Bailu has once again escaped from the Alchemy Commission, but it turns out that this "escape" was actually an unexpected "house call"!
Evanesce Like the Morning Dew is the first and only mission in Bailu's Companion Mission chain. It is part of the Vita Infinita chapter that takes place on The Xianzhou Luofu.
After reaching Trailblaze Level 34 and completing Trailblaze Mission Humming Antlers, Entwined Horns in the Chapter Windswept Wanderlust, read the messages received from Dahao.
- Receive a message from Dahao
- Go to the Realm-Keeping Commission Chancery and speak with Dahao
- Head to the Exalting Sanctum and find Bailu
- Help Bailu and the nurse evade the Alchemy Commission's search
- Talk with the Alchemy Commission healer and ascertain his motive
- Investigate the identity of the Alchemy Commission healer and obtain evidence of his involvement (0/2)
- Tell Bailu and the nurse about the stalker
- Ask Banxia why she is hiding something
- (Optional) Ask Bailu's opinion
- Find Guangda and leave with his starskiff
- Go to the first meet-up point
- Search for clues left by the patient within the area
- Give Bailu the clues you found
- Follow the clues and go to the next meet-up point
- Bypass the Cloud Knights and go to the next meet-up point
- Look around for and change into Cloud Knights' armor
- Banxia's mara symptoms are acting up, help her get there slowly
- Step aside, let Banxia "come alone"
- Check out what happened to Banxia
- Continue and look for Banxia's sweetheart
- Lead the man to find Banxia's body
Gameplay Notes[]
- If the player chooses not to reveal Banxia's fate to Liangmu, they will recieve the follow-up mission Tale of Woe after the current mission.
Receive a message from Dahao[]
- Messages
DahaoHello (Trailblazer), my apologies for the disturbance. I have something else requiring your assistanceSomething the matter?I can't quite rememberCould you please take some time to visit the Realm-Keeping Commission? I'll tell you the details in personAccepted MissionEvanesce Like the Morning Dew
Go to the Realm-Keeping Commission Chancery and speak with Dahao[]
Mission Description
The Official Dahao saw you help the Healer Lady out of trouble at the Exalting Sanctum and mentioned that there is something he needs your help with. It's not just babysitting children, is it?
It's about the Dragon Lady?
- Dahao: Yes, you have extraordinary skills, and you earned her trust when you rescued her...
Earned her trust? When did that happen?
- Dahao: You rescued her from the mara-struck... I'd say she's forever in your debt.
- Dahao: If you go see her, I'm sure she won't run away.
Why do people here keep making me run errands?
- Dahao: If I had more people, I wouldn't have to ask for external help. But as things stand...
Okay, I'll do it!
- Dahao: Hah, that was fast! Thanks for your help.
- Dahao: Here's the situation: Lady Bailu, the Vidyadhara Dragon Lady, has escaped from the Alchemy Commission again. I say "again" because the Realm-Keeping Commission has seen more than a few of her bad-tempered escapes.
- Dahao: This must be your first time on the Xianzhou... It's a long story. The Vidyadhara is one of the three races that established the Xianzhou Alliance.
- Dahao: Their bloodline is different from us Xianzhou natives. The Vidyadhara are born with great vitality, the gift of the Permanence, as they say.
- Dahao: That's all you need to know. The rest is irrelevant to what's happening today.
What does a Dragon Lady do exactly?
- Dahao: A Dragon Lady... isn't an official position. People address her that way out of love.
- Dahao: The Vidyadhara "high elder," on the other hand, is a position similar to a chief — it's been passed down from generation to generation. But only the Vidyadhara that possess draconic features and inherit the dragon heart can be successors.
- Dahao: And Miss Bailu is the Vidyadhara's future high elder on the Luofu.
- Dahao: The rumor has always been that she can heal the wounded merely by touching them and shedding tears. She also studied medicine in the Alchemy Commission. That's why her other title is "Healer Lady."
She escaped? Was she imprisoned?
- Dahao: Not imprisoned exactly... Vidyadhara customs are somewhat different from Xianzhou native customs. Miss Bailu has incredible talents and is next in line to rule over the Vidyadhara — it's normal that her people would want to keep a close eye on her.
- Dahao: However, she also has a somewhat free spirit... She always manages to find a way to escape her residence.
I'm listening.
- Dahao: It used to be the duty of the Realm-Keeping Commission to go after her and take her back to the Alchemy Commission.
- Dahao: But, this time is different. Because of the Stellaron crisis, we're constantly short of manpower. Besides, even if we catch the Dragon Lady, we can't take her back anytime soon.
- Dahao: I don't know if you heard — someone locked down the delves connected to the Alchemy Commission.
- Dahao: Now nobody can get in or out — it's completely cut off. Something very fishy is going on.
So how did the Dragon Lady get out?
- Dahao: That's what I want to know. I guess she sneaked out before the delves were locked down. She might even know what happened in the Alchemy Commission...
But I saw doctors...
- Dahao: Those doctors came from apothecaries in other delves. I've asked them, and they don't have the slightest clue what's going on.
Then... is there really anything I can do?
- Dahao: I'd like you to help with two things. First, find the Dragon Lady and take care of her until the Alchemy Commission delves are reopened. Don't lose sight of her.
- Dahao: The second thing might be a bit hard to understand... I want you to stop her from treating the mara-struck.
Can't the Realm-Keeping Commission take care of her?
- Dahao: Like I said — we don't have enough people! The Dragon Lady is smart. If we try to keep her in the Realm-Keeping Commission Chancery, she'll sneak out the first chance she gets. Trust me, it's happened before...
- Dahao: Besides, it isn't a crime for her to run away from her residence. And even if it were, given her status, we couldn't exactly stick her in jail and throw away the key! You're the only person we can turn to.
Why stop her from treating the mara-struck?
- Dahao: Being stricken with mara isn't like catching a curable disease. All the Healer Lady can do is slow the process.
It's not a disease?
- Dahao: Take you short-life species as an example. Do you consider aging a disease?
- Dahao: Aging can be slowed, but it's still unavoidable — just like being stricken with mara for the people of the Xianzhou... Unfortunately, becoming mara-struck is more terrifying than death. It's an inevitable curse in the blood of Xianzhou natives.
Then, what can be done for them?
- Dahao: The Xianzhou has long had other methods. When mara is about to strike, the spiritfarers and judges of the Ten-Lords Commission promptly take the afflicted away. It's not something the Alchemy Commission should be meddling in.
- Dahao: Mara is scary, but it won't cause any harm if you have it under control. We have the Realm-Keeping Commission and Cloud Knights here in Exalting Sanctum — more than enough to handle any eventuality.
- Dahao: However, the Dragon Lady's mara-suppression could lead to mara-struck falling under the Ten-Lords Commission's radar. If we let her carry on, we'll have mara-struck on every street corner — people will panic!
