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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Final Showdown! Intergalactic Celebration! is the sixth and final Adventure Mission in the Aetherium Wars event.


  1. Meet up with March 7th and join in the celebrations
  2. Register for the competition
  3. Step on stage
  4. Have a match against a competition opponent
  5. Step on stage
  6. Have a match against a competition opponent
  7. Step on stage
  8. Have a match against a competition opponent
  9. Step on stage
  10. Have a match against a competition opponent
  11. Step on stage into the finals
  12. Have a duel with the previous champion
  13. Ask Giovanni about the truth behind the elite player
  14. Look for the mysterious player


Meet up with March 7th and join in the celebrations[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

The day is finally upon you. The best players from across the stars have gathered in this one place.
When the championship is good and done, people will only remember one thing — how you laid all your opposition low.
(Talk to March 7th)
March 7th: Today's the day of the tournament, (Trailblazer)~ Are you ready?
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink! Oink!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Ready!
March 7th: Good! Seeing you so full of energy makes me less nervous, hehe.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I was too excited, I didn't sleep a wink all night.
March 7th: Hmm, I just hope that doesn't affect your performance today!
March 7th: Let's get going, to the Interastral Tournament Festival venue!
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink, oink!

Register for the competition[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

So, let them never forget the name (Trailblazer), and let the galaxy be shaken when your memory is invoked.
(After being teleported to the Old Weapon Testing Ground)
Venue Broadcast: Attention all spectators, attention all spectators...
Venue Broadcast: The Interastral Tournament Festival championship is about to commence. Please, take to your seats...
March 7th: Wow... this place is really lively...

(Approach Wilder)
March 7th: Look, it's Wilder! He should be able to get us registered for the competition.

Wilder: (Mr./Miss) (Trailblazer), Miss March! You made it!
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink! Oink!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Long time no see!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is this where we register for the competition?
Wilder: Please hand me your Aether Coin, and I'll help you with the registration process.
Wilder: All done. Your information has been uploaded to the system. Just inform my colleague over there when you're ready, and you can enter the arena.
Wilder: You still have some time before the competition starts, so why not make the most of it to prepare yourselves? I wish you all the best!
(Trotter Name): Oink. oink! Oink, oink!
March 7th: Looks like (Trotter Name) are really fired up! Let's take a look around while we get ready.

Step on stage[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

With your chest surging and your footwork brisk, you and your foe begin a struggle for victory. Only the one who is powerful and fortunate may continue onward.

(Optional) Chat with the friends around you[]

(Talk to Eric)
Eric: Hey, it's you guys!
Eric: I heard the other kids saying you were gonna be in the championship, so I came here specially to see you...
Eric: G—Good luck in the match! You gotta win — beat those IPC baddies!

(Talk to Dunn)
Dunn: Oh, it's the outsiders! I've heard you entered the championship. Looking forward to meeting you in the field!
Dunn: Of course, when it comes down to it, I won't hold back — you'll pay for what you did in the Restricted Zone!
Dunn: ...Haha, I'm just messing with you. Friends first, competitors second, right? Best of luck out there!

(Talk to Serval)
Serval: Hey, (Trailblazer)! Here to watch the competition?
Pela: Serval, haven't you heard? They managed to secure all four Mastery Marks!
Serval: Oh, so you're here to take part? Well if we bump into each other out there you'd better be ready. This time we're gonna show you what we're really made of!
Pela: Mm-hmm... That's right, we won't be making any mistakes this time round!

(Talk to Bronya)
Bronya: We meet again, (Trailblazer). Seele's gone to help out with the crowd, meanwhile I'm stuck here still worrying about what I should do...
Bronya: I know we've had our run-ins with the IPC, but I'm hoping we can set aside our differences for once, if not just for the sake of the people...
Bronya: We've been disconnected from the rest of the universe for far too long, but I really believe the festival could be our chance to reconnect with other worlds again. It's important as a host that I make all guests feel welcome.
Bronya: I'll be in the crowd, cheering you on. Remember to give it your all, and most importantly — have fun!

Venue Broadcast: The contest is about to commence — contestants please take your places...
March 7th: Ah! Looks like it's about to start. Let's make our way over to the arena!

(Approach elevator)
IPC Guard: The grand final is about to begin. Do you wish to enter the arena now?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I wish to enter.
IPC Guard: Please take this elevator down to the arena.
Icon Dialogue Exit I need more time.
IPC Guard: No problem. Just let me know when you're ready.

