Guard's Cast Iron Helmet is a Relic piece in the set Guard of Wuthering Snow.
It was no easy task staying prepared for battle in the Eternal Freeze, but Jarilo-VI's Silvermane Guards are used to it. The sharp cold wind howled through the gaps in the helmet, slashing skin as if it were icy razor-blades.
The monsters from beyond the sky renewed their formation, and soldiers armed to the teeth stood ready under the command of the Supreme Guardian.
Vanguards stationed forward often need to hunker down in the snow for days at a time as they look out for any monster activity. After being exposed to the elements for such a long time, the soldiers' skin, sweat, and the velvet lining of their helmet will freeze and stick together, such that hot water must be poured over their helmets for safe removal. The Architects' craftsmen then altered the curvature of the cast iron helmet's metal plates, minimizing the air resistance of the heavy helmet in the snow.
Sturdy, warm, majestic — these traits of the Silvermane Guard's helmet were passed down for generations.
"How can you even see with that thing on?" Every patrolling guard has been asked this question.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Guard's Cast Iron Helmet |
Chinese (Simplified) | 铁卫的铸铁面盔 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 鐵衛的鑄鐵面盔 |
Japanese | 兵士の鉄製ヘルム |
Korean | 철위대의 무쇠 복면 헬멧 |
Spanish | Casco de hierro forjado del guardia |
French | Casque en fonte de garde |
Russian | Чугунный шлем стража |
Thai | Guard's Cast Iron Helmet |
Vietnamese | Mũ Giáp Gang Của Thiết Vệ |
German | Gusseiserner Helm der Wache |
Indonesian | Guard's Cast Iron Helmet |
Portuguese | Elmo de Ferro Fundido do Guarda |
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