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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Fate's Ensemble is a game system in Honkai: Star Rail used to display branching perspectives of different characters during Missions.


Tutorial System Fate's Ensemble 1
As the story unfolds, you will have the chance to progress the story from other characters' POV. When entering a character's POV for the first time, that character will automatically be placed first in your team.

Tutorial System Fate's Ensemble 2
You can check the Fate's Atlas interface to see which characters' POV an ongoing mission or completed mission is in.

Tutorial System Fate's Ensemble 3
If you need to change your POV to continue the story, you can select here to enter "Fate's Ensemble."

Tutorial System Fate's Ensemble 4
On the Fate's Atlas page, the ongoing POV will be labeled as "Current POV." If there are ongoing missions in this POV, then their mission types will be labeled.

Tutorial System Fate's Ensemble 5
While in a non-Trailblazer POV, you can only access specific maps and cannot play certain missions as well as certain content such as Calyxes, Stagnant Shadows, Caverns of Corrosion, Echoes of War, Simulated Universe, Forgotten Hall, etc.

Tutorial System Fate's Ensemble 6
If you wish to play the aforementioned restricted content, you can first go to the Interastral Peace Guide, Travel Log, or Mission interface, select the button corresponding to the content, and then switch to the suitable character's POV to play the said content.

Tutorial System Fate's Ensemble 7
Note: The unlock state of Space Anchors in different POVs are independent of each other. The same Space Anchors must be unlocked individually when playing in a different POV.

Tutorial System Fate's Ensemble 8
Moreover, team setups across different POVs are independent of each other but share their Status Effects, HP, Technique Points, etc.

Icon Fate's Ensemble Trailblazer Trailblazer: Trailblaze Chronicle[]

Fate's Ensemble Caelus
Fate's Ensemble Stelle

Trailblazer: Trailblaze Chronicle centers around the Trailblazer, serving as the default perspective for most Missions.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step Cat Among Pigeons
Mission When the Sacred Ginmill ClosesIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackWhen the Sacred Ginmill Closes When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Mission Why Do the Heathen Rage? StelleIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackWhy Do the Heathen Rage? When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step In Our Time
Mission Small Town Grotesque StelleIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackSmall Town Grotesque When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Mission The Public Enemy StelleIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackThe Public Enemy When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step Farewell, Penacony
Mission Rivers Run Without Return StelleIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackRivers Run Without Return When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Icon Map Trailblaze Continuance Step Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (I)
Mission Inquisition to RectitudeIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackInquisition to Rectitude When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Icon Map Trailblaze Continuance Step Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (II)
Mission The Red WarcryIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackThe Red Warcry When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Mission A Swarm of CarnageIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackA Swarm of Carnage When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Mission Last Stand of a Lone Wolf StelleIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackLast Stand of a Lone Wolf When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Icon Map Trailblaze Continuance Step Banana Outrage: Battles Without Ninja and Humanity
Mission The 400 BananasIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackThe 400 Bananas When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Mission A Clockwork BananaIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackA Clockwork Banana When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Mission The Men Who Tread on the Monkey's TailIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackThe Men Who Tread on the Monkey's Tail When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step A New Venture on the Eighth Dawn
Mission A Misfortune of Survivors StelleIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackA Misfortune of Survivors When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Mission Reality is But Dream's EchoIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackReality is But Dream's Echo When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step Heroic Saga of Flame-Chase
Mission Kremnos, Cleanse Thy Rusted Blood (II) StelleIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackKremnos, Cleanse Thy Rusted Blood (II) When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.

Icon Fate's Ensemble Aventurine Aventurine: Danse Macabre[]

Fate's Ensemble Aventurine

Aventurine: Danse Macabre centers around Aventurine and his attempts to reclaim Penacony for the IPC.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step Cat Among Pigeons
Mission Double IndemnityIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackDouble Indemnity Aventurine now has an understanding of the present situation. He's decided to honor the Oak Family head's invitation and meet the man, then reclaim his lost belongings as well as the power fitting for them...
Mission Heaven is a Place on EarthIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackHeaven is a Place on Earth Aventurine seems to have lost everything, but he still decides to hand out jewels and money on the street to make the most of what he has left. What is he trying to achieve...?
Mission All the Sad TalesIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackAll the Sad Tales Aventurine seems convinced that he has obtained some key clues and victory is at hand. However, can he really last until the moment he climbs onto Clock Studios Theme Park's stage?

