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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Gray Bean Paste is an NPC aboard Herta Space Station, located in Seclusion Zone.


Gray Bean Paste is one of the Ruan Mei's Creations leaked from the lab incident. It is deeply remorseful as it yearns for Ruan Mei's acknowledgment but considers itself a failure.[2]


Missions and Events[]

Trailblaze Continuances

Character Mentions[]

Light Cones


HoYoLAB Articles

Voice Lines[]

(Version 1)
"Meow... meow... meow..."
(Version 2)
"Meow... meow... meow. Meow!"


(First interaction)
You accommodate the tiny thing in the botanical room to absorb starlight, which seems to be quite effective in assuaging its negative emotions.
At least its tears no longer drown the innocent plants nearby now.
Gray Bean Paste: Ruan Mei... *sobs* She's abandoned us... *sobs*
Gray Bean Paste: It's you? I remember you. You never visit again after leaving. Look, I'm being dumped at the recycling station! Isn't it embarrassing? Isn't it? Meow!
The moment the tiny thing sees you, it holds back its teary voice and starts grumbling at you. It seems to be slightly annoyed at you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow This isn't shameful at all.
Gray Bean Paste: Really? I thought I was dumped here because I failed to impress Ruan Mei... *sobs*
Icon Dialogue Arrow Don't feel dejected. You should get more starlight.
Gray Bean Paste: Starlight? I feel so down that even the starlight is avoiding me... You don't like me, and neither does Ruan Mei... *sob, sob*
Looking distraught, it curls its tail tightly around its feet and stares at you uneasily.
Gray Bean Paste: I'm just a failure that even Ruan Mei doesn't want. Say, are you here to laugh at me? Meow?
Icon Dialogue Talk You've got the wrong idea. There's something I want to tell you...
(Continue onto dialogue options below)
Icon Dialogue Exit That's all I have to say.
Gray Bean Paste: I seem to feel better after talking to you.
Gray Bean Paste: Yet, there's still an emptiness in my heart. My bean paste filling makes me look moldy...
Gray Bean Paste: I knew it... I'm a failure, and so are all of you. This is the recycling station, and we're destined to be dumped! Meow!

(Subsequent interactions)
Gray Bean Paste: Ruan Mei... *sobs* She's abandoned us... *sobs*
Gray Bean Paste: Why are you here again? Are you sending me to some recycling station again?
Although the little guy's voice is still bitter, you can discern a trace of hope in its eyes. It seems like much of its past gloominess has dissipated.
Icon Dialogue Talk You've got the wrong idea. There's something I want to tell you...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm here for you.
Gray Bean Paste: Really? Is it... because Ruan Mei has given up on me? Are you doing this out of sympathy?
Icon Dialogue Talk You should talk to your peers.
Gray Bean Paste: My peers? Only Salty Rimeplume is willing to talk to me. Everyone else avoids me because I'm crying all the time.
Gray Bean Paste: And... there's also Molten Cheese Tart, who sometimes comes out of its way just to mock me. *sniffles* It said that Ruan Mei didn't visit me because that's how much of a loser I am.
Icon Dialogue Talk Perhaps, she's thinking about you now.
Gray Bean Paste: Do you mean Ruan Mei— Ruan Mei is thinking about me now? I guess, even if she is, she must be wondering what has gone wrong in creating me...
Gray Bean Paste: If she's really thinking about me, why does she send you to accommodate me here and refuse to visit me?
Icon Dialogue Talk You aren't a failure, you're special.
Gray Bean Paste: Special? If I'm really special, why doesn't she take me with her?
Gray Bean Paste: Ruan Mei doesn't need a failure like me. No matter how special I am, I'm still a failure! Meow! A failure!
Icon Dialogue Exit I don't have anything else to say.
Gray Bean Paste: See? Even you're ignoring me. *sobs*
Icon Dialogue Talk That's all I have to say.
Gray Bean Paste: I seem to feel better after talking to you.
Gray Bean Paste: Yet, there's still an emptiness in my heart. My bean paste filling makes me look moldy...
Gray Bean Paste: I knew it... I'm a failure, and so are all of you. This is the recycling station, and we're destined to be dumped! Meow!


Light Cones[]

Profile Pictures[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishGray Bean Paste
SpanishPasta Cenicienta
FrenchPâte de haricot
RussianДымчатая Бобовая Паста
VietnameseLọ Lem Bánh Đậu
IndonesianDodol Kacang
PortuguesePasta Cinzenta

Change History[]

Version 2.0

  • Grey Bean Paste was renamed to Gray Bean Paste.

Version 1.6

  • 2024-01-03:
    • Ashy Paste was renamed to Grey Bean Paste.
  • 2023-12-27:
    • Ashy Paste was released.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Honkai: Star Rail Carnival 2024, China
  2. Trailblaze Continuance, Crown of the Mundane and Divine: When the Stars of Ingenuity Shine