Future Market (Prologue) is the first part of the Trailblaze Continuance chapter Jolted Awake From a Winter Dream. It automatically begins after completing Obsequies Performed, A Long Road Ahead.
- Talk to March 7th
- Ask Dan Heng about his thoughts
- Ask Himeko about her intentions
- Return to Belobog alongside March 7th
- Stroll through the city and take in the festive atmosphere (0/3)
Talk to March 7th[]
Mission Description
(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
There's still some time before the Express departs. Go speak with March to pass the time.
- (Talk to March 7th)
- March 7th: Hey, (Trailblazer), did you hear about our next stop? It's a world called "Penacony" — I hear it's a beautiful, dreamy place... I'm so excited...
- March 7th: ...but Pom-Pom said the banquet we were invited to is still a little ways off. Hmm... what can I do to pass the time...?
- March 7th: ...Huh? Is that my phone? Must be the group chat.
- Hey, Bronya.Long time no see!Great! I was worried that you couldn't receive messagesI know you're busy, so I'll keep it short.Recently, I've been working on preparing the Solwarm Festival, a traditional Belobogian festival. The standard celebrations for this festival have been suspended for years due to the Fragmentum and the lockdown, and Belobogians now really need a heated celebration to lift their spirits.So, if you have time, I'd like to invite you to the Solwarm Festival and witness what we've achieved so far in reviving BelobogIt'd be great if you can come. Everyone has been missing youHas @DanHeng been busy these days? He hasn't sent any messages in the group chatHe's holed up in his room recently. I guess he's turned off all his devicesWe'll check on him for you
- March 7th: That Dan Heng — he can't just ignore Bronya...
- March 7th: Let's go to his room and talk to him.
Ask Dan Heng about his thoughts[]
Step Description
(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
March wants to go. Asking Dan Heng next.
- (Approach Dan Heng)
- March 7th: Dan Heng! Bronya just sent all of us a message. Did you see it yet?
- Dan Heng: Yes, I saw it.
- March 7th: Then why didn't you reply? Bronya's a good friend of ours!
- Dan Heng: ...I'm sorry, I'm just not in the mood for idle chat. There's been a lot weighing on my mind since the Luofu... it was tough on the spirit.
- March 7th: Dan Heng...
- March 7th: I'm the one who should be sorry — I was being too pushy! You're right, you went through a lot on the Xianzhou — take all the time you need...
Dan Heng, stay on the Express and get some rest.
- Dan Heng: Thank you for understanding, (Trailblazer).
Why not come with us for a change of scenery?
- Dan Heng: No, thanks — I'll be staying on the Express.
- Dan Heng: It's great that Belobog is able to host a celebration. I hope your trip goes well — say hi to our friends for me.
- March 7th: Okay! Rest up — you're not allowed to miss the next Trailblaze expedition!
- Dan Heng: Mm, I'll be there next time.
- March 7th: He won't budge, huh? Looks like it's just the two of us then.
- March 7th: Pity, he's gonna miss out! We never get the chance to go on a stress-free adventure.
He's been through a lot lately.
- March 7th: I know... But it's still a shame, don't you think?
Stress-free for us, or stress-free for the planet?
- March 7th: If only Himeko could come with us...
Should we ask Mr. Yang to come with us?
- March 7th: Mm, maybe not. He's still wheezing from the trouble we got into on the Xianzhou. You didn't notice?
- March 7th: At his age, he might not appreciate the extra... excitement.
What about Pom-Pom?
- March 7th: Pom-Pom can't just leave the Express whenever they feel like it. You didn't know?
- March 7th: Seems like someone wasn't paying attention!
- March 7th: (Trailblazer), why don't we go ask Himeko to tag along? She might be up for an adventure!
- March 7th: You've been on the Express a while now, but you've never gone on a trip with Himeko before, right? Well, now's your chance!
Ask Himeko about her intentions[]
Step Description
(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
Dan Heng's not going, too stubborn. Asking Himeko, but probably unlikely.
- (Approach Himeko)
- Himeko: Hey, March. That's a big smile on your face — what's the good news?
- March 7th: Himeko! There's a celebration coming up on Jarilo-VI, organized by the Supreme Guardian, and we're invited to go take in the sights and sounds.
- March 7th: Dan Heng won't be going anywhere for a while — he's still resting up, so... wanna come with us?
- March 7th: I mean, considering how you helped us out with Cocolia, I'm sure Bronya would be happy to see you!
- Himeko: Ahh, so that explains the grin — you're excited about the celebration.
- Himeko: Thanks for the invite, but I'm afraid my hands are full right now. Please send my regards to the Supreme Guardian.
