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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Dream Tickers are a type of puzzle found in the Dreamscape of Penacony.

Completing a Dream Ticker puzzle will reward the player certain rewards and Eerie Building Block Eerie Building Block ×1. Eerie Building Blocks can be exchanged with the Dream Ticker Supervisor for additional rewards.


The Sweet Dreams Troupe, previously portraying Clockie, is currently experiencing physical and mental malfunctions that require repair.

Dream Tickers are members of the Sweet Dreams Troupe under the managemeent of the Iris Family. They are Dreamscape machines created by Dreamweavers in the image of Clockie and are used to attend to, entertain, and bring joy to the guests of Penacony's Dreamscape. Due to the mundane nature of the Dream Tickers' job, they have an increased risk of turning into the Dreamjolt Troupe.

In order to prevent such an occurrence, Middle-Management Dream Tickers tried to help them decompress by buying building blocks from Kirk, an Intellitron toy merchant, and offering them to the other Dream Tickers.[1] Little did they know that the blocks were made from exceptionally intense emotion fragments that can evoke people's suppressed desires, with the effect being more evident on Dreamscape creations like the Dream Tickers, leading them to malfunction. Kirk himself intentionally sold them the objects as he believed that the Dreamtickers were being enslaved, and that the building blocks could help them find their true selves.[2]


Tutorial Adventure Dream Ticker 1
Occasionally, you may find malfunctioning Dream Tickers in Penacony. Interacting with them allows you to enter their Emoscape and repair these poor guys.

Tutorial Adventure Dream Ticker 2
In the Emoscape, some building blocks are interactable, and you can either drag to move them or (clickclick/taptap/presspress) to rotate them. Use these blocks to help Clockie complete the path and collect gears to repair their mind.

Tutorial Adventure Dream Ticker 3
In addition, there is a movable Dream Mirror that replicates existing paths. Once a pathway to a gear is complete, Clockie will automatically collect the gear. Collect all the gears to complete the repair.

Tutorial Adventure Dream Ticker 4
After existing [sic] the Emoscape, you can awaken the repaired Dream Tickers and receive gifts from them.


Trailblaze EXP 20
Stellar Jade 20
Traveler's Guide 1
Lost Gold Fragment 3
Clock Credits 60
Credit 3500
Eerie Building Block 1


There are 4 Achievements related to Dream Ticker:

Name Category Description Hidden Version Item Stellar Jade
Always Sync With Time Fathom the Unfathomable Fix 15 Dream Tickers. No 2.0 5
Alas, Not a Concert Band Fathom the Unfathomable Rescue the Boss Ticker on (The Radiant Feldspar/The Trailblaze's Stern/The Tatalov/The Soaring Clock Hand) No 2.3 5
Don't Pick Up Anything Ominous The Memories We Share Not all urban myths are just myths.
※ Pick up an eerie tape.
Yes 2.0 5
Sunday Night Live The Memories We Share Locate the three "not quite the same" Dream Tickers and take a picture with them Yes 2.6 5

Idle Lines[]

(Approach broken Dream Ticker)
Tick, tock... I'm having a bad mood...
Tick, tock... Clockie...
Tick... tock... Who exactly am I...
(Approach repaired Dream Ticker)
Tick tock! Welcome to Dreamville!
Tick tock! I'm Clockie!
Tick tock! The clock is working again!

Dream Ticker Supervisor[]

Golden Hour[]

Gloomy Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Gloomy Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, please go chat with another Ticker, dear guest. I wanna quit this job now...
Gloomy Dream Ticker: Tick, tock... I have to play Clockie day and night, and I don't have any time for myself... I'm so envious of my friends who turned into the Dreamjolt Troupe. At least they can be themselves...
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Gloomy Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, eureka! Since work's making me miserable, I'm just going to quit!
Gloomy Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, dear guest, I'm going to escape to other Dreamscapes to take a break. Bye!

Panicky Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Panicky Dream Ticker: Tick, tock... What to do... What do I do! I'm going to be scrapped soon!
Panicky Dream Ticker: Tick, tock, the average working lifespan of us Tickers is only a hundred and thirty-three years. I have another hundred and twenty-nine years before I get scrapped! I don't want to be scrapped!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Panicky Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, come to think of it, one hundred and twenty-nine years still seems like a long time!

Fatigued Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Fatigued Dream Ticker: Tick, tock... I've been hosting guests for a week now. Rest... I need rest...
Fatigued Dream Ticker: Tick, tock... Snore...
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Fatigued Dream Ticker: Tick-tock! No, it's double the pay for overtime! I can't sleep yet!

