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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Even When Cheers Fade: Chapter 4 is an Adventure Mission on The Xianzhou Luofu from the Luminary Wardance event.


  1. Review the Tactics Board and prepare for future matches
  2. Participate in the Knockout Matches and win points
  3. Head to the Reception Hall and confirm your match qualifications
  4. Return to the lounge and prepare for the next Faceoff Match
  5. Start the match and confront "Independent Contestant — Iron Arm"
  6. Hold the press conference


Review the Tactics Board and prepare for future matches[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

The tense and exciting match draws to a temporary close. It's time to have a quick breather.
Use this time to prepare for the upcoming match.
Carmella: The break is over. Contestant Luka, are you ready to keep competing?
Luka: I can't wait. Let's get this started.
Carmella: Hold on. Let's look at the opponent information for the next Faceoff Match first.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Look towards the Tactics Board)

Participate in the Knockout Matches and win points[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

The rules of the Knockout Matches are easy — Just defeat opponents and win points
Contestant Luka just needs to do three things: Win, win, and keep winning!
(Choose Stellaron Hunter SAM)

(Choose Karmic Hinkypunk)
(After winning both matches)
(Unlock Achievement Fringe Contender)

(Choose Samatha, optional)
UI Adventure Mission Step Description

What kind of opponent would the challenger named Samatha be? Hurry and start the next match.

Head to the Reception Hall and confirm your match qualifications[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

Luka finally wins enough points after a few rounds of Knockout Matches.
Now he'll face the truly formidable foes.
(Trailblazer): (After fighting in so many knockout stages, I think our points should be enough. Time to head to the Skysplitter's leaderboard to confirm our ranking.)
(Interact with the Leaderboard)
Luka: Looks like I've got enough points. How about it, Coach (Trailblazer)? Let's get ready to challenge some powerful opponents!
Icon Dialogue Arrow All right. Back to the lounge to prep for the match!
Luka: Okay! Time to get fired up! Let's head back to the lounge!
Icon Dialogue Exit Let's spend a bit more time recuperating.
Luka: That works too. You're the coach after all.

Return to the lounge and prepare for the next Faceoff Match[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

You can probably guess who this "Independent Contestant — Iron Arm" is, so there's no need to play up the mystery here.

Let's chat about some unimportant Luminary Wardance behind-the-scenes gossip instead.
You might have discovered that Hook and Svarog didn't make much of an appearance in the story. It's because they are busy with their own affairs.
Apart from taking part in the competition, Svarog is also visiting the shops in Luofu with Hook. He wants to bring some souvenirs to Clara but doesn't know what to buy, so after some "calculation" — He figures that Hook, as another female child, must know what to buy for Clara! He can't go wrong listening to Hook!

A few days later in the Robot Settlement,
Clara sinks into deep thought as she gazes upon the six boxes of mung bean soda before her.
Luka: After this match, I'll be up against Yanqing in the "Ringmaster's Challenge".
Luka: I thought I'd be really nervous, but I don't have the jitters at all! To say I'm not nervous at all isn't accurate... How should I put it? I'm unusually calm!
Carmella: I get you! I felt the same way for my seventy-fifth round of interviews with Interastral Peace Entertainment!
Luka: Seventy-five rounds... See? It's fortunate we didn't join the IPC system, now we don't have to endure this misery.
Carmella: Let's not dwell on that... How about we check out your next opponent?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Who's this contestant with an iron arm?
Luka: "Independent Contestant: Iron Arm"? Why so mysterious...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Finally, there's a contestant I haven't met before!
Luka: Don't be too sure about that. They might turn out to be another old friend of yours again! Hahahaha!
Icon Dialogue Arrow You always change the subject whenever we mention anything negative about IPC!
Carmella: That's not true!
Luka: Haha, cut Miss Carmella some slack! Let's turn our attention to my next opponent!
Carmella: This contestant is quite mysterious. I looked him up and found out that he always wore a heavy cloak in his previous matches, so his face was concealed... Perhaps he asked the organizers to hide his real identity?
Luka: So mysterious! But it doesn't matter, because now I'm going to step into the ring and see just how strong this "iron arm" is for myself!
(Challenge the Iron Arms on the Tactical Board)
Luka: (This will surely be a great match. What moves does he have up his sleeve?)
(Trailblazer): Luka, are you ready to be crowned as the King of the Iron Arms?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I already am.
Luka: Heh, I already am the King of the Iron Arms!
Carmella: You sure are! Let's hit the road, King of the Iron Arms!
Icon Dialogue Exit Please give me a moment.
Luka: Please give me a moment.

