Heaven is a Place on Earth is the fifth part of the Trailblaze Mission chapter Cat Among Pigeons. It automatically begins after completing When the Sacred Ginmill Closes.
- Talk to Dr. Ratio
- Distribute gems and ask around for clues regarding the stowaways
- Distribute the last of the gems
Gameplay Notes[]
- This mission uses the Fate's Ensemble system, played from the perspective of Aventurine. The game provides him for use as a Story character.
Talk to Dr. Ratio[]
Mission Description
Through a sneaky magic trick, you get your hands on the gift money and your cornerstone, the Aventurine. Things get ugly, but your plan is still being executed at a timely pace. Not even the impending death can stop you.
Distribute the gift money to the pedestrians to exchange for the intel you need.
- Aventurine: ...
- Dr. Ratio: You look pale. Or, is that also part of your act?
- Aventurine: Didn't think you'd have the nerve to show yourself.
- Dr. Ratio: I thought this was exactly what you wanted. After all, I faithfully fulfilled my duties as you instructed.
- Dr. Ratio: Just tell me if you can't hold on any longer.
- Aventurine: So, the "genius" of the Council of Mundanites wants to be my undertaker now? My... what an honor.
- Strategic Investment Department would love to be notified of your death in due time, but let's not forget you won't be seeing them, because I'm the manager of this task. Dr. Ratio: Yeah, and I'm pretty sure the people at the
- Aventurine: Great, then tell your people that Aventurine is ready to go in seventeen system hours.
- Harmony? Dr. Ratio: You've got a lot of nerve — how exactly do you plan on completing your task while your hands are tied by the
- Sunday convinced me that there's a traitor in The Family, and that they hold the secrets of Penacony... So, I took the opportunity to set everything in motion. Aventurine: My conversation with
- Aventurine: I even managed to recover the gift money. Things haven't gone this smoothly since I walked through the doors of The Reverie... Now, I'm only one step away from victory. Let's just wait and see.
- Dr. Ratio: Sounds like a very elaborate way of saying that you failed.
- Aventurine: That's all I can say. Have you forgotten, Doctor? You betrayed me.
- IPC fleet surrounding Penacony. You've achieved what you desired, haven't you? Aventurine: Go, do what you must. I look forward to the sight of the
- Dr. Ratio: That's true, but what's your plan? Did you conceal an Orbital Support beacon in that gift money bag?
- Aventurine: Well, who knows? Maybe that's why I'm handing out cash even when I'm about to bite the dust.
- Dr. Ratio: ...You are indeed a gambler — an insane one at that.
- Aventurine: Well, maybe I am. Who knows?
- Dr. Ratio: ...
- Dr. Ratio: Fine. Here, take this. Open it when you're on your last legs. You'll thank me.
- Aventurine: What's this...? Medical advice?
- Aventurine: You catch on pretty fast, Doctor.
- Aventurine: ...
- Aventurine: Asking me to solve a case without giving a single clue... How typical of you, you wing-headed scoundrel.
- Aventurine: But the way you're all on edge about that stowaway, it's just as I guessed it would be. As for now... let the rain of wealth from the IPC fall evenly on everyone.
- (Obtain
Mundanite's Insight)
Distribute gems and ask around for clues regarding the stowaways[]
- (Talk to Chabro)
- Chabro: The world has truly lost its way...
Here, I got these gems for you.
- Chabro: You... Wait, I get it now! This is some sort of prank show, right? You must have some cameras set up around here to film yourself doing good deeds, right?
- Chabro: You youngsters are always looking for a quick way to get an audience, but you know what? A truly great show never comes easy.
- Aventurine: A great show will start soon, old man. But before that, I need to ask you something. Do you know where I can find "Death" in this dream?
- Chabro: Ah, I see! Another fearless youngster looking for death, huh? Well, let me give you a piece of advice. Don't think you're the first one who's ever thought of that idea.
- Dr. Edward. He claimed it was some exclusive fancy-schmancy stuff... But what a disappointment. Chabro: Death? Not even remotely innovative. I bought it from
- Chabro: The effects were awful. First, some monster covered in eyes stabs you in the gut, and then all you see are blurry glimpses of buildings and lights. The sky was spinning so fast it almost made me puke...
- Aventurine: Is that all?
- Chabro: Yeah, what else can you expect? Don't put too much stock in the Penacony movie industry... They even call this junk "groundbreaking art," can you believe it?
- Aventurine: ...What a joke. Well, I'll leave you be, then. I hope you have a wonderful day!
- Aventurine: (A monster covered in eyes... that sounds like the Memory Zone Meme, but buildings and lights... I don't think those have anything to do with "Death." That whole dream bubble was probably created using rumors and gossip.)
