You unexpectedly rescued a girl, but also got caught up in the Sky-Faring Helm Master's family troubles...
For I Have Touched the Sky is the first and only mission in Yukong's Companion Mission chain. It is part of the Vita Infinita chapter that takes place on The Xianzhou Luofu.
Complete the Trailblaze Mission A Dragon Gallant, Its Ocean Distant in the Chapter Topclouded Towerthrust and teleport to Stargazer Navalia on The Xianzhou Luofu to receive a message from Xikui.
- Meet up with Welt at Stargazer Navalia
- Use the cycrane to search for the victim
- Set out to rescue the trapped victim
- Head to the Palace of Astrum and accept Yukong's gratitude
- Leave the Palace of Astrum
- Accompany Qingni through the streets to help clear her mind
- Head to Stargazer Navalia and search for Yukong's lost item
- Control the cycrane to search for Yukong's missing items
- Head to the Seat of Divine Foresight and ask Jing Yuan about Yukong's past
- Head to the Palace of Astrum and meet up with Qingni
- Search for the location of Yukong's personal archive in the calculation device
- Search for information related to Yukong's past
- Meet up with Welt
- Accompany Qingni to talk with Yukong
Mission Description
You hear an explosion from very far away, but it seems only you can hear it. It might be a delusion or some strange sixth sense... Your heart is filled with an ominous premonition.
You follow your instincts and head to the source of the explosion — Stargazer Navalia.
Receive a message from Xikui[]
- Messages
XikuiI saw on cycrane system that you were nearbyThere's an important task I need your help with. It's really urgentThe Exalting Sanctum's sky dome malfunctioned half a dual-hour ago. It was probably caused by the unusual yinyang phenomena from Ambrosial Arbor's new growthThe technical details are complicated, so I won't elaborate. In short, one district has a serious problem, and it's about to explodeThe entire Luofu has yet to fully recover from all the chaos, and there's no one available to handle this emergency. Fortunately, there is an office worker in the Sky-Faring Commission who jumped on a starskiff and flew to the sky dome to carry out an emergency fixBut that starskiff also broke down during the rescue (probably due to the yinyang phenomena again) and lost contact over Stargazer Navalia. It may have been forced to land or even crashedI've already informed the Cloud Knights to send reinforcements asapBut one second can mean the difference between life and death for this kind of thing. Can you folks please go take a look first?"You folks"?
Step Description
The Sky-Faring Commission sent a message saying that there was a starskiff crash in Stargazer Navalia, and hopes you can help rescue the victim. Welt seems to be nearby. Hurry up and join him in searching for the victim.
- (Talk to Welt)
- Welt: (Trailblazer), looks like there's smoke rising in the distance. Miss Xikui sent us a cycrane — see if you can get an aerial visual. This is an emergency, we need to find where the starskiff crashed as soon as possible
Connect the cycrane
- Connecting to roost signal...
- Remote cycrane
- After interacting with the roost, you can start remotely controlling the cycrane.
- Cycranes can fly, allowing them to reach areas that are inaccessible to characters. Characters will remain at their original position while a cycrane is being remotely controlled.
- While in control of a cycrane, you have the option to either ascend or descend as desired.
- Cycranes can be used in different scenarios to accomplish various tasks.
- Remote Cycrane: Enemy Encounter
- When encountering enemies, the cycrane will automatically return.
- Cycrane is returning to the safe zone...
- Courier Cycrane: The Heron Express Safety System has automatically taken over the remote control to return to the safe zone.
Use the cycrane to search for the victim[]
Step Description
The terraine of Stargazer Navalia is complex, and searching on foot is rather difficult. Fortunately, the Sky-Faring Commission lent you a cycrane. As long as you use it to search from a high vantage point, you will be able to locate the crashed pilot.
- (Optional, after identifying the starskiff)
- Welt: We found it... looks like the pilot isn't inside. If they escaped before it came down, they should still be nearby.
- (Optional, after identifying the area near the
Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish)
- Welt: Not good — looks like the crash disturbed monsters in the area. We need to get there — fast.
- (Optional, after exiting the remote cycrane)
- (Talk to Welt again)
- Welt: I'm afraid there's no time for chit-chat — lives could be at stake.
Connect the cycrane
Let's talk about it later
- (After identifying the pilot)
- Cycrane is returning...
- Welt: There — that must be who Miss Xikui asked us to save. We need to hurry — those abominations have trapped her. Be careful, (Trailblazer).
Set out to rescue the trapped victim[]
Step Description
You find the crashed pilot. She is trapped among a group of abominations, and her situation is extremely dire. Quickly, save her!
- (While descending and exiting from the east elevator)
- ???: Get back, you demons! I-I'm not afraid of you! Stay away!
- (Upon approaching the marked area)
- ???: Hey! Get out of here — it's too dangerous! Go get someone from the Sky-Faring Commission — tell them Qingni is in trouble!
It's okay, we're pretty tough.
- Welt: Don't worry, Miss Qingni. We've been in worse danger.
They're only abominations — we got this.
- Welt: Don't worry, Miss Qingni. We've been in worse danger.
Okay, see you later then.
- Welt: No, (Trailblazer), it's too late to call for backup. Don't worry, Miss Qingni — the Sky-Faring Commission sent us to help.
- (Enter battle)
- (After the battle)
- Welt: There are too many monsters... (Trailblazer), let's hold out for a little longer — the Cloud Knights should be here soon.
- Qingni: Just run! These monsters can't get up here anytime soon!
- Welt: No can do, Miss Qingni — we're not abandoning you.
We won't leave you here!
- (Trailblazer nods)
Hey, you think we can't take them?
- Welt: Easy, (Trailblazer), let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Mr. Yang, let's get out of here...
- Welt: Hold out a little longer — I know you can do it.
- Yukong: You two have held out long enough — help is at hand!
- Yukong: Cloud Knights! Formation! Prepare to engage!
- (Enter battle)
- (During the battle)
- Yukong: Hold on, Qingni! We're coming to get you!
- After cleansing the area of the abomination, the Cloud Knights rescued the trapped girl.
- Welt: I didn't know the helm master of the Sky-Faring Commission dealt with situations like this in person.
- Yukong: Indeed, I should be reviewing files in the Palace of Astrum. However, Qingni decided to put herself in danger and trouble our esteemed guests with her safety... As her mother, I couldn't sit idly by.
So that's why...
- Yukong: Qingni! Have you thanked your benefactors yet?
- Qingni: Thank you, benefactors...
- Welt: No need, Miss Qingni. It was nothing.
As easy as taking out the trash.
- Yukong: You Astral Express trailblazers have outstanding manners, though your allegories are a little odd...
It was all thanks to Madam Yukong's timely appearance.
- Yukong: You flatter me. This is a Sky-Faring Commission affair, yet the two of you had to put yourselves in harm's way. I am ashamed.
I didn't really do anything...
- Yukong: No need to be humble, you took great risks for the Xianzhou. I saw what you did.
- Yukong: It was because of both of you that Qingni escaped unscathed. Words cannot express my gratitude.
- Yukong: In fact, by way of thanks, I'd like to invite you to the Palace of Astrum for tea. It is about time we knew each other better.
- Welt: The feeling is mutual, Lady Yukong. We would be honored.
- Yukong: Then for now I will excuse myself. Qingni's irresponsible actions caused much trouble for the two of you — allow me to apologize once again on her behalf.
- Qingni: You always do this, mother — scold me before figuring out what actually happened...
- Qingni: It was a dire situation! I was the only one who could—
- Yukong: You promised me, Qingni! ...We shall discuss this when we return.
- Yukong: Please excuse us, benefactors. I look forward to our meeting.
- (After Yukong and Qingni leave)
- Welt: I didn't know Yukong had that side to her...
You mean a scary mom side?
- Welt: ...You have a... unique way of putting things, (Trailblazer)...
- Welt: ...but you're not wrong. Appearances seemingly tell us little about the lives of the Xianzhou's leaders, no matter how long those lives may have been.