- Dahao: Seeing as we're already dealing with one crisis, we need to be extra vigilant when dealing with the mara-struck. This is not something that can be taken lightly.
I see. Leave it to me.
- Dahao: You're the distinguished guest of General Jing Yuan and Diviner Fu Xuan. As such, you also have the full trust of the Realm-Keeping Commission.
- Dahao: Oh, one more thing... There's a lot of suspicion surrounding the Alchemy Commission these days. If you discover someone from the commission on the hunt for the Dragon Lady, watch your step.
It'll be a piece of cake.
- Dahao: Great!
Babysitting? No thanks, I'd rather watch paint dry.
- Dahao: There's no other way. The Realm-Keeping Commission will pay you handsomely for your help.
I have a feeling this is more complicated than it sounds...
- Dahao: Bah, don't fret. Looking after children is a pain, but as the general's distinguished guest, I know you'll do great.
Head to the Exalting Sanctum and find Bailu[]
Step Description
The Dragon Lady kept slipping away from her watchers. With the lack of manpower at the Realm-Keeping Commission and the untrustworthiness of the Alchemy Commission, Dahao thinks you're the best person for the job to look after Bailu.
You seem to have heard similar talking points all over the Luofu, and it's difficult to turn them down.
- Woman Appearing As A Healer: Lady Bailu, I told you to follow my plan — you draw attention when you use your powers... We still have to take care of the matter at hand.
- Bailu: I was only tending to the sick! Besides, you weren't even here just now... Where did you go?
- Banxia: You know full well about my situation, Lady Bailu. If there are people from the Ten-Lords Commission present in the plaza, then—
Hello, Ten-Lords Commission here, you're under arrest.
- Banxia: Ah! The T—Ten-Lords Commission!?
The Dragon Lady? I finally found you.
- Banxia: Wh-Who are you!?
- Banxia: ...You're not a Ten-Lords spiritfarer — why are you trying to frighten people!?
- Bailu: Hmph, I only escaped — I—I mean LEFT the Alchemy Commission for an official medical visit! There's nothing more to it, okay!? The nurse here can vouch for me!
- Banxia: Easy, Lady Bailu — (he's/
she's) clearly not from the Alchemy Commission either. - Bailu: Ugh, then don't scare me like that... Ah, wait a minute — I've seen you before.
- Bailu: In the plaza — I was surrounded by all those mara-struck... You rescued me, right? It was you! You came just in time.
- Bailu: Banxia, you don't know the way from here, right? This (guy's/
girl's) no pushover — (he'll/ she'll) be able to help. - Banxia: No, Lady Bailu. I don't trust (him/
her)... - Banxia: Please, leave us.
I'm afraid that's not your call to make.
- Banxia: I'm taking care of Lady Bailu. You don't need to worry.
I was asked by the Realm-Keeping Commission to find Bailu.
- Banxia: Tell the Realm-Keeping Commission that Lady Bailu is in the Alchemy Commission's care... and not to meddle in other people's affairs.
I'm the most trustworthy person in the whole galaxy.
- Banxia: ...Said no trustworthy person ever.
- Bailu: You two, stop arguing! I think there's someone from the Alchemy Commission over there...
- Bailu: You — help us hide first! We'll talk later!
Help Bailu and the nurse evade the Alchemy Commission's search[]
Step Description
Official Dahao mentioned that the current Alchemy Commission is very suspicious, and Bailu and the nurse are actively avoiding an encounter with them. Better help them hide.
Ensure their safety first, then ascertain the stalker's aim.
- (Approach marker beside table)
- Of course, you can pretend to be a player and stand beside a game table, commenting on other players' moves with some head-shaking and finger-pointing. However, it's not a proper hiding spot. You shall find a better place to hide.
- (Approach marker beside rock)
- If you and the nurse are both as short as Bailu, then this stone design would be enough to hide you. You shall find a better place to hide.
- (Approach marker on shop counter)
- This room seems to be able to hide them for a moment.
- Banxia: Lady Bailu, this way.
- Bailu: Coming!
- Bailu: Help us get rid of him, please! We'll have plenty of time to talk later.
- Bailu and Banxia hid in the room and lowered their voices. They should be hard to discover.
- (Trailblazer): (Hmm... I'll ask first and then decide what to do.)
Talk with the Alchemy Commission healer and ascertain his motive[]
Step Description
Official Dahao mentioned that the current Alchemy Commission is very suspicious, and Bailu and the nurse are actively avoiding an encounter with them. You should ascertain the stalker's motives.
Since you have taken on the responsibility of ensuring Bailu's safety, you should do something toward that aim, and now the opportunity presents itself.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: You there, excuse me. I want to ask you something.
Make it quick, I'm in a hurry.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: Hmph, you're not the only one. Can you at least hear me out first?
You came to the wrong person — I don't know anything.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: I haven't asked anything yet. At least hear me out first?
Are you looking for a little girl?
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: Little girl? You've got the wrong person. I am looking for someone, though...
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: Have you seen a woman wearing an Alchemy Commission uniform? She's about the same height as you — I think she was heading towards the jetty.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: We walk the same path, but it would seem she's hiding from me, hehe...
I haven't seen anyone like that.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: Very well, thank you. I'll head over to the jetty.
You won't find the person you're looking for there.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: And why's that?
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: ...Say, now that you know who I'm looking for, why don't you tell me who you are?
...Come to think of it, I did see her — she was going in the opposite direction.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: The opposite direction? It can't be. I just came from that direction.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: Are you covering for her? You know something alright — I have a few more questions for you.
Did you come from the Alchemy Commission delves?
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: ...What makes you say that?
I just came from the Alchemy Commission.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: What? The Alchemy Commission delves were locked down ages ago. If you aren't a disciple, then...
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: You're trying to get me to say something, aren't you? You said you came from the Alchemy Commission. Where's your proof?
I came here the same way you did.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: Tsk, you think this is a joke?
I'm General Jing Yuan's guest. Understand?
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: Jing Yuan? I understand. That makes you a general's lackey.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: You're covering for that woman — it's obvious. I'm not done questioning you...
I'm here to catch her as well.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: ...You too?
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: "Mercy of Sanctus Medicus, the Arbor's new growth..."
What are you talking about?
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: You claim to walk the same path, yet you don't even know the code.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: Still, it's clear you know something... I'm not done questioning you.
Mercy of Sanctus Medicus, the Arbor's new growth.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: Ha, repeating it back to me? What kind of organization would devise a code like that...?
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: What kind of organization would devise a code like that...?
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: Still, it's clear you know something... I'm not done questioning you.
Clemency of Sanctus Medicus, the Eternity's pure birth!
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: The master said many times that anyone using "clemency" instead of "mercy" should be killed without exception.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: Still, it's clear you know something... I'm not done questioning you.
