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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Future Market (I) is the second part of the Trailblaze Continuance chapter Jolted Awake From a Winter Dream.


  1. Head to Qlipoth Fort and speak with Bronya
  2. Talk to March 7th and discuss your strategies
  3. Look for Topaz
  4. Attempt a dialogue with Topaz
  5. Negotiations failed. Summarize the situation to March 7th
  6. Head to the Boulder Town and aid Seele
  7. Confront the IPC Workers stationed at the entrance of the Great Mine
  8. Speak with Seele and head to the Great Mine
    • (Optional) Chat with March 7th
  9. Check the condition of the miners
  10. Attempt to "communicate" with Numby
  11. Follow Numby deeper into the Great Mines
  12. Confront the IPC Workers in the depths of the Great Mine


Head to Qlipoth Fort and speak with Bronya[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Mission Description

(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
Using my reputation to get an audience with Bronya
(Approach Topaz/Bronya)
Topaz: I understand the difficulties that this world is facing, Supreme Guardian. Belobog's current financial burden cannot be pinned on you, nor anyone else for that matter.
Topaz: However, objectively speaking, since Belobog has existed as an independent entity to this day, its debt cannot simply be written off.
Topaz: ...Oh, it looks like we have some visitors!
March 7th: Bronya! And... Topaz? You're here too?
March 7th: I guess you've already started your business talks. We'll get out of your way if—
Topaz: It's no bother, we've pretty much wrapped things up already, anyway.
Topaz: Please consider my plans carefully, Supreme Guardian. If Jarilo-VI wants to rebuild its connections with the rest of the galaxy, your credit record with the IPC will be of great importance.
Bronya: ...You've made yourself clear, Miss Topaz. I'll require some time to consider my next course of action.
Topaz: Naturally. However, while you're deliberating, my colleagues will need to carry out some operations in Belobog. I hope that your subjects in the Underworld are... cooperative.
Topaz: I'm sorry our business got in the way of a reunion with old friends. I'll get out of your way.

March 7th: Is everything all right, Bronya? I didn't know Miss Topaz was so... intense. She seemed nice when we met her.
Bronya: It's good to see you two again, welcome back to Belobog. I'd planned a special reception, but I had to deal with an unexpected guest — the lady you just witnessed. She claims to represent the IPC...
Bronya: There's no need to keep either of you in the dark. To tell the truth, I've too much weighing on my mind right now to even think about the Solwarm Festival.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What exactly did Miss Topaz say to you?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I only heard the word "Debt."
Bronya: Mm... Since you've already made her acquaintance, I needn't explain who she is.
Bronya: I'm sure you heard pieces of Belobog's history the first time you visited — the Legion's invasion 700 years ago, how the Stellaron brought about the Eternal Freeze...
Bronya: It seems that much of Belobog's history from that time was buried deep beneath the snow. Those memories were lost and weren't passed down to the subsequent generations of Supreme Guardians.

Bronya: Topaz shared with me the story of the Stellaron's descent upon Jarilo-VI — how the original outsiders stationed here foresaw the impending disaster and chose to leave in large numbers.
Bronya: Among those outsiders were several investors from the Interastral Peace Corporation. Before they departed, they did something noteworthy...
Bronya: They sought out Architects who refused to leave — those who insisted on defending their homes. The IPC provided these Architects with significant funds to aid them against the coming disaster.
Bronya: It was with those funds that Belobog was able to construct its immense walls... Even the initial funding for the development of the first batch of automatons was drawn from the same pool.

