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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The people who have received the grace of the Aeon, Nous. A collection of the most remarkable geniuses and smartest brains in the universe. They come from different backgrounds, with some of them even working in a fruit shop to make a living.

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The Genius Society is an intergalactic organization, whose 84 members are personally selected by Nous the Erudition from across the cosmos, and is a major faction in Honkai: Star Rail.


"Into the hallowed halls step pride, ardor, and reason, traversing the length of a corridor etched with the inscription of knowledge and truth, transmuting into the embodiment of lowliness, apathy, and frenzy."

— Fables About the Stars by Adrian Spencer Smith

Nous stays in a corner of the cosmos, working out the equations of the universe made up of trillions of variables and deriving the unknown laws of imaginary numbers. Once in a while, a spark of intelligence flashes in a mortal world. The Aeon of Erudition sends a signal to its source, inviting geniuses to join in the search for answers to the universe.

Many people misinterpret the signal, thinking the invitation to the Genius Society merely represents the favor and approval of the Aeon. Then, they proudly continue to devote themselves to their studies, unaware that the solution to the problems that they have spent their whole lives searching for had already been solved by Nous thousands of years ago. There are also those who rejoice, thinking they have already reached greatness and had created priceless asset of civilization with their diligence and wisdom. They were sure that their life's achievements deserve Nous's approval. These geniuses were eager for a response from Nous, but the Erudition has no time to appreciate the insignificant achievements of mere mortals. THEIR silence was deafening.

Only very few can ascertain Nous's intentions. They humbly ask questions and seek guidance from the Erudition. These enlightened few then disappear from the world, only leaving behind their world-shattering answers. "The answer to the universe is beyond the limits of mortal wisdom." — Only geniuses who can clearly acknowledge this conclusion can break free from the shackles of worldly curiosity, becoming true members of the Genius Society.


The Genius Society is a gathering of geniuses across the cosmos who had drawn the attention of Nous the Erudition, founded by first member Zandar One Kuwabara. Many often misinterpret the invitation as only an approval. The few who are able to understand the Aeon's intentions are given a key to the halls of the Nous Temple. Those who pass through the gates seek guidance from Nous and leave behind their legacy to never return.[1]

Besides their intellect, members of the society are also known for how much they differ from each other, whether it be in terms of background, ideals, or goals. Most geniuses in the society are lone wolves, asocial, and people with social disorders whom refuse to communicate with each other, and only a few — such as Aiden, Elias Salas, and Herta[2] — are willing to share their findings and use their talent to contribute to the advancement of the cosmos, preferring to indulge in their research for enjoyment.[3] Some are even lunatics, like Rubert I, who dedicated itself to eradicate all organic life forms in the universe,[4] or Polka Kakamond, known for killing fellow members of the society who approach the borders of the Circle of Knowledge.[5][6] Despite the lack of structure within the organization, it "has its own rules."[3]

Due to the tampering of the History Fictionologists and the preference for solitude among most of its members,[7] the history of the organization is mostly shrouded in mystery.

Known Members[]