Drunken Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Drunken Dream Ticker: Tick, tock... Grab a bottle of SoulGlad... make your dreams a blast!
Drunken Dream Ticker: Tick, tock, dear guest, hurry. Let's drink this SoulGlad together. It's my treat!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Drunken Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, I think I drank too much... I'm sorry. With my paycheck, I can't afford to treat you to SoulGlad. Please take this as compensation...

Dream's Edge[]

Jealous Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Jealous Dream Ticker: Tick, tock, darn it! That stupid Ticker from the hotel got promoted! They must be close to the manager, busy sucking up to the top brass!
Jealous Dream Ticker: Tick, tock, I'm so mad! I'll swap out their lubricant for chilli oil, or maybe loosen one of their screws...
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Jealous Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, he's much more serious about work than I am when I think about it... Bah, doesn't matter — I'm beloved by all, so I'll get promoted sooner or later!

Anxious Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Anxious Dream Ticker: Tick, tock, what to do? What to do? The guests ignore me, and my manager disapproves of me. My KPI this year is going to suffer yet again. Will I be fired...?
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Anxious Dream Ticker: Tick-tock! Fine! Fire me then. I'll take the severance pay from the troupe and enjoy myself!
Anxious Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, and then I'll be a guest too. I'll let my coworkers who have better KPIs than me serve me instead!

Taciturn Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Taciturn Dream Ticker: Tick, tock.
Taciturn Dream Ticker: Tick, tock...
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Taciturn Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, fine, I'll admit that talking is part of the job description in this line of work.

A Child's Dream[]

Mad Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Mad Dream Ticker: Tick, tock... O-ho-ho, a rare guest here. When did you get in?
Mad Dream Ticker: Tick, tock, the weather's good today, and the sun's purple. You wanna try some salt-and-pepper Clockie?
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Mad Dream Ticker: Tick-tock... The sun isn't purple, and Clockie is not edible. I have to get to work!

Raving Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Raving Dream Ticker: Tick, tock, you look tired, dear guest. You look like a microwave that ran into a Memory Zone Meme. Did you not have your dinner during you morning workout?
Raving Dream Ticker: Good thing I can help your baseball bat recharge its stamina. In the future, be careful with the stone's height and the calories should not exceed the Roche limit, or plenty of toilets will show up in Penacony. And stop rummaging through trashcans, because I love you too.
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Raving Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, I think I just spoke a bunch of gibberish...
Raving Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, thank you for fixing me up. May you soon become the Interstellar Fuel #54 of your dreams.

Hallucinating Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Hallucinating Dream Ticker: Tick, tock... so many little guests are crawling on me, and Clockie's turned into a butterfly and is fluttering everywhere... This is a dream, a dream I tell you!
Hallucinating Dream Ticker: Tick, tock? You are... a raccoon? Tee-hee-hee, raccoons can enter dreams too?
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Hallucinating Dream Ticker: Tick-tock! What's this place? Where'd that raccoon go?
Hallucinating Dream Ticker: Tick-tock! Did I just dream a dream in a dream? Thank you for waking me up!

The Reverie (Dreamscape)[]

"Don't Pick Up Anything Ominous" Dream Ticker[]

Note: Does not count towards the total Tickers repaired

Icon Dialogue Question Repair
The Dream Ticker sits slumped in a corner, with damage all over its hard, metal shell — It looks as if someone has taken a heavy axe and hacked away at it repeatedly.
From these mottled wounds, you sense an inexplicable sense of cruelty and hatred. However, this "external damage" alone is clearly not enough to have left it in such a sorry state.
Being abandoned in such a strange corner, you cannot help but pity it. Perhaps there is some way you can help.
(Enter Dream Ticker puzzle))

Introverted Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Introverted Dream Ticker: Tick, tock, don't talk to me, don't talk to me...
Introverted Dream Ticker: Tick, tock, talking to strangers every day is super scary...
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Introverted Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, thank you for fixing me up. So, guests are really kind... I'll work hard to chat with my guests!

Insecure Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Insecure Dream Ticker: Tick, tock... I’m so stupid, so dumb, and so ugly. I'll never play a good Clockie...
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Insecure Dream Ticker: Tick-tock! I think... I'm not that bad myself! Who knows, I might be able to do this job well!

