Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

In the beginning, humanity fought wars to stay alive, but now some fight as fearlessly as the Titankins of Strife to achieve death. The Kremnoans say that perhaps warriors of flesh and stone share the same heart —

"And this heart is called glory, with courage flowing within."

Glory-Aspersed Torso is a 4-star Trace Material and Character Ascension Material.

Dropped By[]

No enemies drop Glory-Aspersed Torso.

Ascension Usage[]

1 Character uses Glory-Aspersed Torso for ascension:

LightningAglaea Aglaea

4 Light Cones use Glory-Aspersed Torso for ascension:

Trace Usage[]

1 Character uses Glory-Aspersed Torso for their Traces:

LightningAglaea Aglaea

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishGlory-Aspersed Torso
Korean영광의 세례를 받은 육신
SpanishTorso bautizado de gloria
FrenchCorps éclaboussé d'honneur
RussianИспытанное славой тело
ThaiGlory-Aspersed Torso
VietnameseVinh Quang Gột Rửa Thân Xác
GermanVon Ehre besprengter Leib
IndonesianGlory-Aspersed Torso
PortugueseTorso Batizado de Glória

Change History[]