Have a match against a competition opponent[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

Aside from you, this competition also has four other dark horse contenders with serious prowess. If you want to make a run for the championship, you need to take them out one by one first.
Venue Broadcast: Aaaand in the next contest, please welcome... The Trailblazerrrrs~!
Venue Broadcast: They'll be facing off against the powerhouse from Boulder Town — Luka Strongaaaarm~!

(Approach marked location)
Luka: Well look who it is! I didn't expect you two to be the first up!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Show us what you've got!
Luka: Likewise. Let's see what the saviors of Belobog are capable of!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Yeah, it's me. Got a problem with that?
Luka: Haha, not at all! I relish a good challenge!
Luka: But don't expect me to go easy! My prized Aether Spirit is gonna crush you!
March 7th: Whoa... this atmosphere is crazy!
March 7th: Looks like he's ready for us. (Trailblazer), (Trotter Name)! Let's roll!
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink Oink! Oink!
(Cutscene plays)

(Begin Showdown against Luka)
Luka: Game on — show me what you're made of!
(Fight against Incineration Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) Incineration Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Automaton Direwolf (Aether Spirit Enemy) Automaton Direwolf (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Voidranger: Reaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) Voidranger: Reaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
(During the fight)
Luka: I won't let anyone ruin the reputation of Luka Strongarm!
(After the fight)
Venue Broadcast: And the winners are...
Venue Broadcast: The Heroes of Belobog — the Trailblazers, (Trailblazer) and March 7th!
Luka: Hah, you two really live up to your names.
Luka: At this rate you'll have championship [sic] title in no time!
March 7th: Heh, thanks, I hope so~
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink Oink! Oink!
Venue Broadcast: The next contest is about to begin.
Venue Broadcast: Will contestants please make their way to the prep zone and prepare to enter the arena!
March 7th: The next contest is starting soon — let's go to the prep zone.
Luka: Well, my dream of becoming champion ends here... but I've got faith in you two. If you two clinch the title, the whole of Belobog will be singing your praises!

Step on stage[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

With your chest surging and your footwork brisk, you and your foe begin a struggle for victory. Only the one who is powerful and fortunate may continue onward.
(Trailblazer): (The next contest is about to begin...)
(Trailblazer): (Do I take some time to prepare, or chat with everyone to ease my nerves a bit...?)

(Optional) Chat with the friends around you[]

(Talk to Luka)
Luka: Our bout just now was something else!
Luka: I'm not easily discouraged though — let's go another round when you guys get the time!
Luka: Anyway, for now, just stay focused. Don't let yourselves get distracted!

(Talk to Natasha)
Natasha: I got here a little late, but I watched your duel with Luka — it was amazing!
Natasha: When I heard the kids at the clinic talking about this "game," I thought they were just making things up again...
Natasha: ...but after seeing it for myself, I can totally see why people are so taken in by it.
Natasha: This game allows people to work on themselves, or form strong bonds by teaming up with others. Harmless rivalry is a great way for people to settle their differences.

(Talk to Oleg)
Oleg: Haha, well if it isn't the big winner, (Trailblazer)!
Oleg: I saw your duel with Luka — I gotta admit, I was on the edge of my seat!
Oleg: I heard this game isn't just for kids... I might have a crack at it myself once I get the time, haha!

Venue Broadcast: The contest is about to commence — contestants please take your places...
March 7th: Ah! Looks like it's about to start. Let's make our way over to the arena!

(Approach elevator)
IPC Guard: The grand final is about to begin. Do you wish to enter the arena now?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I wish to enter.
IPC Guard: Please take this elevator down to the arena.
Icon Dialogue Exit I need more time.
IPC Guard: No problem. Just let me know when you're ready.

Have a match against a competition opponent[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

Aside from you, this competition also has four other dark horse contenders with serious prowess. If you want to make a run for the championship, you need to take them out one by one first.
Venue Broadcast: Aaaand in the next contest, please welcome... The Trailblazerrrrs~!
Venue Broadcast: They'll be facing off against... Guinaifen of the Luofu!

(Approach marked location)
Guinaifen: Outworlder girl in a strange new land, came to perform and make her stand~
Guinaifen: Here for a show and here for the day, but bring your wallet 'cause you get what you pay~
Guinaifen: Words and whispers hold no sway, better get ready for the grand display!
Guinaifen: Wow, I've never seen anything like this before! It's so much more spectacular than the little plaza in Exalting Sanctum.
Guinaifen: Fancy running into you two again! What a pleasant surprise~
Icon Dialogue Arrow Well, this is unexpected.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Here to expand your show biz?
Guinaifen: You could say that! But the main reason I'm here is to take part in the championship!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Can I watch a show for five credits?
Guinaifen: You bet! Once we're done here I'd be glad to!
Guinaifen: I suppose we're rivals for the time being, huh.
March 7th: Yeah, I guess you're right.
Guinaifen: Well, you know what they say — break a leg! Metaphorically, of course...
Guinaifen: Let's put on a show to remember!
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink... oink!
(Cutscene plays)

