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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Guyun (Chinese: 孤云), also known as Miekka Kivessä, was a Cursed Sword crafted by Hanguang and wielded by a nameless Cloud Knight who got stranded on Kalevala. During its time there, it grew to despise the feeling of despair and war.[1]


The sword is mainly black and red-brown with turquoise and bronze colored decorations. The blade fades from a black color at the bottom to a red-brown one at the point. The crossguard is decorated with something that resembles a leaf or a flower petal.


Several centuries ago, Guyun and his wielder crash-landed on Kalevala with no way of leaving the planet. The planet was infested with borisin and the natives were enslaved by them. The nameless Cloud Knight decided to dedicate themselves to save these people from the borisin and refused Guyun's suggestion of letting it take over their body.[1]

The war on the borisin was filled with overwhelming despair, enough to make the heliobus inside Guyun hate the taste of it. The nameless Cloud Knight's deepest desire was to end war and so it became Guyun's as well.[1]

After the borisin had been eradicated, the nameless Cloud Knight rose to some form of aristocracy and Guyun became a symbol of kingship. When the time arrived for the Cloud Knight to become struck with Mara, they entrusted the people with the sword to defeat the soon to be Mara-Struck Soldier and instructed them to build a stone monument to seal the Mara-Struck Soldier in. Before giving in to Mara, the nameless Cloud Knight referred to Guyun as "old friend". Guyun, after piercing the Mara-Struck Soldier, also referred to them as "old friend".[1]

Despite Guyun's deep desire of ending war, due to its status of bestowing kingship, countless monarchs waged wars in order to obtain the sword. It grew tired of their wicked intentions and stuck itself by the stone monument of its late master. It would remain there for a very long time. It became part of the memorial of the hero. It began to wither, creating holes. Eventually, Argenti discovered the sword and Guyun allowed him to pull it out from the monument.[1]

It told Argenti its desire to break free from the cycle of bloodshed and return it and its master's legacy back to The Xianzhou Luofu. After some discussion in the Kalevala parliament, it was decided unanimously that Guyun was to be returned to the Luofu and a delegation was dispatched to the Xianzhou together with Argenti.

After arriving on the Luofu it was taken to the Palace of Astrum for the sword-gifting ceremony. It was here Guyun learnt that it is to be gifted to the winner of the Wardance, a swordsmaster. It had seen enough bloodshed and did not want this destiny. Upon hearing this, Argenti stole the sword from its case and waited for an investigation team formed of Huaiyan, Dahao, Paavo, Yunli and the Trailblazer to explain the situation. Yunli, determined to melt all the cursed swords crafted by her father Hanguang, challenged Argenti to a duel and won the sword. Argenti asked Yunli to have mercy on Guyun and its past. It is here Yunli sees the sword's past, moving her deeply.[1]

Guyun was convinced that it was doomed to be a sword for eternity, serving under different masters and fighting countless more battles, however Yunli had another idea. Yunli melted down the sword and had it reforged into a guzheng, which would then be placed in Aurum Alley as a memorial to the hero of Kalevala, the Cloud Knight.[Note 1][1]

Missions and Events[]

Companion Missions



  • means "lone," and yún means "cloud."
  • Miekka Kivessä means "the sword in the stone" in Finnish, which refers to the legendary sword Excalibur in the Arthurian legend.


  1. In the Chinese game text, the Nameless Swordsmaster is honorarily titled by the Kalevala people 云骑士 Yúnqíshì, which is slightly different from the Chinese name of the Cloud Knights (Chinese: 云骑军 Yúnqíjūn).

Other Languages[]


LanguageOfficial Name
RussianОдинокое Облако
VietnameseCô Vân

Miekka Kivessä

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishMiekka Kivessä
SpanishMiekka Kivessä
Frenchla Miekka Kivessä
RussianМиекку Кивесся
ThaiMiekka Kivessä
VietnameseMiekka Kivessä
GermanMiekka Kivessä
IndonesianMiekka Kivessä
PortugueseMiekka Kivessä


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Companion Mission, Vita Infinita: Swords to Plowshares