Unity of Discipuli Medicus, the Immortality's true path.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: ...Hm, not something you could've guessed.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: Good to be acquainted with another disciple, (brother/
sister). - Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: There's been a leak. Here are the orders — read them and you'll understand.
- Anxious Alchemy Commission Doctor: We must catch the traitor. I'll go search in another direction.
- (If dialogue path other than the last is chosen)
- (Begin battle against
Disciples of Sanctus Medicus: Internal Alchemist ×2,
Mara-Struck Soldier ×2)
- (Continue to next step)
- (Begin battle against
- (If last dialogue path is chosen)
- (Obtained
Golden Badge ×1,
Disciples of Sanctus Medicus Letter ×1,
Folded Photo ×1,
Strange Prescription ×1,
Disciples of Sanctus Medicus: Secret Order ×1,
Semblance Reversion Essence ×1)
- (Continue to "Tell Bailu and the nurse about the stalker" step)
- (Obtained
Investigate the identity of the Alchemy Commission healer and obtain evidence of his involvement (0/2)[]
Step Description
You were going to peacefully misdirect the healer, but he was immediately hostile. Even if he is now out cold, you still have a way to figure out his objective.
To put simply, check the belongings of this suspicious person.
- (After battle)
- (Trailblazer): (There's more to this Alchemy Commission doctor than meets the eye. I wonder if I can glean more clues from him.)
- (Try to walk away from the body too early)
- (Trailblazer): (Feels like I'm still missing an important clue... more investigation needed.)
- (Interact with the body of the Disciple of Sanctus Medicus)
- (Trailblazer): (That's an Alchemy Commission doctor's uniform alright.)
- (Trailblazer): (Dahao did say there was suspicion surrounding the Alchemy Commission...)
(Let's check his pants pockets...)
- Secrets are often scrunched up and shoved into pockets — why not have a look?
(Pants pockets at front...)
- A jade abacus bracelet with the latest design that cannot be unlocked, with a Golden Badge.
- (Obtained
Golden Badge ×1)
- (Obtained
- (Trailblazer): I'd better take this.
- A jade abacus bracelet with the latest design that cannot be unlocked, with a Golden Badge.
(Pants pockets at back...)
- A piece of folded letter that reads: "Mercy of Sanctus Medicus, the Arbor's new growth. Unity of Discipuli Medicus, the Immortality's true path."
- (Obtained
Disciples of Sanctus Medicus Letter ×1)
- (Obtained
Disciples of Sanctus Medicus: Secret Order ×1)
- (Obtained
- (Trailblazer): I'd better take this.
- A piece of folded letter that reads: "Mercy of Sanctus Medicus, the Arbor's new growth. Unity of Discipuli Medicus, the Immortality's true path."
(Let's check his jacket pockets...)
- Things that cannot be put in
- Few people apart from the Outworlders on Xianzhou would have a wallet.
- (Obtained
Folded Photo ×1)
- (Obtained
- No money has been found in this wallet. You can only see a folded photo inside of it.
- (Trailblazer): I'd better take this.
- Few people apart from the Outworlders on Xianzhou would have a wallet.
(Check his jacket pockets again...)
- A special but scratched-out prescription, which seems to have something to do with the Mara-struck.
- (Obtained
Strange Prescription ×1)
- (Obtained
Semblance Reversion Essence ×1)
- (Obtained
- (Trailblazer): I'd better take this.
- A special but scratched-out prescription, which seems to have something to do with the Mara-struck.
(Let's take his shoes off...)
- Hiding things in shoes... Such a classic method.
- (Trailblazer): (...or, maybe that's not necessary...)
(I've done the checking.)
Tell Bailu and the nurse about the stalker[]
Step Description
The stalker seems to be related to Disciples of Sanctus Medicus. Tell Bailu and the nurse about this, as well as the troubles they might encounter.
They should still be waiting for your news anxiously.
Knock the door [sic]
- Bailu: Nobody home.
It's me, (Trailblazer).
- Bailu: You're back! Does that mean we're safe now?
The person following you has been dealt with.
- Bailu: Dealt with...? Does that mean we're safe now?
- Bailu: We're coming out.
- After making sure they are not pursued anymore, Bailu and Banxia walk out of the room.
- Bailu: What happened? That man wanted to catch me and take me back to the Alchemy Commission, right? I knew it!
- Bailu: See? I told you this (guy/
girl) was trustworthy. - Banxia: ...Thank you for helping us, but I'm worried you being here could just complicate matters further... Please leave us be.
That man was looking for you, Banxia.
- Banxia: ...
- Bailu: Huh? Why were they looking for Miss Banxia? That can't be right, they must've been looking for me.
I disagree!
I have evidence!
He was looking for an Alchemy Commission woman "about the same height" as me.
- Banxia: ...How is that possible?
- (Trailblazer): (How can I prove the doctor from the Alchemy Commission was looking for Banxia?)
- (Submit
Golden Badge)
- The testimony doesn't seem at all at odds with the beautiful badge...
- (Trailblazer): W-Wait a minute! I'll keep looking.
- (Submit
Disciples of Sanctus Medicus Letter)
- The Disciples of Sanctus Medicus letter indicates that Banxia, the nurse who betrayed the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus, has already escaped the Alchemy Commission delve.
- (Trailblazer): Here's the proof!
- (Submit
Folded Photo)
- An ordinary family photo, nothing to see here...
- (Trailblazer): W-Wait a minute! I'll keep looking.
- (Submit
Strange Prescription)
- A strange prescription, doesn't seem to be anything to do with Banxia
- (Trailblazer): (...Does this prescription really have anything to do with Banxia?)
- Banxia: This letter...!
- Bailu: Wait, (Trailblazer), I've heard of the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus.
- Bailu: Aren't they those crazy followers that worship the mara-struck and the Plagues Author? But Banxia's nothing like them... She... wanted me to treat the mara-struck.
- Banxia: Lady Bailu! You promised you wouldn't tell anyone about that!
- (Trailblazer): (Wanted her to treat the mara-struck? Suspicious... Could she be a disciple of Sanctus Medicus? I wonder if I have any evidence...)
- (Submit
Golden Badge)
- The testimony doesn't seem at all at odds with the beautiful badge...
- (Trailblazer): W-Wait a minute! I'll keep looking.
- (Submit
Disciples of Sanctus Medicus Letter)
- The letter has proven a link Banxia and the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus, but it's not decisive proof [sic]
- (Trailblazer): W-Wait a minute! I'll keep looking.
- (Submit
Folded Photo)
- An ordinary family photo, nothing to see here...
- (Trailblazer): W-Wait a minute! I'll keep looking.
- (Submit
Strange Prescription)
- The strange prescription has a note in scribbled writing: "slowing the mara-struck process"
- (Trailblazer): This is a prescription from the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus. Bailu, can you take a look?
- Bailu: The handwriting on this prescription is exactly the same as on the one you gave to me...