(Begin Showdown against Guinaifen)
Guinaifen: Here we go! Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be amazed!
(Fight against Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish (Aether Spirit Enemy) Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Blaze Out of Space (Aether Spirit Enemy) Blaze Out of Space (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Abundance Sprite: Wooden Lupus (Aether Spirit Enemy) Abundance Sprite: Wooden Lupus (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Incineration Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) Incineration Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
(During the fight)
Guinaifen: Nice, you guys are bringing the heat! Can you go one better...?
(After the fight)
Venue Broadcast: And the winners are...
Venue Broadcast: The Xianzhou Alliance duo — the Astral Express Trailblazers~!
Guinaifen: Now that was a performance! I thought my heart was going to jump out of my mouth!
Guinaifen: Ever thought about joining me in Exalting Sanctum? With our skills combined I'm sure we'd be great together — there wouldn't be an empty seat left!
March 7th: Well, technically there aren't any seats... But anyways!
(Trotter Name): Oink... Oink! Oink! Oink!
Venue Broadcast: The next contest is about to begin!
Venue Broadcast: Will contestants please make their way to the prep zone and get ready to enter the arena!
March 7th: About time. (Trailblazer), let's head to the prep zone.
Guinaifen: Don't forget to rest! You guys have got a busy day ahead of you!
Guinaifen: I'll be rooting for you in the stands! Don't go losing on me now!

Step on stage[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

With your chest surging and your footwork brisk, you and your foe begin a struggle for victory. Only the one who is powerful and fortunate may continue onward.
(Trailblazer): (The next contest is about to begin...)
(Trailblazer): (Do I take some time to prepare, or chat with everyone to ease my nerves a bit...?)

(Optional) Chat with the friends around you[]

(Talk to Guinaifen)
Guinaifen: Hey, you two, over here!
Guinaifen: I don't think I've ever been this far away from the Xianzhou before! Who'd have thought I'd be hopping star systems only to wind up on this cold, icy planet?
Guinaifen: You know, this place kinda reminds me of home... Not the Luofu, my real home. Barren, icy, jagged shards sticking out everywhere... I guess nothing really beats the Luofu, huh?
Guinaifen: Oops, there I am rambling on again... I almost forgot you're still in the middle of a tournament! Good luck! I can't wait to see what you're gonna pull off next!

(Talk to Seele)
Seele: Oh, hey, it's you guys. That was some performance just now.
Seele: I've been keeping an eye on the crowds — this festival has created quite the buzz in Belobog... Accidents tend to happen in these situations, so it's crucial to have someone keeping an eye out at all times.
Seele: But things are going well — you guys pulled off a win, and everyone's happy. You've got quite a few die-hard fans in Belobog, you know. If you guys had been knocked out of the competition, there's no telling what they might have done.
Seele: Anyway, I should get back to work... Here's hoping you keep on winning.

(Talk to Julian)
Julian: Alina... you just wait and see, I'm gonna become a super-duper Aetherium Wars player one day just like (him/her)!
Alina: I can't wait, it's gonna be so cool!
(Trailblazer): (Seems like the two kids haven't even noticed me.)

Venue Broadcast: The contest is about to commence — contestants please take your places...
March 7th: Ah! Looks like it's about to start. Let's make our way over to the arena!

(Approach elevator)
IPC Guard: The grand final is about to begin. Do you wish to enter the arena now?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I wish to enter.
IPC Guard: Please take this elevator down to the arena.
Icon Dialogue Exit I need more time.
IPC Guard: No problem. Just let me know when you're ready.

Have a match against a competition opponent[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

Aside from you, this competition also has four other dark horse contenders with serious prowess. If you want to make a run for the championship, you need to take them out one by one first.
Venue Broadcast: Aaaand in the next contest, please welcome... The Trailblazerrrrs~!
Venue Broadcast: Facing off against the Cyberspace Nomad of Punklorrrrde~!
Venue Broadcast: Who has chosen not to disclose her name...
March 7th: ...Her again!?

