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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Welt Sticker 01
"The galaxy is vast beyond compare, containing an infinite number of possibilities."
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Elias Salas is member 56 of the Genius Society and one of only two publicly elected Ministers in the Society's history. He died at the age of 103 due to the effects of old age.


Elias is renowned for his contributions to modern cosmic communication technology. He created the Synesthesia Beacons, a machine translation device built based on Aiden's existing studies to better conduct intergalactic exploration.[1] Alongside that, he developed ultra-long-range remote communication technology over six hundred Amber Eras ago[2][3]. Elias later transferred the ownership of these two technologies to the Intelligentsia Guild for reproduction, to whom Herta certifies the rights of.[4]

Compared to other Society members, he was one of the few extroverted genius. He wished other members of the Society could come together and happily converse about their lives, loves, and dreams. For that purpose, he invented "Society Tickets" and designed an entire system that ensured every new member would receive this ticket even after his own death. This ticket would instantly teleport the user to a specific plane decked with festive decorations. However, while every new member after #56 had indeed used their Society Ticket, not a single one of them used it at the same time as anyone else.[5]


Elias' invention of the remote detection challenged the Cosmos Tree theory, proposed by Zandar, Emanator of the Erudition and the first member of the Genius Society. The theory compared the galaxy to an enormous Imaginary Tree.[6]

He hoped to solve the lack of communication within the organization when he ardently prepared communication goggles equipped with ultra remote sensing capabilities for all members of the Society. However, though he succeeded in establishing a bridge between the most distant of stars, few were willing to connect.[7]

At the age of 103, Elias passed away. Although he possessed numerous methods to extend his lifespan, he made the choice to pass away from old age.[4]

Character Mentions[]

Character Stories





HoYoLAB Articles


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishElias Salas
Korean엘리야 살라스
SpanishElías Salas
FrenchElias Salas
RussianЭлиас Салас
ThaiElias Salas
VietnameseElias Salas
GermanElias Salas
IndonesianElias Salas
PortugueseElias Salas

Change History[]


  1. Simulated Universe, Curio: Beacon Coloring Paste (Description before 1.2)
  2. Interactable: Elias Salas' Portrait
  3. Readable: Herta's Manuscripts, Intelligentsia Guild
  4. 4.0 4.1 Visitor Dialogue: Luocha
  5. Simulated Universe, Curio: Society Tickets
  6. Parlor Car Dialogue: Himeko
  7. Relic, Genius of Brilliant Stars: Genius's Ultraremote Sensing Visor