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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Ascensions and Stats

Toggle Ascension Materials

Ascension Cost (0 → 1)
Tatters of Thought 5
Ascension Cost (1 → 2)
Ascension Cost (2 → 3)
Raging Heart 3
Fragments of Impression 6
Ascension Cost (3 → 4)
Raging Heart 7
Fragments of Impression 9
Ascension Cost (4 → 5)
Shards of Desires 6
Ascension Cost (5 → 6)
Shards of Desires 9
Total Ascension Cost (0✦ → 6✦)
Credit 308,000 Credit


Ability Order: Flare Propulsion
Basic ATKOrder: Flare PropulsionSingle TargetGeneration: 2010
Deals Fire DMG equal to 50%—110% of SAM's ATK to a single target enemy.
Ability Fyrefly Type-IV: Pyrogenic Decimation
Basic ATKFyrefly Type-IV: Pyrogenic DecimationSingle TargetGeneration: 015
Restores HP by an amount equal to 20% of this unit's Max HP. Deals Fire DMG equal to 100%—220% of SAM's ATK to a single target enemy.
Ability Order: Aerial Bombardment
SkillOrder: Aerial BombardmentSingle TargetGeneration: 020
Consumes SAM's HP equal to 40% of SAM's Max HP and regenerates a fixed amount of Energy equal to 50%—62% of SAM's Max Energy. Deals Fire DMG equal to 100%—220% of SAM's ATK to a single target enemy. If the current HP is not sufficient, reduces SAM's HP to 1 when using this Skill. Advances this unit's next Action by 25%.
Ability Fyrefly Type-IV: Deathstar Overload
SkillFyrefly Type-IV: Deathstar OverloadBlastGeneration: 030 (Main)
15 (Adjacent)
Restores HP by an amount equal to 25% of this unit's Max HP. Applies Fire Weakness to a single target enemy, lasting for 2 turn(s). Deals Fire DMG equal to (0.2 × Break Effect + 100%—220%) of SAM's ATK to this target. At the same time, deals Fire DMG equal to (0.1 × Break Effect + 50%—110%) of SAM's ATK to adjacent targets. The Break Effect taken into the calculation is capped at 360%.
Ability Fyrefly Type-IV: Complete Combustion
UltimateFyrefly Type-IV: Complete CombustionEnhanceCost: 240
Generation: 5
Enters the Complete Combustion state, advances this unit's Action by 100%, and gains Enhanced Basic ATK and Enhanced Skill. While in Complete Combustion, increases SPD by 30—66, and when using the Enhanced Basic ATK or Enhanced Skill, increases this unit's Weakness Break Efficiency by 50% and the Break DMG dealt by SAM to the enemy targets by 10%—22%, lasting until this current attack ends.
A countdown timer for the Complete Combustion state appears on the Action Order. When the countdown timer's turn starts, SAM exits the Complete Combustion state. The countdown timer has a fixed SPD of 70.
SAM cannot use Ultimate while in Complete Combustion.
Ability Chrysalid Pyronexus
TalentChrysalid PyronexusDefense
The lower the HP, the less DMG received. When HP is 20% or lower, the DMG Reduction reaches its maximum effect, reducing up to 20%—44%. During the Complete Combustion, the DMG Reduction remains at its maximum effect, and the Effect RES increases by 10%—34%.
If Energy is lower than 50% when the battle starts, regenerates Energy to 50%. Once Energy is regenerated to its maximum, dispels all debuffs on this unit.
Ability Δ Order: Meteoric Incineration
TechniqueΔ Order: Meteoric Incineration20
Leaps into the air and moves about freely for 5 seconds, which can be ended early by launching a plunging attack. When the duration ends, plunges and immediately attacks all enemies within a set area. At the start of each wave, applies a Fire Weakness to all enemies, lasting for 2 turn(s). Then, deals Fire DMG equal to 200% of SAM's ATK to all enemies.