Number Image Name Status Known Feats, Contributions, and Inventions
1 NPC Zandar One Kuwabara Icon Zandar One Kuwabara Unknown
Status unmentioned in game
He is rumored to have created Nous, the Aeon of Erudition.[8] He is also the creator of the Imaginary Tree theory, a theory that proposes that the universe is structured like a giant tree, with every leaf representing a world, and every branch representing a specific path where these worlds could exist.[9]
2 Character Unknown Icon Harald Punch Unknown
Status unmentioned in game
He is the co-founder of the Genius Society,[10] proved the existence of Phlogiston.[11]
3 Character Unknown Icon Nyul Iman Unknown
Status unmentioned in game
He is the co-founder of the Genius Society,[10] disproved the existence of Phlogiston.[11]
4 NPC Polka Kakamond Icon Polka Kakamond Alive[12] She is the murderer of Emperor Rubert I[13] and other Genius Society members such as Bohdan.[11]
7 Character Unknown Icon Bohdan Deceased
Killed by Polka Kakamond[11]
He was the Chief Scientist in the energy analysis field.[14] He proved the existence of Phlogiston again after Nyul Iman disproved it.[11]
8 Character Unknown Icon Lambda Deceased
Suspected to be killed by Polka Kakamond[15]
She was the best scientist in bio-wave detection science.[16]
9 Character Unknown Icon Klein Deceased[15] He was the best scientist in alloy material science.[15] He developed Grayseal Gold, a rare alloy known for its ability to absorb and store Phlogiston.[17] He created the Man-Made Meteorite for Bohdan, which had a replica of the Eye of Erudition on its surface.[18]
22 NPC Aiden Icon Aiden Deceased[19][20] He created the nine-worded formulae that reshaped traditional algebra and geometry and shapes scientific laws to this day.[20]
23 Character Unknown Icon Acha Deceased[21] Unknown
27 NPC Rubert I Icon Emperor Rubert I Deceased
Killed by Polka Kakamond[4][13]
He was the creator of the Anti-Organic Equation and instigator of the Mechanical Emperor's Wars.
29 Character Unknown Icon Sserkal Deceased
Died from natural causes after 29 days[22]
She was the creator of the Phase Change technique, a method for ion-related experiments. This resulted in the creation of the Phase Flame, a flame that can change from one phase to another.[22] She also created the metafield space, a virtual network that is like a collective dream domain, which can be interacted with through the Metafield Suit.[23]
55 Character Unknown Icon Yu Qingtu Alive
She is the brewer of The Pinkest Collision, a drink that may possess hallucinogenic qualities, which was made as a gift for Ruan Mei.[25] She also brewed the Thalan Toxi-Flame, one of the 774 most toxic cocktails, which is popular with the locals in the Aterlexian System.[26]
56 NPC Elias Salas Icon Elias Salas Deceased
Died from natural causes at age 103[27]
He was the creator of the Synesthesia Beacon, a translation device that was made through the foundation of Aiden's existing studies.[28][29] He also created ultra-long-range communication technology a hundred Amber Eras ago.[30] His invention, the Ultraremote Sensing Visor, shows signs of this technology, as it is mentioned that it can send messages amongst Geniuses through very long distances.[7] He also made Society Tickets to send every Genius Society member to a dimension filled with festivities.[31] He had at least a hundred different methods for prolonging life.[27] He shook the foundation of the"Cosmos Tree" theory by proving that the Imaginary element is unique.[9]
64 Character Unknown Icon Dr. Primitive Alive[32] He invented the Gravity Walker, boots that could capture gravity and allow to walk in space.[33] He is also the creator of The Doctor's Robe, an item that had surfaced on Device IX's dark web and supposedly had incredible powers.[34] He is the instigator of the atavistic experiment on Vonwacq, which was thwarted by the Galaxy Rangers.[35][36]
76 NPC Screwllum Icon Screwllum Alive He is part of the resistance against Rubert I and its will.[37] He once clashed with Silver Wolf in a hacking competition and won.[38] He is also the coder of the Simulated Universe,[39] and leads the Divergent Universe project alongside Dr. Ratio.[40] In recent events, he assisted the excavation team led by the head of the Armed Archaeologists, Allen Drake One-Armed Jones, in excavating the tomb of Rubert I.[41]
77 Character Unknown Icon Puzzle Unknown
Status unmentioned in game
She discovered an alternative form of hyper-distant delivery, which led to surrounding materials exploding due to a near-infinite expansion rate.[42] She created a Klein bottle that contained multidimensional structures like wormholes and Imaginary subspace fields in order to teach children about physics.[43]
79 NPC Chadwick Icon Calderon Chadwick Deceased
Conscience faded after Adventure Mission The Trees At Peace[44]
He was the creator of the Imaginary Implosion Pulse, a weapon that could destroy 24 planets with its activation.[44]
81 Character Ruan Mei Icon Ruan Mei Alive She is a biologist who was able to revive her deceased parents,[45] and was able to temporarily revive #8 Lambda, although Lambda faded away soon after.[46] She also created the synthetic clone of Skaracabaz, an Emanator of Propagation.[46][21] In the Simulated Universe project, she was the one who cultured the protoplasm for the Aeons,[39] and alongside Herta, connected the Paths in reality to the virtual Aeons.[47] She also created the A-Ruan Pouch, an ever-expanding dimension inside a regular pouch.[48]
83 Character The Herta Icon Herta Alive She solved the solitary waves theory, the Spark Model hypothesis, and the imaginary leakage phenomenon. She also found the Sigma Baryons conversion method, invented anti-aging technology, and developed the Herta Sequence.[49] She is the leader of the Simulated Universe project, connecting the virtual Aeons to the actual Paths THEY represent.[47]
84 NPC Stephen Lloyd Icon Stephen Lloyd Alive He created the Frequency Catcher, a pair of gloves that could directly manipulate light and sound.[50] He also participates in the Simulated Universe project.[39]

Other Known Members[]

Faction Mentions[]

Character Stories


Character Voice-Overs

  • Chat: Genius Society You don't have to listen hard to hear the gossip coming from the Genius Society — Mad Scientist. I'll take it as a compliment.
  • Knowledge What represents the boundaries of mortal knowledge? Many people think it's the Genius Society, but I think it's myself.






