First Things First is an Achievement in the category The Memories We Share.
To unlock this achievement, the player must talk to the Mysterious Stranger 3 times in the Old Weapon Testing Ground after winning the championship in Aetherium Wars. Each time the player speaks to her, she will disappear. Reloading the map will cause her to move to the next location. She will be located next to a poster to the east, next to the Aetherium Wars Terminal, and next to a poster to the west for the first, second, and third interactions respectively.
- (Idle dialogue before first interaction)
- Mysterious Stranger: So this is the Festival Champion...
- Mysterious Stranger: So charming...
- (First interaction)
- Mysterious Stranger: Ahem... Look at this billboard, it's so charming! The design and composition is practically art!
- Mysterious Stranger: Oh, do you play Aetherium Wars as well? Why do you look so familiar...?
You seem a little suspicious to me...
- Mysterious Stranger: Suspicious? Me? Haha... What a fresh conversation starter.
You were just watching me, weren't you?
- Mysterious Stranger: Was I? I was just looking at something over in your direction... Perhaps our eyes just happened to meet.
- Mysterious Stranger: Either way, as we've met here, that means we're both die-hard fans of Aetherium Wars...
- Mysterious Stranger: Do you want... to add each other as friends in-game?
- Mysterious Stranger: R—Really!?
- Mysterious Stranger: Ahem... I mean... Very well. More friends can never be a bad thing, right?
- Mysterious Stranger: Here, this is my account. If you need anything, just contact me.
- Mysterious Stranger: Hehehe...
- Mysterious Stranger: Th—That's... fine. I didn't really care either way. I'm not that kind of person that cries about not adding a new friend. I would never do that!
- Mysterious Stranger: ...I see you are a fickle person. Please do not disturb me any further...
- (Idle dialogue before second interaction)
- Mysterious Stranger: Someone really did it...
- Mysterious Stranger: Completely undefeated...
- Mysterious Stranger: That's amazing...
- (Second interaction)
- Mysterious Stranger: Hey, when are you going to have that done?
- Wilder: Uh... Are you talking to me?
- Mysterious Stranger: Yes! I've been waiting here ages! Give me my game rewards.
- Wilder: But this whole time you've just been staring at...
- Mysterious Stranger: Oh! What a coincidence! I had no idea you'd be here, too!
- Mysterious Stranger: This game is getting more tedious by the day. Each time I want rewards, I have to spend ages fighting in the arena...
- Mysterious Stranger: Oh! I see your Aether Spirits are all really highly trained. Do you have any tips you can give me?
Just play for eight hours a day.
- Mysterious Stranger: Why does that feel like a real job... Ah, I see! You mean that you only became this strong through hard work and perseverance, correct?
- Mysterious Stranger: So inspiring! So great! This is the spirit that I want to adopt!
You really know how to change a topic...
- Mysterious Stranger: Really? Oh... I see! You must have used an extremely advanced technique that you can't just leak to outsiders!
- Mysterious Stranger: Regular players can only look up to you. There is no way for us to surpass a master such as yourself... You're amazing.
- Mysterious Stranger: Please keep up your hard work. My money is still on you for next season~
- (Idle dialogue before third interaction)
- Mysterious Stranger: Hehehe...
- Mysterious Stranger: It's just not enough...
- (Third interaction)
- (Trailblazer): Ahem...
- Mysterious Stranger: It — I can't believe it's you, haha... What fair wind have you ridden in on?
I wanted to ask you before. Are you...
- Mysterious Stranger: What? Am I what?
A fan that follows me from the shadows?
- Mysterious Stranger: Ohhhhhhhh!
- Mysterious Stranger: That's right, great (Trailblazer)! I am your most loyal fan!
A strange pervert?
- Mysterious Stranger: Waaaaaaah!
- Mysterious Stranger: I'm so hurt! I'm wounded! How could my affection be so badly misunderstood!?
- Mysterious Stranger: Great (Trailblazer)! I am actually your most loyal fan!
- Mysterious Stranger: I have always been watching you from the shadows, looking up to you, admiring your heroic stance and cold stare as you defeat your opponents!
- Mysterious Stranger: Each time I see you performing flawlessly in tournament, I can't help but record every moment on my camera. Even my toilet seat has your picture on it!
- Mysterious Stranger: As you have already learned all this, there is no use in covering things up anymore... Please, take this. This is filled... absolutely filled to the brim with my love and admiration!
- Mysterious Stranger: I will always keep watching you and supporting you, right up until the day that the servers close!
- Mysterious Stranger: Make sure you are prepared, great (Trailblazer)!
- Mysterious Stranger: Oh, great (Trailblazer)! Your appearance always puts me in a wonderful mood for the day!
- Mysterious Stranger: Great (Trailblazer), every time I see you, it's like I've been struck in the chest.
- Mysterious Stranger: I just know that the next championship belongs to you, great (Trailblazer)!
- Mysterious Stranger: I am always watching you, great (Trailblazer)!
- (Unlocked Achievement First Things First)
- (Subsequent interactions, random dialogue)
- Your Fanatical Fan: Oh, great (Trailblazer)! Your appearance always puts me in a wonderful mood for the day!
- Your Fanatical Fan: I just know that the next championship belongs to you, great (Trailblazer)!
- Your Fanatical Fan: I am always watching you, great (Trailblazer)!
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | First Things First |
Chinese (Simplified) | 首先,第一个 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 首先,第一個 |
Japanese | まず、1つ目 |
Korean | 우선, 첫 번째 |
Spanish | Lo primero es lo primero |
French | Chaque chose en son temps |
Russian | Перво- |
Thai | เป็นครั้งแรกที่รอมาเนิ่นนาน |
Vietnamese | Đầu Tiên, Thứ Nhất |
German | Das Wichtigste zuerst |
Indonesian | Yang Pertama Harus Diutamakan |
Portuguese | Antes de Mais Nada |