- Himeko: Make the most of the festivities — you've earned it! You two and Dan Heng did help save Jarilo-VI, after all. I'll be sure to join you guys next time.
- March 7th: Navigators really do have their plates full, huh? Seems like it's just you and me this time.
- March 7th: Let me go pack some stuff for the trip first. (Trailblazer), come and find me when you're ready to set off.
Return to Belobog alongside March 7th[]
Step Description
(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
Looks like it's just us. Bummer. Can't let March know, get ready and get gone.
- (Talk to Himeko, optional)
- Himeko: I've got a lot going on right now, but I'll try to make it next time.
- Himeko: I'm sure you'll have a great time. Don't forget to send my regards to the Supreme Guardian while you're there.
- (Approach March 7th)
- March 7th: So? What do you think about my new dress, (Trailblazer)? Pretty neat, right?
When did you buy it?
- March 7th: It's actually not new, I just never had the right occasion to try it on.
Very fancy!
- March 7th: It's been sitting in my wardrobe collecting dust for far too long. But now I've finally got the chance to wear it!
- March 7th: This kind of event doesn't come around every day — why shouldn't I dress for the occasion? ...You're not really gonna wear that same old outfit... are you?
- March 7th: Ugh... let's just pretend I never said anything. As long as one of us is making an effort.
- (Talk to March 7th)
- March 7th: Pajamas, hot water bottle, Pom-Pom doll... That should be everything! Let's go!
- March 7th: Wow, that was fast... Don't you have anything you wanna bring with you?
Nope, just myself.
- March 7th: Huh, you do seem to travel light. But... don't you at least need some pajamas!?
Why are you bringing Pom-Pom doll?
- March 7th: Well, I thought since Pom-Pom can't leave the Express, bringing a doll with us is kind of like taking them trailblazing.
My relics all have speed attributes.
- March 7th: Other people might fall for that, but I won't!
- March 7th: I was just taking a look at Mr. Yang's records, and it seems that Jarilo-VI's average temperature has warmed up quite a bit. It's much warmer than it was on our first trip there.
- March 7th: I wouldn't call it liveable just yet, but things are looking up. I'm so happy for Bronya and Seele.
- March 7th: Ready to go, (Trailblazer)?
You bet! It's time to celebrate!
- March 7th: Belobog, here we come!
Actually, I think I forgot something...
- March 7th: What? You're still not ready to go?
- March 7th: Alright slowpoke, I'll wait for you here.
- (Talk to March 7th again)
- March 7th: Ready to go, (Trailblazer)?
You bet! It's time to celebrate!
- March 7th: Belobog, here we come!
Actually, I think I forgot something...
- March 7th: What? You're still not ready to go?
- March 7th: Alright slowpoke, I'll wait for you here.
- (Cutscene plays)
- Topaz: Belobog... 700 years...
- Topaz: It's never too late...
- Topaz: ...to pick up the tab.
- (Cutscene ends)
- (While moving)
- March 7th: Brr! How do people living in all this snow celebrate anything...?
- March 7th: One thing's for sure though, (Trailblazer). Where there's a celebration, there's bound to be food, right?
- March 7th: Come on Belobog... don't let me down.
- March 7th: Wait a sec, (Trailblazer)! That person over there. That doesn't look like a Silvermane Guard uniform...
- March 7th: All in black, surely they're not... IPC? On this world? Am I going crazy?
- March 7th: The Interastral Peace Corporation — who else? The one whose insignia is pretty much everywhere? That IPC!
- March 7th: You still don't remember? What about "Findie"? That's one of their products... Oh and the Interastral Peace Broadcast! Y'know, the one always being played on the Express!
- March 7th: Never mind, it's not that important. The important question is: What are the IPC doing on Jarilo-VI?
What are they doing here?
- March 7th: That's what I'd like to know. If they're here to look for Findie, then they're more than just a little late.
What an ugly uniform.
- March 7th: ...You think so? I actually think it's pretty snazzy.
- March 7th: Anyway, that's besides the point! The point is, what are the IPC doing here on Jarilo-VI?
- March 7th: There's only one way to find out — let's go ask. I've always found IPC staff easy to talk to.
- March 7th: Hi! Do you work for the Interastral Peace Corporation? Or are you just dressing fancy today?
- IPC Worker: ...
- March 7th: ...
- IPC Worker: ...
- IPC Worker: Boss, encounter with two unknowns. Want me to take them out? Over.
- March 7th: T—Take us out?!
- ???: Take them out!? Just hang tight for a second, I'm on my way. Don't do anything stupid.
- Topaz: Glad to make your acquaintance — I'm Topaz, an investment expert from the Interastral Peace Corporation. I'm here on Jarilo-VI for a special business assignment.
