Fyrefly Type-IV: Complete Combustion is Firefly's Ultimate.
Gameplay Notes[]
- While in the Complete Combustion State, Firefly's Basic ATK and Skill are changed from Order: Flare Propulsion and Order: Aerial Bombardment to Fyrefly Type-IV: Pyrogenic Decimation and Fyrefly Type-IV: Deathstar Overload respectively.
- Firefly's Talent, Chrysalid Pyronexus, will have the DMG reduction set to maximum regardless of Firefly's current HP.
- Firefly's first Trace, Module α: Antilag Outburst, will allow Firefly in her Complete Combustion state to inflict Toughness damage regardless if the enemy has a Fire weakness or not equal to 55% of her attack's original toughness damage.
- Firefly's second Trace, Module β: Autoreactive Armor, will cause Firefly's attacks in her Complete Combustion state against a Weakness-Broken target to inflict an additional hit of Super Break DMG equal to 35% or 50% of the toughness reduction if her Break Effect is at or above 200% and 360% respectively.
- Firefly's sixth Eidolon, In Finalized Morrow, I Full Bloom, grants Firefly an additional 20% Fire RES PEN while in the Complete Combustion state.
Unique Status Effects[]
- Others
Icon | Name | Description |
Fyrefly Type-IV: Complete Combustion | When using Enhanced Basic ATK or Enhanced Skill, increases this unit's Weakness Break efficiency by 50% and the Break DMG dealt by SAM to the enemy targets by 10%—22%. Increases SPD by 30—66, and Effect RES by 10%—34%. |
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Attr. 1 | 10% | 11% | 12% | 13% | 14% | 15% | 16.25% | 17.5% | 18.75% | 20% | 21% | 22% |
Attr. 2 | 30 | 33 | 36 | 39 | 42 | 45 | 48.75 | 52.5 | 56.25 | 60 | 63 | 66 |
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Fyrefly Type-IV: Complete Combustion |
Chinese (Simplified) | 火萤Ⅳ型-完全燃烧 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 火螢Ⅳ型-完全燃燒 |
Japanese | ファイアフライ-IV-完全燃焼 |
Korean | 반딧불이 Type-IV•완전연소 |
Spanish | Luciérnaga tipo IV: Combustión completa |
French | Combustion complète de Lampyroptère type IV |
Russian | Светлячок- |
Thai | Fyrefly Type-IV: Complete Combustion |
Vietnamese | Đom Đóm IV: Thiêu Đốt Hoàn Toàn |
German | PyroFly Typ IV: Vollständige Verbrennung |
Indonesian | Fyrefly Type-IV: Complete Combustion |
Portuguese | Vaga-lume Tipo-IV: Combustão Completa |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.3
- Updated description:
- Old: [...], and when using the Enhanced Basic ATK or Enhanced Skill, increases this unit's Weakness Break efficiency by 50% and the Break DMG dealt by SAM to the enemy targets by 10%—22%, lasting until this current attack ends.
- New: [...], and when using the Enhanced Basic ATK or Enhanced Skill, increases this unit's Weakness Break Efficiency by 50% and the Break DMG dealt by SAM to the enemy targets by 10%—22%, lasting until this current attack ends.
- Fyrefly Type-IV: Complete Combustion was released.