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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
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Embark! Corridor of Fading Echoes! is the second Adventure Mission in the Aetherium Wars event.


  1. Head to the Corridor of Fading Echoes
  2. Chat with Giovanni
  3. Capture the new Aether Spirit
  4. Report to Giovanni
  5. Continue exploring the Victory Zone
  6. Illuminate 2 lamps
  7. Complete the trial in the current area
  8. Head to the next trial
  9. Complete the trial in the current area
  10. Duel with Serval & Pela
  11. Head to the blocked-off area
  12. Challenge the Overlord Aether Spirit
  13. Return to Goethe Hotel and rest


Head to the Corridor of Fading Echoes[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

Mr. Giovanni says you can only participate in the matches in the festival by completing trials in every Victory Zone and obtain Mastery marks.
Corridor of Fading Echoes is your first stop. What kind of challenges await within?
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Corridor of Fading Echoes
March 7th: This is it! The entrance to the Corridor of Fading Echoes Victory Zone!
March 7th: I just looked up some tips on the Interastral Network — these Victory Zones are leased by the IPC and the Gaming Association from various planets. The IPC's reach is impressive...
March 7th: Ready to head out, (Trailblazer)?
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink, oink!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let's go.
March 7th: Can’t wait to find out what’s inside these Victory Zones!

March 7th: Hey, look, it's Mr. Giovanni!

Chat with Giovanni[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

Mr. Giovanni says you can only participate in the matches in the festival by completing trials in every Victory Zone and obtain Mastery marks.
What should you do after reaching a Victory Zone? Why don't you ask the omnipotent Mr. Giovanni.
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Corridor of Fading Echoes
(Talk to Giovanni)
March 7th: Mr. Giovanni, I didn't expect to see you again so soon.
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink, oink! Oink!
Giovanni: Haha, you two move fast. Welcome to the Corridor of Fading Echoes Victory Zone
Icon Dialogue Arrow What are you doing here?
Giovanni: Great question! As the event's sponsor, I'm tasked with inspecting all facilities. And this place — the previous tournament's arena — is my first port of call.
Icon Dialogue Arrow So, do sponsors have to play the game, too?
Giovanni: Hahaha, believe it or not, I'm actually somewhat of a seasoned Aetherium Wars player myself.
Giovanni: Am I correct in saying that this is your first time entering a Victory Zone?
Giovanni: In case you want to hear the rules again — players can enhance their Victory Rating by engaging in various activities within the Victory Zone, such as collecting roaming data and participating in sparring matches with other players.
Giovanni: Collecting roaming data is a vital aspect, because it's the only way for players to encounter new Aether Spirits, aside from purchasing or trading them.
Giovanni: Since you're both here, let me give you a lesson on gathering roaming data.
March 7th: Really? We know you're pretty busy...
Giovanni: It'd be my pleasure! Assisting new players in swiftly understanding the gameplay is just another part of the festival!
Giovanni: I will gift you this Aether data — "Blaze Out of Space." With this, collecting roaming data should be much easier for the both of you.
Giovanni: There happens to be a good number of roaming data targets in the vicinity. How about using them as practice?
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink, oink! Oink!
(Obtain Blaze Out of Space (Aether Spirit Ally))

Capture the new Aether Spirit[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

You must build a powerful team before you can become the champion.
Collect roaming data and capture Aether Spirits of your own!
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Corridor of Fading Echoes
(After winning against Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy))
(Obtain Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Ally))
(Obtain Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×2)

(Talk to Giovanni before completing this step, optional)
Giovanni: Hmm, it looks like your team isn't complete yet...
Giovanni: I strongly suggest you bolster your team before moving forward. Dealing with the upcoming challengers and championship contenders could be tough without a full roster.
(Trailblazer): (Better gather more roaming data and strengthen my team...)