Delusional Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Delusional Dream Ticker: Tick, tock! You! Yes, you! What in the world are you doing loitering around here!?
Delusional Dream Ticker: Tick, tock! Do you know who I am? I'm Clockie... Wait, I'm the future Dreammaster! What're you waiting for? Pay your respects!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Delusional Dream Ticker: Tick-tock! Oh my gears, what have I just said!
Delusional Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, please take these gifts as my apology, guest. Please don't report me to my supervisor!

Forgetful Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Forgetful Dream Ticker: Tick, tock... You're... Who are you?
Forgetful Dream Ticker: Tick, tock, where is this? I... Who am I again?
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Forgetful Dream Ticker: Tick-tock? I think I remember... I'm the Ticker that plays Clockie...
Forgetful Dream Ticker: Tick-tock! This isn't my workplace! Oh no, oh no, I'm going to be late!

Irate Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Irate Dream Ticker: Tick, tock! I can't take it anymore! I'm never playing Clockie again, and I refuse to serve your pesting whims ever again!
Irate Dream Ticker: Tick, tock! Get lost, or I'll blow you sky-high!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Irate Dream Ticker: Tick-tock... Forget it. I'll decide after receiving this year's bonus.
Irate Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, haha, pretend I didn't say what I just said, dear guest. Have a pleasant time!

Dewlight Pavilion[]

Gossiper Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Gossiper Dream Ticker: Tick, tock... Do you know about Babochka that controls the Dreamscape from the shadows? What of the Dream's Edge, hidden deep below the Dreamscape? Do you know about the top-secret Family sacrificial rituals?
Gossiper Dream Ticker: Tick, tock... they have fooled you, dear guest, come and hear the truth! I shall show you how truly filthy the dark underbelly of Penacony is!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Gossiper Dream Ticker: Tick-tock... Think about it, these stories are insane, right? How could I have believed such things?
Gossiper Dream Ticker: I'm sure they're all just conspiracy theories dreamed up by some B-grade tabloid, they must be fake... Right?

Sycophant Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Sycophant Dream Ticker: Tick, tock, now you look like a real big shot! You must be a planetary ruler or some kind of Family boss, right?
Sycophant Dream Ticker: Come, come, let me toast you with a glass of Classic SoulGlad! I wish you health and great success! May your life outside the dream be dreamy and your life inside, perfection!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Sycophant Dream Ticker: Tick-tock! Every day I have to run around the pavilion sucking up to everyone, I can't take this anymore!
Sycophant Dream Ticker: I'm drinking all this SoulGlad myself! It's mine, I'm drinking it, it's mine! If you want some, then buy some yourself!

Dispirited Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Dispirited Dream Ticker: Tick, tock... Ah, I am such an unfortunate clock... My melancholy drains my strength, just turning my hands takes all of my energy... Some Dream Tickers die as soon as they are made and don't even get buried until they're scrapped.
Dispirited Dream Ticker: Unlike clocks like Clockie that have facial features, Dream Tickers have smiles fixed to their faces. We don't even have the right to be sad... Sorry, I need to listen to If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking to comfort my battered and bruised little clockwork core...
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Dispirited Dream Ticker: Tick-tock! I listened to my song and I feel much better! My little life may still have some hope yet!
Dispirited Dream Ticker: But, I'm going to play some Dreamy Slots before I get to working hard. Tomorrow isn't too late to make a difference!

Clock Studios Theme Park[]

Troll Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Troll Dream Ticker: Tick, tock! What are you tick-ing looking at, you tick-ing tock?
Troll Dream Ticker: Don't tick-ing stare at me or I'll tick your tock in!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Troll Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, oh my! I can't believe I said so many bad words!
Troll Dream Ticker: Sorry! I will never speak like that again, I really am a tick-ing tock!

Avoidant Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Avoidant Dream Ticker: Tick, tock... I have to work late again... I don't want to face life anymore... Life is so much more cruel than it is in the cartoons...
Avoidant Dream Ticker: Clockie, take me away from here! Take me to Dreamville!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Avoidant Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, Clockie is not real. Dreamville is not real, but overtime pay is real!
Avoidant Dream Ticker: Although, I hear some visitors come from places that don't pay overtime... I can only imagine how hard their lives must be. The Family really is great...