Icon Fate's Ensemble Acheron Acheron: Beyond Good & Evil[]

Fate's Ensemble Acheron

Acheron: Beyond Good & Evil centers around Acheron. She played a key role in Penacony's story, arriving at Penacony with the goal of returning the lost relics of a Galaxy Ranger.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step Cat Among Pigeons
Mission The Tell-Tale HeartIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackThe Tell-Tale Heart Acheron and Welt have reached an understanding, directly targeting The Family with their suspicion. What will they discover at Dewlight Pavilion?

Icon Fate's Ensemble Robin Robin?: The Fool Always Rings Twice[]

Fate's Ensemble Robin

Robin?: The Fool Always Rings Twice centers around Sparkle taking the form of Robin, distributing mysterious buttons for an unknown reason.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step In Our Time
Mission The Fool Always Rings TwiceIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackThe Fool Always Rings Twice Penacony falls into temporary chaos due to the commotion at the Theme Park, and Robin(?) decides to use this opportunity to distribute her little gift...

Icon Fate's Ensemble Boothill Boothill: Broken Arrow[]

Fate's Ensemble Boothill

Boothill: Broken Arrow centers around Boothill and Dan Heng and their attempts at finding Acheron — until Acheron finds them.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step In Our Time
Mission Bullet & BrainIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackBullet & Brain Boothill comes to an agreement with Dan Heng. They will now try to infiltrate the sweet dream and save their friends...

Icon Fate's Ensemble Robin Robin: Birds, Orphans and Fools[]

Fate's Ensemble Robin

Robin: Birds, Orphans and Fools centers around Robin, Sunday, and Welt attempting to convince Gopher Wood to join their cause.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step In Our Time
Mission The Only Path to TomorrowIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackThe Only Path to Tomorrow Robin and Sunday decide to convince Gopher Wood, the Dreammaster, and their former benefactor — Hopefully, all goes well...

Icon Fate's Ensemble Topaz Topaz: The Aviator[]

Fate's Ensemble Topaz

Topaz: The Aviator centers around Topaz aboard The Radiant Feldspar for the meeting between the IPC and The Family.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step Farewell, Penacony
Mission All About EveIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackAll About Eve Meanwhile, Topaz boards a certain luxurious airship in Penacony, awaiting the beginning of an important meeting...

Icon Fate's Ensemble Jade Jade: Poison and Sweet Dew[]

Fate's Ensemble Jade

Jade: Poison and Sweet Dew centers around Jade and Topaz during the second half of their meeting with Oti Alfalfa.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step Farewell, Penacony
Mission Life is But a Drifting DreamIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackLife is But a Drifting Dream The meeting with Oti Alfalfa didn't start smoothly. Jade and Topaz are currently aboard the Radiant Feldspar discussing the strategy for the second half...

Icon Fate's Ensemble Firefly Firefly: Soldier's Pay[]

Fate's Ensemble Firefly

Firefly: Soldier's Pay centers around Firefly exploring and investigating The Radiant Feldspar.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step Farewell, Penacony
Mission Soldier's PayIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackSoldier's Pay At this moment, a dexterous "stowaway" also boards the Radiant Feldspar...

Icon Fate's Ensemble March 7th March 7th: The Novice's Stand[]

Fate's Ensemble March 7th Preservation

March 7th: The Novice's Stand centers around March 7th (The Hunt) learning Xianzhou swordplay under Yanqing and Yunli.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Continuance Step Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (I)
Mission March to Mastery A Star Is BornIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackMarch to Mastery: A Star Is Born With the encouragement of General Huaiyan — deliberate or accidental notwithstanding — March 7th seized the unexpected opportunity to learn the art of Xianzhou swordsmanship and to perform in the Wardance ceremony...

Icon Fate's Ensemble Jiaoqiu Jiaoqiu: A Warning Fire[]

Fate's Ensemble Jiaoqiu

Jiaoqiu: A Warning Fire centers around Jiaoqiu and Moze descending into The Shackling Prison in preparation to transfer Hoolay to the Yaoqing.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Continuance Step Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (I)
Mission Inquisition to RectitudeIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackInquisition to Rectitude Dispatched by the general of the Yaoqing, Jiaoqiu and Moze enter The Shackling Prison to visit Hoolay, the borisin Warhead imprisoned there...