(Approach marked location)
(Trotter Name): Oink? Oink, oink?
March 7th: It's the Stellaron Hunter girl... I can see her on the big screen, but where is she in the arena?
March 7th: Haha, you think we scared her off?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I don't think that's her style.
Venue Broadcast: Ahem... Hello? Testing, testing...
Venue Broadcast: Sounds like you got me all figured out again.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It's quite possible.
Venue Broadcast: Ahem... Hello? Testing, testing...
Venue Broadcast: Quite the bold statement. Hate to break it to you, but I don't get "scared off."
March 7th: She's hacked into the speakers!
Venue Broadcast: These obsolete contraptions are so last century. It's child's play for someone like me...
Venue Broadcast: ...but this screen seems trickier than I expected... Never mind, this'll have to suffice.
March 7th: Can you believe her!?
Venue Broadcast: Hey, don't blame me for the IPC's embarrassingly weak security system.
Venue Broadcast: Alright, enough chit-chat. It's time to reintroduce your next opponent... me!
Venue Broadcast: You better step up your game, cause I didn't come for a snooze-fest.
(Cutscene plays)

(Begin Showdown against Silver Wolf)
Silver Wolf: Just give up already. You've got no chance.
(Fight against Vagrant (Aether Spirit Enemy) Vagrant (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Voidranger: Trampler (Aether Spirit Enemy) Voidranger: Trampler (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Voidranger: Reaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) Voidranger: Reaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
(During the fight)
Silver Wolf: Didn't see that coming...
(After the fight)
Venue Broadcast: And the winners are...
Venue Broadcast: The valiant saviors of Herta Space Station — the Trailblazers~!
Silver Wolf: ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow What a fight!
Silver Wolf: ...I have to admit, you guys are stronger than I expected.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What's that? At a "loss" for words?
Silver Wolf: Tsk, don't get ahead of yourself!
Silver Wolf: ...But I gotta give credit where it's due, nice work.
Silver Wolf: I gotta be honest, I haven't been pushed that hard in ages...
Silver Wolf: I hate to admit it, but you two have some serious skills.
March 7th: So, even the mighty Stellaron Hunter is willing to admit defeat, huh...
(Trotter Name): Oink? Oink, oink! Oink!
Venue Broadcast: The next contest is about to begin!
Venue Broadcast: Will contestants please make their way to the prep zone and prepare to enter the arena!
Silver Wolf: Tsk, no need to act surprised, alright? I could've "bent" the rules if I wanted to, but then what fun would that be?
Silver Wolf: Time to head back to the prep zone, you've got another duel waiting for you, remember?

Step on stage[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

With your chest surging and your footwork brisk, you and your foe begin a struggle for victory. Only the one who is powerful and fortunate may continue onward.
(Trailblazer): (The next contest is about to begin...)
(Trailblazer): (Do I take some time to prepare, or chat with everyone to ease my nerves a bit...?)

(Optional) Chat with the friends around you[]

(Talk to Silver Wolf)
Silver Wolf: As you can see, due to certain reasons... I couldn't be here in person. Looks like I'm attending the rest of the tournament as a hologram.
Silver Wolf: We're not the best of friends, that's no secret, but for the sake of the event, how about we pause the drama? I'd rather soak in the atmosphere and enjoy myself.
Silver Wolf: When it comes to gaming, things like race, lineage, allegiance, destiny, beliefs... they're all insignificant. It's good to remember that.

(Talk to Gepard)
Gepard: There you are. That last showdown was intense — it reminded me of my own time competing in the Silvermane Guards' martial contests.
Gepard: Unfortunately, my duty as Captain comes with pressing tasks — I'm afraid I can't partake in the fun... but I have given Officer Pela a well-deserved day off. She's normally swamped with work, so this is the perfect chance for her to relax.
Gepard: Seeing everyone enjoying themselves brings me great satisfaction... Still, my gut tells me something's happening below the surface... Are these visitors from beyond the sky really doing us a favor by bringing this kind of entertainment to Belobog?
Gepard: ...Apologies, this isn't the best time to discuss such matters. Let's focus on the festive spirit for now. I wish you the best of luck.

(Talk to Clara)
Clara: (Big brother/Big sister), it's you!
Svarog: We meet again, outsider. Your previous contest was highly engaging. Congratulations to you both.
Clara: Mr. Svarog has been calculating the odds...
Svarog: At one point, your chance of victory decreased to 14.93%, yet you successfully managed to change the course of a detrimental situation through strategic adjustment. It is evident that you have the potential for championship contention.

Venue Broadcast: The contest is about to commence — contestants please take your places...
March 7th: Ah! Looks like it's about to start. Let's make our way over to the arena!

(Approach elevator)
IPC Guard: The grand final is about to begin. Do you wish to enter the arena now?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I wish to enter.
IPC Guard: Please take this elevator down to the arena.
Icon Dialogue Exit I need more time.
IPC Guard: No problem. Just let me know when you're ready.

