Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Come and relax... Focus, and look into my eyes...
I see your needs, your desires, and your innermost self...
Focus, and look into my eyes...
Next, I will bring you to experience the most sublime dreamscape...

Dreamscape Sales Store is a Shop located in the Golden Hour of Penacony's Dreamscape.

It is operated by Dr. Edward.


ItemCostStockTotal CostRefreshNotes
Nameless's Memory Bubble Nameless's Memory BubbleCredit×100,0001Credit×100,000
Daring Wager Daring WagerCredit×5,0001Credit×5,000DailyUnlocks after submission of Nameless's Memory Bubble Nameless's Memory Bubble to Pom-Pom
The Moment Before Death The Moment Before DeathCredit×5,0001Credit×5,000DailyUnlocks after submission of Nameless's Memory Bubble Nameless's Memory Bubble to Pom-Pom
Bustling Ambience Bustling AmbienceCredit×5,0001Credit×5,000DailyUnlocks after submission of Nameless's Memory Bubble Nameless's Memory Bubble to Pom-Pom
The Moment of Betrayal The Moment of BetrayalCredit×3,6003Credit×10,800DailyUnlocks after submission of Nameless's Memory Bubble Nameless's Memory Bubble to Pom-Pom
Murderer's Gaze Murderer's GazeCredit×3,6003Credit×10,800DailyUnlocks after submission of Nameless's Memory Bubble Nameless's Memory Bubble to Pom-Pom
Everlasting Hatred Everlasting HatredCredit×3,6003Credit×10,800DailyUnlocks after submission of Nameless's Memory Bubble Nameless's Memory Bubble to Pom-Pom
Eternal Endurance Eternal EnduranceCredit×3,6003Credit×10,800DailyUnlocks after submission of Nameless's Memory Bubble Nameless's Memory Bubble to Pom-Pom
Fleeting Happiness Fleeting HappinessCredit×3,6003Credit×10,800DailyUnlocks after submission of Nameless's Memory Bubble Nameless's Memory Bubble to Pom-Pom
The Cloud of Doubt The Cloud of DoubtCredit×3,6003Credit×10,800DailyUnlocks after submission of Nameless's Memory Bubble Nameless's Memory Bubble to Pom-Pom
Dream Syrup Dream SyrupCredit×1,8005Credit×9,000DailyUnlocks after submission of Nameless's Memory Bubble Nameless's Memory Bubble to Pom-Pom
Bright Future Bright FutureCredit×1,8005Credit×9,000DailyUnlocks after submission of Nameless's Memory Bubble Nameless's Memory Bubble to Pom-Pom
Momentary Freedom Momentary FreedomCredit×1,8005Credit×9,000DailyUnlocks after submission of Nameless's Memory Bubble Nameless's Memory Bubble to Pom-Pom
Thundering Appetites Thundering AppetitesCredit×1,8005Credit×9,000DailyUnlocks after submission of Nameless's Memory Bubble Nameless's Memory Bubble to Pom-Pom
Total cost for all itemsCredit Credit ×215,800


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishDreamscape Sales Store
Korean꿈세계 판매점
SpanishTienda de paisajes oníricos
FrenchBoutique du Pays des rêves
RussianТорговый дом Мира грёз
VietnameseCửa Hàng Bán Cõi Mộng
IndonesianDreamscape Sales Store
PortugueseLoja de Ofertas do Mundonírico

Change History[]