Icon Fate's Ensemble Lingsha Lingsha: Unbidden Elixir[]

Fate's Ensemble Lingsha

Lingsha: Unbidden Elixir centers around Lingsha Transcription missing.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Continuance Step Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (II)
Mission A Web of Pasts RewovenIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackA Web of Pasts Rewoven In The Shackling Prison, Lingsha, Dan Heng, and Jing Yuan are trying to discern clues from the borisin's attacks...
Mission Ebb of Past SinsIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackEbb of Past Sins In Scalegorge Waterscape, Dan Heng and Lingsha are scheduled to meet with the Vidyadhara Preceptors...

Icon Fate's Ensemble Jiaoqiu Jiaoqiu: None Can Hurt Me[]

Fate's Ensemble Jiaoqiu

Jiaoqiu: None Can Hurt Me centers around Jiaoqiu captured by the borosin.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Continuance Step Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (II)
Mission Alone In PerilIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackAlone In Peril Falling into the hands of the borisin, Jiaoqiu is trying to find a chance to survive... but it is not his own chance that he seeks.

Icon Fate's Ensemble March 7th March 7th: Wildhunt Siege[]

Fate's Ensemble March 7th The Hunt

March 7th: Wildhunt Siege centers around March 7th (The Hunt) putting her new Xianzhou sword skills to use.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Continuance Step Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (II)
Mission Novice in Zenithal DuelIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackNovice in Zenithal Duel On Huaiyan's orders, March 7th and Yunli board the Skysplitter, participating in the Wardance Ceremony as scheduled...
Mission Comrade in ArmsIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackComrade in Arms March 7th senses the signs of impending danger — the moment to test her swordplay has finally arrived...
Mission Under the SpellIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackUnder the Spell March 7th senses the signs of impending danger — the moment to test her swordplay has finally arrived...

Icon Fate's Ensemble Feixiao Feixiao: Arrow Shot to Lupine Rue[]

Fate's Ensemble Feixiao

Feixiao: Arrow Shot to Lupine Rue centers around Feixiao fighting against the borosin.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Continuance Step Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (II)
Mission Sweep by Merlin's ClawIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackSweep by Merlin's Claw "Surround three and leave one." The Merlin's Claw initiates the hunt against the pack of wolves...

Icon Fate's Ensemble Yunli Yunli: Encirclement of Wild Hunt[]

Fate's Ensemble Yunli

Yunli: Encirclement of Wild Hunt centers around Yunli Transcription missing.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Continuance Step Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (II)
Mission I Shall Turn the TideIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackI Shall Turn the Tide On the Skysplitter, the atmosphere of an impending storm makes Yunli anxious and uneasy...

Icon Fate's Ensemble Boothill Boothill: Nightmare Adagio[]

Fate's Ensemble Boothill

Boothill: Nightmare Adagio centers around Boothill traveling to Dreamflux Reef to find out the secrets of the Slumbernana Monkeys.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Continuance Step Banana Outrage: Battles Without Ninja and Humanity
Mission Reservoir MonkeysIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackReservoir Monkeys Unbeknownst to everyone, the cosmic cowboy who became uncontactable is currently lurking in the shadows of the Dreamscape...
Mission Dead Banana SocietyIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackDead Banana Society Unbeknownst to everyone, the cosmic cowboy who became uncontactable is currently lurking in the shadows of the Dreamscape...
Mission Asdanian RhapsodyIcon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackAsdanian Rhapsody Unbeknownst to everyone, the cosmic cowboy who became uncontactable is currently lurking in the shadows of the Dreamscape...

Icon Fate's Ensemble Sunday Sunday: On This Arduous Journey[]

Fate's Ensemble Sunday

Sunday: On This Arduous Journey centers around Sunday bidding Penacony farewell.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step A New Venture on the Eighth Dawn
Mission The Departed Will Return FirstIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackThe Departed Will Return First It's not just the guests who return to this beautiful dream —There is also the dream's "master"...
Mission Sound of Farewell Hums ReunionIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackSound of Farewell Hums Reunion The ascetic still gazes back at who they used to be, and the most weighty part of that identity will finally be parted...

