hee~ Hope you have good luck.
You shouldn't have...
- Huohuo: It's fine, really, take them.
- Huohuo: As a cursed one, I've always been unlucky, but recently I've started to feel like there's more to fortune than meets the eye.
- Fyxestroll Garden was haunted, Tail disappeared... Do you remember? Huohuo: On the first day we met, I was really unlucky.
- Huohuo: But it was also the same day I met you and got to know the ghost-hunting squad... That must be a sign of good luck, I suppose.
- Huohuo: Bad luck and good luck, all mixed together. Funny when you think about it, right?
- (Obtain
Stellar Jade ×10)
- (Subsequent interactions)
- Huohuo: May these charms bring you good luck.
After completing Trailblaze Continuance Foxian Dream, Huohuo will appear in Fyxestroll Garden:
Voice Lines
- (Version 1)
- "Uh, this place isn't safe, so please be careful."
- (Version 2)
- "Is there anything you need?"
- (First interaction)
- Huohuo: (Trailblazer), we have successfully subdued the heliobus for now. However... Th—This place is still not safe, please be cautious...
Have the Ten Lords not finished taking care of the heliobi yet?
- Huohuo: The number of heliobi that escaped the Creation Furnace was immense. It will take a very long time to capture them all.
Fear not, do you still not realize my skills?
- Huohuo: O—Of course I do. However, even you can't afford to be careless here, (Trailblazer).
Huohuo, come and protect me...
- Huohuo: Oh, o—of course! Such is the duty of a Judge of the Ten-Lords Commission.
- Huohuo: Although, do you really need my protection with your skills, (Trailblazer)?
- Huohuo: Since the furnace broke, all of the "Ignamar" spirits that could pose a threat have been recovered. The most dangerous spirit among them—
- Tail: Hey... Wait and think before you speak. Who is the most dangerous spirit?
- Huohuo: T—the most dangerous spirit is Tail, and the second most dangerous is Cirrus. Both have already been subdued by the Ten-Lords Commission.
- Tail: Bah. You call this being subdued? This is called "making use of outstanding talent." I stayed in the Ten-Lords Commission as a kindness to you.
- Huohuo: Either way, according to an assessment by the Ten-Lords Commission, the remaining heliobi that have not been subdued are not powerful enough to pose a real threat... Th—This is all thanks to you and the ghost-hunting squad, (Trailblazer)!
- Huohuo: Oh yeah, did you come to Fyxestroll Garden to see me, (Trailblazer)?
I just wanted to chat with you.
- (Continues to regular dialogue options)
- (Subsequent interactions)
- Huohuo: Is there anything you need?
I just wanted to chat with you.
- Huohuo: Okay! I want to chat with you too (Trailblazer)!
Will the Ten-Lords Commission remain in Fyxestroll Garden?
- Huohuo: Yes. The Ten-Lords Commission has been using this Pavilion of Cessation as a temporary office for some time. I've started thinking of it as my workplace. If you ask me, the work environment here is much more spacious than in the Netherworld...
- Huohuo: The Evil Binding Matrix currently needs someone to maintain it. Capturing heliobi is one thing, but subduing them is a whole other matter. This work is torment for a long-life species.
What happens to the captured heliobi?
- Huohuo: It's terrifying! B—But not the kind of terrifying that humans would fear...
- Huohuo: I asked Tail before, he said that even if heliobi were trapped in a confined space, they would not be bound. They differ from material creatures in this way.
- Huohuo: But when you place them in a prison, the heliobi have no way of satisfying their desires... They are like thirsty humans that can see water, but never taste it.
- Tail: You understand the idea of a "desire that you can never fulfill," right? This is "imprisonment" for a heliobus.
- Huohuo: Although capture devices such as the suppression towers and the Creation Furnace can hold heliobi, the main goal is to prevent them from ever coming into contact with human emotions and desires.
- Huohuo: Subdued heliobi will remain inside the pagoda until... Well, until they find a chance to escape.
I wanted to ask where the Ten-Lords Commission HQ is?
- Huohuo: ...It's best that you do not know, (Trailblazer).
- Huohuo: I—I may not seem very authoritative, but the Ten-Lords Commission is a very, very serious department.
- Huohuo: As the Xianzhou's long-life species have been deprived of death's dignity, the Ten-Lords Commission had to become death... That means that the Ten-Lords Commission should not appear before the eyes of the people like the Six Commissions.
- Tail: In other words, kiddo, only by maintaining complete independence can the Ten Lords complete the mission they were entrusted at birth.
- Huohuo: ...I hope you understand, (Trailblazer).
Is Madam Xueyi okay?
- Huohuo: ...Madam Xueyi is okay now.
- Huohuo: As far as I know, Madam Xueyi is already back on another mission.
I always see her all over the place.
- Huohuo: Madam Xueyi is truly amazing. No matter the mission, she can handle it properly.
- Huohuo: ...I wonder when I can become like her.
...She should give herself a holiday.
- Huohuo: It's true. Even if she has the body of a puppet, she will still get fatigued.
- Huohuo: I'll pass on your regards.
I've got to go.
- Huohuo: Yeah, I've still got some things to take care of here. Take care!
- ↑ Based on where Huohuo looks at, the invisible thing refers to the Messenger in the Parlor Car.