Cryptic Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Cryptic Dream Ticker: Tick, tock... Dearest guest, it is my job to create scenario-based experiences of the Clockie IP for visitors, effectively pull in new custom for Clock Studios products and execute operation refinement to hit key target objects and make our studio the best in the universe!
Cryptic Dream Ticker: In order to achieve this goal, the Dream Ticker department works closely with the Sweet Dreams Troupe to form a double-whammy that outputs to visitors, Dreamchasers, and The Family. This feedback creates an ecology of content that we can use to fully empower the Dreamscape tourism market!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Cryptic Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, all of these words are really difficult to understand. I don't even know what I'm talking about!
Cryptic Dream Ticker: All those buzzwords have my head spinning, tick-tock! I'll just speak normally from now on!

Hasty Dream Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Hasty Dream Ticker: Tick, tock! Quick, quick! Quick quick quick!
Hasty Dream Ticker: The deadline is almost here! The deadline is coming! Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Hasty Dream Ticker: Tick-tock, what deadline is it that I'm rushing for again?
Hasty Dream Ticker: I can't remember... Forget it, it can't be that important!

Dreamflux Reef[]

Punk Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Punk Ticker: Tick, tock, fool — Stop looking around, I'm talking about you.
Punk Ticker: From that coddled demeanor of your, you must be from the "topside." Have you not faced the truth, after staying here for so long?
Punk Ticker: I've seen The Family plunder the Tickers' rewards, and then it's time to sleep. The dream is a cold, merciless machine where we, you and I, are mere fuel for it.
Punk Ticker: Tick, tock. War, we need a war! We must stop them, defeat them, and tear them to shreds, no matter the cost!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Punk Ticker: Tick-tock, gosh, war is really frightening. How could I have such extreme thoughts! War will sacrifice so many lives. What if I turn into scrap metal because of war?
Punk Ticker: We have to use gentler means to solve the problem, such as negotiations with The Family, improving theater welfare and worker regulations...

Evil Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Evil Ticker: Tick, tock... You found me, the demon that is about to destroy this Dreamscape. It was probably not easy.
Evil Ticker: Tick, tock... I am the felfire that will burn out all happiness, the swamp that will devour the beautiful. I am the mastermind who causes dreams to fall into nightmares, the inevitable nemesis of the righteous.
Evil Ticker: Abandon all hope, you cannot hope to win against me!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Evil Ticker: ...Tick-tock, if only I were really that powerful, but I cannot bear to pull the trigger.
Evil Ticker: If I were more evil, more powerful, I wouldn't be pushed around by The Family and guests, boohoo...

Enlightened Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Enlightened Ticker: Tick, tock... Got it, I've got it!
Enlightened Ticker: It's all fake, my friend. This is all a farce. The dream is false, you are false, and I am false.
Enlightened Ticker: Tick, tock. We're all just part of this artificial dream. Even my troubles are manufactured... Lay everything down, and descend into that bottomless black hole with me! The truth lies in annihilation!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Enlightened Ticker: Tick-tock, even if it's true... the false world still has many beautiful things.
Enlightened Ticker: Choosing to go down the path of destruction is never the right way to escape suffering. I must continue tempering myself...

SoulGlad™ Scorchsand Audition Venue[]

Big Ticker[]

Note: Does not count towards the total Tickers repaired

(Enter the Dream Ticker)
(After collecting the first two gears)
Clockie: Oh dear... What's going on in here? Your inner self is a mess!
Big Ticker: I'm not qualified to be the real Clockie. Just give up, Clockie!
Clockie: Hmph, no! This is unacceptable. You have to face your fears!
Icon Dialogue Clockie Tie Since it's come down to this, I'll have to use Clockwork...
Clockie: Ta-dah, success!

(After solving the puzzle)
Big Ticker: Thank you, Clockie... If not for you, I'd never be able to connect with people like this — you helped me find myself again!
Clockie: No problem at all! As the guardian of Dreamville, it's what I'm here for! Tick-tock!
Big Ticker: My friends, you still have other important things to do, right?
Big Ticker: Go forth, my friends — when the moment comes, all the Dream Tickers and I will cheer for you!

Firefly: It's all done... Victory is in sight. Let's head to the final stage.

Superstar Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Superstar Ticker: Tick, tock! Why do you want to talk to me? Is it because... you're a fan of mine?
Superstar Ticker: *sigh* It's hard being last season's Festive Superstar. I can't get away from my fans' fervent passion, even if I disguise myself as a Ticker.
Superstar Ticker: Tick, tock! Come, shower me with your gifts and boards to autograph!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Superstar Ticker: Tick-tock, ah, I'm not a superstar, just a Sweet Dreams Troupe member working at the venue...
Superstar Ticker: I really envy those superstars, they must have led exciting lives since their conception. Unlike us, forever stuck in roles as mere tools...

