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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Double Indemnity is the third part of the Trailblaze Mission chapter Cat Among Pigeons. It automatically begins after completing Lost Generation.


  1. Watch the memory
  2. Talk to Hendrick
  3. Head to the foyer
  4. Obtain the clue regarding the Nightingale Statue
  5. Solve the puzzle regarding the Nightingale Statue
  6. Head to the Dreammaster Hall
  7. Head to The Family's council chamber and face Sunday
  8. Inspect the sandpit
  9. Head to the treasure room to look for a clue related to the sandpit
  10. Look for the sandpit clue in the treasure room
  11. Inspect the sandpit again
  12. Interact with Gulliver's Arch
  13. Investigate the Dream Jigsaw
    • Talk to the Oak Family Soldier
    • Look for the capsule m-a-a-a-achine
    • Collect Jigsaw Fragments
  14. Investigate the suspicious-looking empty base
  15. Head to the Meditation Room and look for the pinball machine model
  16. Place the pinball machine model on the sandpit
  17. Head to higher ground to collect Jigsaw Fragments
  18. Complete the Dream Jigsaw
  19. Exit Sandpit
  20. Head to The Family's council chamber and face Sunday
  21. Meet Sunday face-to-face

Gameplay Notes[]


Watch the memory[]

Interastral Peace Broadcast: "A few days ago, the IPC made an announcement..."
Interastral Peace Broadcast: "Under the watchful guidance of the Marketing Development Department and in accordance with the Interstellar Peace Charter, the independent Sigonian Sovereignty has hereby been established, and shall take a legislative seat at the Interstellar Congress..."
Interastral Peace Broadcast: "The formation of the Sigonian Sovereignty is of great historical significance to the Sigonia system: This move puts an end to the planet's long and bloody history, turning the sensational Katica-Avgin Extinction Event into a distant memory..."
Interastral Peace Broadcast: "Sigonia-IV is located in an unclaimed zone at the intersection of the Dnies, Pruthian, and Dorneau star clusters. The planet's surface environment is known for being extremely harsh, constantly faced with the threat of impact from small-scale celestial objects..."
Interastral Peace Broadcast: "This is why very few intelligent species have made this planet their home. Dividing themselves into several tribes to eke out nomad lifestyles as they struggle to survive the arid desert wilderness, they have developed their own folk beliefs that are independent of the Aeon belief system..."

???: ...Sigonia, Sigonia. Ravenous eye of the storm, spurned by all the gods...
???: Land of rock, but not water, lightning, but not rain, blood, but not tears. You beat us with your falling stars, you lash us with wind and storm, you chew us up with the cracked earth...
???: You promised us a land of honeyAvgin, yet yoked us beneath a swordKatica of bitterness. O, Gaiathra TriclopsFenge Biyos, if Thou can hear me, please open up thy three eyes and gaze upon this child...
???: When you took his father, my child was still sleeping in my belly. And where my husband went, I too soon must go...
???: I don't ask for a peaceful death, just for you to tell me — does the baby swaddled sweetly asleep... does he dream of his mother's heartbeat and the sound of falling rain? Please tell me whether this life is all just a fleeting dream...
???: ...Otherwise, why would this child be born to face impending death...?
???: Mommy...! Mommy...!
???: Mommy...! The rain — it's raining!
???: Raining...? Raining...
???: It is raining! It's true! Those outworlders weren't lying to us. They really did summon the rain... Mommy, we can leave here... We can go back home!
???: Back home... Ahh... Gaiathra Triclops, you came. Do you hear that? Thank you... Thank you...
???: Darling, listen... this is the sound of rain. On the day you were born, the sky also sent down a giftRaindrops like this from Gaiathra.
???: Such a lucky child, such a blessed child... Just like your name. A gift from THEM to Avgin... my boy...
???: "May the goddess Gaiathra close HER eyes three times..."
???: "Keep your blood eternally pulsing..."
???: "Let your journey be forever peaceful... "
???: "...and your schemes forever concealed."

???: ...Welcome to this sad world, KakavashaChild Blessed by Gaiathra.
???: Time to wake up, gambler.