- Welt: Yukong's inner worries and concerns came to the surface in the presence of her daughter. Only then was it clear that she, too, is somebody's mother.
I feel like you relate to this a lot, Mr. Yang...
- Welt: Yes. After all, I know what it's like to worry over a kid's homework and whether their lunch is healthy enough.
You mean a warlike side?
- Welt: Yes... I originally thought the head of the Sky-Faring Commission was a suave businesswoman — like that young Foxian girl...
- Welt: ...but based on that fight, Yukong is clearly an experienced soldier. The moments she chose to strike and the targets she attacked were all impeccably strategic.
- Welt: Aside from saving her daughter, perhaps the Helm Master was keen to see some front-line action.
Sounds like you understand the feeling, Mr. Yang.
- Welt: Hehe, well... I enjoyed a long stretch of peace on my home world — long enough for me to start forgetting that I was also a fighter. After I boarded the Express, my old enthusiasm slowly began to return.
- Welt: But there's something I don't understand. Yes, Qingni piloted a starskiff without permission and put herself in danger, but she meant well. Nevertheless, Yukong's reaction suggests that there was something more...
- Welt: Anyway, let's head over to the Palace of Astrum - best not to keep Yukong waiting.
We don't have to get there early, right...?
- Welt: No, but we’ve been invited — we certainly don’t want to be late.
- Welt: Uhh… Let’s avoid sudden exclamations like that once we’re in the Palace, (Trailblazer).
- Welt: Remember, this is no field trip, we’re having tea with the helm master of the Sky-Faring Commission. We’ll need to act with diplomatic decorum.
- Welt: Alright, let’s head out before it gets late.
Head to the Palace of Astrum and accept Yukong's gratitude[]
Step Description
The girl you and Welt rescued seems to be Yukong's daughter. To express her gratitude, Yukong hopes that you can go to the Palace of Astrum for a cup of tea with her. When you dealt with Yukong before, the atmosphere was inevitably rather awkward. Now you finally have a chance to have a cup of tea in peace... At least that's what you and Welt hope.
- (After entering the Palace of Astrum, while moving towards Yukong and Qingni)
- Yukong: Why won't you listen to me?
- Qingni: Because it's MY LIFE!
- (Upon approaching Yukong and Qingni)
- Qingni: ...You know I have the talent to make it! I can become Luofu's best pilot, just like you were!
- Yukong: Talent? You'd be dead if it weren't for those two outworlders. Do you think stealing a starskiff and taking to the skies is a show of talent? What about being trapped by abominations?
- Yukong: Did you at any moment think about what I would feel if something happened to you?
- Yukong: Do you know how many people dream of a relaxing desk job at the Sky-Faring Commission? You promised me to work responsibly in your post. Not only have you broken the Sky-Faring Commission's regulations, you've broken your promise to me.
- Qingni: I already told you — I had no choice! I want to help you and the Sky-Faring Commission, not sit at my desk dealing with never-ending papers! That job doesn't suit me...
- Qingni: I got the highest grade in the fighter pilot test — they all said I was a genius like you. "Like mother, like daughter." They were all jealous of me...
- Qingni: But no one even knew I had to take the test behind your back. You would never have allowed me to go if I told you about it!
- Yukong: Behind my back? Do you really think you could've walked into the test and sat in the cockpit if I hadn't given my permission behind the scenes?
- Yukong: As for "genius," don't mention that word to me again.
- Yukong: Why do you insist on becoming a pilot!? I don't understand.
- Qingni: And I don't understand why you don't understand...
- Qingni: Why can anyone in the world become a fighter pilot, except the helm master's daughter? Don't you realize how ridiculous that is? You may not want to fly anymore, but don't trap me down here with you!
- (Qingni runs off)
- Yukong: Qingni! Where are you going?
- (Yukong faces Welt and the Trailblazer)
- Yukong: *sigh* I'm sorry you had to witness this.
- Welt: Apologies, Madam Yukong, we should have given you some time.
Yes, apologies...
- (Proceed to main dialogue)
Mr. Yang, I told you we'd be early...
- Welt: You're right, an oversight on my part.
- Yukong: On the contrary, I apologize for allowing my own personal matters to encroach on your time.
- Welt: We don't intend to pry into private business, Helm Master Yukong, but if there's anything we can help with, please don't hesitate to ask.
- Yukong: Family issues, I'm afraid. You probably heard a thing or two just now?
- Yukong: Despite my earnest wish that she continue in her post, Qingni is fixated on becoming a fighter pilot. I may seem overbearing, but the situations she gets herself into send a shiver up my tail...
- Yukong: Hehe, it's funny, isn't it? I've seen every disaster imaginable, from the Abundance Axis to a living planet. I thought I'd forgotten what fear was.
- Yukong: But when I fought alongside you, I realized there are still things that can terrify me.... Sorry. Talking about such vexing matters is unbecoming in front of guests.
- Yukong: I invited you here to gain a better understanding of the Express, not bore you with these trivialities.
- Yukong: Oh, I prepared refreshments for you. Please, you must try this excellent Whale-Tide Spring!
- Though things didn't get off to a great start, everyone enjoyed this meeting with Yukong.
- Yukong: Please accept these gifts as thanks for saving my daughter. I'd heard that the Nameless had traversed the starry sea, but I wasn't prepared for how much I could learn from you.
- Welt: Well, I'd heard from members of the Sky-Faring Commission that you were a top-tier pilot, Madam Yukong, and an ace among the Cloud Knights. Now that I've seen you in action, I know the rumors were true. I hope to witness your flying ability for myself one day.
- Welt: We'll head off now — the duties of a Helm Master must be plentiful. I look forward to our next meeting, Madam Yukong.
- Yukong: On my flying ability, I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you, Mr. Yang. The sky no longer suits me.
Leave the Palace of Astrum[]
Step Description
As if being struck by some strange cruse [sic], meetings between the Astral Express crew and Yukong always seems to be tied to some kind of awkward situation. Welt and you don't want to be involved in other people's family affairs, so it's best to leave the Palace of Astrum first. Hopefully the atmosphere will be less tense the next time you meet with Yukong...
- (Talk to Yukong)
- Yukong: Looks like you still wish to talk, (Trailblazer).
- Yukong: It seems our every meeting is accompanied by an incident of some sort. I hope I can meet the Astral Express crew under better circumstances next time.
- (Outside, approach Qingi)
- Qingni: You two! Please wait!
- Qingni: Thank you for saving me, benefactors... and I'm sorry you had to witness all that...
I understand. It's the parent-child relationship.
- Qingni: So you've experienced it yourself, benefactor? That's great! I—I mean... I'm happy I finally found someone who can understand me.
You shouldn't have talked like that to your mother.
- Qingni: You think so too, benefactor...? I—I mean, I know getting emotional only makes things worse.
- Qingni: But I've had the Hairpin Ceremony — I'm an adult now! I have the right to pursue my dreams! Mom still insists on sheltering me under her wing, as if I can't even stay alive without her.
- Welt: Ahem... Miss Qingni, these are family matters, I'm not sure it's my place to comment. However, in my personal experience...
- Welt: ...becoming a parent often means we become obstinate. To erode a rock, one must be patient and persistent, like water.
- Welt: What I mean to say is, instead of trying to prove yourself suddenly, perhaps you could demonstrate your ability to look after yourself methodically, over time. Don't you think, Miss Qingni?
Don't think I have the qualifications to advise here...
When it comes to family stuff, leave it to Mr. Yang...
- Qingni: My mom is actually a reasonable person, but she gets unreasonable as soon as I mention flying.
- Qingni: She hid my starskiff toys, dragged me away from the port when I stayed behind to count ships, forced me to study for ages... I did everything I could to work my way into the Sky-Faring Commission, but she used her authority to assign me a desk job.
- Qingni: *sigh* Every time I walk along Starwatcher Avenue and look up at those ships flying freely across the sky, I feel empty inside…
- Welt: ...