- Bailu: Banxia... are you really from the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus? Hmph, you're a liar! A great big liar!
- Banxia: ...I'm sorry, Lady Bailu.
- Banxia: I am a member of the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus, and that doctor from the Alchemy Commission was sent to catch me.
- Banxia: But I... I never meant to harm Lady Bailu! On the contrary, by taking her away from that place, I was protecting her.
- Banxia: I made a deal with Lady Bailu before we escaped — we have an urgent task to complete. Please, don't take her away!
Ask Banxia why she is hiding something[]
Step Description
Banxia's identity as a Disciple of Sanctus Medicus is unknown to Bailu.
Before interrogating Banxia, maybe talk to Bailu again, she's the one most surprised by this fact.
- (Trailblazer): (I should ask Bailu what she thinks about all this first.)
- (Talk to Bailu, optional)
- Bailu: Ugh... Treating wounds and diseases is one thing, but curing the evils of humanity...? There I was thinking someone helped me escape the Alchemy Commission because they genuinely wanted to help me.
- Bailu: Hmph, enough. Being angry will stunt my growth... Let's put this behind us.
You've heard of the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus...
- Bailu: I don't know much. If it weren't for those scrolls in the Alchemy Commission's Elixir Research Terrace, I doubt anyone in the Xianzhou would've heard of them.
- Bailu: A long time ago, even by the standards of long-life species, the Xianzhou eliminated an organization that worshiped the "Plagues Author."
- Bailu: Why were they eliminated? Because they held an incredibly dangerous notion.
- Bailu: Xianzhou people wanted to be released from the threat of mara and return to the stability of life and death. Yet the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus believed that being stricken with mara was a blessing — a natural evolutionary step in casting off the mortal coil.
- Bailu: Sounds great, right? Well, only if you think becoming a monster devoid of all humanity is a good thing. That's why the Cloud Knights and Ten-Lords Commission cooperated to eliminate the organization.
- Bailu: But just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there. It's like eradicating a sickness — easier to do when the symptoms are visible. In hindsight, not only did the Disciples endure, they expanded the organization in secret.
Just what does it mean to be mara-struck?
- Bailu: The people of the Xianzhou have asked themselves that question thousands of times.
- Bailu: Countless doctors and sages have dedicated their lives to researching a cure for the curse. Tragically, besides a few theories, no one has come to a definite conclusion.
- Bailu: In truth, nobody in this world can fully comprehend the curse of the Plagues Author.
And the theories...?
- Bailu: Some doctors believe that because the people of the Xianzhou have immortal bodies, their memories accumulate until no more can be stored in the brain.
- Bailu: Only the most vivid and extreme memories persist... but such memories are usually ones of regret, hatred, grief, and other negative emotions.
- Bailu: That's when the symptoms of being stricken with mara begin to show. But the physical changes are the most terrifying...
Then, why are you still treating the mara-struck?
- Bailu: When symptoms strike, the mara-struck are quickly taken away by the spiritfarers and judges of the Ten-Lords Commission. I just want to reduce their suffering and let them leave with dignity...
- Bailu: But the people of the Realm-Keeping Commission do have a point...
What's the connection between the Alchemy Commission and the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus?
- Bailu: How should I know? It's not like commission members walk around with "Disciple of Sanctus Medicus" on their foreheads.
I don't have any other questions.
- (Talk to Banxia)
- Banxia: I'm sorry I wasn't honest with Lady Bailu, but I had no other choice...
What deal did you make with the Dragon Lady?
- Banxia: I asked her to save my beloved. In return, I helped her escape from the Alchemy Commission...
- Banxia: I broke many of the Vidyadhara's laws, and the Alchemy Commission is bound to punish me, but I just can't let my beloved die...
I still have some questions for you...
- Banxia: I don't have much time left, but go ahead...
Why did you hide all this from Bailu?
- Banxia: I thought we'd be fine after we escaped... I didn't know those people would come after us.
- Banxia: I just couldn't find a way to tell her I was a disciple... and about all the things I experienced there...
- Bailu: You've been nice to me, but you shouldn't have kept me in the dark. I hate when grownups hide secrets and only tell you half the story — it's such a headache.
Who is your beloved...?
- Banxia: His name is Liangmu. He's a short-life species that requested an elixir.
- Banxia: I used to think that the suffering of short-life species was nothing. But my heart... my heart ached when I saw him in such pain.
- Banxia: It's something I never expected to experience in my lifetime — falling in love with a short-life species... such a bittersweet feeling.
- Banxia: That's when I thought of Lady Bailu — the Dragon Lady that can heal mortals through tears alone. But it would take 30 years for her to treat all those in need.
- Banxia: I had no choice but to come up with this plan. Please forgive me...
You said you didn't have much time left?
- Banxia: I'm already showing symptoms of the mara-struck...
- Banxia: The Disciples of Sanctus Medicus regard the mara-struck as saints — they take all kinds of strange medicines to speed up the process... I was no exception.
- Banxia: But since I met Liangmu, I've realized that these "saints" are horrible creatures. Even if I were to become immortal, to not recognize him, to forget him or become something that he doesn't recognize...
- Banxia: That's why I stopped taking the medicines and escaped. Thanks to the Dragon Lady, I made it here safely.
That's all I wanted to ask.
Bailu, do you want to go with her?
- Bailu: Hmph, she hid everything from me... but I promised her I'd save her beloved.
- Bailu: After all these years, I'm still not used to seeing people suffer.
- Banxia: Lady Bailu...
- Bailu: Banxia, tell us what you want to do next.
Cut to the chase, what do you want me to do?
- Banxia: I can't let the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus or the Ten-Lords Commission find us. We need to find a way to get to Cloudford without drawing their attention.
I have someone in mind.
Find Guangda and leave with his starskiff[]
Step Description
Bypass the Ten-Lords Commission's questioning and enter Cloudford, someone once told you of the method...
The orderly from the Realm-Keeping Commission, Guangda, seems to have a way.
- (Talk to Guangda)
- Guangda: I'm Guangda, an orderly from the Realm-Keeping Commission. If you have an urgent issue, please go to the chancery... Huh? Aren't you the Healer Lady?
- Bailu: Shh!
We want to ask you a favor.
Kneel before the Dragon Lady.
- Guangda: Hah, the Xianzhou did away with all that nonsense eras ago.
- Guangda: If it's official business you're here about, you'll need to go to the chancery — Dahao and Songyan should be there. I'm just an orderly... As for anything concerning the Dragon Lady, I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do.
I'd like to take your ship to Cloudford...
- Guangda: Keep it down!
- Guangda: You've got it wrong. That's not my ship, it's my friend's. My friend has a starskiff travel permit and can help you leave quickly... I'm not the one who owns the ship.
- Banxia: Just cut to the chase. Can we take the ship or not?