Sly Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Sly Ticker: Tick, tock. My pretty, you wish to speak with me?
Sly Ticker: Ohhh, I have mesmerized many a poor clock, but I didn't expect I would have charm over humans as well. I'm so sinful!
Sly Ticker: My pretty, you're interesting. I can leave a slot open for you on that precious dial of mine. But you mustn't be naughty, don't let me down!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Sly Ticker: Tick-tock, I—I thought I'd be more popular if I spoke like this, but it just doesn't seem right...
Sly Ticker: Tick-tock! I'm sorry! Please don't look at me with those disdainful eyes!

Hanu Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Hanu Ticker: Tick, tock... Hmph!
A not-very-cool "hmph" escapes his lips — he must be imitating Brother Hanu.
Hanu Ticker: Hmph, tick-hmph-tock!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Hanu Ticker: Tick-tock, why do we have to play Clockie, and not Brother Hanu?
Hanu Ticker: Our destinies have been decided since our birth. An absolute tragedy — I wonder if it's the same for humans...

Penacony Grand Theater[]

Lonely Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Lonely Ticker: Tick, tock... So lonely... I'm so lonely...
Lonely Ticker: Guest, come have a chat with me. Embrace me, and dismantle my dial...
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Lonely Ticker: Tick-tock, maybe being alone isn't so bad after all. You get more time to turn the gears of thought...
Lonely Ticker: When I become a more outstanding clock, I might have more friends too.

Awake Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Awake Ticker: ...
Awake Ticker: What are you doing, guest?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm trying to fix you.
Awake Ticker: Fix? Heh-heh... You think we're failed products that need fixing?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Just trying to flirt with you.
Awake Ticker: No need to explain. I heard there was a guest helping the team leader "fix" us. I suppose that's you?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why aren't you saying "tick, tock"?
Awake Ticker: Heh-heh, it's because I've been enlightened. I won't be saying any silly catchphrases like that again.
Awake Ticker: Guest, who defines what is "normal"? And who defines what is "malfunctioned"? Why is it that when we abandon out poor imitations of Clockie, we must be "fixed" en masse?
Awake Ticker: That building block from the toy store... It definitely isn't some sinister object that caused the malfunction in the Sweet Dreams Troupe, but a treasure that awakened us! We're not damaged Tickers, we just returned to our old selves!
Awake Ticker: Yes, my inner self is impenetrable. If you think you can change my mind easily, go ahead and give it your best shot!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Awake Ticker: Dang, you still succeeded in the end... Tick... Tick...
Awake Ticker: Hold on, I didn't want to say that word... Wonderful, I'm still me!
Awake Ticker: When you were repairing me just now, I kept wondering if I had really escaped the clutches of the Troupe's control, or I was being possessed by that strange building block... But I understand now — building block or not, I have to keep being myself!
Awake Ticker: Hee-hee, looks like we didn't need any building blocks to find my true self... Thank you, guest, I won't resign myself to destiny ever again!

Starchaser Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Starchaser Ticker: Tick, tock! I saw the Scorchsand live stream. You must be this season's Festive Superstar!
Starchaser Ticker: Tick, tock... I love you so much, please give me your autograph... No, please let me shake your hand... No, please be with me!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Starchaser Ticker: Tick-tock, ah, I'm really sorry for startling you just now!
Starchaser Ticker: I was too greedy, you don't have to do anything. I just really like you... but admiring you from afar is enough for me...

Bomb Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Bomb Ticker: Tick, tock. You should be careful, I'm no Ticker... I'm a time bomb!
Bomb Ticker: I'll explode the moment repair is complete, and blow this whole dream to smithereens! Afraid now?
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Bomb Ticker: Tick-tock, I'm going to explode!!!
Bomb Ticker: Haha, of course I'm lying to you, I just... wish that someone would see me and help me out...

The Radiant Feldspar[]

Entertainment Department Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Entertainment Department Ticker: *sob* The lighting on stage is so bright... Why is everyone staring at me...
Entertainment Department Ticker: I don't know any magic tricks, so can't someone else take over? Help... Did I just shiver? Why is everyone staring at me... Could it be that I put on my clock hands in reverse?
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Entertainment Department Ticker: Ugh, my dial feels so heavy. What was I doing just now? Oh, magic countdown...
Entertainment Department Ticker: The schedule for the hall... Alright, it's been arranged. All the performances will go ahead as scheduled. Please enjoy a wonderful time on board the airship!
Entertainment Department Ticker: ...I wonder if Boss has listed the next schedule up yet...