- Qingni: Hehe, speaking of empty inside... So how were Mom's refreshments? Good?
Yes! The aroma was incredible...
Help yourself, I'm sure there's some leftover.
- Qingni: *sigh* I've been so angry today I forgot to eat anything.
- Qingni: How about this? My mom thanked you guys with refreshments, so I should do the same! Let me take you around Starskiff Haven — we can try the most authentic snack on the Luofu!
Accompany Qingni through the streets to help clear her mind[]
Step Description
Welt and you again meet Yukong's daughter, Qingni. She had just had a big fight with her mother, and is in a very bad mood. Help her clear her mind. After all, helping people solve problems is also a goal of the Astral Express.
- Qingni: We're here! The thing about the most authentic snack on the Xianzhou Luofu is... it's a drink! And it's inside this vending machine.
Wow, the full five-star treatment...
- Qingni: I'm sorry! I'm afraid I don't have the money for anything fancy.
Tea again? I got enough in the Palace of Astrum.
- Qingni: No, no, it's a local specialty, trust me.
- Qingni: Here. Mung bean soda. One can each.
- Qingni: This thing has a bit of a unique flavor, but I love it.
- Welt: Let me try. *glug* Hmm, how nostalgic.
- Qingni: Oh? Is there a drink like this where you're from?
- Welt: No, no, this reminds me of when I first boarded the Express... and forced myself to drink Himeko's coffee... and how my tastebuds never fully recovered.
- Qingni: How is it, (Trailblazer)? Bearable?
Delicious! Simply delicious!
- Qingni: Whoa, I've never met an outworlder who could down a mung bean soda like that!
*retch* ...Anyone have a bucket...?
- Qingni: D—Don't worry! I choked the first time too! Have a few more sips, it takes a while for the unique flavor to, uh... work.
Are you sure you're not angry at us for rescuing you?
- Qingni: Th—That bad? Sorry!
- Qingni: But I guess not everyone can accept what I like. *sigh* Just like flying...
- Qingni: Well, don't force yourself. Let's go somewhere else — I know a really great place in Starskiff Haven to starskiff-watch!
- (Approach the marked area)
- Welt: Hehe, y'know, there are a lot of "mung bean soda moments" in life — if you don't try you won't know. Unique experiences are often a product of risky choices.
- Qingni: Ha, tell that to my mom. Her number one life lesson is: "You can't turn back once you enter the sky. Pilots are always dancing with death."
- Qingni: I know she's right — I know being a fighter pilot is an exhausting job... but I still want to fly among the stars — to fight for the Xianzhou Alliance across the vast galaxy.
- Welt: Why are you so dedicated to that idea, Miss Qingni?
- Qingni: Have you heard of the Foxian "birthfate" tradition? Soon after a child is born, we surround them with items that represent future destinies.
- Qingni: If the child reaches for a jade abacus, then they'll grow up to be a diviner. If they reach for a sword, then they'll grow up to be a famous warrior. And if they reach for a toy starskiff...
They'll become a toy salesman?
- Qingni: What? No... It means they'll become a pilot.
They'll become a starskiff pilot?
- Qingni: That's right!
So you reached for the starskiff?
- Qingni: No, not me... My genius mom did...
- Qingni: Mom reached for the starskiff and showed a natural talent for flying. General Jing Yuan recruited her to the Cloud Knights as soon as she was old enough — that's how she became a fighter pilot.
- Qingni: Later, she achieved miracles... One time, she destroyed three beast ships in a hail of Borisin anti-aircraft fire like an arrow tearing through a thunderstorm... She also holds the Sky-Faring Commission records for speed and enemy vessels destroyed.
- Qingni: I'm proud to be Madam Yukong's daughter. I've wanted to become a legend like her for as long as I can remember.
- Welt: I can imagine. A parent is often a child's first hero, and their image can influence their whole life.
- Qingni: *sigh* She never told me any of those stories herself, and she hasn't piloted a starskiff since the Third Denizens of Abundance War. She doesn't even bring up her military achievements.
- Qingni: I used to watch her fly when I was young... then one time, I stole a starskiff and I tried all kinds of difficult maneuvers. Turns out I was as talented as she was. Not only did I survive the flight, my landing was perfect.
- Qingni: I remember feeling so happy when they took me to see Mom — there I was boasting about the flight, expecting her to laugh, pat my head, say "that's my girl" or something. But boy. I've never seen her so scary...
- Qingni: I admit, I deserved to be punished — you can't let a kid get away with stealing a starskiff... but Mom was angry about more than that. She was angry because I viewed her as my role model — because I had the same talent as her. I don't understand it.
- Welt: Parents never want their children to be in danger. I think I can understand Madam Yukong.
- Qingni: But... flying is the only thing I want to do. I've already touched the sky.
- Qingni receives a message and frowns as she reads it.
- Qingni: It's Mom's secretary, Miss Xikui... She just sent me a message — Mom lost one of her trinkets in Stargazer Navalia when she came to save me...
- Qingni: Miss Xikui suggested I find the trinket and return it to Mom — said it might help me get back in her good books.
- Welt: In Stargazer Navalia? Mm... Let's go with you and have a look.
- Qingni: Is it really okay to bother you two again?
The goal of the Express Crew is to help other people.
- Welt: Indeed.
- Qingni: You're too kind, benefactors. I'll treat you to something better than mung bean soda next time!
Our way of saying thanks for the mung bean soda.
- Welt: ...
- Qingni: S-Sorry! Please don't mention the mung bean soda again!
- (Obtained
Qingni's Memories ×1)
Step Description
When Yukong was rushing to rescue Qingni before, she seemed to have dropped something in Stargazer Navalia. Accompany Qingni to find it back. Since the relationship between the two of them is currently very tense, this can be the key to salvage the situation for the mother and daughter.
- Qingni: The fight with the abominations was pretty chaotic... I think Mom's trinket would've dropped around here.
- Welt: Do you know what it looks like, Miss Qingni?
- Qingni: Lemme think... It should be a little square thing? She's usually got something like that on her.
- Welt: (Trailblazer), this is your area of expertise.
Isn't combat my expertise?
- Welt: You're a great fighter, but your perception is even more impressive. No matter how well a treasure chest is hidden, you're always able to spot it...
- Welt:, (Trailblazer), when it comes to finding a needle in a haystack, is there really anyone more capable than yourself?
Isn't solving puzzles my expertise?
- Welt: Well, isn't finding a needle in a haystack a type of puzzle-solving?
- Welt: Your powers of perception are impressive — no matter how well a treasure chest is hidden, you're always able to spot it... I think you're the right person for the job.
Who do you think I am, Diting!?
- Welt: Your powers of perception are impressive, that's all — I think you're the right person for the job.
Control the cycrane to search for Yukong's missing items[]
- Connecting to roost signal...
- (Optional, identify the cage)
- Qingni: A birdcage... Huh, that reminds me. Have you guys heard of the birds that live in the Ever-Hunt Plains? They have beautiful feathers but you can't domesticate them. They don't live long if you lock them up in a cage.
- (Optional, identify the vase)
- Qingni: Come on (Trailblazer), are you kidding? It's a trinket, remember?
- Qingni: You think my mom would carry this with her?
- Welt: It's a beautiful vase though — what an intricate pattern. Isn't that the Divine Beast Fortune pattern?
- Qingni: You're so smart, Mr. Yang!
- Welt: Well, I only recently found out about it.
- (Optional, identify the weapon)
- Welt: A devastator glaive? Is this from the battle? There were a lot of Cloud Knights.
- Qingni: No, this is only a replica... Probably some kind of immersia prop.
- (Optional, identify the object further ahead)
- Welt: Well, this is too big for a trinket.
- (Identify the trinket)
- Successfully identified
- Cycrane is returning...
- Qingni: Mom always carries this trinket around with her, but I never realized there was something inside...
- Qingni: Is this... The Hunt crest?
Modern art?
A lucky charm?
