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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
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Escapism Is Disgraceful is an Adventure Mission from the Vignettes in a Cup event.


  1. Discover Lady's true feelings

Gameplay Notes[]


Discover Lady's true feelings[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

You've entered Lady's Emoscape. Lady will habitually hide its heart. What are its true thoughts?
UI Location Icon Lady's Emoscape
Lady: ...What are my true feelings?
(Floating text)
Every time I see them, I get super nervous...
(Approach Lady)
Lady: If I reveal my true feelings so easily... won't I seem too impatient?
(Lady disappears)
(Floating text)
My heart is pounding... I want to chat with them, but the words won't come out.
(Approach Lady)
Lady: I keep wondering but never got an answer... I want to be reassured...
(Lady disappears)
(Floating text)
Finally, I got up the courage to invite them to stay in the lounge.
Ahhh... what should I do... Can't even utter a word!
(Approach Lady)
Lady: Awww! You've found... my true heart.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Alright, just stop pretending.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You're pure and innocent deep down...
Lady: It's easy to get hurt if you just tell others what's in your heart.
Lady: Anyway, thanks for helping me figure out my true feelings. I won't run away anymore.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishEscapism Is Disgraceful
Korean도망치는 부끄럽다
SpanishEscapar no soluciona nada
FrenchInutile de fuir
RussianУвиливать позорно
VietnameseTrốn Tránh Đáng Xấu Hổ
GermanFlucht vor der Schande
IndonesianPelarian Itu Memalukan
PortugueseO Escapismo É Vergonhoso

Change History[]
