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Dream Jigsaws are an exploration mechanic found in Penacony's Dreamscape. After completing a Dream Jigsaw, a Treasure Chest will spawn.

Puzzle Gentlemen holding Dream Jigsaws may appear anywhere in Penacony. Completing the jigsaw puzzle will make the object within it appear in the Dreamscape.

Drag Jigsaw Pieces and place them in the correct position within the frame. (ClickClick/TapTap/PressPress) Jigsaw Pieces to rotate them for the correct angle.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Dream Jigsaw |
Chinese (Simplified) | ēę¢¦ę¼å¾ |
Chinese (Traditional) | ēÆ夢ę¼å |
Japanese | ććŖć¼ć ć”ć¤ćÆććŗć« |
Korean | źæ ź±“ģ¶ ķ¼ģ¦ |
Spanish | Rompecabezas de ensueƱo |
French | Puzzle onirique |
Russian | ŠŠ¾Š·Š°ŠøŠŗŠ° Š³ŃŃŠ· |
Thai | ąøąø“ą¹ąøąøąøąø§ą¹ąøŖąø£ą¹ąø²ąøąøąø±ąø |
Vietnamese | Tranh GhĆ©p XĆ¢y Mį»ng |
German | Traumpuzzle |
Indonesian | Puzzle Mimpi |
Portuguese | Quebra-CabeƧa OnĆrico |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.0