I don't get it...
- Qingni: This is what pilots hang in their starskiff cockpits for good luck.
- Welt: It must be very close to Helm Master Yukong's heart. Let's head back, Miss Qingni — I think you should return this trinket in person. This is an opportunity for the two of you to talk.
- Qingni: ...Not yet, I want to go back later. There's something I hope you two can help me with first.
- Welt: If you want us to help you persuade your mother, I'm afraid that could be difficult. It's not easy to solve family dispute as an outsider...
- Qingni: You misunderstand, I just... wanna know what she's thinking.
- Qingni: What turned an ace pilot — someone who loved to fly — into someone like her?
- Qingni: My mom clearly misses her flying days, otherwise she wouldn't keep this on her person. But she doesn't fly anymore and refuses to let me become a fighter pilot. Why?
- Welt: Maybe we can ask some people who might know the truth.
Like Jing Yuan?
- Welt: Well… the general's been busy at the Seat of Divine Foresight recently — we might not get to see him right away. Still, it's worth a try — he was the one who promoted Helm Master Yukong — he probably knows more about her past than anyone.
We could ask around the Sky-Faring Commission?
- Welt: If the helm master herself is reluctant to talk about it, then the Sky-Faring Commission staff would be even less likely - even if they know the truth. I think we should try General Jing Yuan first.
- Welt: He promoted Helm Master Yukong himself — he probably knows more about her past than anyone.
Who would that be?
- Welt: I think we should try General Jing Yuan first. He's been busy at the Seat of Divine Foresight recently — we might not get to see him right away. Still, it's worth a try — he was the one who promoted Helm Master Yukong — he probably knows more about her past than anyone.
- Qingni: General Jing Yuan? Are you sure it's okay to go straight to him? ...Oh, right, you're the general's guests... Even so, this is asking a lot of you...
- Welt: No problem. If we can get to the bottom of why Helm Master Yukong no longer flies, we might be able to find out why she doesn't want you to be a fighter pilot.
- Welt: We can't help you too directly, but an indirect conversation like this might give us a clue on how to convince your mother.
Leave it to us!
- Welt: Yes, leave it to us
Do we really know Jing Yuan that well?
- Welt: Don't worry — General Jing Yuan is understanding. I'm sure a small visit won't trouble him — especially if it's about a young girl's future.
- Qingni: In that case... thank you so much, benefactors... I'll head back to Starskiff Haven. I'm not ready to return to the Sky-Faring Commission yet...
- (Obtained
Divine Arrow Embers ×1)
Head to the Seat of Divine Foresight and ask Jing Yuan about Yukong's past[]
Step Description
Unwittingly, you and Welt still got tied up in Yukong's family affairs. Qingni wants to know more about her mother's past, so she wanted to ask someone who knew. After giving it some thought, it seems that General Jing Yuan is the most suitable candidate.
- (Talk to Jing Yuan)
- Jing Yuan: Mr. Yang, and (Trailblazer)? What brings you to the Seat of Divine Foresight this time?
- Welt: It's nothing urgent. We were hoping to... understand Helm Master Yukong a little better.
- Jing Yuan: Yukong? I heard an office worker from the Sky-Faring Commission flew a starskiff to assist in the present crisis, but ran into trouble herself. She was only saved thanks to a couple of outworlders... On behalf of the Luofu, you have my thanks, once again.
- Jing Yuan: The Seat of Divine Foresight heard that Yukong's seldom-seen but often-feared temper was on display. I believe the two of you were caught between mother and daughter?
- Welt: ...We heard that Helm Master Yukong was an outstanding pilot, but that she refuses to let her daughter embark on the same career...
- Jing Yuan: Yukong herself is best placed to answer such questions...
- Jing Yuan: ...but naturally, you are here because you fear that Helm Master Yukong would decline to answer.
- Jing Yuan: If you wish to dispel Miss Qingni's curiosity, perhaps we can take a small step back from the topic at hand. What do you wish to know about Yukong the pilot?
- (Optional, submit Qingni's Memories)
- Jing Yuan: Did Qingni tell you any of this?
- Jing Yuan: Hehe, it all serves to remind me... A long time ago, a young Foxian girl, charged by the Knights with a high-speed flight violation, was brought before me as punishment... now she's the Madam Helm Master — my equal.
- Jing Yuan: If I were to turn back the sands of time and try to convince my past self that the little girl in front of me would one day become a wise and experienced helm master... I would probably never have believed it.
- Jing Yuan: The Yukong of the past was nothing like she is now - spending her days surrounded by documents at her desk.
- Jing Yuan: She was a flaming wind. The only one who could ever calm her... was her comrade.
- Jing Yuan: Yes. Large fighter starskiffs need to be operated in pairs. One pilot takes the helm, the other controls the turrets.
- Jing Yuan: The legend of the ace fighter pilot is incomplete without the ace gunner. Yukong's partner was Caiyi.
- Jing Yuan: Both at the controls and behind the turret — Caiyi was like a cold blade... efficient, decisive, unfeeling when she had to be.
- Jing Yuan: It's hard to imagine such contrasting personalities working in perfect harmony... As I mentioned, the campaign inflicted heavy losses on the Xianzhou air force...
- (Submit Divine Arrow Embers)
- Jing Yuan: This is... a divine object from the Reignbow Arbiter? Where did you find this?
Inside a trinket belonging to Yukong.
Qingni gave it to us.
- Welt: This object has been stored inside Helm Master Yukong's personal trinket all along — Miss Qingni lent it to us.
...Picked it up off the road.
- Jing Yuan: Which road? I should head there myself — a divine object like this possesses a market value of at least 20,000 strales.
- Welt: ...(He/
She)'s kidding. This object has been stored inside Helm Master Yukong's personal trinket all along — Miss Qingni lent it to us.
- Welt: She thought it might be a way to find out more about Madam Yukong's past, and... why she no longer flies.
- Jing Yuan: This object is no ordinary trinket. It has borne witness to blood and tears.
- Jing Yuan: I'm sure you're both familiar with the Xianzhou's long galactic hunt, but have you heard of the Denizens of Abundance Wars? As the Xianzhou has continued to cleanse the universe of immortal abominations, so too has the Abundance Axis succeeded in breaching our defensive lines. They pushed the Xianzhou to the brink of disaster.
- Jing Yuan: Thirty years ago, the Xianzhou Yaoqing and Fanghu were besieged by our enemies. Even in the long history of warfare between the Xianzhou Alliance and the Denizens of Abundance, that air battle was one of the most tragic.
- Jing Yuan: We were greatly outnumbered by the Abominations of Abundance. Almost a million fighter pilots fought in the bitter battle. Those who survived numbered no more than a hundred thousand.
- Jing Yuan: Had the Reignbow Arbiter not descended and destroyed the enemy's assault with their Sky-Shattering Lux Arrow, who's to say whether the Luofu would still be here today?
- Jing Yuan: Such divine objects were forged from the embers that the Arbiter's divine arrow left behind. For the survivors these relics contain the blood of their comrades, the ashes of their enemies, and the dust of their memories...
- Jing Yuan: Yukong is a survivor of that war. Her best friend, Caiyi, perished on the battlefield.
- Welt: I don't have any other questions. Thank you, general.
- Jing Yuan: I do not wish to speculate on the reason behind Helm Master Yukong's reluctance to fly, nor do I want to open up old wounds.
- Jing Yuan: However, it's difficult to discard one's past. Yukong and Caiyi trusted each other with their lives. The helm master will have strong memories of that time.
- Jing Yuan: Perhaps it is not my place to say, but I believe Qingni has the right to know about the past... as the past is starting to affect her future.
Thank you, general.
- Welt: Thank you, general. We apologize for taking up your time with such triviality.
- Jing Yuan: Mr. Yang, you jest. How can harmony between parent and child constitute a triviality? If you ask me, the mountains of documents in the Seat of Divine Foresight are the only triviality around here.
- Welt: Mm, we'll take our leave.