Icon Fate's Ensemble Aglaea Aglaea: Effulgent Blindness[]

Fate's Ensemble Aglaea

Aglaea: Effulgent Blindness centers around Aglaea searching Okhema for Nikador's spies.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step Heroic Saga of Flame-Chase
Mission A Cleansing of GoldIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackA Cleansing of Gold Aglaea begins a personal investigation after discovering that Okhema might have been infiltrated, pulling out the filth hidden in the nooks and crannies of the city...

Icon Fate's Ensemble Herta Herta: Answers Within Mirrors[]

Fate's Ensemble Herta

Herta: Answers Within Mirrors centers around The Herta trying to comunicate with Nous.

Mission Introduction
Icon Map Trailblaze Mission Step Heroic Saga of Flame-Chase
Mission A Witch's Scientific ReposeIcon Trailblaze Mission Small BlackA Witch's Scientific Repose Herta is preparing at the space station to commune with Nous the Aeon, but it seems the process didn't go so well?

Other Languages[]

Fate's Ensemble

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishFate's Ensemble
Korean운명의 군상
SpanishActores del destino
FrenchActeurs du destin
RussianАктёры судеб
VietnameseQuần Thể Vận Mệnh
IndonesianPersona Takdir
PortugueseElenco do Destino

Trailblazer: Trailblaze Chronicle

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishTrailblazer: Trailblaze Chronicle
Korean개척자: 개척 레코드
SpanishTrazacaminos: Crónicas trazacaminos
French(Pionnier/Pionnière) : Journal d'exploration
RussianПервопроходец: Журнал Освоения
Thaiผู้บุกเบิก: จารึกการบุกเบิก
VietnameseNhà Khai Phá: Ký Sự Khai Phá
German(Trailblazer/Trailblazerin): Traiblaze- Aufzeichnungen
IndonesianTrailblazer: Kisah Perintisan
Portuguese(Desbravador/Desbravadora): Crônica do Desbravamento

Aventurine: Danse Macabre

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishAventurine: Danse Macabre
Korean어벤츄린: 도살장의
SpanishAventurino: Danza macabra
FrenchAventurine : Danse funèbre
RussianАвантюрин: Пляска смерти
ThaiAventurine: เริงระบำในลานสังหาร
VietnameseAventurine: Vũ Điệu Đồ Tể
GermanAventurin: Tanz des Schlachthofs
IndonesianAventurine: Tarian di Tempat Pemotongan Daging
PortugueseAventurine: Dança Macabra

Acheron: Beyond Good & Evil

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishAcheron: Beyond Good & Evil
Korean아케론: 선악을 넘어서
SpanishAcheron: Más allá del bien y del mal
FrenchAchéron : Au-delà du bien et du mal
RussianАхерон: За гранью добра и зла
ThaiAcheron: ก้าวข้ามความดีชั่ว
VietnameseAcheron: Vượt Qua Thiện Ác
GermanAcheron: Jenseits von Gut und Böse
IndonesianAcheron: Melampaui Kebaikan dan Kejahatan
PortugueseAcheron: Além do Bem e o do Mal

Robin?: The Fool Always Rings Twice

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishRobin?: The Fool Always Rings Twice
Korean로빈?: 우인은 벨을 울린다
Spanish¿Robin?: Los tontos llaman siempre dos veces
FrenchRobin ? : Le Fou sonne toujours deux fois
RussianЗарянка?: Недотёпы всегда звонят дважды
ThaiRobin?: คนทึ่มกดกริ่งสองครา
VietnameseRobin?: Kẻ Ngốc Luôn Ấn Chuông Hai Lần
GermanRobin?: Wenn die Närrin zweimal klingelt
IndonesianRobin?: Orang Bodoh Selalu Menekan Bel Dua Kali
PortugueseRobin?: Os Tolos Tocam a Campainha Duas Vezes

Boothill: Broken Arrow

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishBoothill: Broken Arrow
Korean부트힐: 브로큰 애로우
SpanishBoothill: Flecha rota
FrenchLe Fossoyeur : La flèche brisée
RussianБутхилл: Сломанная стрела
ThaiBoothill: คู่มหากาฬ
VietnameseBoothill: Thành Lập Liên Minh
GermanBoothill: Zerbrochener Pfeil
IndonesianBoothill: Mengakhiri Pertikaian
PortugueseBoothill: Flecha Quebrada