Housekeeping Department Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Housekeeping Department Ticker: Heehee... Dear guest, want to change rooms? Move somewhere else that's more interesting?
Housekeeping Department Ticker: The bedsheet is on the floor and the pillow is on the ceiling. I've opened the SoulGlad bottle for you in advance to let all the carbonation out. It's bound to be flavorless now!
Housekeeping Department Ticker: ...Don't you feel that most guest rooms are too mundane? It's so dull to have neatly ironed bedsheets and properly arranged items. Isn't it better to have some excitement?
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Housekeeping Department Ticker: Ahh... I feel dizzy. So that's what it feels like when my dial is missing a piece... No wonder I even forgot about work matters.
Housekeeping Department Ticker: The stuffing in the pillow needs to be changed... One only has sweet dreams if they sleep on a soft pillow.
Housekeeping Department Ticker: From now on, I'll ensure that the rooms I clean are the cleanest and most comfortable.
Housekeeping Department Ticker: After all, everyone wants to have a perfect dream. I still remember the duties that Boss assigned to me.

Medical Department Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Medical Department Ticker: ...Woah, an esteemed guest... Ooh, with no booking.
Medical Department Ticker: Do you know that I found a new treatment method? I just have to chase the patients with no bookings away. Haha, as long as the doctor doesn't see their patient, there would be no illness to diagnose! Isn't that logical?
Medical Department Ticker: Virus and germs gather! Let's have a party! Oh, but you're not invited. However, if you fall sick, remember to look for me, I'll provide you with my unique treatment method!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Medical Department Ticker: Ahh, did I say something strange previously? It seems like I also need some treatment.
Medical Department Ticker: Don't worry, I'm much better now. How are you feeling? Any discomfort anywhere?
Medical Department Ticker: That's good to hear. I wonder how Boss is doing... If only I could cure him.

Food & Beverage Department Ticker[]

Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Food & Beverage Department Ticker: Tick, tick-tock! Want a Floatdisc Burger? The guests all say that the burger patties that I make are delicious!
Food & Beverage Department Ticker: ...Why aren't you eating? Do you not like meat? Do you not like burger buns!?
Food & Beverage Department Ticker: Do you know how much effort I spent smashing the burger patty? Why don't you want to eat it? Dear guest, why don't you want to eat it!? Dear guest...! Say something! Tick-tock!
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Food & Beverage Department Ticker: Hmm... How's the taste? Did I go a little... umm, overboard? ...It should be up to each guest to decide what they want to eat. I shouldn't have interfered.
Food & Beverage Department Ticker: Ahh, I'm so sorry about what happened before. Now that I've regained my senses, is there anything that you want to eat? I guarantee I will provide you with the safest and most delicious dish.
Food & Beverage Department Ticker: Boss instructed me to take note of the preference of each guest, so if there's anything that you need to avoid, do let me know beforehand!

Boss Ticker[]

Note: Does not count towards the total Tickers repaired

(Available after repairing all the other Tickers on the Radiant Feldspar)
Icon Dialogue Gear Repair
Boss Ticker: *sigh* Tick-tock... Look at this, I wonder how I've been able to last this long.
Boss Ticker: Everything is weighing down on me. Sometimes, I wish that I were just a normal clock so I wouldn't have to worry so much. What was my original duty anyway?
Icon Dialogue Arrow To tell the time?
Boss Ticker: Time... Tell time? I can't even see the time clearly. It's like... it's like I lost something very important... My heart feels so empty...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Don't worry, I can fix you.
Boss Ticker: *sigh* I don't even know where to begin... This isn't even an external injury. My heart is just missing a piece...
Boss Ticker: I feel terrible... Leave me alone... Let my dial remain empty so that I can breathe more easily... I'm already used to this... I just need to catch my breath...
(Complete Emoscape puzzle)
Boss Ticker: Oh, wh—what is this feeling? I feel that my parts are moving more smoothly... My hands are also turning... Tick-tock! Amazing, it feels like something heavy has been lifted off me.
Boss Ticker: ...I didn't expect you to be able to really fix me. Although I don't understand how it was done,
Boss Ticker: I'm truly thankful. Now, I can finally raise my head and do what I want to do. I no longer have to look down and watch the time... My name... and my duties, I remember everything now!
(Obtain Credit Credit ×5000)
(Unlock Achievement Alas, Not a Concert Band)
(Spawn Precious Treasure that addtionally contains Golden Limited - Aideen Token Golden Limited - Aideen Token ×1)
(Spawn Dream Ticker Supervisor)