Aventurine: ...Oh!
Aventurine: Oh heavens, I must have drunk too much SoulGlad... Didn't expect you to be back so soon. How is it... find anything?
Dr. Ratio: Just as you guessed: Nobody outside knows about Robin's death, there aren't even baseless conspiracy theories. They're still streaming the rehearsal for her ceremony — using a stand-in, I guess — *ahem* they must be dreaming.
Aventurine: Of course. Who could imagine that death would actually descend upon the idyllic dream created by The Family, let alone that the victim would be the female lead of the Charmony Festival...
Aventurine: To be honest with you, I didn't believe it and even tested it a few times myself — until I discovered that I couldn't actually die. Whenever there's any danger, I'm forced awake by the Dreampool and it's all as if everything were just a nightmare.
Aventurine: That's why I'm convinced that there are a few big secrets lurking behind the scenes.
Dr. Ratio: Then you must have heard about the Memory Zone meme"Something Unto Death" — when I graciously deigned to establish connections with the Oak Family on your behalf, they were quite in a pitiful state of disarray.
Dr. Ratio: Besides Robin, there was another body. I don't know the exact details, just that it was a stowaway.
Aventurine: Two murder cases!? I told you, something seemed off about the Nameless. (He/She) must have come across the other one...
Aventurine: This murderer is a psycho... but I have to say, the case does represent an opportunity. We can leverage The Family's malfeasance and let the IPC use this as a reason to intervene.
Aventurine: It's just that their trickery runs deeper than I thought. Robin's stand-in was all ready to go... These two murders are definitely getting hushed up.
Aventurine: What should we do? Let me think... It's too rare an opportunity to miss out on, so I gotta be careful...
Dr. Ratio: Incredible, gambler. Have you already exhausted your limited repertoire of tricks so soon?
Aventurine: There are plenty of chips, but it'd be best to choose carefully. The most straightforward... has to be Robin. Remember? That Masked Fool once told me to find a mute as a friend.
Aventurine: Robin is what she calls the "mute." She has lost her voice and while most people can't pick up on it, you and I cannot mistake that sound — not produced by any voicebox, but rather by the resonance of the Harmony.
Aventurine: If that girl hadn't gone hoarse from singing practice, there'd only be one possibility: Something was up with The Family, or Robin herself. To get to the bottom of this, I tried every way I could to meet her...
Aventurine: ...but she died, right before my very eyes.
Dr. Ratio: A complete and utter loss — incidentally, it seems to have resulted in your rather undignified arrival on the interrogation stand.
Dr. Ratio: There were eyewitnesses at the scene, and The Family, in their graciousness, has tentatively accepted your alibi. However, for the foreseeable future... you shall, regrettably, find yourself under the vigilant watch of the Hounds.
Aventurine: Things aren't looking too optimistic, Doctor. I'm starting to break out in a cold sweat. Do you reckon... there's still any chance of a comeback given how things are?
Dr. Ratio: A probability? Yes, it exists, but it verges on the infinitesimal. To phrase it in a manner more befitting the vernacular of Penacony, "you're dreaming."
Dr. Ratio: But if you simply can't control yourself and want to try your hand, then there just so happens to be a suitable candidate...
Dr. Ratio: That man wants to see you again.
Aventurine: Who?
Dr. Ratio: Sunday.
Aventurine: ...
Aventurine: ...Is this a public hearing, or a private trial?
Dr. Ratio: If it were the former, it would hardly befit my stature to stoop to the role of a mere messenger.
Aventurine: Fine... That's great. It's all great. You see, the dead can't talk — but the living can...
Aventurine: Ratio, I'm convinced now that there must be something wrong inside The Family. Just you wait and see, that man's sister has died. He can't sit on his hands.
Aventurine: Without any further ado, let's set off — lead the way! The show... is about to begin.

Dr. Ratio: We're here. The Dewlight Pavilion is the Oak Family's fortress and a place where heads of the families meet to discuss great plans for Penacony.
Aventurine: Fortress? I like this metaphor. I had dealt with the warlords of the Iymanika star system not long ago, and their synchronized orbital manor wasn't this heavily guarded.
Dr. Ratio: This mansion nominally belongs to Sunday, and is very befitting of its owner. Without his express invitation, the likes of ordinary guests would never grace these grounds in their lifetimes. Look around while you still have this moment of freedom.
Aventurine: Hey, Doc — Whose side are you on anyway?
Dr. Ratio: Who's to say I won't sell you out?
Aventurine: We'll see. When we meet the authoritarian masterSunday of the Oak Family, I'll pry an answer out of him.
Dr. Ratio: Follow me, and I'll bring you to his parlor. Hold your tongue and let me deal with the members of The Family.
(Open Fate's Ensemble Tutorial)