March 7th: Wow, that's a pretty incredible story. So... does that mean Topaz's "business" here is to collect a debt from Belobog?
Bronya: Yes... I'm afraid so.
March 7th: That's ridiculous! And what's with the timing? What took them so long to get here? If it wasn't for us eliminating the Stellaron, they'd have nothing to collect! It's obvious they're just trying to take advantage.
Bronya: According to her account, the repayment period agreed upon by the Architects and the IPC investors was... 280 years. However, less than a century after the loan was taken out, the connection between Jarilo-VI and the rest of the galaxy was completely severed.
Bronya: The IPC deemed that the disaster had caused irreparable damage and that there was no civilization left to reclaim the debt from. As such, they considered the owed sum permanently lost...
Bronya: ...It wasn't until the Stellaron crisis was resolved that the IPC discovered that Belobog had survived...
March 7th: And that's when they sent Topaz over to collect the debt...
Bronya: ...And the interest.
Icon Dialogue Arrow How much is owed?
Bronya: An astronomical amount. I don't even know how to read such a long string of numbers.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What happens if you don't pay it off in time?
Bronya: The debt owed is an astronomical amount. I don't even know how to read such a long string of numbers.
Bronya: Before you both arrived, Topaz warned me that if payments were delayed, the IPC would give her the authority to employ "strong measures."
March 7th: I had no idea things were like this. Here I was thinking the IPC had come to rebuild Belobog, not extort it!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Looks like we'll have to intervene.
March 7th: Yeah! We have to help Bronya out! The IPC is too big and powerful — the Belobogians won't be able to resolve this problem on their own.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I doubt the Belobogians can do anything about this on their own...
March 7th: Right, we need to figure out how to help them. The IPC is too big and powerful — even if Bronya steps in, it'll be hard for her to resolve the situation...
Bronya: You seem to have a deeper knowledge of the Interastral Peace Corporation than I do, but if the records are accurate and they truly have a presence throughout the galaxy, the IPC could crush Belobog like a bug if they wanted to.
Bronya: I'm glad you're both here — I know you came for the festival, but now...
Bronya: ...Now I must ask you and the Astral Express for help. Do you think you could persuade Topaz to reevaluate the situation? The Express's reputation precedes it, perhaps there's still hope...
March 7th: Have no fear, Bronya! When a friend's in need, the Nameless will always be at their side!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let's go have a chat with Topaz.
March 7th: Yeah, after all, (Trailblazer) is a pretty good negotiator.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let's bring out the big guns.
March 7th: Uh... I don't think we're at that stage yet. Miss Topaz seems like a reasonable person.
March 7th: With (Trailblazer)'s silver tongue, I'm sure we'll make some progress.
Bronya: Thank you so much, both of you. I'm so sorry for dragging you into more trouble.
Bronya: While you're out looking for Topaz, I'll see if I can think of a strategy to deal with the situation. Best of luck, and stay safe.

Talk to March 7th and discuss your strategies[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
Bronya is in trouble. Didn't really get this thing called "debt collection." Discussing solutions with March.
(Talk to Bronya again, optional)
Bronya: (Trailblazer), I apologize for dragging you into Belobog's affairs again, but when faced with an entity as powerful as the IPC, we need all the external help we can get.
Bronya: While you're out looking for Topaz, I'll see if I can think of a strategy to deal with the situation. Best of luck, and stay safe.
Icon Dialogue Talk Can you tell me again why Topaz is here?
Bronya: Topaz shared with me the story of the Stellaron's descent upon Jarilo-VI — how the original outsiders stationed here foresaw the impending disaster and chose to leave in large numbers.
Bronya: Among those outsiders were several investors from the Interastral Peace Corporation. Before they departed, they did something noteworthy...
Bronya: They sought out Architects who refused to leave — those who insisted on defending their homes. The IPC provided these Architects with significant funds to aid them against the coming disaster.
Bronya: It was with those funds that Belobog was able to construct its immense walls... Even the initial funding for the development of the first batch of automatons was drawn from the same pool.
Bronya: According to her account, the repayment period agreed upon by the Architects and the IPC investors was... 280 years. However, less than a century after the loan was taken out, the connection between Jarilo-VI and the rest of the galaxy was completely severed.
Bronya: The IPC deemed that the disaster had caused irreparable damage and that there was no civilization left to reclaim the debt from. As such, they considered the owed sum permanently lost...
Bronya: ...It wasn't until the Stellaron crisis was resolved that the IPC discovered that Belobog had survived...
Icon Dialogue Exit We'll do our best.
Bronya: Thank you, (Trailblazer). I believe in you.

(Talk to March 7th)
March 7th: (Trailblazer), I just remembered Topaz gave me her number.
March 7th: We might as well just be direct and ask her where she is. She seems like the type of person who appreciates a straight approach.