- Topaz: You'll have to forgive my colleague here — people skills aren't his strong suit. Please don't take it to heart.
- March 7th: Whew... You scared the life out of me! We're here for the celebrations — we're not looking for more conflicts...
- March 7th: Oh, right, we should probably introduce ourselves. I'm March 7th, a passenger of the Astral Express — you may have heard of it? And this is my friend and fellow passenger — (Trailblazer).
- Topaz: No kidding! I could tell you weren't locals from a mile away, but I didn't expect to run into two Nameless here! Fate is such a curious thing⁓
- Topaz: I heard that Jarilo-VI only stepped out of the Stellaron's shadow thanks to the direct intervention of the Trailblazers. Surely, you two aren't...?
That's us. The honor is yours.
- March 7th: Huh? Geez, can you be a little more humble?
We may have helped out a little bit.
- March 7th: So humble all of a sudden, huh? Are you feeling alright? Should I call a doctor?
- Topaz: I never imagined I'd run into living legends here. Must be our lucky day, huh, Numby?
- March 7th: Wow, Miss Topaz, you're really young for an IPC executive! That's impressive!
- Topaz: More good luck, I suppose. But it's not as cushy as you think — scurrying from one side of the galaxy to the other, going wherever businesses requires me to be...
- March 7th: Huh, your job sounds pretty similar to the Express crew's! Aside from the "business," I guess...
- March 7th: Bronya moves fast! The crisis is only just over and she's already opened talks with the IPC.
- Topaz: Hehe, these "talks" aren't exactly what you might expect, but I have to agree, the Supreme Guardian definitely knows how to govern a city. That's the reason I'm here on Jarilo-VI — to meet with her.
- Topaz: Miss March, you said you were on your way to the Belobog festivities, right? My apologies for delaying you both!
- March 7th: Don't be sorry! It's not like we're in a rush. Wanna come to the city with us? The Snow Plains are freezing, and it's easier than you think to get lost out here.
- Topaz: Thanks for the concern, but I'll manage. It's my first time on this world — I'd like to take in its vast, iconic snowscape for just a little longer.
- Topaz: Who knows, maybe we'll cross paths again during the celebrations. Oh, here's my contact information. I don't usually respond during work hours, but I'd be happy to chat off the clock⁓
- March 7th: ...Wowwww, I actually managed to get an IPC executive's phone number without even trying.
Teach me how to get rich!
- March 7th: M—Me too!
I'm in charge of a project worth 8 billion credits, by the way.
- March 7th: Pfft! As if anyone would ever believe that!
- Topaz: Hahaha, you two make a cute pair! Anyway, I'd better be on my way, see you next time!
- March 7th: The universe is huge, yet we somehow stumbled onto the same path. Fate truly works in mysterious ways, (Trailblazer), don't you think?
- March 7th: Come on, let's head into the city!
Stroll through the city and take in the festive atmosphere (0/3)[]
Step Description
(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
Belobog's quite lively. Taking a stroll around, might bump into familiar faces.
- March 7th: Wow! There are people everywhere. Are you sure we're in Belobog?
- March 7th: Now to check out the main event — the food! C'mon (Trailblazer), keep up!
- (Approach Pela)
- March 7th: Is that Pela? Looks like she's teaching the kids again.
- (Listen to Pela)
- Pela: Next, I'll be introducing the history of the museum. Everyone, listen carefully, okay?
- Pela: Belobog's History and Culture Museum was founded 600 years ago, and was originally built to memorialize Supreme Guardian Alisa...
- Children: Soooo hungry... I wish I could have a Redsunset Salmon right now...
- Pela: *cough* It was built to memorialize Supreme Guardian Alisa Rand, and also...
- Children: Guess what — I heard there's gonna be a Silvermane adventure camp opening in the Overworld soon. It's gonna be super awesome.
- Pela: ...Also, those who sacrificed their lives in the war against the invaders 700 years ago...
- Children: Miss Pela! Peter is falling asleep!
- Pela: Enough! From now on, no whispering allowed! If you don't want to have any homework later, you'd better start listening!
- Children: Sorry, Miss Pela...
- Pela: That's better. *cough* Now, where was I?
- March 7th: I never knew Pela had a strict side...
- (Listen to Pela again)
- Pela: Belobog's History and Culture Museum was founded 600 years ago, and was originally built to memorialize Supreme Guardian Alisa...
- (Approach Wallace)
- March 7th: Hang on a sec, isn't that Wallace up ahead? Looks like he's finally made some friends! I wonder what they're talking about...