(After winning against Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy))
(Obtain Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Ally))
(Obtain Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×2)

Report to Giovanni[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

You must build a powerful team before you can become the champion.
You've caught enough Aether Spirits. It's time to go seek instructions for the next step from Mr. Giovanni.
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Corridor of Fading Echoes
(Talk to Giovanni)
Giovanni: Impressive! I see you're both living up to your renowned Trailblazer reputations! It would seem you two have a natural talent for gaming.
March 7th: Hehe~ That's us all right!
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink, oink! Oink!
Icon Dialogue Arrow It's all thanks to your brilliant teaching, Mr. Giovanni.
March 7th: Yikes, sweet talk alert... But it's true, thank you, Mr. Giovanni!
Icon Dialogue Arrow March never fails to impress!
March 7th: A compliment!? Continue...
Icon Dialogue Arrow I never fail to impress!
March 7th: Taking every chance to pat yourself on the back, I see.
Giovanni: Let me see, what next...
Giovanni: Ah, that's it, now I remember! I prepared a few "Aether Expansion Chips" for you both.
Giovanni: You can use your Aether Coin to read the data on these chips. They allow your Aether Spirits to equip various abilities. Why not give them a go right now?
(Obtain Malfunctioning Chip and Saturated Activation Chip)

Continue exploring the Victory Zone[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

You've already captured enough Aether Spirits. It's time to keep moving.!
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Corridor of Fading Echoes
(Approach Battling Hobbyist)
Battling Hobbyist: You play Aetherium Wars too? Let's have an Aether Spirit battle!
Battling Hobbyist: Don't ask me why! When our eyes meet, we have to battle, that's the rule of Aetherium Wars!
(Begin fight against Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2, Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
Battling Hobbyist: Drats, I lost again... I'll never get stronger just battling other people, I need to go farm some roaming data.
Battling Hobbyist: Let me give you a suggestion: If you don't want to battle, you should try and avoid other players.
(Obtain Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×20)

(Talk to Battling Hobbyist, optional)
Battling Hobbyist: Drats, I lost again... I'll never get stronger just battling other people, I need to go farm some roaming data.
Battling Hobbyist: Let me give you a suggestion: If you don't want to battle, you should try and avoid other players.

(Approach designated location)
Serval: Hey, everyone's here — (Trailblazer) and little March, too! What lucky charm lured these two great heroes our way?
March 7th: Serval, Pela! Has it really been that long!?
Pela: It's great to see you, too!
Giovanni: Behold! Two championship contenders! It would seem the stage is set for some intense competition!
Dunn: Huh...!? S—Serval's the championship contender for this Victory Zone?
Luka: Huh, I guess it's time we got our act together.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Long time no see, everyone!
Luka: Long time no see!
Dunn: Good to see you outsider, S—Serval, Pel— I—I mean, Intelligence Officer!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is this an ambush?
Luka: Hah, still got the sense of humor, huh?
Dunn: It's been a while, outsider. You won't get away with it this time!
March 7th: Huh, so is this game already popular in Belobog?
Pela: Yeah, but I guess no one in Belobog had much of a clue about video games before the IPC showed up...
Serval: I've gotta say, Aetherium Wars is really fun, I've been grinding for several days straight — barely even had time to eat!
Pela: I wish you'd put the same effort into other things...
Giovanni: So, Miss Serval, Miss Pela, how are you feeling? Have you gotten accustomed to the title of "championship contender" yet?
Serval: Totally used to it~ Pela and I have already struck fear into the hearts of more than a few newbies.
Pela: Should we really be bragging about something like this...
Giovanni: Haha, it's good that you've gotten used to it! Entrusting the Victory Zone to the two of you was the right decision.
Giovanni: Since you're all here, how about we let Miss Serval and Miss Pela, our championship contenders, explain the rules to everyone?
Serval: No problem! The rules are actually quite simple. To start with, I've made some minor tweaks to the Snowshine Lamps, making it possible for heat to be transferred between them...
Serval: Just pop a thermic core into a lamp, and all the nearby lamps will light up simultaneously — cool, right?
Pela: The puzzle for you to solve is to use the limited number of thermic cores at your disposal to illuminate all of the designated Snowshine Lamps scattered around the Victory Zone.
Serval: Experience is always the best teacher — so go ahead and try for yourselves with these two lamps!
(Open Tutorial Snowshine Lamp (Modified))
(Obtain Thermic Core Thermic Core ×1)

