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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

People are still trying to preserve flowers, despite the cold brought on by the Eternal Freeze. Like a good time, its beauty is fragile and temporary, but its fragrance will help you forget the tough times, even if only for a moment.

Eversummer Florist is a subarea in Administrative District, Overworld, Jarilo-VI.




Travel Encounters[]

A shop that sells the rare luxury known as flowers in the world of Everwinter, where customers long for luck and color.

People are still trying to preserve flowers, despite the cold brought on by the Eternal Freeze. Like a good time, the beauty of flowers is fragile and temporary, but the fragrance will help you forget the tough days, even if just for a brief moment.

Like any other planet, Belobog's flowers carry people's wishes. Every type of flower has its unique story and language. Different flowers are meant for different occasions.

First Snow[]

First Snow is the best choice if you are looking to make your elderly smile, for it symbolizes the best memories. It was said that a long time ago, people believed that the first snow of the year brings a good harvest and joy. Today, most people in Belobog have forgotten the cultural significance of the first snow, but the fond memories of the past were passed down through generations, and along with them, the seeds of this winter-hardy flower.

Ball Peony[]

Nothing impresses your loved one more than the Ball Peony. Precious and noble, it only blooms once a year for less than a month. The breath-taking beauty of its blossoms speaks volumes for its high price. In Belobog, it is believed that if you can get a "yes" from your loved one before the Ball Peony blooms, even death cannot part you two from each other.

If you are like a child in a sweetshop and don't know how to choose, why not talk to Vaska at the Florist?


After refreshing the map, a random one of the following will appear:
  • Variant 1
  • Variant 2
  • Variant 3
  • Variant 4
  • Variant 5
(Approach man, idle text)
I don't know what flowers she likes...
(Approach man and woman, idle text)
Woman: What should I buy for my mom?
Man: First Snow. They're great for oldies.
(Approach the two men, idle text)
Man Near Vaska: Hey, hurry up and give me some ideas.
Man Near Vaska: No, I don't understand flowers either...
(Approach the two women, idle text)
Woman Near Vaska: Just buy some Sunshine!
(Approach man and child, idle text)
Man: Mmm, this is good.
Child: Let's buy mom these ones!



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishEversummer Florist
Korean꽃집 「에버 썸머」
SpanishFloristería Siemprestío
FrenchFleuriste de l'Été éternel
RussianЦветочный магазин «Вечное лето»
ThaiEversummer Florist
VietnameseTiệm Hoa "Ngày Hè"
Indonesian"Eversummer" Florist
PortugueseFloricultura Verão Eterno

Change History[]