Have a match against a competition opponent[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

Aside from you, this competition also has four other dark horse contenders with serious prowess. If you want to make a run for the championship, you need to take them out one by one first.
Venue Broadcast: Aaaand in the next contest, please welcome... The Trailblazerrrrs~!
Venue Broadcast: They'll be going toe to toe with Epsilon's Giovanni di Giorgioooo~!
March 7th: ...Mr. Giovanni!

(Approach marked location)
(Trotter Name): Oink — oink, oink!
Giovanni: What a joy to see you both again! Your performances have been quite remarkable!
Icon Dialogue Arrow I knew you'd turn up again sooner or later.
Giovanni: Haha, perhaps you sense it, too? The watchful eyes of an eminent figure.
Icon Dialogue Arrow How come it is you again?
Giovanni: Hahaha, if it isn't fate's doing, then there's only one other answer.
Giovanni: Let's set aside those ponderings for the moment. Our priority ought to be enjoying this delightful festival...
Giovanni: My friends, join me in this dance! Let's bring this exquisiteThe Elation celebration to its climax!
(Cutscene plays)

(Begin Showdown against Giovanni)
Giovanni: Here we are again — let's see if you've still got what it takes!
(Fight against Automaton Spider (Aether Spirit Enemy) Automaton Spider (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Frigid Prowler (Aether Spirit Enemy) Frigid Prowler (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Everwinter Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) Everwinter Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Silvermane Soldier (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Soldier (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
(During the fight)
Giovanni: Superb! Now it's time for the crescendo!
(After the fight)
Venue Broadcast: And the winners are...
Venue Broadcast: The daring Trailblazers of the Astral Express~!
Giovanni: Marvelous, marvelous! The strength and resolve you two exhibited was truly astonishing!
Icon Dialogue Arrow You're pretty strong yourself.
Giovanni: Haha, I am honored by your kind words! But there is no denying that your abilities far outshine mine!
Icon Dialogue Arrow So... is it all over now?
Giovanni: Over? No, no! The best part has yet to begin!
Giovanni: Next you'll be facing off against the ultimate opponent, the victor of the last tournament — a dominant force that commands both respect and admiration...
Giovanni: The previous champion — Miss Topaz! Only by emerging victorious against her can you become eligible for true championship!
March 7th: Wait a sec, does that mean we've reached the grand final?
(Trotter Name): Oink? Oink!
Venue Broadcast: The moment we've all been waiting for is here... the grand final is about to commence~!
Venue Broadcast: Will contestants please make their way to the prep zone and prepare to enter the arena!
Giovanni: Yes... and no. Do you remember the elite player I've been talking about? She's keenly anticipating a duel with the both of you.
Giovanni: However, to lock horns with her, you'll have to best Miss Topaz first.
Giovanni: Off you go now, head to the prep zone and ready yourselves — I'd hate to see you disappoint her!

Step on stage into the finals[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

The fervor of the audience has reached a fever pitch. The sky thunders akin to a drum, and so too does the land tremble in accordance. It is time for you to come forth and battle to become champion.
(Trailblazer): (The grand final is about to begin...)
(Trailblazer): (Do I take some time to prepare, or chat with everyone to ease my nerves a bit...?)

(Optional) Chat with the friends around you[]

(Talk to Giovanni)
Giovanni: Ready yourselves, you two. While this elite player hasn't made her appearance yet, she's unquestionably keeping an eye on you both.
Giovanni: Given your strength and resolve, I firmly believe you won't have any major obstacles in your way...
Giovanni: Nevertheless, life is full of uncertainties. To fulfill your destiny, one must continuously seek to improve themselves!
Giovanni: Alright, let's leave it at that for now... I want you both to be well-prepared for the final.

(Talk to Himeko)
Himeko: That duel just now was pretty intense. When you dealt the winning blow, not even Mr. Yang could control his excitement. You should've seen him leap out of his chair.
Himeko: I'm always wary of the IPC's products, but there's no denying they know how to put on a show. The atmosphere here is magical, I have to remind myself it's just a game.
Himeko: Opportunities like this don't come around every day, so I hope you enjoy it. After all, trailblazing isn't just about the challenges — relishing the fun of the journey is just as important.

(Talk to Welt)
Welt: Welcome back, (Trailblazer) and March. I watched the entire duel, and I have to say what you did out there was spectacular.
Welt: Games like these always stir up childhood memories. I remember watching similar TV shows back when I was just a kid.
Welt: ...Sorry, getting a bit nostalgic here. I hear the grand final is up next, I hope you knock it out of the park.

Venue Broadcast: The grand final is about to commence — contestants please take your places...
March 7th: This is it, (Trailblazer), our time to shine — our moment of glory!