Illuminate 2 lamps[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

In order to challenge the championship contender for each Victory Zone, you must complete the corresponding trial in the Zone.
According to Serval and Pela, the trial here is to light up all the Snowshine Lamps... It really makes one wonder whether they're exploiting the challengers' free labor. Anyways, let's give it a go with the two lamps in front of you.
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Corridor of Fading Echoes
(If you try to leave the area southwards, optional)
March 7th: Hey, where are you going? The Snowshine Lamps are the other way.
Icon Dialogue Loupe Ignite Lamp
(Consume Thermic Core Thermic Core ×1)
Icon Dialogue Talk Push
(After igniting the target lamp)
Pela: You see? Serval's modifications to the lamps allow you to illuminate lamps that are out of your reach.
Pela: You'll find several lamps like this around the Victory Zone. Once you've illuminated all of them, seek out me and Serval. We'll be ready to throw down the gauntlet!
Serval: But don't think we'll just hand over the Mastery Mark without a fight — you'd better make sure you're ready before you even think about challenging us!
March 7th: Hmm~ After seeing this special modification... I can't help but wonder, do all Victory Zones have a similar kind of setup?
Giovanni: Of course! After all, it's just another part of the tournamentThe Elation. Each Victory Zone has its own unique puzzles. But don't worry yourselves too much — the most important thing is that you have fun!
Luka: Hah, I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins... That Mastery Mark is mine!
Dunn: B—Brace yourself, Serval! I'm about to rock your world!
March 7th: Yikes, everyone's so fired up... (Trailblazer), quick, let's say something...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Behold! You're looking at the soon-to-be Aetherium Wars grand champs!
March 7th: Yeah! Grand champs in the house!
March 7th: Uh... I hope we haven't just jinxed ourselves.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why so SERIOUS!? Let's put a happy little fire on this place!
March 7th: Woo! Yeah! Let's...
March 7th: Geez, did you join the Antimatter Legion when I wasn't looking?
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink, oink!
Serval: Haha, the enthusiasm is cute, but don't think just because you're still figuring out the game that Pela and I will take it easy on you!
Pela: There are three thermic cores — you'll need them to solve the puzzles in the Victory Zone. Let's see what you've got!
Giovanni: Hahaha, now that's exactly the festive atmosphere I'm looking for! Investing in this event was most certainly the right decision!
Giovanni: Please excuse me, I must inspect the next Victory Zone. Best of luck to you both!
March 7th: Thank you, Mr. Giovanni.
March 7th: Let's get moving, (Trailblazer)! Time to show Pela and Serval what we're made of!
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink, oink!
(Obtain Thermic Core Thermic Core ×3)

Complete the trial in the current area[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

In order to challenge the championship contender for each Victory Zone, you must complete the corresponding trial in the Zone.
nAccording to Serval and Pela, the trial here is to light up all the Snowshine Lamps... It really makes one wonder whether they're exploiting the challengers' free labor. Anyways, let's go solve all the puzzles in this Zone and get the Mastery Marks!
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Corridor of Fading Echoes
(Approach left marker)
March 7th: (Trailblazer), take a look! It looks like there's a lamp behind that wall.
March 7th: There should be a lamp nearby. Inserting a thermic core should do the trick.

(After igniting the target lamp)
March 7th: Woah, it actually works!
March 7th: Alright, this one's done! Let's go find the next lamp~

(Approach right marker)
March 7th: Seriously? Who puts a lamp there... There's no way we can directly load the thermic core into this one...
March 7th: Why don't we try using the lamps' heat-transferring properties?

(Fight against Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2, Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
(Obtain Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×2)

(Talk to Indolent IPC Worker, optional)
Indolent IPC Worker: Hm, and you are? Victory Zone challengers, I presume?
Indolent IPC Worker: Looks like you haven't bothered to light up all the lamps in this area yet... I can't just let you off the hook.
(Trailblazer): (It seems we won't be able to proceed until all the nearby lamps are illuminated...)

(Approach Big-Spending Player)
Big-Spending Player: Hehe, I got someone to buy me premium Aether Spirit data. I'll test out their strength on you!
(Begin fight against Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2, Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
Big-Spending Player: Curses! If this game was pay-to-win, I'd never lose to you!
(Obtain Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×20)

(Talk to Big-Spending Player, optional)
Big-Spending Player: Curses! If this game was pay-to-win, I'd never lose to you!

(Fight against Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×3)
(Obtain Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×3)

(After igniting the target lamp)
March 7th: Aha, so that's how it's done.
March 7th: Come on, (Trailblazer), let's go find the next one~

Head to the next trial[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

In order to challenge the championship contender for each Victory Zone, you must complete the corresponding trial in the Zone.
According to Serval and Pela, the trial here is to light up all the Snowshine Lamps... It really makes one wonder whether they're exploiting the challengers' free labor. Anyways, let's go solve all the puzzles in this Zone and get the Mastery Marks!
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Corridor of Fading Echoes
(Talk to Indolent IPC Worker, optional)
Indolent IPC Worker: Fine, fine, the gate's open. Have fun dealing with the toughest challenge in the Victory Zone.

