Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

A pair of communication goggles embedded with ultraremote sensing technology that breaks through the shackles of limited transmission and remote distances.

Genius's Ultraremote Sensing Visor is a Relic piece in the set Genius of Brilliant Stars.


It is a truth universally acknowledged, that among members of the Genius Society, there is an overabundance of eccentricity and a lack of communication.

Social interaction is indeed a burden for most people, even more so for geniuses traveling between worlds.

Elias Salas, member 56 and the second head of the Genius Society once tried to resolve this problem. He ardently prepared communication goggles equipped with ultra remote sensing capabilities for all members. However, though he succeeded in establishing a bridge between the most distant of stars, few were willing to connect. Thus, the universe's greatest-ever communication device was never fully utilized.

"'The number you have dialed is not in service.' Can't you just show a bit more commitment when you pretend to be an AI...?"

Elias Salas sighed and understood that this indeed was a huge ask. But he got to give it a try, believing his technology would one day have its use one way or another.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishGenius's Ultraremote Sensing Visor
Korean지니어스의 초원격 감지
SpanishLentes de teledetección de ultraalcance del genio
FrenchUltraviseur à distance de génie
RussianСверхдальний визор гения
ThaiGenius's Ultraremote Sensing Visor
VietnameseCảm Biến Từ Xa Của Thiên Tài
GermanUltrasignalbrille des Genies
IndonesianGenius's Ultraremote Sensing Visor
PortugueseVisor Sensorial Ultrarremoto do Gênio

Change History[]