Character March 7th Icon
Are you there, Miss Topaz?
NPC AI Reply Icon
AI Reply
Greetings. Director Topaz is currently busy and unable to reply to your message. Please wait.
Character March 7th Icon
An auto-reply? She really doesn't reply to messages during her work hours...
NPC AI Reply Icon
AI Reply
Greetings. Director Topaz is currently busy and unable to reply to your message. Please wait.
AI, please tell me...
Character Trailblazer Icon
Can you tell me where Topaz has gone?
Stop repeating!
Character Trailblazer Icon
Just stop repeating yourself and tell me where Topaz has gone
NPC AI Reply Icon
AI Reply
Hello. Checking Director Topaz's schedule for you...
Currently, Director Topaz is on an inspection tour at the History and Culture Museum - The Overworld - Belobog - Jarilo-VI.
Character March 7th Icon
This thing is pretty smart. Thank you!
NPC AI Reply Icon
AI Reply
Greetings. Director Topaz is currently busy and unable to reply to your message. Please wait.

Look for Topaz[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
We're in trouble. Belobog owes a whole lot of money to the IPC. Need to negotiate with Topaz in the museum.
(Talk to March 7th)
March 7th: Okay, got it. She's at the museum — let's get going.
March 7th: We better think about what we're gonna say. She might be young, but she is an IPC executive — she's definitely no pushover.

(Idle quotes)
Topaz: 600 years old
Topaz: Provisional evaluation would value it at approximately 270,000...
Topaz: With 34 of this type of painting...
Topaz: That comes to 9,180,000...
(Talk to Topaz)
Topaz: Oh! It's you two again. This is the third time today we've run into each other.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Cherish the moment...
Topaz: Why, of course I will! Meeting friends from the Astral Express is always a moment worth cherishing!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Actually, we sent you a message.
Topaz: Oh, did my Smart-Reply function tell you where I was? It's a system developed by the Technology Department. Pretty neat, right?
Topaz: What do you make of this painting? I'm no expert, but just from the artist's strokes I can tell it's no ordinary piece.
Topaz: It portrays a certain kind of... sorrow, you know? Not your everyday kind of sadness — it runs much deeper than that.
Topaz: It's as if the artist has condensed history into one poignant, but sorrowful image. The artist's brushwork depicts a generation's — no, several generations' hardships...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Seems like you know your art...
Topaz: Not at all, the analysis of an aficionado. I wouldn't take my word for it.
Topaz: The Express has visited many worlds. I'm sure the Nameless have a far greater knowledge of such things than myself.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I was thinking the exact same thing.
Topaz: Haha, you flatter me! The Express has visited many worlds. I'm sure the Nameless have a far greater knowledge of such things than myself.
Topaz: I suppose what I'm trying to say is, what I'm drawn to isn't the style in which a piece is painted, but its overall value. Its intrinsic value may only be 50,000 credits, but its "added value" might push the total up to 200,000.
March 7th: Ugh... Sorry for crashing your artist party, but we came to talk to you about something else...
Topaz: Oh? A collaboration between our two sides, perhaps?
March 7th: Not exactly. Actually, we—
Topaz: Let's walk and talk — this way!

Attempt a dialogue with Topaz[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
Found Topaz. Negotiations are starting. Hopefully we don't say the wrong things.
Topaz: Most exhibits in this museum are of little value.
Topaz: But with a keen eye, it's possible to find a diamond in the rough, so to speak.

March 7th: Miss Topaz, Bronya's already told us about Belobog's debt situation...
Topaz: ...Oh? You two are closer than I expected with her.
Topaz: So, how can I help? Not sure on the arrangement, or...?
March 7th: We... Uh... Help me out here, (Trailblazer)! You know I'm not good at this kinda thing...
Icon Dialogue Arrow We want to ask for a favor on behalf of Bronya.
Topaz: I see.
Icon Dialogue Arrow The IPC's demands are unreasonable.
Topaz: You're so direct — I like that!
Icon Dialogue Arrow The Express will pay off Belobog's outstanding debts!
March 7th: Hey! Nobody agreed to that!
March 7th: Ahem. We're actually here on behalf of Bronya. It's just, you know... Given Belobog's circumstances, it isn't exactly awash with money right now. The Belobogians don't have the means to pay off such a huge debt.
Topaz: I understand. From your point of view, I can see how unreasonable it appears.
Topaz: However, you must understand that debt collection is a big part of my job. I've dealt with cases far more difficult than Belobog's.
Topaz: I appreciate each case has its difficulties, but if I treated every late debtor as a "special case," the galaxy's economy would come to a grinding halt.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What a heartless way of seeing things...
Topaz: Haha~ I've heard that before — more than a few times, actually.
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...And if the debt can't be repaid?
Topaz: The Strategic Investment Department is well-versed in handling such situations. We can offer the debtor various repayment solutions...
Topaz: ...but Jarilo-VI has far exceeded the allotted repayment period. I'm afraid milder solutions aren't the order of the day. So, I proposed to Bronya...
Topaz: Oops! I almost gave away trade secrets there, didn't I? That was a close one.
Topaz: The exhibits here are pretty ordinary — I estimate they're probably not worth much. Let's keep moving.

