Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Ancient legends entail a war where humans exhausted all primitive methods, following the gods into battle against overwhelmingly powerful beasts.
This shield is a witness to that war.

"There's no choice but to stop it, even if the efforts are futile."

Endurance of Bronze is a 2-star Light Cone Ascension Material and Trace Material.

Sold By[]

Embers Exchange×2 per Undying Embers×1220MonthlyUnlocks at Trailblaze Level 20
Internal Purchase OfficerHertareum×203
Underground ShopShield (Item)×4010

Ascension Usage[]

No Characters use Endurance of Bronze for ascension.

12 Light Cones use Endurance of Bronze for ascension:

PreservationAmber (Light Cone) Amber
PreservationDefense Defense

Trace Usage[]

4 Characters use Endurance of Bronze for their Traces:

QuantumFu Xuan Fu Xuan
IceGepard Gepard
IceMarch 7th (Preservation) March 7th (Preservation)
Trailblazer Trailblazer

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishEndurance of Bronze
Korean청동의 집념
SpanishPersistencia del bronce
FrenchEndurance de bronze
RussianВыносливость бронзы
ThaiEndurance of Bronze
VietnameseCố Chấp Của Đồng
GermanBeständigkeit von Bronze
IndonesianEndurance of Bronze
PortugueseResistência de Bronze

Change History[]

