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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki


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Issue 07

Pom-Pom's Exclusive Intel Sticker PPG 07 Pom-Pom 09

  • What is an Emanator
  • How to become an Emanator
  • Emanator's Status
  • Appendix

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Pom-Pom: I'll be the acting chief editor for this issue to educate you on some essential information, Trailblazers. You mentioned wanting to learn more about Emanators, so I've compiled all relevant information from the data bank. I hope this will help.

What is an Emanator?[]

If mortals receiving the grace of Aeons and grasping the power of Paths are viewed as singular shattered foam, then the mighty feats of Aeons driving their Paths onwards can be likened to a towering tsunami that engulfs mountains. In this empty stellar vastness, a small number of favored mortals can also draw upon the power of the Paths with the permission of the Aeons, creating huge waves that erode the coast. They are referred to as "Emanators".

While not completely subservient to the Aeons, Emanators are as good as emissaries of the Aeons' wills in everyone else's eyes.

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How to become an Emanator[]

Different Aeons have different attitudes towards THEIR Emanators, so the method through which THEY grant power and the extent of the power also varies significantly. Some Aeons regard Emanators as an extension of THEMSELVES, some Aeons have no intention of creating Emanators, and there are even Aeons who just do as THEY please.

Emanator's Status[]

Factions that worship martial strength will view the Emanator's status as a banner, using it as a show of their influence. However, some forces view the acquisition and control of information in higher regard, intentionally concealing the Emanator's existence. There are also Emanators who blend into the crowd, pretending to be ordinary mortals before they reveal their powers. But there is one undeniable fact: Along each Path, the distances that Emanators stride far surpass that of their mortal Pathstriding counterparts. And on this journey, their mere existence becomes the drive of the continuation, extension, and expansion of their Paths.

Rumors about Emanators across the universe are rife, and they should not all be believed. Here, I will list some reputable sources that may hopefully educate you.

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Antimatter Legion[]

A Lord Ravager is both the Emanator of Nanook of Destruction and a commander of the Antimatter Legion. For those capable individuals who obey The Blemished One's will or even willingly step onto the Path of Destruction, the Aeon will spare their lives and delay their annihilation. Endowed with the power of Destruction and twisted by it, these creatures manage to endure the glance of a god without dying from the power, then turning into Lord Ravagers dreaded by all.

It is said that there are a total of seven Lord Ravagers under Nanook. They are the executioners of Destruction's will, all artistes of war, every inch of their being honed into ultimate, burning weapons. They bring about the apocalypse that traverses stars, imposing the absolute concept of Destruction via myriad ideals.

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The Xianzhou Alliance[]

In an ancient era of legends, Xianzhou ships were tasked with voyaging across the stars to search for the miracle medicine of immortality. After wearing away its conviction and shape over the long years, the Xianzhou eventually encountered Yaoshi. However, all that the bestowal of immortality brought upon them were sorrows, poverty, endless war, and death. It wasn't until Lan, the Aeon of The Hunt, returned from the Abyss. Using gravity as bowstring and stars as arrows, Lan shattered the Ambrosial Arbor and put the wickedness of Abundance to an end.

After Xianzhou returned to the righteous path, it formed an alliance under the guidance of The Hunt and formed a powerful army known as the Cloud Knights. The Alliance's goals were to patrol the world and eradicate all Abominations of Abundance, and put an end to the corruption of the undead. The generals who command each Xianzhou, along with the marshal of the Alliance, take up arms themselves, embarking on the irrevocable path of pursuit, becoming the sharp arrows of the Reignbow.

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The Family[]

The concept of Harmonic Strings is defined in the Harmony Hymns - they are the multiple embodiments of Xipe the Great One, the down-to-earth virtues that enable harmony. Regardless of whether you place yourself under The Family's rule, the Aeon will look favorably upon you as long as you carry out these good deeds. On worlds ruled by The Family, members often gather in large groups to engage in virtuous acts and play harmonious music. The thousands of tiny ropes come together to form a united string, welcoming the Embodiment of Harmony to manifest on the mortal plane.

