Strange chitin peeled off from an interdimensional creature. Although not piping hot anymore, it still radiates warmth.
"It's too cold outside. But with this gemstone on you, you'll be able to travel far and wide, even to search for cities with humans left..."
"It's too cold outside. But with this gemstone on you, you'll be able to travel far and wide, even to search for cities with humans left..."
Endotherm Chitin is a 4-star Character Ascension Material. It is used to ascend characters of the Fire type.
Ascension Usage[]
3 Characters use Endotherm Chitin for ascension:
No Light Cones use Endotherm Chitin for ascension.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Endotherm Chitin |
Chinese (Simplified) | 恒温晶壳 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 恆溫晶殼 |
Japanese | 恒温晶殻 |
Korean | 상온 갑각 |
Spanish | Quitina endoterma |
French | Chitine endothermique |
Russian | Эндотермический хитин |
Thai | Endotherm Chitin |
Vietnamese | Vỏ Tinh Thể Giữ Nhiệt |
German | Endothermes Chitin |
Indonesian | Endotherm Chitin |
Portuguese | Endoderme de Quitina |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0