- Welt: Let's go, (Traiblazer). We should head to Starskiff Haven and find Qingni.
- (Obtained
Jing Yuan's Memories ×1)
- (Optional, talk to Jing Yuan again)
- Jing Yuan: Oh? Something else on your mind?
I have a few other questions...
- (Select item to submit)
Head to the Palace of Astrum and meet up with Qingni[]
Step Description
You learn about Yukong's past from General Jing Yuan. Perhaps she was terrified all along that her daughter would end up the same way her best friend did. In any case, bring this story to Qingni and let her make her decision.
- (Upon arrival)
- Messages
Qingni(Trailblazer), did you learn anything from General Jing Yuan?Xikui said Mom's busy, so I'm headed back to the Sky-Faring CommissionIf you did learn something, can you come meet up with me?I want to ask my Sky-Faring Commission colleagues as much as I can... but I don't know how to start...
- (Enter the Palace of Astrum and approach Qingni)
- Qingni: You're here. My mom... isn't in a great mood. She went for a walk.
Isn't in a great mood?
- Qingni: Mm-hmm... probably because of me...
She skipped work?
- Qingni: Hehe, my mom isn't the irresponsible type — she only skips work if she's managed to delegate everything.
- Welt: You two are very similar.
- Qingni: Well, we do both like to take a walk after a fight. The only difference is that I come to this side of Starskiff Haven, and she heads to the other... That way we don't bump into each other.
It's actually kind of cute...
- Qingni: Really? I think it's silly.
That's a bit childish...
- Qingni: Yeah, I agree.
That's a bit silly...
- Qingni: You can say that again.
- Qingni: Anyway... did you find anything from General Jing Yuan?
- You relay the information provided by Jing Yuan to Qingni.
- Welt: Did Helm Master Yukong never bring this up with you?
- Qingni: *sigh* I was always curious about her past, but she either dodged my questions or pretended not to hear them.
- Qingni: In the end, I realized she probably experienced something that left a scar... a scar that never fully healed. I never asked her again.
She was afraid of you ending up like her friend...
- Welt: Indeed. That's probably why Yukong was never willing to fly again after the battle, and why she forbids you from flying.
Even a flying ace can get into trouble...
- Welt: Yes, Yukong doesn't want you to feel the pressure of her name. Besides, reputation and talent count for something, but you need luck on the battlefield.
- Qingni: So, she doesn't want me to fly because she remembers the pain of losing her friend... and she thinks that my talent makes it more likely that she'll lose me in the same way?
- Welt: I can't guarantee that's what she's thinking, Miss Qingni. You should talk with her yourself.
- Qingni: Hmm... You're right, Mr. Yang... but I still have something else to check first. This past that General Jing Yuan mentioned is probably archived in the Palace of Astrum.
- Qingni: I remember watching her handle a document with great care before she filed it away... it looked like a diary.
- Welt: Do you still remember where it was filed, Miss Qingni?
- Qingni: Vaguely. But there are so many files stored in the Sky-Faring Commission. Could I ask you benefactors to look for it with me...?
- Welt: Hmm... A couple of outworlders going through Sky-Faring Commission files isn't a good look... I'm afraid we can only accompany you, Miss Qingni — you'll need to do the searching yourself.
- Qingni: Of course, you're right, sorry!
Search for the location of Yukong's personal archive in the calculation device[]
Step Description
To know more about Yukong's past, you would have to go to the Palace of Astrum sooner or later.
Look around with Qingni. The past she will witness here may change her life.
- (Optional, investigate the first desk on the left)
- This calculation device is running a voyage simulation. It shows that it needs two more hours to simulate the voyage from the Luofu to the floating city of Cordelia.
- Welt: It seems like this device is handling important procedures. Let's leave it alone.
- (Optional, investigate the second desk on the left)
- Coping Sky-Faring Commission Staff Member: I love work. I love overtime. I love work. I love overtime. I love work. I love overtime. I love work. I love overtime.
- Qingni: Umm... let's leave him [sic] alone...
- (Optional, investigate the third desk on the left)
- The desktop background on this calculation device is a line of floating calligraphy "Yanming's work station, unauthorized personnel prohibited."
- Qingni: Mr. Yanming is a stickler for rules — I don't wanna annoy him. Let's go to a different device.
- (Optional, investigate the second desk on the right)
- Lazy Sky-Faring Commission Staff Member: Uhh... can I help you? I—I know what it looks like, but I'm using Celestial Jade to... improve the algorithm! I-I'm working, I swear!
- Welt: Uh sorry... Sorry, we'll get going.
- (Investigate the third desk on the right)
- Qingni: We can use this one! Okay... hmm... lemme see — helm masters, personal archive... got it! Let's go take a look.
- (Approach the marked area)
- Qingni: It should be here. Let's see... yes! This is Mom's diary.
- Welt: Miss Qingni, I don't think the two of us should be reading your mother's diary.
- Qingni: It should be fine — this is from decades ago. For outworlders, that's more than half a lifespan.
- Welt: No, I still think... I shouldn't read it. (Trailblazer), you stay here with Miss Qingni. I'll be waiting over there.
- Qingni: *sigh* ...Fine.
- Qingni: Is it really that big of a deal? I'm sure they're just her notes on life as a pilot...
Mr. Yang has rules for these things.
- Qingni: I understand, I can tell Mr. Yang is a principled person — there are some lines he won't cross.
I shouldn't look either...
- Qingni: C'mon, pleeeease look at it with me? I need someone to give me some advice.
- Qingni: Let's read it together. Maybe her diary holds the key to all of this.
- (Reading Yukong's Exchange Diary)
- …
- Caiyi, we are going to be partners!
- We've known each other for so long, but when we first knew each other racing starskiffs illegally in the city, we were rivals! Now that we're asked to work together and have each other's back, I'm really not used to it.
- Naturally, I'm not used to having to look after someone who lost against me, but an order's an order, heh.
- I jest. I really look forward to flying with you.
- I don't know when we would receive a combat mission. I don't know what you think about our situation, but I think we both have considerable skills, and having to sit still and not fight enemies in the front lines, it's stifling.
- Those Denizens of Abundance often raid the border and occasionally there are reports of them harming innocent planets. Every time I hear these news, I feel an overwhelming sense of anger... but now, things are different. After a while, we'll be able to show them what we're made of on our fighter jets.
- Honestly though, I'm pretty satisfied with my life right now. After all... just between you and me, what I really wanted was never the righteous cause of ridding demonic activities. What attracts me is just the act of flying itself.
- Look, flying out in the universe outside of the delves is entirely different from racing starskiffs that we're so used to... There is nothing to anchor us in space, there's not even a distinction between up and down. Our fighter jets would be hung in space by their lonesome selves like ships sailing in the middle of the ocean. By then, there is no one else you can rely on but your own skills and your jet.
- Some may call this "feeling lonely," but I prefer to call it freedom.
- To me, the ability to fly in space is good enough. And if I have share this sweet freedom with you, that's even better.
- …
- Caiyi, I don't know what to say to console you. You're always like this, no matter what terrible things happened to you, you would act strong, as if you don't need anyone to care for you, and you have terrible timing for jokes.
- But we have been together for over a hundred years and I think we understand each other very well. You once said that if something is unpleasant for me, it would also be uncomfortable for you. I actually feel the same way, too.
- Right now, my heart feels like it's being gouged out with a blunt, rusted knife. I can't imagine the amount of hurt and pain you're going through.
- It's funny, l've never shown Guangyuan my good side. Every time you leave me alone to go on a mission with him, I feel uncomfortable. Especially when I see you two flirting and getting along as if you're inseparable, I can't help but want to glare at him with disdain.
- But Guangyuan is a good person. No matter how rude I was to him, he was always kind to me. Thinking back on it now, I realize I'm just really bad at appreciating people.
- Ah... he's really amazing. He managed to hold off several dozen enemy ships with only two people. This isn't something that can be done with just courage and resolve, it also requires exceptional skills and extraordinary talent.