Simulated Universe Secrets

Data Bank

HoYoLAB Articles


Herta's Office Portraits[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishGenius Society
Korean지니어스 클럽
SpanishCírculo de Genios
FrenchSociété des génies
RussianОбщество гениев
VietnameseCâu Lạc Bộ Thiên Tài
IndonesianGenius Society
PortugueseSociedade de Gênios

Change History[]

Version 1.0

  • Genius Society was released.

Version 0.70

  • Circle Sagacious was renamed to Genius Society.

Version 0.60

  • Circle Sagacious was added.


  1. Trace Material: Key of Wisdom
  2. Parlor Car: IPC Broadcast #1
  3. 3.0 3.1 Readable: Herta's Manuscripts, Preface
  4. 4.0 4.1 Data Bank, Terms: Rubert the Emperor (Character)
  5. Herta's Office, Interactable: Polka's Portrait
  6. Event Simulated Universe: Unknowable Domain Adventure Mission: Antinomic Waltz
  7. 7.0 7.1 Relic, Genius of Brilliant Stars: Genius's Ultraremote Sensing Visor
  8. Trailblaze Mission, Today Is Yesterday's Tomorrow: Chaos In the Deep
  9. 9.0 9.1 Parlor Car, Dialogue: Himeko
  10. 10.0 10.1 Readable: Genius Society: Research Results
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Synthesis Material: Phlogiston
  12. Achievement: 1:4:9
  13. 13.0 13.1 Simulated Universe, Gold and Gears, Secrets: Emperor Rubert (I)
  14. Relic, Scholar Lost in Erudition: Scholar's Silver-Rimmed Monocle
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Relic, Scholar Lost in Erudition: Scholar's Felt Snowboots
  16. Relic, Scholar Lost in Erudition: Scholar's Auxiliary Knuckle
  17. Relic, Scholar Lost in Erudition: Scholar's Tweed Jacket
  18. Simulated Universe, Curio: Man-Made Meteorite
  19. Herta's Office, Interactable: Aiden's Portrait
  20. 20.0 20.1 Data Bank, Terms: Aiden (Character)
  21. 21.0 21.1 Trailblaze Continuance, Crown of the Mundane and Divine: When the Stars of Ingenuity Shine
  22. 22.0 22.1 Synthesis Material: Phase Flame
  23. Relic, Genius of Brilliant Stars: Genius's Metafield Suit
  24. Event Simulated Universe: Unknowable Domain Adventure Mission: Antinomic Waltz
    Herta: We'd better see if Ruan Mei can successfully drag Yu Qingtu into this.
  25. Simulated Universe, Curio: The Pinkest Collision
  26. Simulated Universe, Curio: Thalan Toxi-Flame
  27. 27.0 27.1 Visitor Dialogue: Luocha
  28. Interactable: Elias Salas' Portrait
  29. Simulated Universe, Curio: Beacon Coloring Paste (Description before 1.2)
  30. Readable: Herta's Manuscripts, Intelligentsia Guild
  31. Simulated Universe, Curio: Society Ticket
  32. Trailblaze Continuance, Banana Outrage: Battles Without Ninja and Humanity: Battles Without Ninja and Humanity
  33. Relic, Genius of Brilliant Stars: Genius's Gravity Walker
  34. Simulated Universe, Curio: The Doctor's Robe
  35. Data Bank, Factions: Galaxy Rangers — The Hunt
  36. Seat of Divine Foresight, Interactable: File Repository: Ally — Rangers
  37. Assignment: Born to Obey
  38. Light Cone description: We Will Meet Again
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 Herta's Office, Dialogue: Herta
  40. Adventure Mission: Divergent Universe: Loading Equation
  41. Parlor Car: IPC Broadcast #3
  42. Divergent Universe: The Human Comedy, Curio: End of an Altruist
  43. Divergent Universe: The Human Comedy, Curio: Genius' Confusion
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 Adventure Mission: The Trees At Peace
  45. Data Bank, Characters, Ruan Mei: Character Story: Part II
  46. 46.0 46.1 Readable: Ruan Mei's Lab Log
  47. 47.0 47.1 Adventure Mission: Simulated Universe: Second Closed Beta
  48. Simulated Universe, Curio: A-Ruan Pouch
  49. Herta's Office, Interactable: Herta's Portrait
  50. Relic, Genius of Brilliant Stars: Genius's Frequency Catcher
  51. Simulated Universe, Swarm Disaster, Secrets: Sand King: Tayzzyronth (Part I)
  52. Synthesis Material: Eye of Lightning