- Guangda: Yes, you can. [sic] but please keep it down! I can take you there if the price is right... Uh, I mean my friend can take you there... so relax. How about it? Shall we set off?
Let's go. (Go to Cloudford)
Go to Cloudford. I'll catch up with you later.
- Banxia: ...I don't have long. We'll wait for a while... just a short while.
- (Talk to Guangda again)
- Guangda: How about it? Shall we set off?
Let's go. (Go to Cloudford)
Not now, I have other things to do.
- (Enter Exploratory Excursion Cloudford)
- Enter Cloudford, find the clue left behind by Banxia's lover, and locate the patient in need of saving.
Go to the first meet-up point[]
Step Description
One is an obsessed nurse, and the other a patient seeking medicine. She bumped into him too many times to say that it isn't destiny. Help Banxia treat her sweetheart and put this saga to rest.
Find the Outworlder wanted by the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus. Hopefully he's hanging on.
- Banxia: Liangmu... I must see him!
- Bailu: Banxia, your symptoms are getting worse... I have some soothing tonic in my gourd. Would you like some before we set off?
- Banxia: Thanks, Lady Bailu... but we can't delay any longer.
Isn't Cloudford a dock?
Is this really the best place for the sick?
- Banxia: I told Liangmu to hide in a Cloudford shipping container.— [sic] I couldn't let the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus find him.
Why would the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus know him?
- Banxia: Because I promised Liangmu I'd bring him an elixir of immortality... to make him one of the people of the Xianzhou, like me.
- Bailu: You know that's one of the Xianzhou's Ten Unpardonable Sins, right?
- Banxia: Yes... but I knew nothing about the treachery of the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus back then. I only knew that people in the Alchemy Commission were involved in ancient, clandestine medicines.
- Banxia: But I was wrong. It wasn't a blessing of immortality, not even a poor imitation...
- Bailu: ...They were turning humans into monsters, weren't they...
- Banxia: Short-life species are expendable to those maniacs — they use them in experiments to develop their medicines.
- Banxia: I don't have much time left, and I only have one solution left...
The Healer Lady.
- Banxia: That's right.
The short girlie carrying a gourd around.
- Bailu: Hey!
- Banxia: ...Hehe, that's right.
- Banxia: Lady Bailu, you still remember our deal, right?
- Bailu: You help me escape the Alchemy Commission, I save your sweetheart.
- Bailu: Thank you, Lady Bailu. The place we arranged to meet up is ahead. Let's go.
- Banxia: I can't... I can't forget him... I must get there.
- Bailu: This is bad. She's starting to lose touch with reality.
- Bailu: The soothing tonic might not work anymore. This calls for... shock treatment!
- (Approach designated location)
- Banxia: How can that be? Where is he? We agreed to meet here...
- Banxia: M—My head... How can that be?
- Bailu: (Trailblazer), let her rest here for a while. I'll think of something.
- Bailu: ...Try not to move, Banxia.
- Banxia: B—But he's not here. We still need to find him...
- Bailu: Nurse! Get a hold of yourself!
- Banxia: ...!
- Bailu: Doctor's orders!
- Bailu: (Trailblazer), can you see if there are any clues nearby? I don't think Banxia's sweetheart would leave for no reason.
Leave it to me.
Maybe something bad happened to him...
- Bailu: Hey, we've got company, remember!?
dO yOu GuYs NoT hAvE pHoNeS?
- Bailu: ...Are you talking about jade abacuses? We escaped the Alchemy Commission in a hurry — didn't have time to bring them.
- Bailu: Leave the patient to me — I'm the Healer Lady of the Alchemy Commission, after all!
Search for clues left by the patient within the area[]
Step Description
As the journey goes on, Banxia's Mara-struck symptoms begin to emerge. Her sweetheart is nowhere to be seen, maybe clues can be found nearby.
Maybe that person got into some trouble, both the Cloud Knights and Disciples of Sanctus Medicus would never let him off the hook.
- (Trailblazer): (Let's start with this area and see if we can find any clues nearby.)
- (Listen to Bailu and Banxia, optional)
- Bailu: What's Liangmu like?
- Banxia: He's much more interesting than a long-life species...
- Bailu: Tell me, what do you remember...
- Bailu: Stay still... this ointment will help.
- Banxia: There was a day when all the other patients were lying in bed, but I found him painting a forest. I told him he was supposed to be resting.
- Banxia: He said, "I want to see the vast forests of Vonwacq one day... and to make a dream a reality, you must paint an invisible future. I must get well by any means, even if it means jail or exile."
- Banxia: I never had anything I wanted to do. I just got on with my nursing work, day in and day out.
- Banxia: Sometimes I'd feel like a century was a pointless, trivial blink of an eye... and that it wouldn't matter if it was all over by the next blink.
- Banxia: I wasn't interested in anything that had happened to me up to then — the things I'd experienced. None of it mattered...
- Banxia: ...but the moment I heard Liangmu's words, I suddenly felt sad. A person shouldn't feel that way about their life... They shouldn't be indifferent to the time they own.
- Banxia: Liangmu... he opened my eyes. He was like a shining star.
- Bailu: Sorry, I don't quite understand this feeling.
- Banxia: My lady... why do you always run away from the Alchemy Commission? Don't you like treating people?
- Bailu: I... It's true I was born with a gift for healing... but as for whether I like it or not, I couldn't tell you.
- Bailu: I've been studying medicine for as long as I can remember. Nobody's ever asked me whether I like it. Those old Vidyadhara fools don't care, and neither do I.
- Bailu: Treating others is like eating and drinking for me. I don't have any feeling towards it. If I had to choose, I think I'd say I hate it...
- Bailu: But I like it when someone gets better after I treat them! So you need to pull yourself together!
- Banxia: Argh... I think... I can understand you...
- (
Investigate nearby interactable, opens Liangmu's Message (I))
- Banxia:
If you're reading this, it means you have come to find me. I have left this container and am hiding elsewhere. I have left my whereabouts on the back of the letter, and you should see some light marks if you dust it off. (I really don't know how to describe the container's location, so I drew a rough sketch.)
A few days ago, you were worried that I would not be able to eat well or sleep well at Cloudford due to my illness and sent me some Xianzhou specialty snacks, quilts, and pillows through courier cycranes. While I was overjoyed, I also felt very guilty. How could I ever repay your kindness? What can I offer in return?
Maybe it will take me hundreds or thousands of years to repay you.
You know me, longevity is not my ultimate pursuit. Unlike those Elixir Seekers, I have greater ambitions. Now with your help, my efforts have paid off, and immortality is no longer out of my reach.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Back to business. I've cleaned up the traces of life around the container because a disciple of Sanctus Medicus came up to me, and it must be because of you. I am not angry, but excited. It means that you have succeeded, and we are one step closer to success.