- I can imagine what it was like in his final moments, how his annoyingly handsome face must have shown such determination and focus. I guess that's why you fell in love with him in the first place.
- I can imagine how proud he must've felt in that moment. He must've had no fear or hopelessness, only pride.
- So you shouldn't be sad. You should be proud of him. We all should.
- …
- Caiyi, I've been having a lot of negative emotions recently that I cannot express to other fighters on the front line. Since you're recuperating in the rear, I'll just dump them on you.
- Although it seems I'm a bit slow to say such words now, it was only recently that I realized that I am actually in the midst of such a cruel war.
- Space combat is different from ground combat. Although both involve life and death in an instant, it is rare to see severed limbs and broken bodies in space, which led me to misjudge the brutality of this war. It wasn't until recently, as the situation on the front lines worsened, that the bloody reality gently but indisputably presented itself before me.
- Someone might sit beside you for a meal today and be missing in action tomorrow. A new soldier earning praise and honor today might disappear the next. The captain I fought with today might not be found tomorrow. The ground troops that exchanged encouragement with me today might be eliminated the next.
- At this point, I'm wary of building personal connections with anyone here. Perhaps that person would perish, or I might perish, or we might both perish in the day to come.
- I thought I have experienced enough to feel numb, but bad news kept coming in waves every single day.
- However, I don't regret this at all. Whenever the pain comes, the feeling that becoming a fighter pilot is the best choice I have made in my life will follow.
- If I weren't a fighter pilot, I can only endure this pain in silent. But I am, I can fly, I can battle, and I can attempt to destroy the source of my pain. Because I am a fighter pilot, I have things that I can do, realities that I can change.
- P.S.: Don't use the names Guangyuan came up with, they're terrible! Choosing a name is a big decision the child has to bear with for a lifetime! Use my suggestion instead, it's something I picked with after diligently going through several collections worth of poetry.
- …
- Caiyi, I have a lot to tell you. So many things.
- After your death, they wanted to honor me with a medal. Truthfully, I find that laughable.
- Based on common logic, no one would award survivors medals to praise their fortuitous survival. But no, not the Sky-Faring Commission. They gave me a medal, called me a hero pilot, and the only reason for it is because of my luck to remain alive in that calamitous battle.
- If you had been as lucky as me, we could've gotten the medals together. After the medal ceremony, we could've gone to Aurum Alley, have a few drinks, and laugh at the absurdity of it all.
- It's a shame, luck is not on your side. We don't have that chance anymore.
- I suddenly feel nostalgic. I remembered all the time we had steering our starskiffs across the Luofu sky. We were so carefree. There were no threats to our lives, and we didn't have to bear the calling of The Hunt. The entirety of the sky within the delve was ours — yours and mine. Above us was the delve's flashing dome ceiling. and below us were the bustling lights of ten thousand homes. Oh, and behind us, the Realm-Keeping Commission officers who just won't stop chasing us.
- That was a time of insouciance, how I wish we could stay in that time forever.
- …
- Yanming: What is the meaning of this? The Helm Master's daughter, bringing outworlders in to sneak around...?
- Yanming: What do you have in your hands? Let me see... *gasp* Madam Yukong's diary!? The nerve!
- Yanming: How dare you read Madam Yukong's personal diary! And with her daughter, too!? By the Arbiter, you two are in for a—
- Qingni: Mr. Yanming, please, calm down — let us explain...
- Qingni tells Yanming the whole story.
- Yanming: I see... Qingni, I know Madam Yukong's position on you becoming a pilot is tough for you to accept, but she has her own concerns...
- Qingni: I understand, Mr. Yanming... but now, compared to becoming a fighter pilot, I'm more interested in knowing what Mom went through...
- Qingni: I want to know what happened... how she went from ace pilot to helm master.
- Yanming: *sigh* I've been here for a long time, Qingni. If there's something you wish to know, just ask... but don't go rummaging around — that's a bad habit.
- (Optional, submit Yukong's Exchange Diary)
- Yanming: No, this isn't something I should read. Don't show it to me...
C'mon, we've both had a look.
- Yanming: Just listen to yourself... I suppose you think if you ate your shoes I'd follow suit?
- Yanming: Just ask some other questions. Ones I can answer.
Never mind. Let's talk about something else.
- Yanming: Yes... Just ask some other questions. Ones I can answer.
Yukong won't know.
- Yanming: She won't, but I have my principles.
- Yanming: Just ask some other questions. Ones I can answer.
- (Optional, submit Divine Arrow Embers)
- Yanming: This divine object... If I remember correctly, it's the one Madam Yukong always carries with her?
- Yanming: I heard the war that forged this object was only won thanks to the Reignbow Arbiter’s blessing. If Madam Yukong still carries objects from that pilot, then perhaps she still longs for the sky...
- Qingni: If Mom still longs for the sky, then why does she no longer fly?
- Yanming: Perhaps Caiyi’s passing was too much for her. You shouldn't be asking me about this — ask your mother.
- (Submit Jing Yuan's Memories)
- Yanming: Miss Caiyi? ...I remember her. She was an ace gunner — many people wanted to be her flight partner.
- Yanming: Her husband, Mr. Guangyuan, was a pilot. They manned the same skiff, and were the envy of many...
- Yanming: ...but when it came to pilots, your mother was the best match for her — they flew together all the time. Even Mr. Guangyuan couldn't match their numbers. After he passed away in battle, Caiyi rarely teamed up with anyone except your mother.
- Yanming: *sigh* It was tragic when Caiyi died soon after. That's the life of a pilot — no one knows which flight will be their last.
- Yanming: Caiyi's death was a big blow to Madam Yukong. After the battle, she refused to turn in Caiyi's possessions as per regulations. She kept them locked away — occasionally taking them out to admire.
I didn’t think you’d know this many details, Mr. Yanming…
- Yanming: Nonsense. As a Xianzhou native, I’ve lived long enough to remember more than the Foxian pilots could ever hope to.
- Yanming: In the end, all the ace pilots perished. The only thing I can do is to remember them and ensure they are not forgotten too soon.
Why do you pay so much attention to Yukong?
- Yanming: Well, I... As her subordinate, surely I should be concerned with her mental well-being?
- Yanming: If Madam Yukong is unhappy, how can I be happy? I mean to say, how can I be happy in my duties to her?
- Qingni: Where are Miss Caiyi's possessions stored?
- Qingni: Thanks for telling us all this, Mr. Yanming.
- Yanming: You're welcome... I know this is important to you...
- Yanming: ...I suppose you're going to go through Madam Yukong's office desk next?
- Yanming: ...I can understand your position, Qingni. I'll take my leave and pretend I didn't see anything. After all, it's an unwritten rule that subordinates should be absent when their superior's privacy is exposed.
- Yanming: Please don't tell your mother that you saw me today!
- Qingni: Got it.
Thank you, Mr. Yanming!
- (Proceed to main dialogue)
So much for Sky-Faring Commission security.
- Yanming: Ensuring the security of public assets and order is the duty of every Xianzhou citizen.
Don't let us catch you nosying around here again!
- Yanming: Hehe, you're a cheeky one... You're lucky I have a sense of humor.
- Yanming: Hurry. Madam Yukong will be back soon.
- (Optional, talk to Yanming again)
- Yanming: Mm? Do you have any other questions? Madam Yukong will be back soon.
I have other questions...
- (Select item to submit)
Nothing important.
- (Investigate Yukong's desk)
- Qingni: My mom keeps lots of stuff in her desk. Let's have a look.
This desk has space to put stuff?
There must be a hidden compartment...
Is this some special Xianzhou technology...?
- Qingni: That's the selling point of this desk: super simplistic design with super spacious hidden compartments. Lots of office staff use this desk.
- Qingni: There are hidden compartments on the left, right, and under the desktop. Which one should we check first?
Left side.
- Qingni: A paper kite.. personal letters... and a copy of Otherworldly Delights? So Mom likes these kinds of novels? I thought she'd prefer more heroic stuff...
