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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The Flint Emperor, also known as the Primordial Flame, is the leader and progenitor of the Heliobi. After being defeated by the Xianzhou Alliance during the Heliobi Wars, it was imprisoned on the Xianzhou Zhuming as its plaguemark with many of their kind, sentenced to serve as a power source for the ship's engines and furnaces for the rest of its eternal life.


It is said that a living flame slumbers in the engine of the Zhuming. It is a creature the Xianzhou regarded as a great enemy in the old days — the Flint Emperor, who was also called the Primordial Flame. The craftsmen of the Zhuming used every means available to imprison it in the furnace and used its power to forge various divine weapons.[1] The Flint Emperor is currently imprisoned in the Flamewheel Forge, also known to the Artisanship Commission craftsmen as the Pseudo Sun because of how bright it is.[2] It is confined in an invisible cell to immobilize it and can also seal it's light. Special ingenia are placed in the prison to continuously deplete its energy. Anyone in contact with it must wear a talisman or reside in an isolated room to avoid its influence on the mind. General Huaiyan has unrestricted access to visit the Flint Emperor.[3]

By imprisoning the progenitor of heliobi, the Flint Emperor, the artisans have obtained a literally inexhaustible power source. The Flamewheel Forge has intricate branch-like track systems that cover the star as much as possible, and the delicate boughs and leaves are choked with receptors and transmitters that guide the Flint Emperor to provide energy for all technological developments.[4] On the outermost skirts of the aurora-inducing particles dispersed with the Flint Emperor's breaths, heliobi are born. The Flamehunt Judges of the Zhuming Ten-Lords Commission then capture these naive heliobi that have not had any contact with emotions, using kind and gentle dreams to tame the immature temperaments of such flames.[5]

The Flint Emperor creates hypergravity field that has a degree of stellar density that is a struggle for regular folk to endure. It is an inwardly collapsing disorder that only Disatta artisans can traverse with ease. The scorching stellar surges and abnormal celestial phenomena prevent people from continuing to approach the Pseudo Sun. All fundamental physical laws of the universe have been augmented to a terrifying degree in this space. Only one stout and powerful stellar race, the Disatta, can survive in spaces with such gravitational abnormalities.[5]


The Xianzhou first came to contact with the heliobi during the Lone Voyage Era, before the Xianzhou Natives turned into a long-life species. The Heliobi penetrated the ships' vaults to appear before the Xianzhou aristocrats, declaring themselves a shapeless and rootless race, beseeching Xianzhou to give them a safe berth. The species were adept at creating mirages and illusions to tempt humans. Thus, the people of Xianzhou became addicted to these wondrous creatures of pure energy and indulged in frolicking with them. The Heliobi soon exposed their true colors as the they tried to take humans' bodies, drain their emotions, and control their will. This was known as the Possession Tragedy or 'Occupation Tragedy', from which the Xianzhou Zhuming suffered the greatest.[6]

During the Heliobi Wars, the Heliobi formed a red micro-star in an attempt to capture the Xianzhou fleet. A suicide squad, led by the Reignbow, disassemble and weaponize the ship's auxiliary engines to fight the Heliobi. The Xianzhou's suicide squad send the weaponized auxiliary engine straight into the red star formed by the Heliobi, causing it to undergo early decay and implode into a black hole. The Xianzhou artisans ultimately bound the heliobi within shapeless prisons and sentenced them to provide energy for Xianzhou for all eternity.[6] The defeated Heliobi leader, the Flint Emperor, is imprisoned and sentenced to serve as the power source for the Xianzhou Zhuming for the rest of their eternal life.[7]

During the Era of Bloodshed, the Xianzhou Alliance encountered a Dyson tree, also the mortal enemy of the Primeval Imperium — Muldrasil, homeland of the Wingweavers, feeding off nearby stars, and a war breaks out as a result. Fatigued from the Civil War, the aurumaton rebellion, and their emigration plan, the Xianzhou could not resist the invaders alone. All the prisoners in cryo-hibernation were released to counter the invasion — including the Reignbow. The Reignbow headed into the prison deep within the Xianzhou Zhuming to persuade the imprisoned Heliobi leader, the Flint Emperor, to help the Xianzhou fight off the Denizens of Abundance. They made a deal allowing the Flint Emperor to possess their physical body in exchange for the power of the Heliobi. Inspired by the Reignbow's sacrifice, the Xianzhou residents made the same deal, forming suicide squads and marching alongside the Heliobi. During the battle, the Reignbow shot their Sky-Shattering Lux Arrow from the bow of the Yaoqing, using their famed bow "Xuanyuan", causing great casualties among even the furthest ships, the Xianzhou Xuling and the Xianzhou Fanghu. After the battle, the Reignbow Arbiter disappeared and the heliobi were imprisoned once again. The Flaming Emperor was gravely wounded and left behind part of their body. Since the hero and their followers perished, the deal made with the Flint Emperor for their bodies remained unfulfilled, and the heliobi hold this debt against the Xianzhou.[7][8]

In The Year 4800 of the Star Calendar, the five lineages of the Vidyadhara made an alliance on the Yuque, putting their sacred vow into writing. "This oath shall remain unbroken, standing stronger than even earth and steel." Ardens Regia was bound to watch over the Primordial Flame on the Zhuming.[9] Once, a delegation visited the Zhuming to to request arms and reinforcements for the Yaoqing's Heroncrest Fleet, who were occupied with fighting the Borisin. As they were escorted through the Flamedisk Forge Palace, they observed the Flint Emperor's light being sealed.[2]

Character Mentions[]

Character Voice-Overs

  • Knowledge 3 It is said that a living flame slumbers in the engine of the Zhuming. It is a creature the Xianzhou regarded as a great enemy in the old days — the Flint Emperor, who was also called the Primordial Flame. The craftsmen of the Zhuming used every means available to imprison it in the furnace and used its power to forge various divine weapons.



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Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishFlint Emperor
Korean부싯 황제수황(燧皇)
SpanishEmperador Pedernal
FrenchEmpereur Ignigenus
RussianКремнёвый император
VietnameseToại Hoàng
IndonesianFlint Emperor
PortugueseImperador do Sílex

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