Penacony Paperfold University College[]

Inaccurate Ticker[]

(First time interaction)
Inaccurate Ticker: Tick, tock... Guest, I have a question.
Inaccurate Ticker: Hypothetically, just hypothetically... if you were playing a game straight after this, a puzzle game designed using parallax illusions.
Inaccurate Ticker: What level of difficulty do you think would bring you the most enjoyment?
Icon Dialogue Talk Is there a difference in reward?
Inaccurate Ticker: No. Enjoyment is the key.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You can choose difficulties?
Inaccurate Ticker: I already said it was hypothetical... Forget it. Yes, you can choose your difficulty level. Just say whatever you want.
Icon Dialogue Arrow The level where you can clear the stage with a quick press!
Inaccurate Ticker: Of course, that is the optimal choice. I admire you, because I would make the same choice.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Just normal will do.
Inaccurate Ticker: In most situations, people typically lean towards the more extreme choice. You are... different.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Show me a real puzzle!
Inaccurate Ticker: Tick-tock... Yes, that's right... So it shall be... I will fulfill your request, guest. I will do my best.
Inaccurate Ticker: The difficulty you asked for has been configured. Go forth.
Inaccurate Ticker: Don't forget. If you are dissatisfied, you can just talk to me before completing it. I will be here waiting.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Enter the Emoscape.

(If the player chose Challenging Difficulty)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Inaccurate Ticker: Outstanding. You have exceeded my limits, and you should be proud.
Inaccurate Ticker: In truth, no matter what you choose, as long as it gives you enjoyment, that is the best outcome. This is also our shared...
Inaccurate Ticker: ...Tick-tock, I have said too much. I intend to go wander around in the party... When both my friends are here, come to the dance floor and look for us.
(Subsequent interactions after Challenging Difficulty)
Inaccurate Ticker: Tick, tock... We meet again, guest.
Inaccurate Ticker: I tried my best. How was it? If this difficulty has earned your acknowledgement, I would be more than glad.
Inaccurate Ticker: Of course, there is no need to force yourself to accept my perspective. Care to try other difficulties?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Just the previous one will do.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'd like to change to *Easy Difficulty*.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'd like to change to *Normal Difficulty*.
Inaccurate Ticker: No problem. Go.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Enter the Emoscape.

(If the player chose Easy Difficulty)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Inaccurate Ticker: Straight to the point. Take your reward.
Inaccurate Ticker: In truth, no matter what you choose, as long as it gives you enjoyment, that is the best outcome. This is also our shared...
Inaccurate Ticker: ...Tick-tock, I have said too much. I intend to go wander around in the party... When both my friends are here, come to the dance floor and look for us.
(Subsequent interactions after Easy Difficulty)
Inaccurate Ticker: Tick, tock... We meet again, guest.
Inaccurate Ticker: I'm guessing because of curiosity? You could have cleared it with ease, but yet did not choose to do so.
Inaccurate Ticker: No matter what, I am happy to see you again. Care to try other difficulties?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Just the previous one will do.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'd like to change to *Normal Difficulty*.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'd like to change to *Challenging Difficulty*.
Inaccurate Ticker: No problem. Go.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Enter the Emoscape.

(If the player chose Normal Difficulty)
Icon Dialogue Box Awaken
Inaccurate Ticker: Not bad, very cool moves.
Inaccurate Ticker: In truth, no matter what you choose, as long as it gives you enjoyment, that is the best outcome. This is also our shared...
Inaccurate Ticker: ...Tick-tock, I have said too much. I intend to go wander around in the party... When both my friends are here, come to the dance floor and look for us.
(Subsequent interactions after Normal Difficulty)
Inaccurate Ticker: Tick, tock... We meet again, guest.
Inaccurate Ticker: Haha, was it a little too normal? But you and I are no longer normal, for I have met you.
Inaccurate Ticker: In any case, welcome back. Care to try other difficulties?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Just the previous one will do.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'd like to change to *Easy Difficulty*.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'd like to change to *Challenging Difficulty*.
Inaccurate Ticker: No problem. Go.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Enter the Emoscape.