(Approach marker)
March 7th: Isn't this lamp a little too obvious? It's like it's just begging us to be lit...
March 7th: There must be another lamp hiding around here somewhere...

Complete the trial in the current area[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

In order to challenge the championship contender for each Victory Zone, you must complete the corresponding trial in the Zone.
According to Serval and Pela, the trial here is to light up all the Snowshine Lamps... It really makes one wonder whether they're exploiting the challengers' free labor. Anyways, let's go solve all the puzzles in this Zone and get the Mastery Marks!
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Corridor of Fading Echoes
(After igniting target lamp)
March 7th: (Trailblazer), I've just had an idea — maybe we could try making this gear bridge rotate?

(Approach Slacking-Off Silvermane Guard)
Slacking-Off Silvermane Guard: I spend every day patrolling the Victory Zone while everyone plays Aetherium Wars, I can't bear it anymore... The Captain's not here at the moment, you'll battle me, won't you?
(Begin fight against Incineration Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) Incineration Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2, Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
Slacking-Off Silvermane Guard: I—I let you win on purpose! You can repay me by not telling the Captain about this!
(Obtain Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×20)

(Talk to Slacking-Off Silvermane Guard, optional)
Slacking-Off Silvermane Guard: I—I let you win on purpose! You can repay me by not telling the Captain about this!

(Fight against Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2)
(Obtain Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×2)

(After igniting the target lamp)
March 7th: Woo! Is that it? Looks like we solved all the puzzles in this Victory Zone.
March 7th: Aha! I've just received a message from Serval and Pela — it seems they're ready for us!
March 7th: (Trailblazer), it's time to show those "contenders" who the real bosses are!

Duel with Serval & Pela[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

You've already completed all trials. It's time to go back and challenge Serval and Pela.
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Corridor of Fading Echoes
(Approach Lila)
Lila: Wait, let me research your Aether Spirit!
(Begin fight against Incineration Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) Incineration Shadewalker (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2, Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
Lila: Your Aether Spirit is exceptional... Aetherium Wars is so convenient, all I have to do is battle people and I can see all sorts of rare creatures!
(Obtain Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×20)

(Talk to Lila, optional)
Lila: Your Aether Spirit is exceptional... Aetherium Wars is so convenient, all I have to do is battle people and I can see all sorts of rare creatures!

(Approach Serval & Pela)
Serval: Oh, it's (Trailblazer) and March! I didn't expect you two to be the first ones to show up!
Pela: Not bad.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Piece of cake!
March 7th: With me here it was a walk in the park!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Save us all some time and hand over the Mastery Mark!
March 7th: Uh... (Trailblazer), we're here to challenge them, not rob them...
March 7th: ...but that is what we're here for! That Mastery Mark is ours!
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink, oink! Oink!
Serval: Well, well, someone's feeling pretty confident...
Serval: Well then, it's time you felt the power of "Mechanical Fever!" Pela, let's show them what we're made of!
(Begin Showdown against Pela & Serval)
Serval: The essence of turn-based games lies in the numbers, so you'd better get ready to witness the precision of my calculations!
Pela: Haha, things are heating up!
(Fight against Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Cannoneer (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2, Silvermane Lieutenant (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Lieutenant (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Silvermane Soldier (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Soldier (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
(During the fight)
Serval: Okay, I wasn't expecting that...
Pela: Time to channel some rock star energy!