I'll hide in the next place. Call out for me when you arrive. After confirming that you are alone, I will come out. Don't blame me for being too cautious, I wouldn't be alive if I wasn't.
- Banxia:
- (Trailblazer): (It looks like Banxia's sweetheart was tracked by the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus and had to switch location.)
- (Trailblazer): (I should go and tell Banxia and Bailu.)
Give Bailu the clues you found[]
Step Description
You found a notebook. Give it to Bailu, then formulate a plan.
It looks like Banxia's sweetheart was tracked by the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus and had to switch location.
- (Talk to Bailu)
- Bailu: What happened? Did you find any clues?
(Hand over the note you picked up.)
- Banxia: *coughing* ...The Disciples of Sanctus Medicus already had their eye on this place?
- Banxia: *sigh* I just hope he's okay. Let's... keep walking...
- Bailu: No way. Do you know how bad your condition is? Don't worry, I'll find Liangmu and treat him. (Trailblazer), send Banxia back to the apothecary in Starskiff Haven.
- Banxia: No, I know exactly how bad my condition is. That's why I've changed my mind... I want to see him one last time.
- Banxia: You'll help me, right?
- Bailu: ...
- Banxia: (Trailblazer), I have a favor to ask you. You've seen for yourself how dangerous the mara-struck can be. If the time comes... please protect the Dragon Lady.
I'll do what I must.
- Banxia: ...Thank you, I'm glad to hear you say that.
Follow the clues and go to the next meet-up point[]
Step Description
One is an obsessed nurse, and the other a patient seeking medicine. She bumped into him too many times to say that it isn't destiny. Meet up with him at the next location.
There are more and more Disciples of Sanctus Medicus around, be careful.
- (While going down the stairs)
- Bailu: I caught sight of a lot of disciples in the area just now.
- Banxia: I'm a traitor to them... They won't stand idly by if they lay eyes on me.
- Banxia: If you can't fend them off... Just let me go with them...
- Bailu: ...Does one traitor require so many people?
- (
Investigate nearby interactable, opens Liangmu's Message (II))
- Banxia:
If you're reading this, it means I'm once again hiding somewhere else now. Like last time, I left my whereabouts on the back of the letter. (This time I'm going to hide in the harbor. But I can't hide for long. I'm running out of hiding places.)
Disciples of Sanctus Medicus and wardens of the Ten-Lords Commission are all here, and I can't be found by either of them. In order not to be discovered by them, I left. I guess that the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus are trying their utmost to capture you and me in order to prevent the secret from being leaked, and the wardens seem to have received intel on the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus and are looking for them at the Cloudford.
If I weren't an Elixir Seeker, I would have come out and applauded the Ten-Lords Commission.
Come find me as soon as possible. I can't wait to see you.
As before, I will be in my next hiding place. Call out for me when you arrive. After confirming that you are alone by yourself, I will come out. Remember, come alone, I won't reveal myself if other people are present.
- Banxia:
- Banxia: Lady Bailu... I can't go on anymore.
- Bailu: Ugh, he isn't waiting for us here. Did he hide somewhere else?
- Banxia: Lady Bailu, watch out!
- Disciple of Sanctus Medicus: There you are! Ziyi clearly failed then. Oh, and if it isn't the Dragon Lady... Trying to make up for past sins, are we?
- Bailu: Blah, blah, blah — I've heard enough out of you already! If it's a beating you want, allow me to do the honors!
- Disciple of Sanctus Medicus: I'll deal with you in a moment, little girl. Men! Take the traitor and make sure you get the list from her.
Don't even think about it.
Am I invisible to you or what?
- Disciple of Sanctus Medicus: Hmph, it felt that way until you opened your trap. Who are you?
Please spare me!
- Disciple of Sanctus Medicus: ...Is that how you beg for mercy? What the heck are you doing?
- Disciple of Sanctus Medicus: Where is everyone? Seize them!
- Xueyi: ...Are you giving me an order?
- Disciple of Sanctus Medicus: You...
- Xueyi: Karmic atonement.
- Disciple of Sanctus Medicus: A Ten-Lords Commission judge!?
- (Begin battle against
Disciples of Sanctus Medicus: Internal Alchemist ×3)
- (After battle)
- Bailu: (This Ten-Lords Commission judge packs a punch! But Banxia, you—)
- Banxia: (Shh, if she notices my symptoms, she won't hesitate.)
- Xueyi: Why are the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus pursuing you?
We're just passing tourists.
- Xueyi: Tourists?
We're an Alchemy Commission rescue squad.
- Xueyi: I only see two of you in Alchemy Commission attire.
- Xueyi: You, girl — raise your head. You have a wandering look in your eyes... A mara-struck look, perhaps?
- Bailu: H-Help us, Miss Judge! We only just managed to escape before the delves were locked down... Those evil men have been chasing us — this nurse is so scared she can barely stand!
- Xueyi: ...
- Cloud Knights Soldier: Madam Xueyi, the remnants of the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus have been found in the southwest of Cloudford!
- Xueyi: This place isn't secure. You should leave immediately.
- Xueyi: Soldiers! See them on their way!
- Under escort of the Cloud Knights, you were taken to a safer place in Cloudford.
- Bailu: That's the strangest judge I've ever come across... Banxia, are you alright?
- Banxia: Ha... phew... I made it this far... I won't go back without seeing him one last time.
- Bailu: ...Let's go this way and see if we can avoid those Cloud Knights.
Bypass the Cloud Knights and go to the next meet-up point[]
Step Description
You got misidentified as a lost citizen by the Ten-Lords Commission, fortunately Banxia's Mara-struck symptoms were not exposed. Move on.
Banxia is on her last straw, but she should still have a chance to see her loved one a final time.
- (Approach designated location)
- Bailu: There are Cloud Knights and Disciples of Sanctus Medicus over there.
- Banxia: ...We don't have time for them.
- (Approach Cloud Knights Soldier)
- Cloud Knights Soldier: There are armed villains up ahead. If you're not on duty here, return to the city for your own safety.
- Banxia: *groaning*
- Banxia: He's right behind that door... We're almost there.
- Bailu: But there are Cloud Knights stationed there... Wait, I have an idea.
About time we taught some roadblocks a lesson.
- Bailu: Hey! Don't cause a commotion or the judge will be on our case again for sure!
Can't we just bribe them?
- Bailu: Cloud Knights are well-disciplined — you'll just get yourself arrested.
Anyone got a good tear-jerker?
- Bailu: We don't have time for storytelling...
- Bailu: ...Didn't we pass some soldiers resting on the way over here? Y'know, the place where the Cloud Knights and Disciples of Sanctus Medicus fought...
Can we wear the Cloud Knights' armor?
- Bailu: You said it, not me!
- Bailu: Hmm, a spot of emergency treatment in exchange for some armor. Sounds fair to me!
- Banxia: ...Let's do what Lady Bailu suggested.
