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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

A pair of hard, silver-white metal greaves. They provide protection while also being lightweight and warm.

Guard's Silver Greaves is a Relic piece in the set Guard of Wuthering Snow.


The Silvermane Guard field battalions often found themselves forced to march for miles in deep snow due to tactical needs. Exhaustion induced by the long-range raids and awful frostbite on their feet were the bitter ordeals all soldiers had to endure.

The long march across the Snowy Plains, however, would occasionally bring back friends from the old days.

Silvermane Guards tasked with patrolling the Snow Plains will often hear the howls of direwolves. These pitiful creatures were also driven from their homes by the the invaders. Field Company Sergeant Jaeger, who came from a family of hunters, was skilled at making fur cloaks from direwolf manes. However, after the onset of the Eternal Freeze, he rarely saw these ferocious animals. Occasionally, on cold winter nights, a direwolf desperate for warmth would approach the guards' campfire and silently lie down right next to Jaeger, falling into warm, pleasant dreams. After dawn, however, the beast would never wake up again.

Sergeant Jaeger would often stuff the processed wolf mane into the soldiers' silver greaves to alleviate the pain during their long march on foot.

"The direwolves haven't completely lost their home, just like us," Sergeant Jaeger thus lamented the plight the [sic] direwolves.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishGuard's Silver Greaves
Korean철위대의 실버 정강이 보호대
SpanishGrebas plateadas del guardia
FrenchJambières en argent de garde
RussianСеребряные поножи стража
ThaiGuard's Silver Greaves
VietnameseGiáp Chân Bạc Của Thiết Vệ
GermanSilberne Beinschienen der Wache
IndonesianGuard's Silver Greaves
PortugueseGrevas Prateadas de Guarda

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