March 7th: So you're basically saying the Belobogians must pay off their ancestors' debts...
Topaz: When you think about it, it's just another part of the cycle of life.
March 7th: ...Uh, I'm not sure it's as poetic as that...

Topaz: Wow, look! Is that little critter native to Jarilo-VI!?
Topaz: It's so white and fluffy! Where can I find a live one?
Icon Dialogue Arrow You like animals?
Topaz: I absolutely adore them! Have you guys met Numby yet? Aw, where'd they go? They must be off playing somewhere.
Topaz: Hmm... Come to think of it, this little guy's on display here probably means it's already extinct... right?
Icon Dialogue Arrow It's probably extinct.
Topaz: I suppose it probably is. Otherwise, it wouldn't be on display here.
Topaz: That's such a shame! I absolutely adore little animals! Have you guys met Numby yet? I guess they're off playing somewhere.
March 7th: So, Miss Topaz, what exactly will it take for the IPC to go easier on Belobog?
March 7th: Bronya invested so much just to make this world a little better. And now, it feels like all of her efforts will be undone in the blink of an eye. It's just so cruel...
Topaz: What do you take the IPC for, Miss March? We're just the same as Belobog's Architects — we're all followers of the Preservation.
Topaz: No matter what solutions we propose, we will always take the welfare of the people of Belobog into consideration. Otherwise, we'd be no different from the Legion, would we?
March 7th: So you're saying there's nothing to worry about? But Bronya...
Topaz: Don't worry yourself too much. The Supreme Guardian is a wise person. She'll understand.
Topaz: But to answer your question directly — it'd take a miracle. I'll complete the Jarilo-VI project no matter what obstacles I encounter.
March 7th: This isn't going as planned... What should we do?
Topaz: I wouldn't waste too much energy on this matter. Why not make the most of the festive atmosphere...?
Topaz: Oh, looks like one of my colleagues is after me. My apologies, but I should probably take this. Bye!

Negotiations failed. Summarize the situation to March 7th[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
Negotiations failed. Shoot. Next step: Is there a next step?
(Talk to March 7th)
March 7th: So... what now? We spent ages trying to convince her and she didn't move an inch!
Icon Dialogue Arrow We didn't promise Bronya we'd succeed.
March 7th: Well, yeah, but she'll be really disappointed...
Icon Dialogue Arrow She sort of made sense...
March 7th: I guess so, but that still doesn't fix Bronya's problem...
Icon Dialogue Arrow We should keep pestering her.
March 7th: You sure? I really don't think she'll change her mind.
March 7th: I guess Miss Topaz is just doing her job. And as far as the Express is concerned, I think it'd be unwise to make the IPC our enemy.
March 7th: All these vested interests — so hard to undo any of it... they teach this stuff in school. Wait... did I even go to school?
March 7th: Did someone send you a message?

Character Seele Icon
Character Seele Icon
I heard you're back in Belobog, (Trailblazer)?
Gimme a shout when you have a minute. It's urgent
What's up, Seele?
Character Trailblazer Icon
What's going on?
Character Seele Icon
A bunch of rascals came down to the Underworld and took over the Great Mine by force
I asked Bronya what to do, and she told me not to mess with them for the time being
Listen to her, and don't mess with them.
Character Trailblazer Icon
Bronya was right. It's probably best not to mess with them
Character Seele Icon
Too late. Wildfire and Silvermane Guards already engaged with them
We must fight back.
Character Trailblazer Icon
We can't let those guys bully the miners! We must fight back
Character Seele Icon
Yeah, we're already on it. Wildfire and Silvermane Guards already engaged with them.
Character Seele Icon
But those jerks have super advanced fancy weapons with jacked up damage. We can't handle them
I'm sending you an SOS cuz I'm running out of ideas
I'm coming.
Character Trailblazer Icon
Hang in there. We're on our way

