After completing Trailblaze Mission A Moment of Peace, Herta will appear in the Master Control Zone and in Herta's Office, along with various other locations around Herta Space Station:
Map Location
Herta Puppet
Herta Puppet
Map Location
Herta Puppet
Herta Puppet
Map Location
Herta Puppet
Herta Puppet
Map Location
Herta Puppet
Herta Puppet
Map Location
Herta Puppet
Herta Puppet
Map Location
Herta Puppet
Herta Puppet
Map Location
Herta Puppet
Herta Puppet
Map Location
Herta Puppet
Herta Puppet
Voice Lines[]
- (Version 1)
- "If you have something to say, just say it."
- (Version 2)
- "I just came online. What do you want."
Master Control Zone[]
- Herta: Hmph, I haven't completely lost my interest in you. Ask what you gotta ask.
Your fans on the station have an anonymous group chat.
- (If Companion Mission You Already Know Me[verification needed] has been completed, available once)
- Herta: Even fans need to be anonymous... Kids these days.
But it has been dissolved.
- Herta: Groups with no discipline tend to collapse very easily.
I don't get why they like you.
- Herta: If people need solid reasons to like one another, the world would be plunging into chaos. Soon they'll discover that they don't deserve to be liked.
There was some drama in that group...
- Herta: Why should I care? I'm not their mom.
Just a random thing I thought I'd mention.
- Herta: Okay.
You know, Arlan is afraid of you.
- (If Companion Mission An Unexpected Turn of Events[verification needed] has been completed, available once)
- Herta: The boy that tags along with Asta all the time? Okay, whatever.
He feels great pressure when you are present.
- Herta: Doesn't matter. As long as he keeps running errands for me.
He doesn't know how to get along with you.
- Herta: And yet he survived, no? He'll figure it out.
What do you think of Arlan?
- Herta: Honest fella, does what he's told.
That's all I wanted to ask.
- Herta: Okay.
- Herta: Just say it.
How many puppets do you have?
- Herta: There are 249 in service and another 32 as backups. I can't be bothered to control their walking, so I just keep plenty around in each area.
What's in your collection here on the station?
- Herta: Curios that are mildly interesting and people who are utterly boring.
You seem to own a lot of Curios. Can I have one?
- Herta: Would you ask someone who's sentenced to life to share some prison time with you just because that person can?
- Herta: If you would, it means you're funny. If you wouldn't, it means you're smart.
Why do you own this space station and how do you run it?
I don't have any other questions.
- Herta: Yep, yep, whatever.
I'll stop bothering you.
- Herta: Yep, yep, whatever.
- (Talk to Herta about Memory Bubbles)
- Main article: Memory Bubble § Dialogue
Herta's Office[]
- (Interactions prior to completing Adventure Mission Simulated Universe: Second Closed Beta)
- Herta: What's up? I'll only answer questions about the Simulated Universe.
I'm still very confused.
About the Simulated Universe project...
- (Same as dialogue below)
About the content of the Simulated Universe...
- (Same as dialogue below)
About Simulated Universe rewards...
- Herta: I knew you'd ask about this. Go on.
What do I get for testing the Simulated Universe?
- Herta: You can keep all the information you get from the simulated Aeons. Isn't that enough? Some people would sell their firstborn just to see an Aeon! And you will get to speak with them face to face!
I thought you were talking about a financial reward?
- Herta: Oh, well... If you want, I am sure I can arrange something. I have more credits than I know what to do with. But honestly, it's just a bunch of numbers the IPC typed up.
- Herta: I want to give you something more practical and realistic, something that can really help you. So, it may be different from how you imagined...
I still have some questions...
That's all. See you soon.
- Herta: Don't forget to test my Simulated Universe!
That's all. See you soon.
- Herta: Don't forget to test my Simulated Universe!
- (Subsequent interactions upon completing Adventure Mission Simulated Universe: Second Closed Beta)
- Herta: Something the matter?
I have some new points of confusion...
- (Available after starting Simulated Universe: Swarm Disaster)
- Herta: Hm?
About Swarm Disaster...
- Herta: What kind of questions do you have?
How will I learn of Propagation's secrets?
- Herta: Continue along the Trail of Pathstrider, and walk along the traces already paved by those who came before you, and try your hardest to get closer to the Aeons! Don't worry! Just carry out the Paths in the way you want to.
I still have some questions...
- (Available after starting Simulated Universe: Gold and Gears)
About Gold and Gears...
- Herta: What kind of questions do you have?
How will I learn of Erudition's secrets?
- Herta: Hmm, good question. Pay close attention to your Intra-Cognition at all times to prevent yourself from becoming a robot or totally losing your rationality. Don't think too much. You'll eventually end up following THEIR calculations anyways.
I still have some questions...