Look around for and change into Cloud Knights' armor[]
Step Description
It's not the greatest idea, but it's an idea. Go look for Cloud Knights' equipment.
The armor is tightly sealed, no one would be able to tell the species and gender expression of an individual wearing them, what a find.
- (Investigate the Cloud Knights Soldiers' bodies)
- You gave medical treatment to the wounded Cloud Knights that have lost consciousness, then grabbed some armor and put it on.
- Banxia: *coughing*... There's no time to lose. Let's go.
- Bailu: Just tell them you're soldiers escorting me back to the Alchemy Commission — they won't know any better!
- Cloud Knights Soldier: Halt! What's with the kid?
- Banxia: ...S—Surely you know the Healer Lady of Alchemy Commission [sic]?
- Cloud Knights Soldier: Hmm... she does have horns and a tail...
We need to escort her back to the Alchemy Commission.
- Cloud Knights Soldier: I heard the Dragon Lady liked to sneak away from the commission, but I never thought I'd have the honor of seeing her in person.
She's a dragon child.
- Cloud Knights Soldier: I knew that! You're escorting her back to the Alchemy Commission, right?
- Banxia: ...Affirmative.
- Bailu: No, no! I haven't finished playing yet! I don't wanna go back to the Alchemy Commission!
- Cloud Knights Soldier: Uh...
- Banxia: *coughing* Is the nearest harbor up ahead?
- Cloud Knights Soldier: That's right. You don't seem very well, soldier. We have a military doctor up ahead...
- Banxia: Don't worry! I have the Dragon Lady with me.
- Bailu: I still wanna play! I'm hungry! Don't take me back — I don't wanna go back! I'm not going back!
- Cloud Knights Soldier: Access granted!
- Cloud Knights Soldier: Good work, soldiers.
- Banxia: Thank you.
- Bailu: How was that? Wasn't my acting amazing? Let me tell you, a performance like that requires a lot of temper-tantrum practice!
That was incredible.
- Bailu: Uh-huh!
That was embarrassing.
- Bailu: Hey!
- Bailu: If I hadn't pretended to cry, you wouldn't have got through the sentry post.
- Bailu: By the way, what's taking Banxia so long...?
- Banxia: *coughing* Why can't I... take off... my helmet...?
- Banxia: Why is my voice... like this...?
- Banxia is trying to take the armor off but failed. It sticks to her so tight as if it's part of her body.
- Banxia: Can you help me check...? It feels like something's caught...
- Bailu: But she still has her senses.
What's wrong?
- Banxia: ...Has the mara taken hold? That was quite... sudden.
- Banxia: But I still remember him... and I remember both of you...
- Banxia: Lady Bailu, is this a result of your healing? Thank you. If it weren't for you...
- Bailu: Don't thank me! It's my fault... I couldn't preserve you the way you were.
- Banxia: You can't cure someone stricken with mara. It's already a miracle that I still have my senses... that I can talk to you.
- Banxia: Hey, do you still remember what I said earlier? If the time comes...
Yes, I remember.
Is now a good time for this?
- Banxia: ...Let's go while I still have my senses.
Banxia's mara symptoms are acting up, help her get there slowly[]
Step Description
Banxia seems to be at her limits, but you understand clearly that she shouldn't stop now. Hopefully her sweetheart is there waiting for her.
Based on your limited experience, not many can keep their sanity intact like Banxia at this stage.
- Banxia: ...Wait, I feel a bit dizzy.
- Bailu: What should I do? Serious imbalances of yin and yang, cold and heat...
- Banxia: ...I just need a rest. Lady Bailu, don't forget our deal...
- Bailu: Stop calling it a deal! I made a promise — I'll heal him. Don't worry...
- Banxia: I'm so sorry... it's because of me that all of you are in danger.
- Bailu: Enough talk. Here, I'll pour the medicine through the helmet.
- Banxia: ...Thank you, Lady Bailu... but I can't feel the gap between my skin and the helmet anymore.
- Bailu: We've arrived. Is he not here either?
- Banxia: ...He's cautious by nature. Do you remember his note? He told me to "come alone."
- Bailu: But you already...
- Banxia: ...He won't show himself if you're here... *coughing* I'll call out to him. Please, you two, find somewhere to hide. Remember our promise...
- Bailu: I remember.
Let's go.
She wants to see him for the last time.
- Bailu: (Trailblazer), let's go.
Step aside, let Banxia "come alone"[]
Step Description
You reach the destination, but the cautious Liangmu insists to have Banxia "come alone," so you should step aside for a while.
There's no time to argue about it, so just trust Banxia for this.
- (Approach designated location)
- Banxia: Liangmu...!
- Man: M-Monster...!
- Banxia: Liang... mu...
- Man: H-Help...!
- Bailu: Oh no! Let's hurry over.
Check out what happened to Banxia[]
Step Description
You hear cries for help, it was a man's voice. Go and help him out.
Is that man Banxia's lover, Liangmu?
- (Approach Banxia)
- Banxia: I... can't hold on any longer...
- Banxia: Do it... don't forget... the promise!
- (Begin battle against
Mara-Struck Soldier ×1)
- (After battle)
- Bailu: ...
- Bailu: Do you think she saw him one last time?
Seems likely.
- Bailu: I hope so...
Yes, but I doubt he recognized her.
- Bailu: Grownups are complicated, huh...
- Bailu: Let's keep heading in this direction until we find him.
Continue and look for Banxia's sweetheart[]
Step Description
No matter what, the goal of your trip is to complete your deal with Banxia — having Bailu cure Banxia's lover. Go look for him.
He might have left because he was scared of the Mara-struck monsters, but this will cause him lifelong regret.
- (Approach Liangmu)
- Liangmu: Are you from the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus or the Ten-Lords Commission? Don't touch me! I didn't do anything!
Banxia sent us.
- Bailu: That's right. I'm here to heal you.
You don't get to decide that!
- Bailu: Stop trying to scare him! It won't help the situation.
- Bailu: I'm Bailu. Banxia sent me to heal you.
- Liangmu: *sigh* You're finally here... First I was being chased by the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus, then I ran into the Cloud Knights. Then, I thought I heard Banxia's voice, but I ran straight into a monster. What a day!
- Liangmu: But if Banxia sent you, then... where is she? Isn't she with you?
- Bailu: ((Trailblazer), what do you think? Should we tell him the truth?)
That mara-struck monster just now was Banxia.
- Liangmu: What!? That monster armed to the teeth? That was Banxia? You're lying.
- Bailu: It's true. She had to disguise herself in order to meet you.
- Liangmu: How is that possible...?
- Liangmu: Could you take me there? ...Just to confirm?
Banxia was busy — she couldn't make time to come.
- Liangmu: Is that so? *sigh* She's always so busy in the Alchemy Commission.
- Bailu: Miss Banxia... she...