March 7th: Huh? The IPC are causing trouble in the Underworld? Already?
March 7th: Ugh, seriously? Topaz was just talking about "taking the welfare of the people of Belobog into consideration," and now they're pulling this stunt? You really can't trust these money-hungry IPC suits for a minute!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let's go save the day.
March 7th: Again... I don't think I have it in me to play the hero today!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Here we go again...
March 7th: I really did jinx us! I don't think I have it in me to play the hero today!
Icon Dialogue Arrow That's right! You can't believe a word they say!
March 7th: I really did jinx us! I don't think I have it in me to play the hero today!
March 7th: I guess complaining won't get us anywhere. Let's go lend them a hand.

Head to the Boulder Town and aid Seele[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
Seele sent a message. The IPC launched a sneak attack on the Underworld. Need to go see what's happening.
(Approach Seele)
March 7th: Seele!
Seele: Hey! Am I glad to see you two here — I'm not sure how much longer we can hold out.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What's going on?
Seele: It's bad — really bad. Their weapons and automatons are much stronger than anything we have.
Seele: Nobody's been seriously hurt, but a few Wildfire members got minor injuries. Fortunately for us, it seems like they were holding back.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is anyone hurt?
Seele: Nobody's been seriously hurt, but a few Wildfire members got minor injuries. Fortunately for us, it seems like they were holding back.
Seele: Their weapons and automatons are much stronger than anything we have.
Seele: You see those two in black? They've been guarding the mine entrance — they're not letting anyone in or out. Hey! Just because you have fancy equipment doesn't mean you can bully us! Who do you think you are?
Seele: What's the matter? Got nothing to say!?
March 7th: What's going on inside the mine? Any ideas?
Seele: A few miners made it out earlier — they looked pretty panicked. They said the whole mine had been seized by the people in black.
Seele: These uninvited guests keep talking about "asset evaluation," whatever that means. All I know is they're seriously disrupting the lives of the Underworlders!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is Topaz around?
Seele: Who?
March 7th: We were just talking to her in the museum... Do you think her cronies are acting without her authorization?
Icon Dialogue Arrow We'll handle this.
March 7th: Do you think Topaz is around here somewhere? Maybe her cronies are acting without her authorization...
Seele: The person you're talking about — are they in charge of the people in black?
Seele: Potaz, Pazto — whatever her name is, she can wait. Right now, the most important thing is to free those trapped in the Great Mine. Are you two with me?

Confront the IPC Workers stationed at the entrance of the Great Mine[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
The IPC took over the Great Mine. No manners. Needs a beating.
(Approach marker)
Seele: Hey, you two! Cat got your tongue or something? If you knew what was best for you, you'd get out of my way!
Quiet Worker: ...
March 7th: You guys must be exhausted standing here all day. How about you take a little lunch break — I'm sure the IPC allows that, right?
Quiet Worker: ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm a guest of your boss, stand aside.
Quiet Worker: ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Seriously, get some lunch bro.
Quiet Worker: ...
March 7th: Ugh, what's their deal?
Quiet Worker: You two were talking to the director in the Snow Plains...
March 7th: Huh!? So it's you! You're the one who was threatening to take us out in the Snow Plains!
March 7th: Hmph, do you even know who you're talking to? If your boss knows to treat us with respect, you'd better start showing some yourself!
Quiet Worker: ...
Quiet Worker: I can't let you pass! My team leader said that if anyone gets through, I'll lose six months of performance bonuses!
March 7th: Team leader? Ha, you're even lower on the pecking order than I thought.
Quiet Worker: Sh—Shut up! I spent seven years on a forsaken asteroid preparing to join the IPC — I went through 17 interviews before they finally hired me... What right do you deadbeats have to criticize me!?
Seele: ...IPC? Interviews!? I don't know what you're rambling on about, but you're really testing my patience.
Seele: (Trailblazer), March — no need to waste our breath on this idiot. Let's do this!
(Begin fight against Grunt: Field Personnel Grunt: Field Personnel ×2, Grunt: Security Personnel Grunt: Security Personnel ×1)
Seele: That's it? He sure took off quickly.
March 7th: 17 rounds of interviews and these are the best people they can find? What a joke.
Seele: Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I've been warned that the ones in the mine won't go down without a fight.
Seele: (Trailblazer), let's set off when you're ready.