- (Talk to Chabro again, optional)
- Chabro: The world has truly lost its way...
- (Attempt to leave Aideen Park, optional)
- It's not yet time to do this now — give out the gems and get some clues on the stowaway, then see if *that girl* will take the bait.
- (After talking to the first person)
- Aventurine: (Ehhh... I can feel something inside my head... Is the "Harmony" starting to kick in?)
- (Talk to Larose)
- Larose: Would you be willing to support my performance, and keep the Song of Beauty alive in the cosmos?
Here, I got these gems for you.
- Larose: Wow, how fabulous! But why would you give such a wonderful gift to a random stranger like me?
- Aventurine: Well, you see... I can't bear to see anyone in this sweet dream suffering from poverty.
- Larose: That's... incredibly kind of you. Thank you so much, sir. If you ever get the chance, please feel free to come by and indulge in my singing.
- Aventurine: Sure thing. By the way, do you happen to know anything interesting about "Death"?
- Larose: "Death"? That's... a pretty scary topic, and it doesn't really match the mood of this sweet dream.
- Aventurine: You see, I'm a tabloid reporter collecting ghost stories in Penacony. As you know, the more chilling the stories... the more attention they get. Maybe you could help me out?
- Larose: Well, if you're up for some gossip... It's not about death, but there have been some rumors about a guest at the reality Hotel who fell into a deep sleep and didn't wake up.
- Larose: It was like they were in some sort of coma. Nobody knows what caused it, but luckily, the customer eventually regained consciousness... Well, all customers are under the protection of The Family, after all.
- Xipe protect us. Aventurine: Thank you. This will make for a very juicy headline. May
- Aventurine: (Unexplained coma? That's actually what happens to your body if your brain dies in a dream, but unfortunately, the customer ended up waking up in the end.)
- (Talk to Larose again, optional)
- Larose: Would you be willing to support my performance, and keep the Song of Beauty alive in the cosmos?
- (After talking to the second person)
- Aventurine: (The disturbing voice in my head... it's getting closer.)
- (Talk to Bocchi)
- Bocchi: A sip of liquor, a blissful reprieve... To drown a thousand sorrows, let worries leave... Hah, I know I have what it takes to become a poet...
Here, I got these gems for you.
- Bocchi: Oh? You... you are giving... these gems to me? Didn't expect to meet such a generous soul in this place...
- SoulGlad... that's enough. This is just a dream after all... Haha... Bocchi: Or are you just pitying me? Well, it doesn't really matter... As long as I have...
- Aventurine: You really shouldn't drink so much SoulGlad, my friend. It's not good for your health.
- Bocchi: Oh! Hah, maybe I really should quit... but not before meeting... the Devil of SoulGlad...
- Aventurine: The Devil of SoulGlad... Care to elaborate?
- Bocchi: Haha... yeah... It's a... seahorse... with a long neck!
- Bocchi: They say... it loves to appear to drunk people... especially the ones... who are passed out on the side of the road! Hah! How funny...
- Aventurine: ...Yeah, very funny indeed. Thank you.
- (Talk to Bocchi again, optional)
- Bocchi: A sip of liquor, a blissful reprieve... To drown a thousand sorrows, let worries leave... Hah, I know I have what it takes to become a poet...
- (After talking to the third person)
- Aventurine: (Does everyone have to go through so much torment before joining The Family?... Darn it, now I just want to dig out my brain and use it as evidence...)
- (Talk to Woolsey)
- Woolsey: Take care, my friend. If you ever find yourself in danger, remember that the Hounds are always ready to help.
Here, I got these gems for you.
- Woolsey: ...
- The expression on this hunk of a man was complex, as if he were looking at a mud-soaked sparrow, unable to fly and nearing its end.
- Woolsey: You don't look good, my friend... If you need assistance, I can contact the hotel and have them wake you up forcefully.
- Aventurine: That won't be necessary. I have some business to attend to... but thank you all the same.
- Hounds. Woolsey: Alright then. If you ever need help, don't hesitate to reach out to us
- Aventurine: Well, actually, I do need a favor... As the most outstanding Hound in Penacony, have you come across any stowaways recently?
- Woolsey: Stowaways? How could there be stowaways in Penacony? We've never had anything like that before.
- Aventurine: All right... Good luck with your work, then.
- Aventurine: (What was I even thinking...? The Family would never share intel with the IPC...)
- (Talk to Woolsey again, optional)
- Woolsey: Take care, my friend. If you ever find yourself in danger, remember that the Hounds are always ready to help.
- (After talking to the fourth person)
- Aventurine: ...
- (Talk to Uma)
- Uma: You want to talk to me? Sure, but nothing too sensitive, okay?
Here, I got these gems for you.
- Uma: Wealthy people have fancy ways to enjoy this dream, but to be honest, I've never seen anyone who gives out money to others like you.
