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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Heliobus Purging Manual is a readable found aboard The Xianzhou Luofu.



By the decree of the Ten Lords, we, the judges of the Interrogation Division, have reviewed many records regarding experiences in exorcising heliobi. These findings have been compiled into a comprehensive manual and distributed to the staff. We kindly request that you carefully study the contents of this manual in order to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for effectively exorcising heliobi.

Q: What is a "heliobus"? Why is it not included in the Ten-Lords Commission Standard Exorcism Manual?

A: Heliobi are rare, elusive, and shapeless entities. They are energy-based creatures devoid of a fixed shape, driven by the desire to possess the bodies of sentient beings and exert control over them. Further information regarding heliobi can be found in the List of Archenemies.

Heliobi re-emerged into the world after the Furnace was damaged. Millennia have passed since their last appearance, which caused the Possession Tragedy. During that era, the inhabitants of the Xianzhou were yet short-life species, and the Ten-Lords Commission had not yet been established. Heliobi have never harmed the Luofu since that Tragedy, and unfortunately, the Ten-Lords Commission has therefore become lax in our vigilance.

At the time of the distribution of this manual, the Commission has initiated our contingency plan and integrated training on exorcising heliobi into the standard curriculum for judges.

Q: What are their typical behavior patterns and weaknesses?

A: According to ancient manuscripts, heliobi exhibit behaviors akin to swarms of bees. These fiery essences possess the ability to divide and merge, exchanging information and experiences with each other, and enhance their collective strength against adversaries.

While heliobi that have merged together may still be perceived as individual entities, the conglomerate maintains internal hierarchies (reminiscent of ancient Xianzhou beliefs that attributed three souls and seven spirits within one humans). Within the cluster, certain heliobi specialize in combat, while others engage in contemplation and debate, and the most powerful oversees strategic coordination.

Most heliobi struggle to cooperate harmoniously with each other due to how they've been tainted by human nature. This weakness can be exploited by posing complex and thought-provoking questions to them, causing them to splinter from within. However, ancient records mention the existence of formidable individual heliobi, such as the Flint Emperor from ancient times and the recent invader, Phantylia, who has been confirmed to have infiltrated the Xianzhou. These individuals possess unwavering self-awareness and, over time, are able to resolve their internal differences and form an indissoluble whole (the heliobi call this process "fusion"). Weaker heliobi harbor immense fear of getting close to these great elder beings, for once absorbed, it will equals to the death of the weaker heliobus.

Q: What kind of hosts do heliobi prefer to possess?

A: Heliobi are drawn to individuals with intense desires, those who have undergone profound life experiences, and those harboring many unfulfilled wishes... Hosts possessing such properties are particularly enticing to heliobi due to the abundance of emotions and experiences they contain.

However, it is worth noting that heliobi do not exhibit discernible preferences when selecting hosts, as evidenced by the distribution of victims in documented cases.

Notably, heliobi display an aversion to possessing long-life species, considering the Xianzhou peoples [sic] "indigestible" when interrogated. It can be inferred that the longevity and robust physical resilience of long-life species hinder heliobi's ability to subjugate their hosts' will.

Q: What do heliobi seek through their possession?

A: By possessing their hosts, heliobi tap into the person's experiences and emotions, while also taking control of the person's body to fulfill their own desires. When a heliobus possesses a human host, it adopts the personality and behavioral patterns of that host, leading to the development of a distinct individual awareness that hinders bonding and "fusion" with other heliobi.

Based on our research, it has been observed that heliobi perceive the emotions of their hosts in a manner similar to how humans perceive flavors, such as "delicious," "sour," "sweet," or "bitter"... Heliobi possess the ability to easily discern the emotional states experienced by their hosts.

Q: How does heliobus possession negatively affect the host?

A: According to the interview records of the victims, we deduce that once a heliobus has possessed a host, it persistently disrupts the person's nervous system to speak with the host, then exploits the person's inner desires and vulnerabilities to induce hallucinations and provoke emotions.

Initially, the host would only experience the emergence of an additional presence within their mind, another "self" that comprehends them and engages in conversations with them. However, as time passes (typically within a few days), the host will gradually lose the ability to distinguish whether their thoughts arise from their own brain or, instead, originate from the heliobus.

Subsequently, the host becomes driven to fulfill their deepest desires to the fullest extent, regardless of how audacious or disruptive these may be. Warriors engage in fierce battles endlessly, epicureans indulge in excessive feasting, and the lustful completely surrender to their carnal desires... Under the compulsion of the heliobus, the humans host loses all semblance of self-control and morality, succumbing fully to their innermost desires. This process of gradual insanity is akin to the corruption known as "mara." The Interrogation Division believes this subject is worthy of further research.

Towards the end of the possession process, the host's body will become completely drained by the heliobus, resulting in sudden spontaneous combustion. This outcome is often fatal for short-life species.

Q: How does one eradicate a heliobus completely?

A: According to the account of our ancestors, there are scant means to completely eradicate a heliobus, with the exception of harnessing its power as an inexhaustible energy source for perpetuity (the Creation Furnace within the Artisanship Commission was constructed for this purpose).

The most efficacious approach to contend with a heliobus is to confine it within an intangible force field, separating it from other sentient beings. The Ten-Lords Commission will provide the frontline judges and spiritfarers on duty with sacred vessels explicitly crafted for capturing heliobi.

Q: How does one exorcise a heliobus from a possessed host?

A: The conventional technique of exorcism entails applying violence to the host that is suitable in scope and does not result in permanent damage, rendering the physical body incapacitated. In this case, the heliobus, unable to feel the emotions of the host, will naturally depart in search of other prey.

Nevertheless, it is essential to reiterate that the responsibilities of a judge extend beyond the mere expulsion of malevolent spirits. We work to safeguard the ordinary everyday life of Xianzhou's people. We cannot demand that all judges forsake this method of exorcism, but we must earnestly implore each of you to consider the implications extremely carefully before resorting to such measures.

Through the examination of successful exorcism cases, we have concluded that when the host becomes cognizant of the heliobus's encroachment and no longer remain obsessed with fulfilling their inner desires, they will have a chance of breaking free from the hallucinatory clutches imposed by the heliobus.

In rare circumstances, the heliobus may voluntarily relinquish its hold on the host.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishHeliobus Purging Manual
Korean세양 퇴치 상식 안내서
SpanishManual para eliminar heliobus
FrenchManuel d'élimination des Héliobes
RussianРуководство по изгнанию хелиоби
Thaiคู่มือปราบ Heliobi
VietnameseSổ Tay Hướng Dẫn Trừ Tà Tuế Dương
GermanHandbuch zur Austreibung der Heliobi
IndonesianPanduan Mengusir Heliobus
PortugueseManual de Purificação de Heliobi

Change History[]