Speak with Seele and head to the Great Mine[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
Heading down in the mines to save people.
Pom-Pom's Notes: (Trailblazer) is not putting their heart into the report at all! Write it properly!

(Optional) Chat with March 7th[]

(Optional, Talk to March 7th)
March 7th: Caught your breath yet, (Trailblazer)? It's time to show these IPC fools who they're dealing with!
Icon Dialogue Arrow When did you change your clothes?
March 7th: ...Right after we finished chatting with Topaz in the museum.
March 7th: Did it take you that long to notice, (Trailblazer)? I thought you were supposed to be the observant one!
Icon Dialogue Arrow I didn't think we'd have to fight again...
March 7th: Nobody did, but it never hurts to be prepared!
March 7th: Just when I thought I could catch a break, things go haywire! Guess my nice dress will have to wait for a while...
March 7th: The quicker we handle the IPC, the faster we can get back to enjoying the celebrations. Let Seele know when you're ready to go.

(Talk to Seele)
Seele: Ready for action? It's time to kick the IPC out of the Underworld.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let's go.
Seele: Let's get moving!
(Enter Exploratory Excursion Great Mine: Expel the IPC Invaders)
Icon Dialogue Exit Not just yet.
Seele: Mm, make sure you've got everything you need.

Check the condition of the miners[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Mission Description

(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
Lots of miners look dazed. Need to chat with them.
Meanwhile, at Svarog's settlement...
Topaz: Hello — it's Mr. Svarog, isn't it? And this cute little girl must be Clara!
Clara: H—Hello Miss... Are you...?
Topaz: I'm Topaz! I've come to have a chat with Mr. Svarog.
Svarog: Clara, go inside and wait for me.
Clara: Huh? But if you have a guest, maybe I should...
Svarog: She is not a "guest," neither is she a friend.
Svarog: Go, Clara. Everything will be fine.
Topaz: So, it seems my source was right: Who'd have thought such a strong bond could exist between a giant robot and a little girl...? So heartwarming!
Svarog: You bear the insignia of the Interastral Peace Corporation. What is your motive for coming here?
Topaz: Straight to the point, huh? I like your style.
Topaz: Jarilo-VI — are robots familiar with that term? Anyway, it refers to the planet we're currently standing on. It's about to become the property of the IPC.
Topaz: No one can reverse this outcome. Not you, not the Nameless, nor any power in the galaxy.
Topaz: I only care about one thing right now — demonstrating to the shareholders of the IPC that Jarilo-VI can generate value.
Topaz: In the long run, this is a way — the ONLY way — to ensure Belobog's long-term interests. I need your help to achieve this goal.
Svarog: "Long-term interests" undefined. Analyzing objectives...
Svarog: Analysis: failed. Tell me, emissary — how do you plan to convince the IPC leadership?
Topaz: That's simple, I'll show you.
Svarog: This is...
Topaz: Source code. Or to be more precise — source code that is able to take control of all mechanized units in Belobog.
Topaz: I'm sure you're familiar with this — all mechanized units manufactured in Belobog over the last 700 years utilize the underlying systems created by the IPC. The code is so refined that the engineers never saw any reason to change it.
Svarog: ...
Topaz: I assume you're also aware that there was once a large automaton factory in the Underworld. Thousands upon thousands of automatons — enough to crush the Legion's vanguard — lay dormant within.
Topaz: This is my bargaining chip for negotiating with the higher-ups. I'll convince them that Jarilo-VI has a place in the company's long-term strategies.
Topaz: But first, I need a guide to show me where these automatons are buried.
Svarog: ...
Svarog: I understand. Your "long-term interests" can be defined as the survival of civilization at a macro level.
Svarog: What are your intentions for the people currently living here?
Topaz: Their future has already been purchased. All I can do is make them accept this fact, using a relatively peaceful approach.
Svarog: ...
Svarog: I understand. I will assist you with your plan.
Topaz: ...Oh? So, you're not as stubborn as the rumors suggest.
Svarog: The future you speak of is beyond my computational range. But my emotional analysis indicates that you are indeed trying to find ways to ensure the survival of this world.
Svarog: Additionally, calculations indicate a 96.4% probability of compliance through force if I refuse to cooperate.
Topaz: Your calculations are slightly on the conservative side.
Topaz: Here's to our future cooperation! If you wouldn't mind leading the way, Mr. Svarog.