(Approach elevator)
IPC Guard: The grand final is about to begin. Do you wish to enter the arena now?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I wish to enter.
IPC Guard: Please take this elevator down to the arena.
IPC Guard: Good luck out there!
Icon Dialogue Exit I need more time.
IPC Guard: No problem. Just let me know when you're ready.

Have a duel with the previous champion[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

The fervor of the audience has reached a fever pitch. The sky thunders akin to a drum, and so too does the land tremble in accordance. It is time for you to come forth and battle to become champion.
Venue Broadcast: Aaaand in the next contest, please welcome... The Trailblazerrrrs~!
Venue Broadcast: They'll be facing off against the IPC's very own Director of Strategic Investment, and previous Aetherium Wars champion — Miss Topaz!
March 7th: ...The stage is set, this is our moment.

(Approach marked location)
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink, oink! Oink!
Topaz: Just as expected, you and the little trotter made it to the final!
Topaz: So... you guys been having fun?
Icon Dialogue Arrow We've been having a blast!
Topaz: Haha, that's the whole point of a festival, right?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm not sure if I'd call it "fun."
Topaz: Oh, really? I'm sorry to hear that.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm exhausted...
Topaz: Is that so? You don't look too tired to me.
Topaz: Anyway, since you're both here it only means one thing... war! An Aetherium War, that is...
Topaz: I hope you're all set... I've been relishing this duel for quite some time — don't disappoint me, now.
Audience: Topaz! Topaz! Topaz!
March 7th: Ugh! She's got the crowd behind her. We can't just keep quiet, say something (Trailblazer)!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Buckle up, you're about to see what we're really made of!
Audience: Trailblazers! Trailblazers! Trailblazers!
March 7th: Nice, sounds like we've got a few fans out there too!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Don't underestimate our strength!
Audience: Trailblazers! Trailblazers! Trailblazers!
March 7th: Nice, sounds like we've got a few fans out there too!
Icon Dialogue Arrow I wanna go home!
Audience: Trailblazers! Trailblazers! Trailblazers!
March 7th: ...They like that!?
Topaz: I'm liking the energy...
Topaz: ...time to see if it was skill or just pure luck that got you to this point!
(Cutscene plays)

(Begin Showdown against Topaz)
Topaz: Watch and learn — there's a reason they call me a champion!
(Fight against Grunt: Security Personnel (Aether Spirit Enemy) Grunt: Security Personnel (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Senior Staff: Team Leader (Aether Spirit Enemy) Senior Staff: Team Leader (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Commerce Trotter Commerce Trotter ×1, Grunt: Field Personnel (Aether Spirit Enemy) Grunt: Field Personnel (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
(During the fight)
Topaz: You're tougher than I thought... Time to step up my game!
(After the fight)
Venue Broadcast: And the winners are...
Venue Broadcast: ...taking the Interastral Tournament Festival by storm...
Venue Broadcast: ...the second ever team to be hailed as champions...
Venue Broadcast: ...the unstoppable duo — The Trailblazers!
March 7th: Did we win!?
(Trotter Name): Oink? Oink, oink?
Topaz: Incredible... Mr. Giovanni wasn't kidding when he said I'd be up against some exceptional players!
Topaz: What an amazing display of skill! You've rightfully earned the title of "champions!"
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is it all over?
March 7th: Not yet — don't forget the elite player that Mr. Giovanni mentioned.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It's not over yet...
March 7th: That's right... we're still waiting for Mr. Giovanni's mysterious elite player to show herself.
Topaz: Haha, you haven't let the victory go to your heads! And you're right, according to Mr. Giovanni's plan you've still got a little more to do.
Topaz: I'm sure he'll reach out later and fill you in on the details...
Topaz: For now, I suggest you forget about that and enjoy your victory, you've earned it after all!
Topaz: Congratulations on becoming the Interastral Tournament Festival champions!

NPC Giovanni Icon
NPC Giovanni Icon
You and Miss March were amazing, (Trailblazer)!
Congratulations on winning the championship!
Thank you for your kind words.
Character Trailblazer Icon
Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Giovanni.
NPC Giovanni Icon
Hahaha, no problem at all. You definitely deserve the praise!
We were just lucky.
Character Trailblazer Icon
Thank you. We were just lucky.
NPC Giovanni Icon
Hahaha, while being humble is good, being too modest can seem hypocritical. Don't go overboard
I was born to win.
Character Trailblazer Icon
Yeah, I guess I was born for this.
NPC Giovanni Icon
Hahaha, you still have a great sense of humor.
NPC Giovanni Icon
Actually, I wanted to discuss what's next after the celebration.
If you have time, let's meet at the entrance of Everwinter Hill.
I'll be waiting for you there.

