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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Ghost-Hunting Squad is a four part Adventure Mission from the A Foxian Tale of the Haunted event. It begins after completing Trailblaze Continuance Twin Bond in the Chapter A Foxian Tale of the Haunted.


  1. Raise the number of your subscribers to 20,000.
  2. Raise the number of your subscribers to 100,000.
  3. Raise the number of your subscribers to 400,000.
  4. Raise the number of your subscribers to 1,000,000.


Raise the number of your subscribers to 20,000.[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

Ghostly Grove, once a modest gathering website for supernatural enthusiasts, has now become a thriving community where denizens of the Luofu Xianzhou exchange tales and rumors.
Try to expand your sphere of influence, as this not only helps you get the information you need, but also allows you to operate openly in the name of the respected ghost-huntung squad.
(Open A Foxian Tale of the Haunted/Ghostly Grove)
Guinaifen: Welcome to the ghost-hunting squad meeting point!
Huohuo: By order of the Ten-Lords Commission, we are free to capture the heliobi here...
Guinaifen: Now, open Ghostly Grove and check out what people have been posting about.

Guinaifen: Just keep investigating. That way you can make a name for yourself, and not to mention receive more investigations!
Sushang: This post has piqued my interest. (Click/Tap/Press) it and check it out.

Huohuo: At the meeting point, you can quickly view the active Suppression Towers in operation and proceed to challenge them.
Huohuo: Th–This is also the place to check out the exorcismics we've already acquired.
Guinaifen: And just so you know, Ghostly Grove subscription rewards can also be claimed here!
Guinaifen: So, don't forget it!
Guinaifen: Right, you can head over to My Account to take a look.

Guinaifen: The fans have give a lot of gratuity, which can be exchanged for rewards.
Sushang: How about exchanging for some subscription levels to give it a try?
Guinaifen: Look, you've successfully exchanged for your reward.
Sushang: Wow, there are indeed lotsa perks to being a big, famous influencer.
Guinaifen: Completing investigation assignments, and replying to comments will also give you a change to earn gratuity!

(Upon reaching 20,000 subscribers)
(Accept Trailblaze Continuance Fyxestroll Gathering (II))

Raise the number of your subscribers to 100,000.[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

Ghostly Grove, once a modest gathering website for supernatural enthusiasts, has now become a thriving community where denizens of the Luofu Xianzhou exchange tales and rumors.
Try to expand your sphere of influence, as this not only helps you get the information you need, but also allows you to operate openly in the name of the respected ghost-huntung squad.

Raise the number of your subscribers to 400,000.[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

Ghostly Grove, once a modest gathering website for supernatural enthusiasts, has now become a thriving community where denizens of the Luofu Xianzhou exchange tales and rumors.
Try to expand your sphere of influence, as this not only helps you get the information you need, but also allows you to operate openly in the name of the respected ghost-huntung squad.

Raise the number of your subscribers to 1,000,000.[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

Ghostly Grove, once a modest gathering website for supernatural enthusiasts, has now become a thriving community where denizens of the Luofu Xianzhou exchange tales and rumors.
Try to expand your sphere of influence, as this not only helps you get the information you need, but also allows you to operate openly in the name of the respected ghost-huntung squad.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishGhost-Hunting Squad
Korean요괴 퇴치팀
SpanishBrigada cazafantasmas
FrenchBrigade de chasse aux fantômes
RussianОхотники за привидениями
VietnameseBiệt Đội Bắt Ma
IndonesianTim Pemburu Hantu
PortugueseEsquadrão Caça-Fantasmas

Change History[]
