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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The flourishing Empire of Glamoth turned into dust. There was no evidence of its former glory. Only the debris of stardust, mechas, warships, and the corpses of the Swarm were left drifting in the vacuum to form a river of residua — preserving the original battle scene of the bloody warfronts and serving as a monument to its downfall.

Glamoth's Silent Tombstone is a Relic piece in the set Firmament Frontline: Glamoth.


Historians of the Intelligentsia Guild believe that the Republic of Glamoth was destroyed by the scourge of the Swarm. Another view claims that the Republic of Glamoth was destroyed by how it completely overshot its powerful enemy.

In order to turn the tide in the horrific invasion of the Swarm, the ruling council threw down the gauntlet and resolved to alter the essence of humanity in an effort to adapt to the war — they will create a weapon "born to fight."

The result of all this was "Titania." The Empress, who holds no power, telepathically commands and controls the knights connected to her. In the dreams that these warriors are woven into, the sole meaning of their existence is to guard Titania and her "empire." In their short lives, they studied, fought, received the Empress' commands, faced the enemy fearlessly, and died with honor.

No one knew when this falsehood was revealed. Was it from the day when the old humans in Glamoth's territories fell below a certain percentage? Was it the day when scientists realized that the Empress was beginning to revolt against her captivity? Or... maybe the day when the Swarm's onslaught dissipated into thin air?

All the people knew was that the Iron Cavalry gave their all for the non-existent "empire." After decades of bloody battles, the remains of mechas and insect limbs turned into dense debris strewn throughout Glamoth's segmentum, connecting with each other to form a "River of Death." When the remnants of the Swarm no longer posed a threat and the leaders of the council rang the bell of peace, informing the citizens that they had dispelled the apocalypse that clouded the heavens and the republic would be ushered back into the light of day — What arrived was not daylight, but the beginning of another sunless night.

After that, the civilization known as Glamoth faded away, and the long-awaited peace came to the empty stars. The long river of stardust and debris flows silently along the void.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishGlamoth's Silent Tombstone
Korean그라모스의 적막한 묘비
SpanishLápida silenciosa de Glamoth
FrenchMonument funéraire de Glamoth
RussianБезмолвная могила Глатирамера
ThaiGlamoth's Silent Tombstone
VietnameseBia Mộ Tĩnh Mịch Của Glamoth
GermanGlamoths stiller Grabstein
IndonesianGlamoth's Silent Tombstone
PortugueseTúmulo Silencioso de Glamoth

Change History[]

Version 2.5

  • The description of Glamoth's Silent Tombstone was changed:
    • Old: All the people knew was that the Iron Cavalry gave their all for the non-existent "empire." After decades of bloody battles, the remains of mechas and insect limbs turned into dense debris strewn throughout Glamoth's star system, connecting with each other to form a "River of Death."
    • New: All the people knew was that the Iron Cavalry gave their all for the non-existent "empire." After decades of bloody battles, the remains of mechas and insect limbs turned into dense debris strewn throughout Glamoth's segmentum, connecting with each other to form a "River of Death."

Version 1.5

  • Glamoth's Silent Tombstone was released.

