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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Encapsulated in the Planar Sphere is the renowned shapeshifting oothecae of the Glamoth Empire's Iron Cavalry. Countless silver mechas were loaded into warships and sailed to the outer edges of the galaxy to fend off the vicious Swarm from deep space.

Glamoth's Iron Cavalry Regiment is a Relic piece in the set Firmament Frontline: Glamoth.


The Welkin Empire of Glamoth enjoyed a vast territory spanning tens of thousands of light-years, ambitiously setting its sight on the cosmos. At the height of the empire's power, Her Majesty Empress Titania built a magnificent fleet, vowing to bring the fruits of civilization to all the barbaric borders, allowing them a taste of the empire's benevolence in hopes of uniting them under one rule.

However, the expedition was eventually halted by endless waves of raging insectoids coming from beyond the sky. Glamoth's armies fought and failed, again and again... Colonies were scattered, and the proud iron fleet fell one after another. Besieged by the monsters with compound eyes and sheathed wings, the cries of the people of Glamoth were drowned out by despair, and the Welkin Empire was shattered from then on.

Until one day knights clad in mechanical armor descended from the sky and wiped out the sun-swallowing Swarm. Since then, the silver-white iron knights have traveled to and from the various star systems in the empire, crossing the devastated territories and fighting back against the calamity that wiped out the galaxy. They were like warriors born to fight the Swarm. No one knew the faces lying beneath the masks of the Iron Calvary, but their arrival was like a gift from the gods, bringing the light of day back to the human world. Under the Empress' command, Glamoth's Iron Cavalry charged across the skies, finally stemming the tide of enemies and bringing a moment of respite to the empire.

But in the never-ending battle against their archenemy, the empire started becoming more and more like its adversary — more and more Iron Calvary flew high into the sky, blotting out the heavens just as the Swarm did on that fateful day. The look people cast on the Empress and the cavalry turned to one of fear, a fear akin to what they felt toward the Swarm. Perhaps one day the empire would attain the victory it so desired. But on that day, will Glamoth still be a paradise for humanity to rest in?

The Iron Cavalry Regiment formed the last line of defense at the border of Glamoth, where the battle raged on endlessly. Upon their warships, the silent knights bore a mission, carrying the hopes of the entire empire, and faced the tides of enemies drowning out the stars.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishGlamoth's Iron Cavalry Regiment
Korean그라모스의 철기 군단
SpanishRegimiento de la Caballería de Hierro de Glamoth
FrenchRégiment de la Brigade de fer de Glamoth
RussianЖелезная кавалерия Глатирамера
ThaiGlamoth's Iron Cavalry Regiment
VietnameseĐội Kỵ Binh Sắt Của Glamoth
GermanGlamoths eisernes Kavallerieregiment
IndonesianGlamoth's Iron Cavalry Regiment
PortugueseRegimento da Cavalaria de Ferro de Glamoth

Change History[]