March 7th: Is it a message from Mr. Giovanni?
March 7th: "Everwinter Hill..." What's with all the secrecy? Do we really have to go all the way out there to have a chat...?
March 7th: He's done right by us so far... Shall we head over?
(Trotter Name): Oink... Oink, oink!
(Obtain Achievement Into Hall of Fame)

Ask Giovanni about the truth behind the elite player[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

Everwinter Hill. This is where the story will greet its end. Presently, it is also where you will lift the veil behind all that remains unexplained.
(Talk to Giovanni)
Giovanni: (Trailblazer), Miss March! I knew you'd make it!
Icon Dialogue Arrow What do you want to discuss?
Giovanni: Why, only what we've talked about many times before, of course...
Icon Dialogue Arrow So, it's finally time to meet this mysterious person?
Giovanni: Correct! I see you're just as keen as ever.
Giovanni: Once you secured the championship title, she wasted no time in reaching out to me. She mentioned that you have undeniably showcased your skill...
Giovanni: ...The time has come for you to face your final challenge.
March 7th: Huh, another challenge?
(Trotter Name): Oink? Oink! Oink?
Giovanni: You heard right. The elite player wishes for nothing more than a fair and respectable duel against the both of you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why a duel?
Icon Dialogue Arrow What are her intentions?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Who exactly is "she?"
Giovanni: I'm merely here as a guide. I'm afraid I can't reveal that.
Giovanni: All you need to do is climb these stairs, and you'll come face to face with her... and the truth you've been eagerly seeking...
Giovanni: Now... It's decision time. Are you prepared to accept this invitation and final challenge?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I accept.
Giovanni: Excellent! A splendid decision! All gamers in the galaxy will be tuning in to the livestream to watch your showdown! What a privilege!
Giovanni: Well then, this way please — ascend these steps and seek the answers you desire!
(Trotter Name): Oink... Oink, oink!

Look for the mysterious player[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

This moment is fated to be a duel most unprecedented. You and the other player achieved twin ascents in sync, and the fire in your veins flows more than capable of igniting the cold winds carried upon these frosted plains. Even should someday your memories erode and succumb to vagueness, this scene will appear time and time again in your dreams, like a treasure encased eternally in the embrace of amber.
Let the games begin...
March 7th: Brrrr... it's freezing! And this place feels different somehow...

(Approach marked location)
March 7th: Hey, is it just me or is the snowfall getting heavier?
March 7th: We must be close... I wonder who she is?

(Approach marked location)
(Cutscene plays)
(Begin Showdown against Hook)
Hook: ...
March 7th: Gah! Hook, say something — you're freaking me out!
(Fight against Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2, Automaton Direwolf (Aether Spirit Enemy) Automaton Direwolf (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Automaton Grizzly (Aether Spirit Enemy) Automaton Grizzly (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
(During the fight)
Hook: ...Hook won't hold back, just you watch!
March 7th: ...Wow, things are getting tense!
(Wave 2 Everwinter Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) Everwinter Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Frigid Prowler (Aether Spirit Enemy) Frigid Prowler (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Searing Prowler (Aether Spirit Enemy) Searing Prowler (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Incineration Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) Incineration Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)

(Cutscene plays)
Hook: I knew it...
Hook: I knew it! Honorary member...
Hook: ...I knew you'd come back to see us!
Venue Broadcast: I hereby proclaim...
Venue Broadcast: ...this year's champion...
(Cutscene ends)

