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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
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Frebass is a mentioned NPC.


Frebass was a Nameless from Toyro who sought to walk on a road deeper and further than Akivili's.[1]


Frebass traveled with Acheron,[2] seeking to dive into the depths of IX. On the way there, she and her companion stopped on the planet Orkron, where they toasted marshmallows together.[1]

When preparing for her dive into IX, Frebass modified a compass her mother gave her on her fourteenth birthday. She removed its needle so that it might detect the energy of the Imaginary Tree instead of a magnetic field, such that she might be able to orient herself inside IX.[3] She also soldered together a diving suit made of abandoned metal, used oxygen tanks, discarded gyroscopic devices, a self-circulating life support system, and other discarded materials. She also wore the diving helmet her father left behind, and a medallion she made for herself.[4] The suit had lead boots designed to weigh her down and pull her further into the depths of IX.[5]

After 30 days of journeying with her companion, Frebass finally entered IX, fully prepared to never return. Inside of IX, Frebass relived her memories of her journey with her companion.[5] She re-experienced a full lifetime of memories[3] as she presumably self-annihilated due to the effects of IX, and eventually her memories were all forgotten[4] as she devolved into nothingness.


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  1. 1.0 1.1 Relic, Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters: Pioneer's Heatproof Shell
  2. Data Bank, Characters, Acheron: Character Story: Part IV
  3. 3.0 3.1 Relic, Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters: Pioneer's Lacuna Compass
  4. 4.0 4.1 Relic, Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters: Pioneer's Sealed Lead Apron
  5. 5.0 5.1 Relic, Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters: Pioneer's Starfaring Anchor