Start the match and confront "Independent Contestant — Iron Arm"[]

Luka: Hook???
Icon Dialogue Arrow Diggertron is her iron arm!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Pitch-Dark Iron Arm... Hook the Great?
Luka: Why didn't I think of you?
Hook: W—What? Diggertron isn't an iron arm! You're so silly, Luka!
Luka: Hahaha, just kidding. Since you're here, that must mean the "Independent Contestant: Iron Arm" must be...
Owlbert (Remote Puppet): The two fighters in the ring right now are remarkably similar in many ways!
Owlbert (Remote Puppet): The first contestant comes from Belobog — Luka "Strongarm"!
Owlbert (Remote Puppet): The other contestant... is also from Belobog.
Owlbert (Remote Puppet): Svarog "Iron Arm"!
Owlbert (Remote Puppet): These two contestants from Belobog are each other's final hurdle before advancing to the "Ringmaster's Challenge"! Fate sure has a sense of humor!
Owlbert (Remote Puppet): But if we look on the bright side, we can see that no matter who wins this match, Belobog will have a representative qualified to challenge the Luofu's ringmaster!
Svarog: I must apologize to you, Luka, for participating in the Wardance anonymously and keeping you in the dark.
Luka: You don't believe I can win, so you came here to boost the chances of team Belobog winning the Wardance, right?
Svarog: This isn't about what I "believe," Luka. This is a matter of calculation. Mathematically speaking, your chance of winning is low, but Belobog really needs this win.
Svarog: Thus, I entered the competition. This ensures that regardless of who emerges victorious, Belobog will earn recognition.
Luka: Haha, this stings a little, but I get it. Pitch-Dark Hook the Great, come clean — did you know about this right from the start?
Hook: Um... Sorry! Svarog said you would be sad if I told you the truth, so I kept it a secret...
Luka: Eh... What's next, Svarog? Is it Belobogian against Belobogian?
Svarog: It seems there is no other choice.
Luka: I didn't manage to beat you previously. "Mathematically speaking," I'm afraid I'll suffer the same fate this time.
Svarog: Your calculation is erroneous, Luka. Mathematically speaking, your chance of winning is unknown.
Svarog: There is a variable that I have yet to ascertain, so it's impossible to draw any conclusions.
Luka: Variable?
Svarog: Your improvement.
Svarog: I am an outdated robot, no matter how many pull-ups I do, it only wears down my joints. I will not grow stronger. However, you are different — with each experience, you will continue to grow stronger.
Luka: You might be right, but... Well, this is kinda embarrassing to say, but... I'm not sure if I've improved or not.
Svarog: Hence, my assessment — we should face each other here.
Svarog: Luka, you need to defeat me.
Luka: Hmph, no problem, Svarog. Bring it on!

(Begin battle against Svarog (Boss) Svarog)
Svarog: Again, I'd like to remind you that I won't make this easy for you. Please be careful.
Luka: Got it. Thanks for not holding back, Svarog!
(When Svarog takes his first turn)
Owlbert (Remote Puppet): The opponent is coming in hot! Hang in there, Luka!
Hook: Come on Svarog, don't lose!
Hook: Come on Luka, don't lose!
Luka: Whose side are you on?
(When Svarog takes his second turn)
Svarog: According to my calculations, this is not the best you can do. Please treat this battle seriously.
Owlbert (Remote Puppet): The opponent is not leaving any openings for Luka!
(When Svarog enters Phase II)
Hook: Oh! Luka's about to win! Svarog, don't give up!
Hook: ...But I want you to win too, Luka!
Luka: I can't handle that girl.
Owlbert (Remote Puppet): Woah! Looks like Svarog is gearing up for an all-out attack!
(When Svarog's Vibes reach 70%)
Owlbert (Remote Puppet): Luka is on the defensive! What will he do?
Hook: Luka, don't lose to Svarog!

(After the battle)
(Unlock Achievement Aim to Be a Wardance Master)
Owlbert (Remote Puppet): By the Amber Lord! What a glorious showdown between the two "iron arms"!
Owlbert (Remote Puppet): I declare the winner of this match, who also earns the chance to challenge the ringmaster — Luka "Strongarm"!
Svarog: Luka, do you hear the cheers? You won.
Luka: Svarog, you didn't go easy on me, did you?
Svarog: No, I didn't. You defeated me fair and square.
Svarog: Get some rest. You're up against the ringmaster of the Luofu next.
Luka: Svarog, based on your calculations... Do you think I can beat Yanqing?
Svarog: The result of my calculations holds no importance to you. You need to step into the ring and experience the battle yourself — that's what matters more to you.
Luka: Got it. I'll do whatever it takes!