- Qingni: ...but what we're looking for isn't here.
Right side.
- Qingni: There's some exhibition material, not sure if it's relevant... Ah! This is... the fallen heroes archive... Mom stored them right next to her..
- Qingni: Every time our pilots returned from the battlefield, my mother would tell me never to forget the cost of victory...
- Qingni: ...but what we're looking for isn't here.
Under the desktop.
- Qingni: ...Got it.
- Qingni: This looks similar to Mom's diary... but it looks like it belonged to Miss Caiyi...
- (Reading Caiyi's Exchange Diary)
- …
- Yukong, I'm happy to have a chance to fight side-by-side with you.
- When the pair assignment was sent out, I was so nervous that I didn't dare to open and check it, fearing that we wouldn't be paired up. It's not like I can't bear to part with you, but I was worried to leave you with the others with your fiery temperament.
- When you actually get to the battlefield, don't act recklessly like you do now, always charging in with hotheadedness. Before taking action, think more about the consequences. But it's okay, I don't want to talk about this anymore, or you'll accuse me of nagging like an old crone again. In any case, we need to work together, using our individual strengths to create our own legends in the vast sky.
- I look forward to fighting in the vast skies with you, so much so that I'm finding it hard to fall asleep.
- …
- Yukong, don't cry. There is no need to be sad.
- My husband was the one who died, but you're crying more than I am. After so many years of fighting, you're still so emotional. I'm envious.
- Being a fighter pilot has always been a harrowing decision. Since we chose this path, we have to be mentally prepared. What's important is not whether we can survive by luck, but whether we can live up to the value of a pilot's life.
- Guangyuan and his partner managed to keep an entire borisin fleet at bay. They were heroes. To me, that is enough.
- I've heard it said that the greatest happiness in life is being able to choose how you die. From this perspective, to fight for the Xianzhou Alliance... no, for the people of the entire galaxy, to die on the battlefield after a lifetime of military service, Guangyuan is probably happy.
- Of course, you better not have this kind of happiness, just live another two hundred years, behave, and then die of old age for me.
- …
- Yukong, it's been a long time. I'm still on my maternity leave in the rear. Everything is fine.
- With the stalemate happening right now, you must be very busy. But when you have the chance, please take a moment to write an exchange diary entry for me, so that I can know you are still safe... and also, I have a mountain of things I want to talk to you about.
- Firstly, an announcement. I've already decided on a name for our child.
- Guangyuan has talked about this before. If it's a boy, name him Dragon, and if it's a girl, name her Phoenix. But this man's literary sense is as good as the monkeys in the Ever-Hunt Plains. No matter how much we should prioritize the wishes of my late husband, I cannot let his wants ruin my child's life.
- So after much pondering, I've decided to go with your suggestion and name her Qingni - the colors of dawn.
- "The moonlit camp opens to a garden of archery, frosty banners brush the colors of dawn." How rare, you made the time and effort to look through poems and allegories. I thought you only cared about fighter jets.
- Don't miss me too much. After taking a few months of break and settling Qingni down, I will be back in action ASAP. Qingni is still so young, and I need to leave her to fight a war... How should I say this, I'm such an irresponsible mother.
- I am well aware. The situation on the front line doesn't look so good. The borisin keeps breaking our ranks. All the media outlets are trying to control the spread of panic and fear, but the Luofu is shrouded with a veil of uneasiness.
- However, I believe the Xianzhou Alliance will win. I believe that warriors like you and me will repel those Denizens of Abundance to whence they come.
- I look forward to fighting beside you once more.
- …
- Yukong, we will be heading toward a cruel battlefield tomorrow.
- So tonight, there are some things I must entrust to you. (This may be somewhat ominous, but there's no help for it. Who made it so that we've never entrusted these things to each other before?)
- If you lived and I didn't, please take care of Qingni like you would your own daughter. I know you will. I will entrust you with all my savings, please use that as living expenses for Qingni.
- No matter what kind of person Qingni wants to become, please support her fully. Merchant, poet, street performer, anything except a jet fighter.
- Please allow me to make a vow with you: Do not let Qingni become a jet fighter.
- When we enlisted, you wrote in this diary: "Our fighter jets would be hung in space by their lonesome selves like ships sailing in the middle of the ocean." "…Some may call this 'feeling lonely,' but I prefer to call it freedom."
- I really loved this segment, because I thought the same.
- But that's enough. Loneliness or freedom, we've already tasted it all. Promise me, don't let that child touch the sky.
- …
- (After reading)
- Qingni: So... I was adopted? And this Miss Caiyi... was my real mother?
- Qingni: ...I suppose I've always had a feeling... but now I know the truth, I feel like I'm dreaming...
- Qingni: "Don't let that child touch the sky..."
- Qingni: Is this why Mom refuses to let me become a fighter pilot?
I kinda guessed this myself...
- Qingni: When I was little, I asked my Mom where my dad was... She said I was grown from the starskiff assembly line at Stargazer Navalia...
- Qingni: I thought she was just a bad liar... I even thought she meant I'd inherited her talent with starskiffs.
She doesn't want to lose Caiyi again...
- Qingni: For a pilot, the most important oath before departure is the promise to bring your comrade back.
- Qingni: Mom didn't manage to bring her comrade back... so she vowed to prevent me from setting out. Not only am I her daughter — I'm also her final promise to Caiyi.
- Qingni: I... I never thought my dream would put Mom in such a difficult situation.
- Qingni: ...I feel a lot closer to Mom after reading this diary. Even if we're not connected by blood, I understand her a lot more now.
- Qingni: (Trailblazer), can you come with me one more time? I want to have a proper chat with Mom.
No problem.
- Qingni: Yes! Thank you!
But this is a family affair...
- Qingni: It's fine, I don't need you to do anything... I just want you and Mr. Yang to stand nearby... It gives me more confidence that way...
Can we really convince her?
- Qingni: I want to try one last time. If Mom still doesn't agree... then I'll resign myself to signing documents in the Sky-Faring Commission.
- (Obtained
Caiyi's Exchange Diary ×1)
Meet up with Welt[]
Step Description
Qingni already knew the stories she wanted to know, many of which Yukong wished to conceal from her. Now it's time for her to make a decision for her own life. Just as an old Stellaron Hunter friend once said to you: "When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret."
- (Talk to Welt)
- Welt: You're all done? Did it go smoothly?
- You tell Welt everything that just happened.
- Welt: ...I see. Let's find Helm Master Yukong — we'll accompany you...
- Welt: ...We're here to help, but (Trailblazer) and I really shouldn't interject when you're conversing with your mother.
- Qingni: Mm, it's okay, I understand. Just having you stand next to me is already a great help, benefactors.
Accompany Qingni to talk with Yukong[]
- (After leaving the Palace of Astrum, while moving)
- Qingni: When Mom feels down, she usually goes to take in a view of the Jade Gate. She should still be there, let's go find her.
- (Talk to Yukong)
- Qingni: Mom...
- Yukong: Qingni? Why are Mr. Yang and (Trailblazer) here too?
- Welt: Miss Qingni kindly agreed to show us around Starskiff Haven. She mentioned she was trying to mend things between you, but was feeling shy about it. We volunteered to come with her.
- Yukong: Thank you. I must apologize for the trouble my daughter has brought you.
- Qingni: Mom!
- Yukong: Alright, it's getting late. Let's talk once we're home.
- Qingni: Actually... I want to talk to you about something right now.
- Qingni: I want to become a fighter pilot, no matter what.
- Yukong: *sigh* We've talked about this many times. No means no.
- Qingni: But... But...
- Welt: Seems like Miss Qingni is a little hesitant. Try giving her a little push.
- Trailblazer: (I thought Mr. Yang said we shouldn't interject... What should I say?)
- (Optional, submit Qingni's Memories)
- Trailblazer: (Qingni remembers that Yukong has always avoided talking about her career as a fighter pilot, and that she wants to prevent Qingni from following the same path... Why?)