Talk to Hendrick[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Mission Description

The head of the Oak Family in Penacony, who seems to find you intriguing, invites you for a private chat. That's exactly what you need. To meet him, you visit the Dewlight Pavilion with Dr. Ratio... having no inkling of the perils that lie ahead of you.
Talk to Hendrick the guard and embark on you two's adventure at the Dewlight Pavilion.
(Talk to Hendrick)
Hendrick: Hey, you two! That's a place of business. No entry!
Dr. Ratio: I was requested by Mr. Sunday to bring him the suspect. My name is Ratio. He should've mentioned it to you.
Hendrick: Oh, I remember you... Veritas Ratio. Your "Punch Virtual Particle Clock" is impressive.
Dr. Ratio: ...Excuse me?
Hendrick: The one on your head! Of course, it's nothing compared to my... full pocket-dimensional annihilating power armor of the "Mobile Knights."
Dr. Ratio: Right, and as I mentioned, that fantasy raiment of yours doesn't exist.
Hendrick: That's because you can't see it! Like I say, only FamilyMember of The Family can see the glory of the "Mobile Knights." Enough, get going. Don't keep Mr. Sunday waiting.
Dr. Ratio: *sigh*... It seems like the idiocy index here is no better than it is out there.

Head to the foyer[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

You two reach a foyer full of statues and realize there is no way to proceed further... In other words, there is not even a door in sight. Looks like you have to find a way to conjure up a door...
Fortunately, the learned professor always knows what to do... Could he have studied the script before?
(Talk to Hendrick, optional)
Hendrick: Enough, get going. Don't keep Mr. Sunday waiting.

(Approach marked location)
Aventurine: ...A dead end?
Dr. Ratio: The door is shut tight. Looks like we're on our own.
Aventurine: I mean... there isn't a door. How did you get in before?
Dr. Ratio: For security reasons, The Family built the administrative site deep in the Dreamscape, with the mechanisms hidden in these Nightingale statues. The direction of the statues can be controlled.
Dr. Ratio: On the previous occasion, an attendant named Conna had gone to the side room to verify something before setting the statues in the correct positions.
Aventurine: Maybe we should do the same. Let's go and take a look. Of course, we can also use brute force.

(Attempt to solve puzzle, optional)
Dr. Ratio: Solving a problem by brute force doesn't prove your intelligence. The side room — don't let me repeat myself.
(Solve puzzle without obtaining the clue, optional)
Aventurine: Look, like I said — brute force can also solve things.
Dr. Ratio: The Council of Mundanites should consider you as their member, for no one in this universe is more suitable to be there than you.
(Proceed to Head to the Dreammaster Hall)

Obtain the clue regarding the Nightingale Statue[]

(Approach painting)
Dr. Ratio: Six Nightingales facing in different directions — an obvious hint.
Aventurine: Hmm... but are these Nightingales?
Dr. Ratio: They are. What's wrong?
Aventurine: How can Nightingales be so huge? They look more like Torment Eagles to me.
Dr. Ratio: There are no eagles in the Five Families, only Nightingales— Why am I wasting time with you on this?
The two return on the path they came from...

Solve the puzzle regarding the Nightingale Statue[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

You two reach a foyer full of statues and realize there is no way to proceed further... In other words, there is not even a door in sight. Looks like you have to find a way to conjure up a door...
You two have obtained the clue regarding the Nightingale Statue, hoping that it can open up the path ahead.
(Solve puzzle)
Aventurine: Just as I thought, here's the correct answer.
Dr. Ratio: A truly miraculous discovery — perhaps I should offer you the chance to join the Genius Society?
Aventurine: Really? I thought you'd given up on that already.
Dr. Ratio: I was being sarcastic. Can't you tell?

Head to the Dreammaster Hall[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

You two reach a foyer full of statues and realize there is no way to proceed further... In other words, there is not even a door in sight. Looks like you have to find a way to conjure up a door...
You two really did conjure up a door! The Dreamscape is an amazing place, isn't it?
(Approach marked location)
Aventurine: Impressive. So much for Mr Sunday's reserved, virtuous image.
Dr. Ratio: Do you need me to remind you? We're in a dreamscape. No matter how grand the mansion looks, it'll not affect Penacony. Stop wasting your time nitpicking The Family here.
Aventurine: Yeah, you're right. The only way to destroy The Family is "Death." Sunday must have thought the same. Let's head down.