Hold the press conference[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

Press conferences are a specialty of sporting events. You've gotta experience it.
Are you prepared to face the cunning, plotting, devious, and conniving friends working in the media industry?
It's time to have a battle of wits against them.
Some time later, at the venue of the Luminary Wardance press conference...
Press Officer: Thank you, Contestant Luka, for bringing us yet another exciting match!
Press Officer: As Luka has already obtained the opportunity to participate in the "Ringmaster's Challenge", this will be the last time Coach (Trailblazer) will be accepting interviews. Please cherish this opportunity to ask questions.
Press Officer: Next, Coach (Trailblazer) will be selecting journalists for questions.
(Pick up to 2 of the 3 options)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Front row, first from the left.
Press Officer: Please ask your questions.
Carmella: Hello, Coach (Trailblazer), I am Carmella, and I am a journalist intern for Interastral Peace Entertainment. I'm sure you have heard this many times already, but congratulations to you and Luka on making the defending match!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Thank you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Nods in appreciation)
Carmella: The battle between Jarilo-VI's best was exceptionally tough, with both contestants evenly matched, and the outcome was not decided till the end. Coach (Trailblazer), how would you evaluate Svarog's performance?
Icon Dialogue Arrow He's an opponent that deserves our respect.
(Trailblazer): Luka and Svarog have been destined rivals in Belobog, and they have complete understanding of each other.
(Trailblazer): Even though Svarog gave us a hard time on our path to advancement, we have to admit that he is formidable in strength and is a respectable opponent.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I feel regret for this match between kinsmen...
(Trailblazer): We are all representing Belobog. If possible, we wish not to encounter each other before the final match. But the fact is as it is. Regrettably, there can only be one to challenge the ringmaster.
(Trailblazer): We defeated Contestant Svarog and we will carry his regrets as we continue forward.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Who doesn't like big robots?
(Trailblazer): Honestly, when I first arrived in Jarilo-VI, I realized that big robots are really cool!
(Trailblazer): That's my evaluation now too!
Carmella: I see... Thank you for your answer!
Carmella: Next question. I hear that this is your first time being a coach. It's extraordinary that you've achieved such stellar results. Do you intend to convert into a full-time coach in future?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'd be delighted, but...
(Trailblazer): I also never thought I'd have the talent for coaching. If a fighter trusts me, I'd of course be more than willing to assist.
(Trailblazer): But I believe that there are many coaches who are more professional than me out there. What's crucial is your own ability!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Sorry, I'm just a Nameless.
(Trailblazer): I just became a coach on a whim. A full-time job isn't suited for me, and I much prefer being a Nameless still.
Icon Dialogue Arrow My teaching methods aren't suited to everyone...
(Trailblazer): My coaching methodology isn't for everyone. In other words, Luka and I are quite compatible. We might've been knocked out of the tournament if I had been with anyone else.
Press Officer: All right. That's it for your questions.
Press Officer: Coach (Trailblazer), please choose another journalist.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Front row, second from the left.
Press Officer: Please ask your questions.
Guinaifen: Hello, Coach (Trailblazer). I'm Guinaifen, special correspondent from that Xianzhou website, you know? I totally didn't know that you and Luka would really advance to the final stage! I'm completely floored!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Thank you. Now you know, don't you?
Guinaifen: Yes yes, I got it. Look at you all smug.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Did you have that little faith in us?
Guinaifen: That's my bad. I misjudged you guys.
Guinaifen: Reading recent comments on the net, they're saying that both contestants are from Belobog, and enjoy a cordial relationship. Is there a possibility that Svarog may pull his punches...? What does Coach (Trailblazer) have to say?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Just go ask Svarog...
(Trailblazer): Svarog registered for this tournament behind our backs. We didn't even know he was our next opponent...
(Trailblazer): You're better off asking Svarog instead, but I trust he did honor the tournament and gave it his all.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do the netizens think that the judges' panel is window dressing, or what?
(Trailblazer): They think the judges are window dressing? If Svarog were really trying to throw the match, you think the judges wouldn't notice?
(Trailblazer): Netizens just like to engage in rumor-mongering. They don't care about facts.
Icon Dialogue Arrow No explanation is required...
(Trailblazer): There's nothing to explain. Our consciences are clear as day, and Luka's prowess is evident to all.
Guinaifen: Coach (Trailblazer)'s replies are getting more eloquent!
Guinaifen: Ever since Luka attained the right to challenge the ringmaster, some self-proclaimed traditional Xianzhou martial artist hobbyists on the internet have claimed that Luka isn't from the Xianzhou, and according to tradition, shouldn't be allowed to participate in the final defending match.
Guinaifen: I'm not local either, and I think these opinions are quite distasteful. Does coach (Trailblazer) have anything to say?
Icon Dialogue Arrow They're just a bunch of sore losers.
(Trailblazer): They are nothing more than fighters who lost to Luka — sore about their defeat but too cowardly to admit it. All they can do is vent their frustrations online since they lack the caliber in the ring.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Luka also practices traditional Xianzhou martial arts...
(Trailblazer): Actually, Luka is using traditional Xianzhou martial arts. Bet you're surprised?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Go complain to the committee then!
(Trailblazer): It was the committee that drew up the regulations. Go complain to the committee if they're up to it.
Guinaifen: That's right. Coach (Trailblazer)'s response is eloquent as usual.
Press Officer: All right. That's it for your questions.
Press Officer: Coach (Trailblazer), please choose another journalist.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Front row, third from the left.
Press Officer: Please ask your questions.
Hook: You know who I am, so I'll skip the introduction.
Hook: I remember that Luka couldn't defeat Boss Svarog before. So, (Trailblazer), how exactly did he do it?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Svarog is getting old...
(Trailblazer): Boss Svarog is very strong, but he's an antique who existed before the Jarilo-VI's Stellaron Disaster even appeared. Conversely, Luka's still young and vibrant, a fighter in his prime.
(Trailblazer): As the saying goes: The fist fears the strength of youth. It's not that Luka got stronger, but Svarog became weaker.
Icon Dialogue Arrow This is the power of growth.
(Trailblazer): Luka has encountered many powerful opponents along the way. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" — after a series of fights, his physique and spirit have been strengthened.
(Trailblazer): Luka as he is now is different from that Luka of past. This is the power of growth.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That's what a coach is for.
(Trailblazer): Competitive fighting is quite different from the fights they got into against each other before. While the opponent's strength is an important consideration, the right tactics are also crucial in turning the tide.
(Trailblazer): Svarog's strength, skill, and speed are not inferior to Luka's. He's only missing a good coach.
Hook: I see. Hook didn't understand a word you said.
Hook: I hear that Luka has to fight Yanqing in his next match. They say he's an even more talented swordmaster than Hook! What are you going to do, (Trailblazer)?
Hook: Did Luka change to a more powerful robot arm? Or does he have prior training to catch blades with his bare hands? Have you prepared your battle tactics?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Hey, Hook, don't leak my notes like that!
(Trailblazer): Did you sneak a peek at my notes, Hook? How could you reveal all my tactics? If Yanqing knows everything, my preparation will go up in smoke!
Icon Dialogue Arrow The upcoming matches will only be about their skill.
(Trailblazer): There's no fooling around in the final defending match. To be honest, there's a limit to how effective tactics can be. How far Luka can go completely depends on his own individual skill.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I've already used up all my tactics...
(Trailblazer): I've already exhausted all my tactics in the previous matches. Now I can only leave it up to fate.
Hook: Yep, I totally understand.
Press Officer: All right. That's it for your questions.
Press Officer: Coach (Trailblazer), please choose another journalist.