- Uma: So, are you trying to be the prince from the tale, handing out his gold-leaf garment and melting his lead heart in the fire?
- Aventurine: Haha, I'm flattered. I'm no prince, and I just thought these gems would help you speak. So, as an investigative reporter, maybe you have heard of something about "Death"?
- Uma: Another curious soul, I see. Well, that was actually the topic I was most into when I entered the industry, but my boss shut it down.
- Aventurine: How did your boss talk you out of it?
- Uma: Well... She simply said, "Covering baseless urban legends like that would make us look like some third-rate tabloid."
- Uma: I thought about it, and she had a point... Reporting on stuff like blowing out birthday candles and getting spooked by nightmare ghosts... isn't exactly professional material.
- Aventurine: Heh, I guess she's got a point... Thank you for sharing.
- (Talk to Uma again, optional)
- Uma: You want to talk to me? Sure, but nothing too sensitive, okay?
- (After talking to the fifth person)
- Aventurine: ...
- (Talk to Barrle)
- Barrle: Hmm... Were you wanting to talk to me? Sorry, I thought you were checking out something behind me.
Here, I got these gems for you.
- Barrle: Is this... a gift for me? Are you sure this isn't some kind of mistake?
- Aventurine: Yes, it's for you... Just take it.
- Barrle: Is this for real? Someone is actually giving me a gift? Not for my parents, but for me... Thank you, thank you so much!
- Aventurine: Oh, it's not much. I just want to ask you something.
- Barrle: ...Ugh, I knew it. What's on your mind? Are you trying to ask about my father, or my mother?
- Aventurine: Um... neither. I just wanted to know if you've ever heard about "Death" in the Dreamscape?
- Barrle: Oh, you sound just like my father... Always warning me about danger even in dreams.
- Intellitron, so his dream entry methods are different from us organics. Can't count on him to protect me if something does go haywire. Funny, right now I'm still under his protection... Heh, how ironic... Barrle: He's an
- Aventurine: ...Hey, stay positive. Gold will always shine one day, right?
- (Talk to Barrle again, optional)
- Barrle: Hmm... Were you wanting to talk to me? Sorry, I thought you were checking out something behind me.
- (After talking to the sixth person)
- Aventurine: (The Devil of SoulGlad, dangers in the dream, and nightmare ghosts... Surely, "Death" is a popular topic in this sweet dream granted by The Family. I've collected a bunch of rumors, but no useful clues...)
- Aventurine: (The gems in my bag are running low... Let's see if my last lucky interviewee brings some surprises.)
Distribute the last of the gems[]
Step Description
You are about to run out of money, and the ringing in your ears is getting louder. It does not bode well, and you need to hurry up.
- (Approach marked location)
- ???: Remember what I said? You Sigonians are better off hiding in the sewers...
- ???: Look at you, snooping around and sticking your nose everywhere...
- Sparkle: Is the smell of "Death" so enticing, my fine fellow?
- Masked Fool. I should have guessed it. You're the "imposter" who appeared on TV after Robin's death, right? Aventurine: Heh... it's you,
- Sparkle: I heard you got caught by The Family? I gave you a clear clue... "Befriend a mute." Simple and straightforward, you know...?
- Sparkle: And what did you do? You messed it up and ended up as their prisoner. I told you to make friends with a mute, not become one yourself. You really let me down.
- Aventurine: ...What do you mean?
- little songbird that couldn't sing perish right before their eyes? You did, Blondie. Sparkle: You know better than I do. Who watched the
- Aventurine: No, I mean... what did you mean by "becoming one myself"?
- Sparkle: Well, it means you'll soon end up like her, unable to speak ever again.
- Aventurine: ...
- Sparkle: But it's a good thing, if you ask me, because...
- Aventurine: Because I'm getting closer to the truth, right?
- Sparkle: ...Oh?
- Aventurine: Why else do you think I'm handing out cheap trinkets all over the streets, Fool?
- Aventurine: All part of the act. Fool's bait. The more pathetic I seem, the more likely you'll come sniffing around. So. Now that I've drawn you out, will you reward me with an answer for my efforts?
- Sparkle: Why should I help you?
- Aventurine: Don't you want to see Penacony descend into chaos? Well, I can make it happen. I just need an answer to one question: Back then, when you asked me to find a "mute"...
- Aventurine: ...Did you really mean Robin?
- Sparkle: ...
- Sparkle: ...And what if I say "no"?
- Aventurine: Then I'll thank you. The word "no" has never sounded so pleasing.
- Sparkle: Well done. I admit I underestimated you, but what difference would it make?