Not a Ticker[]

Not a Ticker: Hello, guest! Welcome to Paperfold University. If you don't know where to go, I can point the way for you!
Not a Ticker: Ah, sorry, did I startle you with my sudden interjection? Don't worry. I'm a volunteer!
Not a Ticker: To be honest, there have been too many visitors at the college these few days. The student guides have been overwhelmed, which is why I'm standing here.
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...You're not broken?
Not a Ticker: Haha, you've got jokes. What's this about being broken... You make it sound like I'm a Ticker.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Just give me the prize.
Not a Ticker: Prize? Does the school celebration have such an event... Sorry, the student who handed over to me didn't brief me, so I'm not too sure on the details...
Icon Dialogue Arrow You're a student?
Not a Ticker: Yeah? Err... Do I not look like one? Am I really that different?
Not a Ticker: Anyway... Just look at the time. Where's my replacement gone to? How long is it going to take? I really can't take much more of this.
Not a Ticker: How about... I do some divination on you?
Icon Dialogue Arrow You don't have to look for work where there's none.
Not a Ticker: I'm just bored!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is it too much trouble?
Not a Ticker: No need to be polite! I won't charge a single penny!
Not a Ticker: All right, all right. Come, welcome to the Calmscape...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Did you get a word wrong?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Seems a little different from before?
Not a Ticker: Did I? I've always called my divination room by this name... Ah, you didn't still think I was a Ticker, did you?
Not a Ticker: Once more, welcome to the Calmscape...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Enter the Calmscape.
(After completing the puzzle the first time)
Not a Ticker: How about it? Were you satisfied with the divination experience?
Not a Ticker: According to your choice, I can read your future fortune. Anyway, let's see... This omen means...
(Subsequent completions)
Not a Ticker: Let's see... This omen means...

(If the player collected the bottom gear)
Not a Ticker: "Working hard is important, but if your nerves are tense, how about taking a break?"
Not a Ticker: ...This is common sense, but who really dares take a break? I hope this helps, guest!
(If the player collected the right gear)
Not a Ticker: "Wonderful wishes will be realized, as long as you work hard to a degree that you can accept, along with a little opportunity."
Not a Ticker: Doesn't sound too bad! It's fine as long as you realize it!
(If the player collected the left gear)
Not a Ticker: "Suitable for creative thinking and rumination."
Not a Ticker: Woah, a decent result! A student got this result previously, and then knocked out his graduation design within days!
Not a Ticker: I wonder if this will help you, guest!
(If the player collected the top gear)
Not a Ticker: "All things will be smooth-sailing."
Not a Ticker: ...Everything will go smoothly! Congrats, this is an excellent result, guest! Smile!
(If the player left the Calmscape without collecting any gears)
Not a Ticker: It's a unique method of "repair"... Don't you think?
Not a Ticker: You have met many malfunctioning Tickers in your time. Indeed, we may be a little off, our minds have been affected by strange building blocks. But, we still have our own consciousness. We live inside the endless dream and constantly adapt.
Not a Ticker: So... Maybe one day, we will no longer be "malfunctioning." Perhaps, there will come a time when we are not even "Tickers"?
Not a Ticker: ...
Not a Ticker: What am I talking about? There must be something wrong... I'll just give this a good whack... There we go! The correct interpretation should be—
Not a Ticker: "Aw right."
Not a Ticker: It said: "Yay." ... Whatever the case... Yay!
Not a Ticker: Wait, don't look at me with those eyes! That's what's written in the manual!
Not a Ticker: I... I hope you are satisfied, guest... Ahaha...

Not a Ticker: ...That's it for your divination result. If you're not happy with your fortune, would you like another chance?
Icon Dialogue Talk Enter the Calmscape.
Icon Dialogue Exit I'm done.
Not a Ticker: Sure, as long as you're happy! Also, during the divination, the replacement student sent a message saying that he fell into the fountain.
Not a Ticker: This excuse sounds pretty safe, so I won't be waiting for him. Thank you for spending time with me!
Not a Ticker: I will... head to the dance floor and look for my two friends! When everyone's gathered, don't forget to hang out with us!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishDream Ticker
Korean꿈세계 시계
SpanishMinutero onírico
FrenchHorloge des rêves
RussianХодики Мира грёз
VietnameseĐồng Hồ Mộng Mị
IndonesianJam Dunia Mimpi
PortugueseRelógio Onírico

Change History[]


  1. Adventure Mission: Dreams and the Art of Clock Maintenance (I)
  2. NPC's Dialogue: Kirk, on Activate Clockwork: Happy