Press Officer: Thank you, Coach (Trailblazer), for your insightful answers. Today's Q&A ends here. Media personnel, please leave the area in an orderly and civil fashion.
Now that the routine interview is over, it's time to get down to business.
Some time later, near the Skysplitter newsstand...
(Trailblazer): The latest edition of Luofu Sports Illustrated is out. Let's see what exciting news is in store.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Check Luofu Sports Illustrated)
(Opens Luofu Sports Illustrated Issue 4)
(If the player pick Carmella during the conference, unlock achievement The Queen of News)
(If the player didn't pick Carmella during the conference, unlock achievement No News Day)
(Trailblazer): This article is beautifully written. I could almost cry!
(Trailblazer): Luka handled that round beautifully. Even I'm shocked at his growth!
(Trailblazer): No matter what final result he ends up with, Luka has made everyone in the cosmos aware of the name "Belobog."
(Trailblazer): It looks like there are a lot of people keeping an eye out for Luka's final. We have to make sure he's in top condition!
(Trailblazer): As his coach, I'm going to pull out some of my secret tactics for this match.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishEven When Cheers Fade: Chapter 4
Korean갈채가 멈추더라도•제4
SpanishAunque los aplausos cesen: capítulo 4
FrenchAu-delà des applaudissements : Chapitre 4
RussianХотя аплодисменты стихли IV
Thaiแม้เสียงเชียร์จะหยุดลง บทที่ 4
VietnameseDù Tiếng Vỗ Tay Dừng Lại - Chương 4
GermanAuch wenn der Applaus verstummt: Kapitel 4
IndonesianMeskipun Sorak-Sorai Berhenti: Bab 4
PortugueseQuando os Aplausos Cessam: Capítulo 4

Change History[]