- one is dead now,[Note 1] and the other... Though "she" is still in Penacony, I'm afraid you'll never find "her" again. Sparkle: Let me tell you something. There were two mutes, but
- Aventurine: Now I'm completely sure that I was on the right track from the beginning and never strayed, Fool.
- Aventurine: Right now, there are only two things missing from my grasp: The meaning behind the truth and the means to expose it.
- Sparkle: How impressive! That's quite a fancy way of saying "I haven't learned anything so far."
- Aventurine: Not exactly. I've gathered enough clues to prove its existence, and that's enough for me. As for the answers to my questions, I'll find them within seventeen... no, sixteen system hours.
- Sparkle: Oh, really? "Only" sixteen system hours? Well, let me lend you a hand.
- Sparkle: Here you go. This is my precious "Mutually Assured Destruction" button, and I have one just like it. When either of us presses it, the other and the whole of Penacony will go up in smoke.
- Sparkle: If you're really so desperate for the IPC to take over Penacony... blowing up the chessboard isn't a bad idea. Start from scratch! That's where the IPC excels, right?
- Sparkle: Just press the button when you're at your wit's end. And of course, feel free to reach out to me for my "hospice care" too!
- Aventurine: A deadly button, huh?... I guess The Family didn't take your threats seriously at all? Otherwise, how on earth did you manage to bring it in here?
- Sparkle: I have my own ways. That's all you need to know.
- Aventurine: I'm afraid I'll have to decline your offer. Who knows if your little gadget will actually work? By the way, I have no plans to search for the other mute friend you speak of, but it's good to hear that he's still here in Penacony.
- those who couldn't speak will find their voices again... Aventurine: I'll handle the rest myself. I'll orchestrate a grand finale for the downfall of The Family. And at the climax, the walls will crumble, people will wake up, and
- Aventurine: When that time comes, go ahead and press the button, and light up the sky with a magnificent fireworks display for me. Catch you later, Fool.
- Sparkle: You're still talking big... But sure, if that happens, I'll stay true to my word.
- Sparkle: Just don't let me down now, okay?
- Aventurine: ...
- Indifferent Male: So, No. 35, you're back. Like your new lucky charm?
- Aventurine: ...Can a "commodity code" really be considered a lucky charm?
- Indifferent Male: Silence. I didn't give you permission to speak, you Sigonian hound.
- Aventurine: ...
- Indifferent Male: The guys in black didn't say much, so I've no idea what you did to save your skin in that massacre back in the day.
- Indifferent Male: But I figured you must have had good luck, so I bought you. From now on, you and your good luck are MY assets. Are we clear?
- Indifferent Male: Your first task is simple. In addition to you, I've purchased thirty... well, thirty-four other slaves.
- Indifferent Male: Go and play a "game" with them. If you come out alive after two days, it proves that you're the real deal.
- Aventurine: ...You're insane.
- Indifferent Male: Heh, testing out if you're a good product.
- Aventurine: Aren't you worried that the money you spent on me will go to waste?
- Indifferent Male: I've got stacks on stacks, blondie. The slave market is never short of self-righteous brats like you.
- Indifferent Male: But you look good, and that's why many customers are betting their fortunes on a scrawny brat like you. So, go along now, and don't let your master down.
- Aventurine: ...
- Aventurine: ...How much did you spend?
- Indifferent Male: What?
- Aventurine: My price. How much did you pay for me?
- Indifferent Male: Huh, you really want to know? Well, it was sixty Tanba. No more, no less.
- Aventurine: ...I'll take my chances.
- Aventurine: Thirty Tanba... If I come back alive, you'll give me thirty Tanba. Deal?
- Indifferent Male: Hahaha, are you trying to strike a bet with me? Well, you've got some guts!
- Indifferent Male: Sorry, but that won't do. Don't forget your place, slave. You're not qualified to be at the table.
- Indifferent Male: You're just a chip, a life thrown away in someone else's hands. Either you come back with more chips for your master, or... you never come back.
- Indifferent Male: It's all or nothing. Don't embarrass me, my lucky hound.
- ...
- Returning to the Trailblazer's POV...
- When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
- ↑ In Chinese, when referring to the "dead" mute, Sparkle says "但知更鸟已经死了", meaning "But Robin is already dead."
- The name of this mission is a reference to the 1987 pop song Heaven Is a Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Heaven is a Place on Earth |
Chinese (Simplified) | 人间天堂 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 人間天堂 |
Japanese | この世の楽園 |
Korean | 지상 낙원 |
Spanish | Paraíso terrenal |
French | Paradis terrestre |
Russian | По эту сторону рая |
Thai | สรวงสวรรค์ในแดนดิน |
Vietnamese | Thiên Đường Nhân Gian |
German | Paradies auf Erden |
Indonesian | Surga Dunia |
Portuguese | O Paraíso é Um Lugar na Terra |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.1