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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Exorcismal Chronicle is an Adventure Mission from the A Foxian Tale of the Haunted event. It begins after completing Luofu Myths: Chess Ghost.


  1. Accept the heliobus' challenge.


Accept the heliobus' challenge.[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

Capturing heliobi requires practice like any other skill. The spiritfarer extends an invitation to you to participate in some well-prepared heliobi training at the Suppression Tower.
Shouling: New exorcismics might be obtained when new heliobi become sealed in the suppression towers, which will greatly aid you in suppressing demons. Now that I'm done conveying Judge Huohuo's message, I shall take my leave.

Icon Dialogue Talk Suppression Tower, Pavilion of Cessation
The Suppression Tower — part of the Fyxestroll Garden's "Evil Binding Matrix" — is a containment receptacle used to restrain heliobi.
Icon Dialogue Quest Challenge Exorcismal Chronicle
(Opens A Foxian Tale of the Haunted: Exorcismal Chronicle)
Huohuo: In addition to suppressing heliobi, the suppression towers also offer Exorcismal Chronicle challenges.
Huohuo: As the number of heliobi we suppress increases, so does the number of Exorcismal Chronicle challenges.
Huohuo: Th—There's no time to spare. Let's go try a challenge.
(Opens Exorcismal Chronicle: Pavilion of Cessation)
Huohuo: While under the possession of different heliobi, enemies will display anomalies.
Icon Dialogue Exit Leave the suppression tower.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishExorcismal Chronicle
Korean요괴 진압록
SpanishArchivos sobrenaturales
FrenchChroniques d'exorcisme
RussianХроники экзорцизма
VietnameseHàng Yêu Tập Lục
GermanAufzeichnungen der Übernatürlichen
IndonesianCatatan Supranatural
PortugueseCrônicas de Exorcismo

Change History[]