- (Available after starting Simulated Universe: Unknowable Domain)
About the Unknowable Domain...
- Herta: What kind of questions do you have?
How will we solve the Unknowable Domain? (Before completing Antinomic Waltz)
- Herta: Collect data about the Scholars' Strife and replicate the complete Scepter system. Then, Rubert II's legacy will naturally show us the way.
Will Polka Kakamond come back? (After completing Antinomic Waltz)
- Herta: So long as I walk along the Path of Erudition, I think I'll end up meeting her again one day. I just don't know what she'll do to greet me next time...
- Herta: Something's off... Why am I looking forward to this?
I still have some questions...
That's all. See you soon.
- Herta: Don't forget to test my Simulated Universe!
I'm still very confused.
About the Simulated Universe project...
- Herta: Got some questions?
How is it going to answer the mystery of the Aeons?
- Herta: Oh, in layman's terms, it will simulate the Aeons themselves. Then we can ask them questions.
- Herta: The Society has pulled a lot of strings and diverted a lot of resources to do this... The false Aeons have connected with real Paths, so you can say we have basically created a bunch of powerless mini gods.
- Herta: Of course, if you want to get to the nitty-gritty, it's not that simple... This project has encountered plenty of hiccups along the way. It wasn't all smooth sailing.
You said there are other collaborators?
- Herta: Well, the project was jointly launched by four members of our society. There's Ruan Mei, a master in the field of creation. She cultivated the protoplasm simulating the Aeons. There's Screwllum, the famous mechanical aristocrat, who is responsible for writing the underlying logic of the program and the algorithm for the galaxy.
- Herta: There's me, Herta, who is responsible for providing the venue, personnel, and resources, and adding some interesting systems to the project. There's also Stephen "Weirdo" Lloyd. He wants to keep things a secret, so please don't leak anything.
Why do you need me?
- Herta: Well, because you're special... You have a Stellaron in your body. You're living the life of a Trailblazer while also receiving a glance from Nanook. So, the Aeons may be more willing to accept you.
- Herta: You know, the Aeons have no concept of free will at all. They think about nothing but their destined Path. So, when we ask them questions, they simply ignore us... even when Screwllum gave them each a simulated personality and maxed out their socialization stat.
- Herta: So we plan on finding another way by sourcing a special person who can disguise themselves as one of the Aeons. Someone who can get close to them. It may be easier for Aeons to communicate directly with Aeons.
I still have some questions...
About the content of the Simulated Universe...
- Herta: Got some questions?
What exactly does it simulate?
- Herta: It is a simulation of the entire universe according to Screwllum's design. But right now, only limited locations are open for access in this terminal. It's enough for us. Screwllum likes to design big useless things. He has a whole planet to himself, so he doesn't care about spatial limitations...
Why is combat a part of the design?
- Herta: Because combat is the best way to demonstrate which Path one is likely to walk. We can only summon those simulated Aeons we designed when there's a connection to a Path. Those creatures don't have any special powers, but are as much a real pain in the butt as the actual gods...
Does it read my thoughts?
- Herta: Of course! For your safety, I want to ensure that everything you see is manageable. I don't want you to lose your mind in the simulation!
- Herta: Good thing is, there're familiar scenes and people inside the Simulated Universe, so you'll never feel lonely.
I still have some questions...
About the Aeons...
- Herta: I knew you'd ask about this. Go on.
How can we bait an Aeon to appear?
- Herta: The first piece of bait is you. Pretend to be the Aeon Akivili and see if you can attract a few of their acquaintances. The second piece of bait is the Paths. Based on the combat tendencies you've demonstrated, the corresponding Path should produce a Resonance...
- Herta: Aeons who follow the same Path will be drawn in.
How can one speak to an Aeon?
- Herta: That's up to you. Aha and Fuli will probably strike up a conversation proactively, while Qlipoth and IX might ignore you. And Nanook, well, they'll probably scorch you to cinders the second they see you...
- Herta: But it's okay. It can't hurt you — even if you die in the Simulated Universe, you'll be untouched in reality.
I still have some questions...
That's all. See you soon.
- Herta: Don't forget to test my Simulated Universe!
That's all. See you soon.
- Herta: Don't forget to test my Simulated Universe!
- (When interacting with any other Herta puppet around the space station, one of the following dialogues will appear)
- Herta: Stop staring at my puppet all the time! I don't find the view of your nostrils that enjoyable.
- Herta: If you don't have anything better to do, go test my Simulated Universe. Quit wandering about the station carrying a Stellaron. People will have to wipe you down everywhere if it explodes.
- Herta: ...
- No reaction from the puppet, looks like Herta hasn't come online yet.
- Herta: You look like you need work. How about assisting me with a tiny little experiment?
- Herta: State your business and stop blocking my view.