Fragmented Record of Belobog Ancient Martial Arts is a Mission Item obtained during the Boulder Town Martial Exhibition event.
(indistinct writing)
...This way, it is possible to take on any enemy, anywhere, anytime.
The author has imagined fighting giant mantids several times the size of a human, as well as fighting bare-handed against the Engine of Creation.
Being able to train for every sort of dangerous confrontation in one's imagination is the secret that allows "Martialism" to dominate the Jarilo mixed martial arts world.
(indistinct writing)
The moves are as follows:
Throw two uppercuts as fast as you can, then two downcuts with maximum power! Immediately after landing the first four punches, pick up a left hook, then a right hook. Then immediately repeat, left hook, right hook!
Just like that, you will easily...
(indistinct writing)
- The moves in order (two uppercuts, two downcuts, left hook, right hook, left hook, right hook) is a reference to the Konami code (up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right). Selecting them in the correct order is required to trigger the sparkling sandbag event in the Fight Club.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Fragmented Record of Belobog Ancient Martial Arts |
Chinese (Simplified) | 贝洛伯格古武术残卷 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 貝洛伯格古武術殘卷 |
Japanese | ベロブルグ古武術残編 |
Korean | 벨로보그 고대 무술 잔본 |
Spanish | Fragmentos sobre las antiguas artes marciales de Belobog |
French | Archives d'arts martiaux de Belobog |
Russian | Повреждённая рукопись о древних боевых искусствах Белобога |
Thai | ตำราการต่อสู้โบราณของ Belobog |
Vietnamese | Quyển Võ Thuật Cổ Belobog |
German | Bruchstückhafte Aufzeichnung uralter Kampfkünste aus Belobog |
Indonesian | Buklet Seni Bela Diri Kuno Belobog |
Portuguese | Registro Fragmentado das Artes Marciais de Belobog |