The area where the Express Coach crashed. A place covered by barren rock and dead woods. It seems as though the guests from beyond the sky have disrupted its long dream.
Dreamshroud Mausoleum is a Space Anchor located in the "Abyss of Fate" Janusopolis within Amphoreus' Evernight.
View map: "Abyss of Fate" Janusopolis Floor 2
Map Location
Dreamshroud Mausoleum
Dreamshroud Mausoleum
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Dreamshroud Mausoleum |
Chinese (Simplified) | 扰梦石陵 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 擾夢石陵 |
Japanese | 夢を乱す石陵 |
Korean | 꿈을 어지럽히는 돌무덤 |
Spanish | Mausoleo Turbasueños |
French | Mausolée des rêves déchirés |
Russian | Гробница прерванного сна |
Thai | สุสานหินละเลงฝัน |
Vietnamese | Lăng Đá Nhiễu Mộng |
German | Steinmausoleum der zerrissenen Träume |
Indonesian | Makam Batu Pengusik Mimpi |
Portuguese | Mausoléu da Mortalha Onírica |
Change History[]
Released in Version 3.0