- Trailblazer: (...Still, it doesn't seem like something to bring up now.)
- (Optional, submit Divine Arrow Embers)
- Trailblazer: (This divine object is a testament to Yukong's devotion to The Hunt... Qingni believes it's a sign that Yukong still misses the life of a fighter pilot…)
- Trailblazer: (...Still, it doesn't seem like something to bring up now.)
- (Optional, submit Jing Yuan's Memories)
- Trailblazer: (Qingni's birth mother, Caiyi, was Yukong’s lifelong friend, When Caiyi passed away in that devastating war, Yukong adopted her daughter. Perhaps this unbearable memory is the root of Yukong's concerns...)
- Trailblazer: (...Still, it doesn't seem like something to bring up now.)
- (Optional, submit Yukong's Exchange Diary)
- Trailblazer: (It's clear that Yukong suffered greatly after that terrible war. Is that why she doesn't want Qingni to be a fighter pilot?)
- Trailblazer: (...Still, it doesn't seem like something to bring up now.)
- (Submit Caiyi's Exchange Diary)
- Yukong: Is that... Caiyi's diary? How did you...?
- Yukong: ...I understand now... I'm sorry, Qingni... I cannot support your dream because I made a promise to someone else.
- Yukong: I don't expect to gain your forgiveness. I just hope you can... understand my reason.
- Qingni: Mom, what are you talking about? I'm your daughter — our bond is bigger than forgiveness and reason. I'll listen to anything you have to say...
- Yukong: Just like you, I once longed for the sky. I know what it feels like... to fly through infinite space, to be surrounded by the vast expanse of nothingness, with unimaginable splendors looming in the distance.
- Yukong: To float like a single leaf in the fathomless stellar sea... Some called it "loneliness," but we called it "freedom."
- Yukong: Caiyi was like that, too. We were friends since childhood. We flew starskiffs everywhere — causing trouble until the Knights caught us and dragged us before General Jing Yuan.
- Yukong: We soon became the most elite fighter pilots of the Sky-Faring Commission. It wasn't an easy life... you could even say it was a cruel one.
- Yukong: You never knew if the friend next to you would make it back alive. Of course, the same could be said of yourself.
- Yukong: But those are my best memories. We would strike out into the sky — repelling demons and upholding justice — the blood we shed bore witness to it all. The life of a Foxian is short and fleeting... surely we should dedicate ourselves to such glorious aims?
- Yukong: System space all clear today! Great weather for flying!
- Caiyi: We're engaging the main Borisin fleet this time. Don't get too excited.
- Yukong: Huh? Sounds like maternity leave knocked the wind out of your sails! Feeling rusty?
- Caiyi: Oh, shut it. I think you're just excited because you haven't flown with me for so long. Did you miss me?
- Yukong: Of course I missed you! The galaxy felt smaller without you in my cockpit...
- Yukong: Say, Caiyi... I really didn't think you'd come back... Do you really like flying starskiffs that much?
- Caiyi: You bet. Sure it's exhausting, dangerous, low-paid, hehe — plus you only get back to the Luofu a few times a year...
- Caiyi: ...but given the choice, I'd always pick this...
- Caiyi: ...I guess I already touched the sky.
- Yukong: The mind is mysterious... I've lived for more than two hundred years, forgotten nearly every conversation I've ever had... but I still remember us shooting the breeze that day — it's crystal clear.
- Yukong: It was the last time I spoke to Caiyi.
- Yukong: Caiyi... Hold on, Caiyi... Caiyi, open your eyes... Caiyi...
- Caiyi: Thank you, Yukong — I've had a good life... but please... don't let Qingni walk the same path... Don't let her... become a fighter pilot...
- Yukong: Caiyi, she's your daughter! You'll be able to tell her yourself, do you hear?
- Yukong: The rescue is almost here — stay with me! Qingni is waiting for you! She lost Guangyuan, she can't afford to lose you too! Wake up!!!
- Yukong: Caiyi! Caiyi! Caiyi... Caiyi...
- Yukong: When I climbed out of the burning carcass of the starskiff, I looked up into a clear sky — pure and seemingly unadorned by the atmosphere that arced far above us.
- Yukong: It was the most beautiful sky I had ever seen... but all I could feel was unbearable pain. I sunk to the ground and gazed up helplessly.
- Yukong: In my dream, that was the day I died.
- (Flashback ends)
- Qingni: Mom... this is the first time I've heard you talk about this... but I'm not a little girl anymore. The road of a fighter pilot is a cruel one, I know that now...
- Qingni: ...but I won't hide from it — I'm not afraid to walk the same road as her. If my sacrifice can bring happiness to the citizens of the Xianzhou, then I'm ready for it!
- Yukong: ...You are so very similar to Caiyi. The more outstanding you became over the years, the more fearful I turned. I've known for a long time you were ready... but I was not...
- Yukong: You know, the cruelty has never claimed victory. Me, Caiyi, your father Guangyuan... we were prepared for the worst when we enlisted.
- Yukong: But do you know how we won that war? The war that took away Caiyi and the lives of hundreds of thousands of fighters?
- Qingni: ...The Reignbow Arbiter's divine arrow...
- Yukong: Yes! The mighty blessing of the Reignbow Arbiter annihilated all abominations in a single strike! But we had to pay with the blood of hundreds of thousands of soldiers just to halt their advance!
- Yukong: If crushing our enemies was as easy as breathing for the Reignbow Arbiter... then what purpose did our sacrifices serve?
- Yukong: Under the might of an Aeon, the sacrifices of ordinary creatures are but a joke... we are nothing... we mean nothing...
- Qingni: Mom...
- Yukong: ...But I should never have allowed my fears to compel me to make decisions for another person... even if that person is my daughter.
- Yukong: I brazenly interfered with your choices. I am sorry. That is my failure as a mother.
- Qingni: Mom... you don't need to apologize. Really, you don't need to...
- Yukong: I'll take you to fill in the paperwork tomorrow. You'll start as ground crew, just like Caiyi and I did. I believe that one day... you'll make an outstanding fighter pilot.
- Qingni: Huh? Really!? Thank you, Mom! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
- Yukong: I was afraid of you following in my footsteps, and more afraid of you taking after Caiyi. But if this is your choice... then I'm willing to support you, even if you live to regret it.
- Qingni: Mom... I have one last request...
- Yukong: Tell me.
- Qingni: I want to... fly with you at least once...
- Yukong: Hehe, I... I'm afraid I can't. I won't be flying anymore.
- Qingni: But... why?
- Yukong: ...I guess I already touched the sky.
- (Complete)
- (Visitor Verification)
- (Yukong has become a visitor to the Express. You might come across Yukong when you return to the Express)
- (Obtained
"Warden of Jade")
- (Obtained new readable Yukong's Exchange Diary, Caiyi's Exchange Diary)
- (Achievement Unlocked Soaring Birds and Paper Kites)
- (Talk to Yukong)
- Qingni stands beside her mother and quietly gazes at the place that fills her with so much passion.
- Yukong gazes quietly at the place that once filled her with so much passion and cost her everything.
- Let's not disturb them.
- The name of the mission may be inspired from the science fiction novel of the same name by Mike Resnick.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | For I Have Touched the Sky |
Chinese (Simplified) | 因为我已触碰过天空 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 因為我已觸碰過天空 |
Japanese | 私はもう空に触れてしまった |
Korean | 난 하늘을 느껴버렸거든 |
Spanish | Ya he tocado el cielo |
French | Au bout de l'infini |
Russian | Я уже коснулась неба |
Thai | เพราะฉันเคยได้สัมผัสกับท้องฟ้า |
Vietnamese | Vì Tôi Đã Từng Chạm Vào Bầu Trời |
German | Denn ich habe den Himmel schon berührt |
Indonesian | Aku Telah Menyentuh Langit |
Portuguese | Eu Já Toquei o Céu |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.2