Head to The Family's council chamber and face Sunday[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

You two have successfully solved the puzzle about the Nightingale Statue. After walking through a narrow and long hallway, you find yourself in a luxurious classical hall.
You two will get to meet the head of the Oak Family with the odd name after passing through the hall.
(Approach door)
Dr. Ratio: ...Hold on.
Aventurine: What's wrong? Are we heading the wrong way?
Dr. Ratio: No, but this door is locked.
Aventurine: My friend, did you really make an appointment with him?
Dr. Ratio: ...It's a trial. You got to prove your worth to Sunday before you can speak with him.
Dr. Ratio: If I'm not wrong, we need to find a way to open this door in the hall, or this place will be our prison.
Aventurine: Oh, an escape room — my favorite.
Dr. Ratio: Get serious. I've no time for games. Let's head back. The hint is probably in that prominent sandpit.
(Talk to Dr. Ratio again, optional)
Dr. Ratio: Get serious. I've no time for games. Let's head back. The hint is probably in that prominent sandpit.

Inspect the sandpit[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

As expected, things are far from straightforward. How can the outsiders gain access to The Family's council chamber that easily? But fret not, as Dr. Ratio always has the solution. He speculates that the key to unlocking the door is hidden in the sandpit in the center of the hall.
Aventurine: Wow, that's an enormous sandpit... I'd love to build a tall building for myself once I have enough savings.

(Investigate sandpit)
Aventurine: Look, there's a noticeable gap in the model. I believe you're right.
Dr. Ratio: There wasn't a gap before. That man must have done it intentionally.
Aventurine: With your brilliant mind you shouldn't have any trouble recalling what was here last time, right, Doctor?
Dr. Ratio: Of course.

Head to the treasure room to look for a clue related to the sandpit[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

There is a noticeable gap in the sandpit model, which might just be the key clue to unlocking the council chamber. As far as Dr. Ratio can remember, the block that can fit the gap is kept in the treasure room nearby.
The professor is as reliable as always!
Dr. Ratio: Let's look around. When I see it, I will know it.
Aventurine: Fine, fine. Why do I feel that we're pursuing a degree in burglary now?

Look for the sandpit clue in the treasure room[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

There is a noticeable gap in the sandpit model, which might just be the key clue to unlocking the council chamber. As far as Dr. Ratio can remember, the block that can fit the gap is kept in the treasure room nearby.
You two arrive at the treasure room, all set to pursue a degree in burglary — that is, to look for the missing part of the sandpit model. Good luck.
Dr. Ratio: Found it. This is it.

(Investigate model)
Aventurine: The nameplate reads: Gulliver's Arch. I'm amazed you can remember something this tiny. You know, this reminds me of a tunnel I once saw that could shrink people who passed through it.
Dr. Ratio: If I were you, I would shut my mouth. It's wise to remain silent when you should.

Inspect the sandpit again[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

You two come across a wondrous item called Gulliver's Arch in the treasure room. If you've watched the fun animation with a blue cat from the future as the protagonist, then the item will surely remind you of the tunnel that can shrink the pers—
Ahem, the rest of the content will not be shown due to copyright issues. Now, please put the arch on the sandpit.
The two return to the lobby...
(Approach marked location)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Insert Gulliver's Arch into the slot.
Aventurine: This reminds me of one of those building toys. With the blocks? I've never played with them before. I wonder if it's more interesting than stacking chips.

Aventurine: Look, the gap is closed, and it fits perfectly — eh, so what's next?

Interact with Gulliver's Arch[]

(Enter the City Sandpit)
Aventurine: Waaaaaah...!
Aventurine: ...
Aventurine: ...Good heavens. Did I shrink? Am I still in a dream?
Dr. Ratio: Indeed.
Aventurine: Doctor... you're huge! It's me! Down here in the sandpit!
Aventurine: Actually I think we could make this work for us. Just find a way to slip me into Sunday's collar, and I'll infiltrate The Family just like that.
Dr. Ratio: ...
Aventurine: Fine. I was just kidding.