- (Listen to Wallace)
- Wallace: ...Norbert, why don't you tell everyone how you were released from jail so quickly?
- Wallace: Selling cultural relics and impersonating Silvermane Guards are both heinous crimes!
- Norbert: Well... it was all thanks to my uncle, you know...
- Rossy: Ahh, I remember! Your uncle is Minister Noel — he heads up the Department of Transportation, no?
- Norbert: Ahem... Yes, y—you knew that, too?
- Rossy: Haha, you're shameless, Norbert! Not to be rude, but if I were thrown in jail, I wouldn't possibly ask my father to bail me out.
- Norbert: Do you think I wanted to? I'm not the type of person to abuse my status.
- Wallace: Well, I... don't really know about that...
- Norbert: Ugh, get off my back, will you? I had to deal with hardened criminals in jail — now that I'm free my supposed "friends" are ganging up on me!
- March 7th: Looks like things are getting heated. I think we'd better get outta here.
- (Listen to Wallace again)
- March 7th: Looks like things are getting heated. I think we'd better get outta here.
- (Approach Serval)
- March 7th: (Trailblazer), quick! Serval's about to start singing!
- (Listen to Serval)
- Serval: Woo! Thanks everyone! Hope you're ready for a great show! Let's get started!
- (Audience cheering)
- Serval and Spectators: (Singing along)
- (Listen to Serval again)
- Serval and Spectators: (Singing along)
- (Talk to Gertie)
- March 7th: Aunt Gertie! It's been too long!
- Gertie: Ah! Is that little March!? What brings you this way? I heard you left to go travel the galaxy?
- Gertie: ...Oh, you're here for the Solwarm Festival, right? The atmosphere is like no other. Silly me, where are my manners? Grab yourselves a suncake each — get 'em while they're hot!
- Queuing Man: Hey, that's not fair! Get to the back of the line. Ever heard of first come, first served?
- Gertie: Tsk, show a little respect! If it weren't for these two, we'd be eating Geomarrow by now!
- Waiting for Gertie's suncakes...
- Gertie: Take a look at these beauties! These are the best suncakes I've made all day.
- March 7th: Wow, they smell so good! They look so crispy and crunchy! I think I'm in love!
- Gertie: Well, don't wait for them to get cold now. I'm sorry sweethearts, I'd best see to these other customers before their hunger gets the better of them. Thanks for stopping by!
- (Obtain
Suncake ×2)
- (Talk to Gertie again)
- Gertie: Well, don't wait for them to get cold now. I'm sorry sweethearts, I'd best see to these other customers before their hunger gets the better of them. Thanks for stopping by!
- (Talk to Gepard)
- March 7th: Ta-da! Guess who's back?
- Gepard: It's you two! Welcome back to Belobog.
- Gepard: The Supreme Guardian mentioned there'd be mystery guests attending the Solwarm celebrations, but I didn't think it'd be the Express crew.
- Gepard: I hope you had a smooth journey. I should have dispatched Silvermane Guards to welcome you on arrival — my apologies.
- March 7th: It's fine! You really don't have to apologize. We're just passing through, it's no big deal.
- Gepard: Understood. I hope you both enjoy the festivities.
- Gepard: Please make sure you keep your personal belongings safe — pickpockets tend to take advantage of events like this. We'll be performing additional patrols.
- March 7th: Got it! We'll get out of your way, then. Bye!
- Gepard: Bye for now.
- (Talk to Gepard again)
- Gepard: The Supreme Guardian mentioned there'd be mystery guests attending the Solwarm celebrations, but I didn't think it'd be the Express crew.
- Gepard: I hope you had a smooth journey. I should have dispatched Silvermane Guards to welcome you on arrival — my apologies.
- (After talking to people three times)
- After some time
- March 7th: Whew... who'd have thought just taking a stroll could be so tiring?
- March 7th: (Trailblazer), say, I think we should probably pay Bronya a visit. After all, she was the one who invited us here.
- March 7th: Or... we could go check out some other fun stuff elsewhere. Your call!
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Future Market (Prologue) |
Chinese (Simplified) | 未来市场•序 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 未來市場•序 |
Japanese | フューチャーズマーケット・序 |
Korean | 미래 시장•서장 |
Spanish | El mercado del mañana (prólogo) |
French | Marché à terme (prologue) |
Russian | Рынок будущего. Предисловие |
Thai | ตลาดแห่งอนาคต - บทนำ |
Vietnamese | Thị Trường Tương Lai (Mở Đầu) |
German | Markt der Zukunft (Prolog) |
Indonesian | Pasar Masa Depan (Prolog) |
Portuguese | Mercado Futuro (Prólogo) |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.4