(After the fight)
Serval: Now that was intense! I can't remember the last time I had so much fun.
Pela: How did you manage that... I guess you just got lucky this time!
Icon Dialogue Arrow It was all March!
March 7th: Yeah, it was all me!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Just a simple game of numbers!
Pela: Ugh... You're so annoying...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Looks like I'm even more rock 'n' roll than you, now!
Serval: Here, take it — the Corridor of Fading Echoes Mastery Mark — you've earned it!
Pela: I have something else for you also: an Aether Expansion Chip. Integrating its data into an Aether Spirit will grant them new, innate abilities.
(Trotter Name): Oink! Grunt! Oink, oink!
Serval: Look how happy they are! It's clear they trust you a lot.
Pela: A "Warp Trotter..." That's a pretty rare Aether Spirit... but they were acting kind of strange in the battle — is there something wrong with them?
March 7th: Eh-he, to be honest, we don't actually know...
March 7th: ...but it seemed like some IPC troublemakers were out to get them — that's why (Trotter Name) are tagging along with us — we're looking after them.
March 7th: Serval, you seem to know more about Aether Spirits than us — can you tell us what's up with this little guy?
Serval: Sorry, I'm not quite sure either... IPC tech is pretty complex — there are some principles I'm still trying to wrap my head around.
March 7th: I see... Perhaps if we were able to find Miss Topaz, she'd be able to give us some clues.
(Trotter Name): Oink!!! Oink! Oink...
Pela: They're just too precious... and they're counting on you for protection! Take them with you and snatch the championship!
March 7th: Hehe, thanks Pela — we'll do our best!
Serval: Speaking of champions — have you heard the story of the mysterious "elite player?"
Icon Dialogue Arrow Elite player? Who?
March 7th: Yeah, who's that? Are they some sort of gaming prodigy?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Has my fame reached such heights already?
March 7th: Oh, please! It's pretty clear they're not talking about you...
Pela: Ahem, well... This player isn't a stranger — we know them, too, but Mr. Giovanni has asked us not to divulge too much information.
March 7th: Giovanni? I wonder what he's up to...
Serval: We're not entirely sure... He said something about "adding an element of mystery to the story."
March 7th: Okay, that's weird...
Pela: In any case, if your goal is also to become the champions, then it's likely you'll run into them sooner or later.
Serval: Remember, train hard and relish every moment! The title awaits you!
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink, oink!
March 7th: Ha~ Now that battle was really intense! Those puzzles were such a blast, too — I think I'm hooked!
Icon Dialogue Arrow I have to agree!
March 7th: Great minds really do think alike!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Huh... Really...?
March 7th: What's the matter? I thought you were having fun.
March 7th: Well, if you're not into it, could you at least keep me company...? Pleeeease! It's not like we get to celebrate these kinds of festivals every day...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Just kidding. I'm actually enjoying myself.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Alright, alright...
March 7th: Thanks (Trailblazer), you're the best!

NPC Giovanni Icon
Congratulations, (Trailblazer) and Miss March! I heard you beat the championship contender!
Now that you have your Mastery Marks, you're qualified to challenge the Overlord Aether Spirits in the Corridor of Fading Echoes.
Character March 7th Icon
Overlord Aether Spirits?
Sounds pretty tough
NPC Giovanni Icon
Yeah, they're more powerful than the average roaming data and can't be acquired in ordinary ways.
Do I need to buy a Premium Pass?
Character Trailblazer Icon
So, do we need to get some sort of "Battle Season Pass" and complete tons of quests to get them?
NPC Giovanni Icon
Well, that would be a great way to increase player retention rate, but Aetherium Wars doesn't have that feature.
Do I need to pull them from a gacha?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Do they only appear in a random gacha banner where we need to spend credits to get them?
NPC Giovanni Icon
No, no, it's not like that. We don't have a monetization system in Aetherium Wars
At least not yet
Do I need to pay for DLCs?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Do we need to pay for an "expansion" or something to access DLC content that actually completes the full game?
NPC Giovanni Icon
Haha, no worries. All content in Aetherium Wars is accessible to all players
NPC Giovanni Icon
Let me explain. Basically, each Victory Zone has a sealed dimension that only players who have earned their Mastery Marks have access to.
The roaming data for the Overlord Aether Spirits are hidden in those dimensions. Defeat them once and you'll get all their data
Character March 7th Icon
Why didn't you tell us earlier!?
Sticker PPG 01 March 7th 06
We're already on our way back to have a rest
NPC Giovanni Icon
My bad. I didn't expect you to get your Mastery Marks so soon.
Well, feel free to challenge them in the previous Victory Zone when you have some free time. These powerful Aether Spirits will come in handy in future duels.
(Obtain Shield System Chip, Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×50, Corridor of Fading Echoes Mastery Mark Corridor of Fading Echoes Mastery Mark ×1)

Head to the blocked-off area[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

Mr. Giovanni says players with the Marks will be qualified to enter the new area in the Victory Zone, and the powerful Overlord Aether Spirit awaits you there...
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Corridor of Fading Echoes
Icon Dialogue Gear Controller

Challenge the Overlord Aether Spirit[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

The Overlord Aether Spirit appears. Go defeat it and claim its power as your own!
UI Location Icon Victory Zone: Corridor of Fading Echoes
(Fight against Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×3)
(Obtain Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Ally))
(Obtain Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×3)

