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The Vidyadhara originated from the blessing of their dragon ancestor, Long the Permanence, unlike the other long-life species that received the gift of Abundance. Orisons offered to Long will always be heard.
Dragonprayer Terrace is a subarea in the Alchemy Commission aboard The Xianzhou Luofu.
View map: Alchemy Commission Floor 1
Map Location
Dragonprayer Terrace
Dragonprayer Terrace
There are no Dragonprayer Terrace NPCs.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Dragonprayer Terrace |
Chinese (Simplified) | 祈龙坛 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 祈龍壇 |
Japanese | 祈龍台 |
Korean | 기룡단 |
Spanish | Altar de las plegarias a Long |
French | Terrasse de la prière du dragon |
Russian | Алтарь моления к дракону |
Thai | Dragonprayer Terrace |
Vietnamese | Kỳ Long Đàn |
German | Drachengebetsaltar |
Indonesian | Dragonprayer Terrace |
Portuguese | Terraço Rezadragão |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.2