Robin: Birds, Orphans and Fools

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishRobin: Birds, Orphans and Fools
Korean로빈: , 고아, 그리고 우인
SpanishRobin: Pájaros, huérfanos y bufones
FrenchRobin : Les Oiseaux, les Orphelins et les Fous
RussianЗарянка: Птички, сироты и Недотёпы
ThaiRobin: นก เด็กกำพร้า และคนเขลา
VietnameseRobin: Chim, Cô Nhi Và Kẻ Ngốc
GermanRobin: Vögel, Waisen und Narren
IndonesianRobin: Burung, Anak Yatim, dan Orang Bodoh
PortugueseRobin: Pássaros, Órfãos e Tolos

Topaz: The Aviator

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishTopaz: The Aviator
Korean토파즈: 비행사
SpanishTopaz: Aviadora
FrenchTopaz : La pilote
RussianТопаз: Пилот
ThaiTopaz: นักบิน
VietnameseTopaz: Phi Hành Gia
GermanTopaz: Die Fliegerin
IndonesianTopaz: Pilot
PortugueseTopaz: A Aviadora

Jade: Poison and Sweet Dew

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishJade: Poison and Sweet Dew
Korean제이드: 감로와 독주
SpanishJade: Dulce rocío y amargo veneno
FrenchJade : Douce rosée et poison
RussianЯшма: Сладкая роса и отрава
ThaiJade: น้ำหวานและยาพิษ
VietnameseJade: Cam Lộ Và Rượu Độc
GermanJade: Süßer Tau und bitteres Gift
IndonesianJade: Embun Manis dan Racun
PortugueseJade: Veneno e Doce Orvalho

Firefly: Soldier's Pay

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishFirefly: Soldier's Pay
Korean반디: 병사의 보수
SpanishLuciérnaga: Paga del soldado
FrenchLuciole : Rémunération du soldat
RussianСветлячок: Солдатская награда
ThaiFirefly: รางวัลแด่ทหารกล้า
VietnameseFirefly: Thù Lao Của Binh Sĩ
GermanGlühwürmchen: Lohn eines Soldaten
IndonesianFirefly: Penghargaan Prajurit
PortugueseVaga-lume: Pagamento da Soldado

March 7th: The Novice's Stand

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishMarch 7th: The Novice's Stand
KoreanMar. 7th: 배움의 첫걸음
SpanishSiete de Marzo: La educación correcta
FrenchMarch 7th : Voie de la néophyte
RussianМарт 7: Правильное обучение
ThaiMarch 7th: ร่ำเรียนเพียรฝึกฝน
VietnameseMarch 7th: Người Mới Luyện Võ
German7. März: Korrekte Ausbildung
IndonesianMarch 7th: Pelatihan yang Tepat
Portuguese7 de Março: A Posição do Iniciante

Jiaoqiu: A Warning Fire

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishJiaoqiu: A Warning Fire
Korean초구: 아래
SpanishJiaoqiu: El fuego que avisa
FrenchJiaoqiu : Feu à couvert
RussianЦзяоцю: Огонь у подножия
ThaiJiaoqiu: เพลิงใต้ภูเขา
VietnameseJiaoqiu: Dưới Núi Có Lửa
GermanJiaoqiu: Warnfeuer
IndonesianJiaoqiu: Peringatan Bahaya
PortugueseJiaoqiu: Um Disparo de Aviso

Lingsha: Unbidden Elixir

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishLingsha: Unbidden Elixir
Korean영사: 무망의
SpanishLingsha: Elixir inesperado
FrenchLingsha : Remède imprévu
RussianЛинша: Неожиданное лекарство
ThaiLingsha: โอสถที่ไม่คาดคิด
VietnameseLingsha: Thuốc Vô Vọng
GermanLingsha: Medizin der Unberechenbarkeit
IndonesianLingsha: Pengobatan Tak Terduga
PortugueseLingsha: Elixir Espontâneo

Jiaoqiu: None Can Hurt Me

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishJiaoqiu: None Can Hurt Me
Korean초구: 교만의
SpanishJiaoqiu: Nadie puede dañarme
FrenchJiaoqiu : Invincible
RussianЦзяоцю: Мне никто не страшен
ThaiJiaoqiu: ไร้พิษใดกล้ำกราย
VietnameseJiaoqiu: Chẳng Ai Làm Hại Được Ta
GermanJiaoqiu: Verbotene Vergiftung
IndonesianJiaoqiu: Tidak Ada yang Bisa Melukaiku
PortugueseJiaoqiu: Ninguém Pode Me Machucar