March 7th: Hey, (Trailblazer), look at the crowd! There's a ton of people here!
March 7th: Do you think... they're here to welcome us?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I think so.
March 7th: Haha, it's a champions' welcome!
Icon Dialogue Arrow I wonder if there's a celebratory feast for us?
March 7th: Who knows? I mean, we are the champions!
Hook: Hmph, you beat Hook again, but I won the tournament last time! So, don't get too ahead of yourselves!
March 7th: Yeah, yeahhhh, if you say so~
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink! Oink!
Giovanni: Ah, welcome back everybody!
Hook: Ah! It's Uncle Mask!
Giovanni: A pleasure to see you again, Miss Hook — I trust you are happy with the outcome of our arrangement?
Hook: Hook is super-duper happy! I'm tempted to ask you to join The Moles...
Giovanni: Ah, it would be an honor, child. Alas, like the two Trailblazers here, I am merely a transient visitor to this planet.
Giovanni: Now that the festival has come to a triumphant close, I'm curious — what are the two of you planning on doing next?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'll have to ask the Express Crew about that.
Giovanni: Haha, I understand! If I may make a suggestion, how about Penacony? It has the biggest amusement park in the universe — a perfect place to have some fun.
Hook: A "musement park"? That sounds fun! Is Uncle Mask gonna take Hook and all The Moles?
Giovanni: Hmm, that might be a little tricky. I'm afraid Miss Natasha would probably have objections.
Hook: Hmph, old witchy witch...
March 7th: Just wait until you're a bit older, Hook — then you can go wherever you want~
???: Look, it's the one and only, Miss March!
???: The esteemed Miss March!
March 7th: Huh? Wh—What's going on?
Harsh IPC Worker: At last, we've found you!
Vicious IPC Worker: If you only knew what it took to find you!
March 7th: Uh... you might have found the wrong person.
Harsh IPC Worker: No, no, no, no! You're exactly who we're looking for — the illustrious Miss March!
Vicious IPC Worker: All hail the champion!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do I not get a compliment?
March 7th: Ahem, I... I mean, I appreciate the compliments... but what's with the flattery all of a sudden?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Switched your allegiances, have you?
March 7th: Yeah? What's this all about?
Harsh IPC Worker: Well, it's because... because...
Vicious IPC Worker: From now on, we're known as the "Trailblazer Support Squad!"
Harsh IPC Worker: Only the strongest are worthy of the title "champion!" And we always follow the strongest!
March 7th: You guys sure have a toxic company culture over at the IPC...
March 7th: Miss Topaz! Miss Asta!
Asta: Hey, you two! Long time no see. Congrats on your win, by the way.
Topaz: Congrats to you both — you're champions now.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You flatter me!
March 7th: Thanks, guys!
Asta: Oh stop, there's no need to be so polite with me~
Icon Dialogue Arrow March loves praise, got a few more?
March 7th: Hah! Speak for yourself!
Asta: Seems like you two are really starting to click!
Icon Dialogue Arrow So when do we get our prize money?
March 7th: Huh, there's a cash prize?
Asta: If it were up to me, you two would be loaded right now.
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink~
Asta: Aww, this little one is still bursting with personality!
March 7th: Oh! That's right, I almost forgot...
March 7th: I'm guessing... you two came to talk about them, right?
Topaz: That's right, but I'll let Miss Asta explain the specifics.
Asta: No need to make it sound so serious!
Asta: ...As Miss Topaz said, I'm here to talk about this Aether Spirit with you.
Asta: You already know its story, so I won't go into too much detail. My main reason for being here is merely to witness your decision.
March 7th: Witness our decision?
Asta:That's right — your choice. This cute little trotter, despite its charm, is essentially just data to me — a collector's piece...
Asta: ...but unlike you two, I haven't had the chance to embark on adventures, fight side by side, and experience highs and lows with them. It wouldn't be right for me to make this decision for you.
Asta: I don't want you to feel burdened by this choice... You don't need to worry about my feelings, just go with what your heart tells you.
Asta: Ultimately, this little trotter is your companion, and now they're a part of your journey.
March 7th: ...
March 7th: Thanks, Miss Asta. But I... I'm not sure I should...
March 7th: Hmm... Why don't you decide, (Trailblazer)! You're good at making choices — I'm sure you'll know what's best.
March 7th: ...Right?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Fair enough, I'll handle this.
March 7th: ...Thank you, (Trailblazer).
Icon Dialogue Arrow You trust me?
March 7th: ...Yeah. So what?
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink, oink...
(Trailblazer): (This is a big deal... I'd better think carefully.)
Icon Dialogue Arrow It'd be best if you took (Trotter Name) back.
March 7th: ...I understand.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We'd like to keep (Trotter Name).
March 7th: Nice!
March 7th: Well... Miss Asta, we've made our decision.
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink, oink!
Asta: Very well... Decision made.
March 7th: That settles it then. Thanks for sticking by me throughout all this...
March 7th: The journey may be short, but the memories will last forever~
(If you decided to keep (Trotter Name))
(Obtain Achievement The End, and Then Comes the Beginning)
(If you decided to return (Trotter Name) to Asta)
(Obtain Achievement Victory, and Then Comes Farewell)
(Obtain Achievement King of the Snowy Hill)


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishFinal Showdown! Intergalactic Celebration!
Korean결승! 스타피스 축제
Spanish¡La final! ¡Celebración intergaláctica!
FrenchGrand final intergalactique !
RussianПобеда! Межзвёздный праздник!
VietnameseQuyết Đấu! Lễ Hội Hành Tinh
GermanSiegreich, interastrales Feiern!
IndonesianDuel Penentuan! Perayaan Antarbintang!
PortugueseBatalha Final! Celebração Intergaláctica!

Change History[]