Meanwhile, in the Great Mine with Seele and the Trailblazer...
(Approach miners)
March 7th: All the miners here huddled together... anyone else getting déjà vu?
Seele: Well, the situation here is pretty similar to when you first arrived. It's just that instead of a few thugs and broken robots, now we're dealing with much more formidable adversaries.
March 7th: Hey, (Trailblazer), check it out! Isn't that Topaz's little trotter over there? What was it again... Numby, right?
Seele: What!? Isn't that thing a Fragmentum monster? She's keeping one as a pet!?
March 7th: The IPC are all about their sci-fi sorcery, so it's not that surprising. Wanna go take a look?

Attempt to "communicate" with Numby[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
Trotter! Trotter! Little~ Trotter!
(Approach Numby)
Numby: ...Oink?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Oink.
Numby: Oink... Grunt, oink?
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...Oink?
Numby: Oink! Oink oink!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Oink... Grunt, grunt, oink!
Numby: Oink? Oink, oink... Grunt!
March 7th: ...Sounds like you two are getting along! What's Numby saying?
Icon Dialogue Arrow "Topaz isn't here."
March 7th: Seriously!? You actually speak trotter?
Icon Dialogue Arrow "Life is ultimately meaningless."
March 7th: Wow, that's soooo deep... Come on, stop fooling around!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Not sure, strong accent.
March 7th: I should've known... Don't quit your day job.
Seele: Look, you guys. Looks like it wants to leave.
March 7th: Looks like they want to find their master. Let's follow them, (Trailblazer).

Follow Numby deeper into the Great Mines[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
The Trotter seems to be leading the way for us. Follow it for now.
Fleeing Miner: H-Help! Those people dressed in black are attacking us!

Bossy Worker: ...Hey, I'm talking to you! Where do you guys store the Geomarrow?
Timid Miner: I—I really don't know anything!
Bossy Worker: Tsk, this place is filled with nothing but incompetents...
Seele: Those cowards! I guess they wanna do this the hard way!

(Begin fight against Grunt: Field Personnel Grunt: Field Personnel ×1, Grunt: Security Personnel Grunt: Security Personnel ×1, Automaton Hound Automaton Hound ×2)

Numby: Oink! Oink, oink!
March 7th: Huh? Looks like Numby's in a good mood.
Seele: ...But aren't they on the IPC's side? Strange...

Numby: Oink... Oink! Oink!
March 7th: Look — that big guy down there — is he the one in charge?
Seele: Hmph! We'll see who's really in charge. Let's go!

Confront the IPC Workers in the depths of the Great Mine[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report:
Found the IPC's rascals. Little Trotter was pretty useful. Time to smash.
March 7th: Huh? Where'd Numby go?
Seele: Wow, for something so short and stubby, he's pretty nimble.
Seele: Well, I guess that's that. We're on our own now. Let's keep going.

(Approach marker)
Seele: Hey, you! Are you in charge around here?
Team Leader: A local? The IPC is currently conducting asset evaluation work here. Local residents are advised to follow those responsible for evacuation to the—
Seele: Don't lie to us! You seized the mine by force for yourself — you drove the locals out of their homes!
Seele: I'm warning you — get lost or suffer the consequences! Don't you dare show your face around here again!
Team Leader: And who might you be? You have quite the attitude... This is our jurisdiction now — we are all-powerful here.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Topaz just lets you do whatever you want?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I want to speak to your boss!
March 7th: Yeah! We demand to speak with Topaz!
Team Leader: You know Topaz? Interesting...
Team Leader: It doesn't matter. The Strategic Investment Department has no obligation to talk to anyone not related to this project!
Team Leader: In cases where debtors fail to repay within the set time frame, the IPC reserves the right to skip negotiations and take over all assets. We're simply following the rules — what exactly is your problem?
March 7th: Y'know, it's funny how the "rules" always seem to work in your favor, don't you think? This world's been hanging by a thread and now you're here to pull the plug on it!
Team Leader: Hmph, don't blame me, I'm simply following orders. Do you think I get to make those kinds of decisions?
Seele: Save your breath, March. I never held out any hope of resolving this problem peacefully.
Seele: Didn't you claim the IPC was all-powerful? Well now's the perfect chance to show us what you can do!
Team Leader: Ugh, if I knew things were going to get this heated, I'd have applied for overtime...
Team Leader: Ahem... Anyway! Since you seem intent on settling this matter with violence, prepare yourselves for my heavy laser cannon!

