Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

A belt harness that connects the winged suit with metal supports embedded in thick linen. Soft and tight-fitting.

Eagle's Winged Suit Harness is a Relic piece in the set Eagle of Twilight Line.


It was no easy feat for Salsotto's skyfishers to entrap and hunt phlogiston jellyfish that flew out of the sand. During turbulent flights, the seemingly tender and soft safety harness was the thread of life for a skyfisher.

Hunting phlogiston jellyfish was never easy. From trick moves to intense chasing, from precise blocking to the final capturing act, one wrong move in any one of these links in the chain could mean mortal danger.

It was customary for a young skyfisher to get one strand of hair from each parent and weave them into the harness with metal supports, while a married one should get one from their spouse. In this manner, the harness would be blessed by the power of "home" and ensure that the skyfisher always returned safely.

In this cruel world where all fought hard for survival, "home" was the only place that could offer comfort and support for a skyfisher.

The hair inside this harness was still intact, with a faint white at the root. It came from a female.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishEagle's Winged Suit Harness
Korean매의 날개 장비 벨트
SpanishArnés del traje alado del águila
FrenchHarnais de costume d'aigle
RussianКушак орла
ThaiEagle's Winged Suit Harness
VietnameseDây Cương Chim Ưng
GermanFluggeschirr des Adlers
IndonesianEagle's Winged Suit Harness
PortugueseArnês de Traje de Asa de Águia

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