Character Ascension Materials
and Trace Materials
Trace Materials
1 → 22✦
Credit 5,000 [5,000]
Tatters of Thought 6 [6]
Borisin Teeth 3 [3]
2 → 33✦
Credit 10,000 [15,000]
Fragments of Impression 3 [3]
Lupitoxin Sawteeth 3 [3]
3 → 44✦
Credit 20,000 [35,000]
Fragments of Impression 4 [7]
Lupitoxin Sawteeth 5 [8]
4 → 55✦
Credit 45,000 [80,000]
Shards of Desires 3 [3]
Moon Rage Fang 3 [3]
5 → 66✦
Credit 160,000 [240,000]
Shards of Desires 4 [7]
Moon Rage Fang 8 [11]
Character Ascension Materials
and Trace Materials
Trace Materials
1 → 21✦
Credit 2,500 [2,500]
Tatters of Thought 3 [3]
2 → 32✦
Credit 5,000 [7,500]
Tatters of Thought 6 [9]
Borisin Teeth 3 [3]
3 → 43✦
Credit 10,000 [17,500]
Fragments of Impression 3 [3]
Lupitoxin Sawteeth 3 [3]
4 → 54✦
Credit 20,000 [37,500]
Fragments of Impression 4 [7]
Lupitoxin Sawteeth 5 [8]
5 → 6
Credit 30,000 [67,500]
Fragments of Impression 6 [13]
Lupitoxin Sawteeth 7 [15]
6 → 75✦
Credit 45,000 [112,500]
Shards of Desires 3 [3]
Moon Rage Fang 3 [3]
7 → 8
Credit 80,000 [192,500]
Shards of Desires 4 [7]
Moon Rage Fang 5 [8]
Lost Echo of the Shared Wish 1 [1]
8 → 96✦
Credit 160,000 [352,500]
Moon Rage Fang 8 [16]
Lost Echo of the Shared Wish 1 [2]
Tracks of Destiny 1 [1]
9 → 10
Credit 300,000 [652,500]
Moon Rage Fang 14 [30]
Lost Echo of the Shared Wish 1 [3]
Tracks of Destiny 1 [2]
Icon Break Effect Break Enhance
Break Effect increases by 5.3%
Trace Module α: Antilag Outburst Module α: Antilag Outburst
During the Complete Combustion, attacking enemies that have no Fire Weakness can also reduce their Toughness, with the effect being equivalent to 55% of the original Toughness Reduction from abilities.
Req. Character Ascension 2
Icon Effect RES Effect RES Boost
Effect RES increases by 4.0%
Req. Character Ascension 2
Icon Break Effect Break Enhance
Break Effect increases by 5.3%
Req. Character Ascension 3
Icon SPD SPD Boost
SPD increases by 2
Req. Character Ascension 3
Trace Module β: Autoreactive Armor Module β: Autoreactive Armor
When SAM is in Complete Combustion with a Break Effect that is equal to or greater than 200%/360%, attacking a Weakness-Broken enemy target will convert the Toughness Reduction of this attack into 1 instance of 35%/50% Super Break DMG.
Req. Character Ascension 4
Icon Break Effect Break Enhance
Break Effect increases by 8.0%
Req. Character Ascension 4
Icon Effect RES Effect RES Boost
Effect RES increases by 6.0%
Req. Character Ascension 5
Icon Break Effect Break Enhance
Break Effect increases by 8.0%
Req. Character Ascension 5
Trace Module γ: Core Overload Module γ: Core Overload
For every 10 point(s) of SAM's ATK that exceeds 1800, increases this unit's Break Effect by 0.8%.
Req. Character Ascension 6
Icon SPD SPD Boost
SPD increases by 3
Req. Character Ascension 6
Icon Effect RES Effect RES Boost
Effect RES increases by 8.0%
Req. Character Lv. 75
Icon Break Effect Break Enhance
Break Effect increases by 10.7%
Req. Character Lv. 80


Eidolon In Reddened Chrysalis, I Once Rest
In Reddened Chrysalis, I Once Rest1
When using the Enhanced Skill, ignores 15% of the target's DEF. The Enhanced Skill does not consume Skill Points.
Eidolon From Shattered Sky, I Free Fall
From Shattered Sky, I Free Fall2
While in Complete Combustion, using the Enhanced Basic ATK or the Enhanced Skill to defeat an enemy target or to Break their Weakness allows SAM to immediately gain 1 extra turn. This effect can trigger again after 1 turn(s).
Eidolon Amidst Silenced Stars, I Deep Sleep
Amidst Silenced Stars, I Deep Sleep3
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Eidolon Upon Lighted Fyrefly, I Soon Gaze
Upon Lighted Fyrefly, I Soon Gaze4
While in Complete Combustion, increases SAM's Effect RES by 50%.
Eidolon From Undreamt Night, I Thence Shine
From Undreamt Night, I Thence Shine5
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Eidolon In Finalized Morrow, I Full Bloom
In Finalized Morrow, I Full Bloom6
While in Complete Combustion, increases SAM's Fire RES PEN by 20%. When using the Enhanced Basic ATK or Enhanced Skill, increases Weakness Break Efficiency by 50%.


There are 6 Achievements related to Firefly:

Name Category Description Hidden Version Item Stellar Jade
Going My Way The Rail Unto the Stars Encounter the Astral Express unexpectedly
※ As Firefly, run into the Express Crew on the Radiant Feldspar
Yes 2.3 10
On the Road The Rail Unto the Stars Pass by the Astral Express
※ As Firefly, focus on finding the "Bonajade Exchange" aboard the Radiant Feldspar
Yes 2.3 10
Save the Cat! Eager for Battle Win 1 battle(s) with a team comprising Silver Wolf, Blade, Kafka, and Firefly Yes 2.3 5
Go, Bla— SAM Eager for Battle Use ally Firefly in combat against boss Kafka and be Dominated by her Yes 2.3 5
I Will... Set the Seas Ablaze! Eager for Battle In a single battle, use Fyrefly Type-IV: Deathstar Overload 4 time(s) before the Complete Combustion state ends while using SAM Yes 2.3 5
Seeing Summer Eager for Battle Win 1 battle(s) with a team comprising Firefly and (Trailblazer) Yes 2.3 5