(Begin fight against Senior Staff: Team Leader Senior Staff: Team Leader ×1, Grunt: Field Personnel Grunt: Field Personnel ×2, Grunt: Security Personnel Grunt: Security Personnel ×2)

Team Leader: Ugh... Wh—Who are you people? Not even our tech could take you down...
March 7th: Pfft! We took down the Doomsday Beast, the Stellaron, and Phantylia. Did you really think YOU could stop us?
Team Leader: Darn it! I'm all out of ammo...
Nervous Worker: Sir, we've just received word from the director...
Team Leader: Director Topaz? What did she say?
Nervous Worker: Teams are not to disrupt the lives of local inhabitants during the asset evaluation period...
Nervous Worker: Teams that violate this directive will have their year-end bonuses reduced by 60%...
Team Leader: 60%!? We're done for!
Team Leader: Attention all personnel. Evacuate the mine immediately! Erase all traces of your presence!

March 7th: Phew... So are we all good here, or what?
Seele: Yeah. Judging by the looks on their faces, I don't think they'll be back.
Seele: So who is this "Topaz" anyway? She seems to have no problem ordering these idiots around, or taming Fragmentum creatures, for that matter...
March 7th: It's a long story...
Icon Dialogue Arrow You're better off asking Bronya.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Belobog is in debt...
Seele: Debt? What do you mean?
March 7th: You should probably ask Bronya to explain it to you.
Seele: Why did this mess have to happen so close to the festivities? The timing couldn't have been any worse.
March 7th: ...Oh! Looks like we've got a message.

Character Bronya Icon
Where are you, March and (Trailblazer)? Are you all right?
Character March 7th Icon
Bronya! We're in the Underworld right now
The IPC's people took over the Great Mine. We just kicked them out
Character Bronya Icon
I see, you're with Seele
How are things going? Did you get hurt?
Character March 7th Icon
Don't worry. We can totally handle this!
I failed to persuade Topaz.
Character Trailblazer Icon
I'm sorry. We weren't able to persuade Topaz...
Character Bronya Icon
No worries, (Trailblazer)! This wasn't your responsibility in the first place
The IPC won't stop there.
Character Trailblazer Icon
I'm afraid the IPC won't stop there
Character Bronya Icon
I see. Thanks for trying to negotiate with Topaz. This wasn't your responsibility in the first place.
Character Bronya Icon
Something just happened here, and I can't explain it clearly in messages.
Could you come back to Qlipoth Fort? I need advice from you two on this issue

March 7th: Hmm... I get the feeling Bronya's worried about something. We'd better go back and see her, (Trailblazer).
March 7th: Are you coming with us, Seele?
Seele: Go on without me, I still have stuff to take care of. The miners need to know what happened here.
Seele: Bronya messaged you, which means she thinks you can help. I trust her judgment.
March 7th: Got it, Seele. We'll do what we can to help Bronya out.
March 7th: Come on, (Trailblazer), to Qlipoth Fort.
(Challenge completed)
(Obtain Traveler's Guide Traveler's Guide ×5, Lost Crystal Lost Crystal ×4, and Credit Credit ×40,000)

Meanwhile in Rivet Town...
(Cutscene plays)
Topaz: These guys... don't look pleased to see us.
Gepard: By order of the Supreme Guardian, proceed no further, Miss Topaz.
Topaz: Belobog might be in arrears, but I'm out of pocket.
Topaz: See you later, Captain!
(Cutscene ends)
(Mission completed)


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishFuture Market (I)
Korean미래 시장•1
SpanishEl mercado del mañana I
FrenchMarché à terme (I)
RussianРынок будущего I
Thaiตลาดแห่งอนาคต 1
VietnameseThị Trường Tương Lai 1
GermanMarkt der Zukunft (Teil 1)
IndonesianPasar Masa Depan 1
PortugueseMercado Futuro (I)

Change History[]