The Family never shied away from promoting the great names of the embodinment of the thousand-faced god, such as Aelenev the commander of the Eternal Centurion, Dominicus the wisher of the Harmonious Choir, Constantina the singer of the Panacoustic Theater, and Beatriz the merrymaker of the Blissful Ball... However, few have witnessed THEIR radiant presence going beyond the boundaries of The Family. Some also argue that the Harmonic Strings are nothing short of the Emanators of Xipe - These do not follow any specific mortal but are facets of Xipe, and can assume the form of any Family member when necessary.

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Interastral Peace Corporation[]

As the largest financial body of the cosmos and a disciple of the Amber Lord, most believe that the Preservation's Emanators exist within the IPC. However, according to the Express' current data bank intel, only two Emanators of Preservation are confirmed - Taravan Keane of the seven Board of Trustees members and Diamond, chief of the Strategic Investment Department. Information on others are locked behind layers of encryption, with no other sources available.

There is another group named the Ten Stonehearts, an elite team reporting directly to Diamond. The official title within the corporation for this role is called Non-Performing Asset Liquidation Specialist - its members' origins are varied, its responsibilities differ, with multiple people's records shuffling in and out of this role. The only commonality they share is that they were personally selected by Diamond, and conferred with the name and status of "Cornerstone."

Some credible sources suggest that the Ten Stonehearts have demonstrated unbelievable power related to Preservation on certain occasions. Whether this power originates from the members themselves or the Cornerstones they possess remains uncertain. However, since Diamond is one of the few confirmed Emanators of Preservation within the IPC, this power is likely related to that fact.

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Self-Annihilators are a group that lost their meaning of existence when they carelessly stepped into IX the Nihility's shadow. The shadow of the Nihility covers the stars equally, and Self-Annihilators may form in any world. These poor souls share one thing in common: Their various existential properties - such as corporeal body, mental cognition, and personal memories... will gradually fade away in their journey of self-annihilation.

Some Self-Annihilators have their skin turned into something like rotten wood, full of holes and scars. Some have their endocrine system disrupted, becoming unable to distinguish between pleasure and pain and turning numb to everything. Some lose their memories, others lose their senses... It is as if they have been deprived of the meaning of their lives by some entity, and can only keep watching in dreams and illusions as their own forms disappear into a black hole at the end of the horizon.

However, some Self-Annihilators would conceive the idea of fighting back. They join the Doctors of Chaos, vowing to do their best to cure others of Nihility in what little time they have left in exchange for their own redemption. Moreover, some of them rely on their strong convictions to try to break the curse of Nihility at its root - by slaying the Aeon that slumbers in the abyss.

Dr. Primitive, No. #64 of the Genius Society, once asked before his disappearance: If IX is truly unresponsive to the universe, how could the Path of Nihility exist to this day? Perhaps, as the Self-Annihilators aimlessly traverse the cosmos, they are also casting the shadow of the Aeon around the universe. As for the few who can single-handedly withstand the encroachment of Nihility on their existences, their journey to self-annihilation is drawn out to infinity, and the road they walk is like a shadow of IX cast in the world.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishPom-Pom's Intel | Emanator Special
「帕姆小报 | 令使特刊」
「帕姆小報 | 令使特刊」
Japanese「パム新聞 | 使令特集」
Korean「폼폼 신문 | 사도 특간」
SpanishEl periódico de Pom-Pom - Edición especial sobre los Emanadores
FrenchLes Pom-potins de Pom-Pom | Édition spéciale sur les Émanateurs
RussianНовости Пом-Пом | Спецвыпуск: Эманаторы
Thai"คอลัมน์ของ Pom-Pom: ฉบับ Emanator
VietnameseTờ Báo Pom-Pom | Số Đặc Biệt Lệnh Sứ
GermanPom-Pom-Zeitung | Emanator-Sonderausgabe
IndonesianTabloid Pom-Pom | Edisi Khusus Emanator
PortugueseTabloide do Pom-Pom: Edição Especial dos Emanadores