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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
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The Belobog History and Culture Museum has been fully renovated, and the Trailblazer will serve as the acting curator to lead the management and development of the museum, aiming to restore its popularity.

Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities is an Event in Version 1.1.

Event Details[]


  • 2023/06/09 10:00 - 2023/08/07 3:59(server time)


  • Trailblaze Level 21
  • Completed the Trailblaze Mission "Jarilo-VI — Silent Galaxy"


  • Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities is split into 2 modules: "Museum Management" and "Collection of Exhibits and Assistants."
  • During the limited-time event period, achieve the operational and collection goals to obtain limited-time rewards.
Museum Management
  • Once this gameplay is unlocked, the "Opportunity Makes the Thief" Adventure Mission series will become available. Completing "Opportunity Makes the Thief (Part 1)" will allow players to start managing the museum.
  • There are five phases to museum management, and RevitaScore can be obtained there. After achieving the cumulative goals of each phase, players can upgrade to the next phase and unlock new exhibition areas.
  • Completion of each management phase will result in management phase reward.
Collection of Exhibits and Assistants
  • During museum management, Trailblazers will receive additional operational objectives or encounter random events. These objectives and events will provide clues to lost exhibits. Complete these exhibits' missions to store them in the museum's collection.
  • Guest assistants can be recruited by completing the "Opportunity Makes the Thief" Adventure Mission series or the guide recruitment mission series in random events.
  • Trailblazers can receive collection rewards in the Ledger of Curiosities after collecting new exhibits or after guest assistants are recruited.


Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities: RevitaScore
Tutorial Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities RevitaScore 1
The museum's Revitalization Stage and obtained RevitaScore are shown here

Tutorial Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities RevitaScore 2
Management benefits are influenced by three parameters. The higher the museum is ranked, the more benefits it will bring in.
Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities: Exhibition Area Level Up
Tutorial Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities Exhibition Area Level Up
Increase [sic] the level of exhibition area will improve benefits from operating the museum, but will also set the objectives higher
Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities: Exhibit Collection
Tutorial Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities Exhibit Collection 1
To [sic] key to revitalizing the museum lies in finding the lost exhibits. Continue operations to keep finding clues!

Tutorial Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities Exhibit Collection 2
Exhibits can bring extra benefits and special boosts!

Limited-Time Rewards[]

Management Progress (I)[]

Requirement Rewards
Level up the exhibition area in the General Hall - Exterior to Lv. 6
Stellar Jade 50
Credit 60,000
Traveler's Guide 8
Recruit a total of 2 Guest Assistants
Stellar Jade 50
Credit 60,000
Refined Aether 6
Complete a total of 4 additional operational objectives
Stellar Jade 50
Credit 60,000
Traveler's Guide 8
Level up the exhibition area in the General Hall - Interior to Lv. 4
Stellar Jade 50
Credit 60,000
Refined Aether 6

Management Progress (II)[]

Requirement Rewards
Level up the exhibition area in the General Hall - Interior to Lv. 6
Stellar Jade 50
Credit 60,000
Traveler's Guide 8
Recruit a total of 4 Guest Assistants
Stellar Jade 50
Credit 60,000
Refined Aether 6
Complete a total of 8 additional operational objectives
Stellar Jade 50
Credit 60,000
Traveler's Guide 8
Level up the exhibition area in the Industrial Hall to Lv. 4
Stellar Jade 50
Credit 60,000
Refined Aether 6

Management Progress (III)[]

Requirement Rewards
Level up the exhibition area in the Industrial Hall to Lv. 7
Stellar Jade 50
Credit 60,000
Traveler's Guide 8
Recruit a total of 7 Guest Assistants
Stellar Jade 50
Credit 60,000
Refined Aether 6
Complete a total of 12 additional operational objectives
Stellar Jade 50
Credit 60,000
Traveler's Guide 8
Level up the History-Culture Hall to Lv. 3
Stellar Jade 50
Refined Aether 6
Tracks of Destiny 1

Exhibit Collection[]

Requirement Rewards
Recover a total of 3 lost exhibits
Stellar Jade 80
Credit 60,000
Lost Crystal 12
Recover a total of 6 lost exhibits
Stellar Jade 80
Credit 60,000
Lost Crystal 12
Recover a total of 9 lost exhibits
Stellar Jade 80
Credit 60,000
Lost Crystal 12
Recover a total of 12 lost exhibits
Stellar Jade 80
Credit 60,000
Lost Crystal 12
Recover a total of 15 lost exhibits
Stellar Jade 80
Lost Crystal 12
Self-Modeling Resin 1

Nameless Honor Missions[]

This event added additional "This Period" Nameless Honor missions to the 2023-06-07 Nameless Honor. The Nameless EXP obtained from these missions do not count towards the weekly experience limit of 8,000 The Nameless EXP.

MissionsThe Nameless EXP The Nameless EXP
Unlock all exhibition areas in the "Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities"1,400
Collect a total of 15 exhibits in the "Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities"1,400


There are 3 Achievements in the category Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities:

Name Description Hidden Version Item Stellar Jade
Free For Today Open up the general exhibition area of the Belobog History and Culture Museum Yes 1.1 5
Catch Me If You Can Open up three exhibition areas in the Belobog History and Culture Museum Yes 1.1 5
You Should Stay in the Museum! Collect all display items for the Belobog History and Culture Museum Yes 1.1 10

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishEverwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities
Korean겨울 박물관 진귀품 목록
SpanishArchivo de curiosidades del museo
FrenchCatalogue de curiosités du Musée de l'Hiver éternel
RussianКнига раритетов Краеведческого музея
VietnameseBảo Tàng Lịch Sử Thành Everwinter
GermanKuriositätenverzeichnis des Museums von Winterstadt
IndonesianKumpulan Benda Langka Museum Kota Beku
PortugueseRegistros de Curiosidades do Museu da Cidade do Inverno Eterno

Change History[]

Version 1.1

  • Event duration was extended until August 7, 2023 due to an issue with the event.[Note 1]
  • Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities was released.