Fyxestroll Gathering (III) is the sixth part of the Trailblaze Continuance chapter A Foxian Tale of the Haunted. It begins after completing Percipient and the second part of Ghost-Hunting Squad.
- Meet up with your teammates in Fyxestroll Garden.
- Talk to Huohuo and check the post asking for help.
Meet up with your teammates in Fyxestroll Garden.[]
Mission Description
Once again, you reunite with your fellow ghost hunters at Fyxestroll Garden. Scanning through the posts on Ghostly Grove and conducting investigations have become routine tasks for you.
- (Approach marked location)
- Guinaifen: I don't think searching like this is the best way...
- Huohuo: "Diner haunted! Evil spirit breaks into restaurant and eats double its body weight in food!" ...Do you think Tail did this? Seems like his style...
- Sushang: Sounds like a very hungry criminal came up with a very poor excuse...
- Huohuo: What about this one... "Paranormal activity reported at exclusive horror immersia! Guests experience haunting within seven days of screening!"
- Huohuo: It reminds me of when I used to watch horror immersia to train my courage... whenever there was a suspenseful moment, Tail would jump up and scare me.
- Sushang: Guys, I feel like this is just some sort of prank... or a marketing stunt to boost ticket sales.
What are you guys up to?
Have we planned out our next steps yet?
- Sushang: Huohuo has been browsing Ghostly Grove for hours. Every time she finds a suspicious incident, she says: "Do you think Tail did this?"
- Sushang: The problem is, any suspicious incident could be Tail-related when you think about it...
- Huohuo: I feel like Tail is still around... but if so, why didn't he come back to see me?
He'll come back.
- Sushang: He was your tail for so many years, I'm sure he'd come back to say hi... or bye.
Well, he is a heliobus.
- Guinaifen: That's right — we can't really know what a heliobus is thinking, right? Tail was sealed away for ages and then suddenly let free... If it were me, I'd want some away time.
- Guinaifen: You'll just have to be a little patient.
- Guinaifen: Anyway, even if you don't find Tail, you're still a great judge — the success of our ghost-hunting squad proves it.
- Huohuo: I... Thank you, Miss Gui. I... I don't really get compliments. Without the encouragement of you squad members...
- Huohuo: Ahem. Working with you guys has made me feel a little more confident... but it's hard not to think about the days when Tail was still around...
- Huohuo: Back then I was a useless coward — I'd hide at the first sign of trouble. Tail would always complain about it... but he'd also get me out of danger.
- Guinaifen: Reminds me of me and my brother — sort of a love-hate relationship.
- Huohuo: Hey! Look at this!
- Sushang: Did you find Tail?
Talk to Huohuo and check the post asking for help.[]
Step Description
Having completed your adventure, you reunite with your fellow ghost hunters at Fyxestroll Garden. Scanning through the posts on Ghostly Grove and conducting investigations have become routine tasks for you.
- (Talk to Huohuo)
- Huohuo: Hey! Look at this!
- (Opens A Foxian Tale of the Haunted: Ghostly Grove)
- OMG! Cloud Knight caught doing the unthinkable at Alchemy Commission!
- (Accept Investigation Assignment)
- Guinaifen: Is this... something Tail would do?
- Huohuo: Tail or no Tail — it's definitely the work of a heliobus!
- Sushang: Let's hurry up and get to the scene — there'll be trouble to pay if we're too late.
Let's go.
Shouldn't we talk to Cirrus first?
- Guinaifen: We don't have time for that. Even if Cirrus does know something, by the time we've finished asking questions, it'll be too late!
- Huohuo: Be careful everyone — this sounds like a very aggressive heliobus.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Fyxestroll Gathering (III) |
Chinese (Simplified) | 绥园聚首•其三 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 綏園聚首•其三 |
Japanese | 綏園の集い・其の三 |
Korean | 유원에서의 회합•3 |
Spanish | Reunión en el Jardín del Sosiego III |
French | Réunion au Jardin de vulpeflâne III |
Russian | Встреча в Саду безмятежности III |
Thai | สวนเฮี้ยนแดนสงัด 3 |
Vietnamese | Tập Hợp Tại Khu Vườn Tĩnh Mịch 3 |
German | Versammlung im Fuchsfeengarten III |
Indonesian | Pertemuan Fyxestroll Garden 3 |
Portuguese | Encontro Flamavulpe (III) |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.5