(Fight against Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×3)
(Obtain Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×3)

(Approach Fan of Silvermane Guards)
Fan of Silvermane Guards: Silvermane Guards, reporting for duty! No passage up ahead!
(Begin fight against Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2, Silvermane Soldier (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Soldier (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2)
Fan of Silvermane Guards: Sorry, I'm not actually a Silvermane Guard... I couldn't become one in real life, so I can only fantasize in games.
(Obtain Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data ×20)

(Talk to Fan of Silvermane Guards, optional)
Fan of Silvermane Guards: Sorry, I'm not actually a Silvermane Guard... I couldn't become one in real life, so I can only fantasize in games.

(Fight against Silvermane Lieutenant (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Lieutenant (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×2)
(Obtain Silvermane Lieutenant (Aether Spirit Ally))
(Obtain Aether Spirit Upgrade Data Aether Spirit Upgrade Data)
March 7th: Hmm, Let me see... Our next stop should be the Cloudford Victory Zone!
March 7th: Buuuut it's already getting late... How about we head back to Goethe Hotel for a bit and then set out on the Express tomorrow?
March 7th: I mean, it's not often we get the chance to stay there — and I really miss their pillows!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Sounds good to me. Let's go.
March 7th: Great! Fluffy pillows here we come!
(Trotter Name): Oink, oink! Oink...
(Challenge completed)

Return to Goethe Hotel and rest[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

You've already finished all the challenges in the Corridor of Fading Echoes Victory Zone. This is the first step toward the championship. Now is the time to go back and rest your strength.
(Approach marker)
March 7th: Ahhhh, Goethe Hotel~ Home sweet home!
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink! Oink!
March 7th: Hey, what is it, (Trotter Name)?
Harsh IPC Worker: Hey, it's those two twerps again!
Vicious IPC Worker: It's the two who ruined our plans! Hand over the Trotter, now!
March 7th: Ugh, you two again!? We're minding our own business — you're the ones going around stealing people's Aether Spirits!
March 7th: (Trotter Name) are like family now! Why would we just hand them over to someone like you?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let's settle this with a duel, if you've got the guts!
March 7th: Yeah! If you think you've got what it takes, then bring it on!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Yeah, what she said!
March 7th: If you think you've got what it takes, then bring it on!
Harsh IPC Worker: You brats dare underestimate us? You won't get away with it twice!
Vicious IPC Worker: I'll teach you two twerps a lesson you'll never forget!
(Begin Showdown against Topaz's Support Squad)
(Fight against Abundance Sprite: Wooden Lupus (Aether Spirit Enemy) Abundance Sprite: Wooden Lupus (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) Imaginary Weaver (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish (Aether Spirit Enemy) Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1, Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) Silvermane Gunner (Aether Spirit Enemy) ×1)
Harsh IPC Worker: Grr... Not again!
Vicious IPC Worker: Another failure... The shame, the shame!
(Trotter Name): Oink! Oink! Oink!
March 7th: Hey, come back! We want to ask you something!
March 7th: ...What's with these people!? They talk the talk then run off with their tails between their legs...
March 7th: ...and what did poor (Trotter Name) do to end up in their bad books?
(Trotter Name): Oink... Oink...
March 7th: Aww, don't worry, it's all right, they're gone now. It's just too bad we couldn't get any clues about our little friend (Trotter Name)...
March 7th: Ugh, seriously! I was in such a good mood, too, until they came along and spoiled it...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let's get a good night's rest.
Icon Dialogue Arrow They're not worth getting angry over.
March 7th: You're right, we've had a long day. Let's just get some rest and forget about them.
(Trotter Name): Oink... Oink Oink! Oink!
(Unlock Hyperlink Match)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishEmbark! Corridor of Fading Echoes!
Korean가자! 잔향의 회랑
Spanish¡Al Pasadizo de los ecos apagados!
FrenchÀ l'assaut du Couloir des échos faiblissants !
RussianВыдвигаемся! Коридор исчезающего эха!
Thaiออกเดินทางสู่ Corridor of Fading Echoes
VietnameseXuất Phát! Hành Lang Âm Vang
GermanAusschwärmen, Korridor der verhallenden Echos!
IndonesianBerangkat! Corridor of Fading Echoes!
PortugueseEmbarcar! Corredor de Ecos Atenuados!

Change History[]