March 7th: Wildhunt Siege

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishMarch 7th: Wildhunt Siege
KoreanMar. 7th: 좁혀지는 포위망
SpanishSiete de Marzo: Cerco de la caza salvaje
FrenchMarch 7th : Assaut de la Chasse sauvage
RussianМарт 7: В кольце дикой охоты
ThaiMarch 7th: ปิดเมืองล่า
VietnameseMarch 7th: Săn Bắn Vây Thành
German7. März: Jagd der Belagerung
IndonesianMarch 7th: Penyergapan Pemburu Liar
Portuguese7 de Março: Cerco da Caça Selvagem

Feixiao: Arrow Shot to Lupine Rue

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishFeixiao: Arrow Shot to Lupine Rue
Korean비소: 천랑을 화살
SpanishFeixiao: A la caza del lobo estelar
FrenchFeixiao : Flèche d'un chasseur chassé
RussianФэйсяо: На волка охота
ThaiFeixiao: ศรสยบสิงคาล
VietnameseFeixiao: Tiễn Bắn Thiên Lang
GermanFeixiao: Wolfsjagd im Himmelsgrau
IndonesianFeixiao: Busur Mengoyak Serigala Akasa
PortugueseFeixiao: Flecha Disparada no Lupino Lastimado

Yunli: Encirclement of Wild Hunt

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishYunli: Encirclement of Wild Hunt
Korean운리: 좁혀지는 포위망
SpanishYunli: Cerco de la caza salvaje
FrenchYunli : Assaut de la Chasse sauvage
RussianЮньли: В кольце дикой охоты
ThaiYunli: ปิดเมืองล่า
VietnameseYunli: Săn Bắn Vây Thành
GermanYunli: Jagd der Belagerung
IndonesianYunli: Penyergapan Pemburu Liar
PortugueseYunli: Cerco da Caça Selvagem

Boothill: Nightmare Adagio

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishBoothill: Nightmare Adagio
Korean부트힐: 느린 템포의 악몽
SpanishBoothill: Adagio de la pesadilla
FrenchLe Fossoyeur : Adagio cauchemardesque
RussianБутхилл: Замедленный кошмар
ThaiBoothill: ฝันร้ายคืบคลาน
VietnameseBoothill: Ác Mộng Rình Rập
GermanBoothill: Schleichender Albtraum
IndonesianBoothill: Lagu Mimpi Buruk Bertempo Lambat
PortugueseBoothill: Adágio do Pesadelo

Sunday: On This Arduous Journey

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishSunday: On This Arduous Journey
Korean선데이: 고된 여정을 따라
SpanishSunday: Un viaje desafiante
FrenchSunday : Chemin de la rédemption
RussianВоскресенье: Этот тернистый путь
ThaiSunday: การเดินทางอันยากลำบาก
VietnameseSunday: Đi Theo Hành Trình Khổ Hạnh
GermanSonntag: Auf dieser bitteren Reise
IndonesianSunday: Perjalanan Penuh Lika-Liku
PortugueseSunday: Nesta Árdua Jornada

Aglaea: Effulgent Blindness

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishAglaea: Effulgent Blindness
Korean아글라이아: 눈부신 맹목
SpanishAglaea: La ceguera de la belleza
FrenchAglaé : Cécité éblouissante
RussianАглая: Чарующая слепота
ThaiAglaea: ความมืดบอดอันสว่างไสว
VietnameseAglaea: Sự Mù Lòa Rực Rỡ
GermanAglaea: Leuchtende Blindheit
IndonesianAglaea: Kebutaan yang Memesona
PortugueseAglaea: Cegueira Refulgente

Herta: Answers Within Mirrors

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishHerta: Answers Within Mirrors
Korean헤르타: 환상의 거울에서 찾는 해답
SpanishHerta: Enigmas en el espejo
FrenchHerta : Réponses dans les miroirs
RussianГерта: Ответы в зеркалах
ThaiHerta: กระจกไขคำตอบ
VietnameseHerta: Giải Bí Mật Trong Ảo Cảnh
GermanHerta: Illusionsrätsel
IndonesianHerta: Mencari Jawaban di Dalam Cermin
PortugueseHerta: Respostas Dentro de Espelhos

Change History[]
