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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

"A cradle drowning in the delight of dreams, a haven for the cowardly."[4]

Duke Inferno (Real Name: Ifrit) is an NPC who serves as the antagonist of Trailblaze Continuance Mundane Troubles in the Chapter Crown of the Mundane and Divine.

He was introduced in the Relic Set The Ashblazing Grand Duke, and first appeared in the Honkai: Star Rail Version 1.6 "Crown of the Mundane and Divine" Special Program.


Duke Inferno is the leader of the Ever-Flame Mansion, a faction of the Annihilation Gang, and archenemy of the Jepella Brotherhood. He has four known children: Akash, Dubra, Caterina, and Constance.


Duke Inferno is a Fire Demon. He appears to have skeletal, goat-like head, with a burning body and a monocle on his right eye. His outfit is demonstrated in the Relic Set The Ashblazing Grand Duke, including the Fetora crown, white gloves, a black robe, black suits, a white shirt, a red necktie, and black and red boots.



Nanook destroyed a White Star named Fetora. The flames of the White Star coalesced with the power of Destruction to give birth to plasmic lifeforms.[5] According to Dr. Ratio, the fire demon Ifrit who hails from Fetora, was born from Phase Flame.[6] It has been obsessed with destruction and slaughter since birth. The embers left behind from the star's destruction were clasped in Ifrit's own hands, molded into the shape of Fetora's crown, and worn to this day.[5]

Ifrit, the Grand Duke, fancies himself as a conductor and wore gloves to hold the conductor's baton covered in thorns. He orchestrated countless crises bent on annihilating lives. Duke Inferno believes that "the preciousness of something can only be appreciated in its eradication." He burned the historical and cultural items of the planet Lisalit. After the end of a satisfying destruction, Ifrit wipes the blood off his hands and dons pristine white gloves again, as if he was an aristocrat attending a banquet.[7]

Ifrit admires his image in the mirror after an inhuman massacre. Although the ever-burning clan of fire demons see Nanook as their emperor and savior, the Aeon has never glimpsed at them. Ifrit has never been able to grasp the essence of purity and believes the value of destruction lies in the value of the thing destroyed. Ifrit seeks the gaze of Nanook.[8]

After the fall of the Jepella Brotherhood due to the Stellaron Hunters, Ifrit grew stronger.[6][8]

Herta Space Station

Ifrit cast infernal fire into Herta Space Station to cause havoc by teleporting and disappearing those who were discontent with the station's leadership. His plan was foiled by the Trailblazer and Dr. Ratio, who had acquired a spark of the Phase Flame and used it to teleport those who had been kidnapped to safety.[6]


Penacony sent Ifrit an invitation to Charmony Festival, an opportunity Ifrit wished to use to destroy the planet.[9] However, before they could arrive on Penacony, the Ever-Flame Mansion was attacked by Acheron, who wished to claim the music box invitation they had received so she could travel to Penacony herself. Acheron offered to spare Ifrit's life in exchange for the music box, but Ifrit chose to stick to his beliefs and fight her to the death even though his children were fighting to save his life, recognizing her as an Emanator.[2] After Ifrit's death, the Ever-Flame Mansion disbanded and parted ways, and Aventurine and Black Swan would later discover what Acheron had done.[10]

Missions and Events

Trailblaze Missions

Trailblaze Continuances

Character Mentions





HoYoLAB Articles




HoYoverse Shared VAs


  • Ifrit is a powerful demon in Islamic mythology often associated with the underworld and the spirits of the dead.

Other Languages

Duke Inferno

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishDuke Inferno
SpanishGran Duque del Infierno
FrenchDuc infernal
RussianГерцог инфернального огня
VietnameseCông1_ Tước Hỏa Ngục
GermanErzherzog Inferno
IndonesianDuke Inferno
PortugueseDuque Inferno


LanguageOfficial Name

Change History

Introduced in Version 1.5

Version 1.6

  • Duke Inferno was released as an NPC.

Version 1.5

  • Duke Inferno was introduced.


  1. Trailblaze Mission, Cat Among Pigeons: Lost Generation
  2. 2.0 2.1 Trailblaze Mission, Cat Among Pigeons: The Devil in Velvet
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 《崩坏:星穹铁道》1.6版本PV:「庸与神的冠冕」, Bilibili. Retrieved December 15, 2023.
  4. Honkai: Star Rail (January 18, 2024). Annihilation Gang, HoYoLAB. Retrieved January 18, 2024.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Relic, The Ashblazing Grand Duke: Grand Duke's Crown of Netherflame
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Trailblaze Continuance, Crown of the Mundane and Divine: Mundane Troubles
  7. Relic, The Ashblazing Grand Duke: Grand Duke's Gloves of Fieryfur
  8. 8.0 8.1 Relic, The Ashblazing Grand Duke: Grand Duke's Robe of Grace
  9. Relic, The Ashblazing Grand Duke: Grand Duke's Ceremonial Boots
  10. Trailblaze Mission, The Sound and the Fury: Whodunit