- Liangmu: Hey, little girl, no need for tears. It's no big deal.
- Liangmu: I did want to meet Banxia, but I know how busy she is. She must have had a good reason for sending you.
- Bailu: I promised Banxia... that I'd heal you for her.
- Liangmu: It's alright, it's alright... take a breath. You must've been through a lot to get here.
- Liangmu narrates how he thought he heard Banxia shouting, but then ran into a monster.
- Bailu: ...Strange things are happening on the Luofu these days... What happened to you isn't so surprising.
- Liangmu: What a shame — I've been waiting for her for so long... I can't believe she couldn't make it. Did she ask you to bring me anything?
I'm afraid not.
She just asked Bailu to heal you.
- Liangmu: I see. Well, it's good that you're here in person — this is no simple matter.
- Liangmu: Your reputation precedes you, Healer Lady... Sorry to trouble you, please begin the healing whenever you're ready.
- Bailu healed the Outworlder. Compared to being Mara-struck, his illness is but a common disease.
- After finishing the treatment, you left Cloudford and asked the Cloud Knights to take care of the remains of the Mara-struck soldier.
- (If Liangmu is told the truth)
- (Continue to next step)
- (If the truth is hidden from Liangmu)
- (Unlocked Achievement For Old Times' Sake)
- Bailu: We didn't tell him the truth. Was that really the right thing to do?
I have no idea.
- Bailu: It's hard to decide sometimes.
What's done is done, no need for regrets.
- Bailu: Really? A great person once told me that a person's life is made up of regrets.
- (Continue to End of mission dialogue)
Lead the man to find Banxia's body[]
Step Description
Evidently, Liangmu didn't know the Mara-struck soldier was Banxia, but he was still eager to return to her side.
You don't know the story between them, but at least this tells you he was a loyal person...
- (Approach Banxia)
- Liangmu: ...This is Banxia? This hideous creature?
- Bailu: Hey! I know you're probably in shock, but—
- You tell Liangmu everything about what happened on the way over.
- In order to see Liangmu for the very last time, she donned the armor that could never be taken off.
- Liangmu: She changed out of her original clothes, right? *sigh* There's no point in searching the body, then.
- Liangmu: Did she give you any secret boxes or letters?
- Bailu: S-Search for what?
- Liangmu: You don't know? Ugh, she left me with nothing. Was she playing me this whole time!?
What did she say she'd bring you?
- Liangmu: A list of the names of the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus.
- Liangmu: With that list I'd be able to blackmail the Disciples into giving me the elixir of immortality... or I could submit the list to the Cloud Knights to avoid banishment from the Xianzhou.
- Liangmu: That woman promised me countless times... In the end, I finally trusted her — I genuinely thought she'd offer me change.
- Liangmu: But in the end, she failed at the most important hurdle... or maybe she failed from the very beginning. She probably lied to you too.
She succeeded.
- Liangmu: Are you the type of people that help someone who tricked you? I don't think so.
Is being immortal the most important thing for you?
- Liangmu: Of course not. I have more important matters in places other than the Xianzhou. Elixirs and immortality are just a means to an end. I won't stay on the Luofu.
- Bailu: ...
Isn't she your sweetheart?
- Liangmu: Sweetheart?
- Liangmu: That was her wishful thinking — I wasn't interested in the slightest. No way, you thought so too?
- Bailu: Heal...
- Liangmu: What?
- Bailu: Let me heal you so I never have to lay eyes on you again!
- Liangmu: Huh?
Really? Do we still have to heal this guy?
- Bailu: ...I promised Banxia.
- Liangmu: Ridiculous! That woman tricked all of us. You should've told her to take a—
- Bailu healed the Outworlder begrudgingly. Compared to being Mara-struck, his illness is but a common disease.
Just shut up and let Lady Bailu heal you!
- Bailu: And move away from Banxia, now!
- Liangmu: Ridiculous! That woman tricked all of us. You should've told her to take a—
- Bailu healed the Outworlder begrudgingly. Compared to being Mara-struck, his illness is but a common disease.
Wait, can I beat him up first?
- Bailu: Great idea! Seeing as I'm due to heal him anyway... Do your worst!
Well said!
- Liangmu: Wait... w-what are you doing?
- You and Bailu taught this deceitful Outworlder a harsh but well-deserved lesson.
- Then, Bailu healed the Outworlder begrudgingly again. Compared to being Mara-struck, his illness is but a common disease.
- After finishing the treatment, you left Cloudford and asked the Cloud Knights to take care of the remains of the Mara-struck soldier.
- (Unlocked Achievement Where Can A Wanderer Rest?)
- Bailu: Ugh! I'm so furious!
We wouldn't have helped him if we'd known.
- Bailu: That wouldn't do — I made a promise to Banxia.
We were too gentle with him.
- Bailu: I healed him... but for the next thirty years he'll hiccup uncontrollably every day.
- Bailu: ...What? He deserved it!
It's perfect!
That's way too light a punishment!
- Bailu: Hmph, that's the price he paid for my lenience. And it still wasn't enough!
End of mission[]
- Bailu: *sigh* Anyway, do you know any good hiding places? I'm still on the run...
How about Petrichor Inn?
- Bailu: I think I still owe the owner about 600 strales in unpaid food bills...
Let's get some food in the Realm-Keeping Commission.
- Bailu: No! The Realm-Keeping Commission people are polite, but they're always lecturing me.
Have you heard of the Astral Express?
- Bailu: Express... What's that?
- Bailu: Hmm, the Xianzhou is still in a mess. I better stay in Starskiff Haven for the time being — I'm sure there'll be fevers and headaches to take care of before long.
- Bailu: Banxia asked me if I liked treating people... Like I said, it's as easy as eating and drinking for me — I don't like or dislike it...
- Bailu: ...but this whole incident has made me wish I knew more about the mara-struck...
- Bailu: Thank you, (Trailblazer). May we meet again at the food stalls of Starskiff Haven! Bye!
- (Mission complete)
- (Visitor Verification)
- (Bailu has become a visitor to the Express. You might come across Bailu when you return to the Express)
- (Obtained
"Into the Breach")
- This mission's Chinese name is quoted from the poem 短歌行 by the Chinese warlord Cao Cao (Chinese: 曹操) during the Three Kingdoms era.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Evanesce Like the Morning Dew |
Chinese (Simplified) | 譬如朝露 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 譬如朝露 |
Japanese | 譬えば朝露の如く |
Korean | 아침 이슬처럼 |
Spanish | Como el rocío de la mañana |
French | Évanescence de la rosée du matin |
Russian | Словно утренняя роса |
Thai | เสมือนน้ำค้างยามรุ่งอรุณ |
Vietnamese | Ví Như Sương Mai |
German | Wie der Morgentau |
Indonesian | Bagaikan Embun Fajar |
Portuguese | Dissipar Como o Orvalho da Manhã |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.1