Investigate the Dream Jigsaw[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

Dream Jigsaws are ubiquitous in Penacony. Generally speaking, seeing a Dream Jigsaw is the same as seeing a door... Intentional or not, this creepy design is so common in Penacony that it makes you wonder whether The Family has run out of creative ideas.
Anyway, you might as well go through the procedure and collect all the jigsaw fragments. You know how your professor friend isn't known for his patience.
Aventurine: Let's find a way to open the door.

Talk to the Oak Family Soldier[]

(Approach Oak Family Soldier)
Oak Family Soldier: Hello. Welcome to the Golden Hour base model.
Oak Family Soldier: I am an Oak Soldier. I will be here to guide you through the tour of the base model. Happy to be of service.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Tell me about the guided tour.
Aventurine: Then tell me about the tour.
Oak Family Soldier: Hel—l—l—l—l—o. Welcome to the Golden Hour ba—a—a—a—a—se model —
Oak Family Soldier: I am an O—o—o—o—o—oak Soldier. I will be here to guide you through the to—o—o—o—ur of the base mo —
Icon Dialogue Arrow Hey, I was talking to you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Tell me about the tour!
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Give it a kick.)
Oak Family Soldier: Model. Happy to be of service.
Oak Family Soldier: Gen—n—n—n—n—n—nerating guide. Please wait pa—a—a—a—a—a—atient—t—t—t...
Oak Family Soldier: t-t-t-t-t...
Icon Dialogue Arrow You seriously are the worst soldier.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Tell. Me. About. The. Tour.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Kick it again.)
Oak Family Soldier: ...Fo—o—o—o—und the nearest check-in spot!
Oak Family Soldier: Please lo—o—o—o—ok behind me — a capsule m—a—a—a—a—chine model—
Oak Family Soldier: Mode-e-e-e-e-e-e-l—
Oak Family Soldier: Ah!
After screaming, the soldier collapses — he didn't even have time to earn a five-star rating from you.

Look for the capsule m-a-a-a-achine[]

Aventurine: What's up with that? Now The Family's toys are trying to frame me? I didn't do a thing to it, Doc. You've gotta be my witness.
Dr. Ratio: I saw nothing.
(Talk to Oak Family Soldier, optional)
It has crashed. It may take some time to reboot.

(Approach capsule machine)
Aventurine: Capsule machine... There's no mechanism on the floor. Could there be one at the top? Doctor, do me a favor —

Collect Jigsaw Fragments[]

Aventurine: So I was right. These models have interiors that look exactly like the real buildings. The only difference is that no one lives in them.
Aventurine: Funny that Sunday puts a miniature that makes him seem like a giant by comparison right where he can see it first thing in the morning. Insecure much?
(Collect jigsaw fragment from capsule)
(Collect jigsaw fragment near enemies)

Investigate the suspicious-looking empty base[]

Aventurine: One of the fragments flew upstairs. I'll need to use the pinball machine to flick myself up there, but it's tough.

(Investigate base)
Aventurine: Great. There's another pinball machine base here, and it's empty too.
Aventurine: ...Doc, I'll need your brainpower again.
Dr. Ratio: There's no need to yell, I can hear you. The pinball machine must be hidden somewhere in the hall, like the arch. Wait here, and I'll be back in a minute.

Head to the Meditation Room and look for the pinball machine model[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

You ask the knowledgeable Dr. Ratio to help you look for a pinball machine model in the Meditation Room. So happy for him!
Dr. Ratio: Finally, a moment of peace.
(Investigate sandpit, optional)
Dr. Ratio: Quite a fascinating contraption. I would rate it more favorably if that clamorous little person inside were gone.
Aventurine: Ratio... I can hear you...
(Stay idle at north side of sandpit)
Aventurine: Doctor... Shake a leg...?
Aventurine: Without that Pinball machine, neither one of us is going anywhere anytime soon.
Dr. Ratio: ...
(Investigate model)
Dr. Ratio: That's it... Pleasant moments of solitude are always fleeting.
(Obtain Pinball Machine Model Pinball Machine Model ×1)

Place the pinball machine model on the sandpit[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

You ask the knowledgeable Dr. Ratio to help you look for a pinball machine model in the Meditation Room, and he manages to find it. So happy for him!
(Approach sandpit)
Aventurine: Ha, you're back! Just place it here... Thank you...!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Place the model in the sandpit.

Head to higher ground to collect Jigsaw Fragments[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

Dream Jigsaws are ubiquitous in Penacony. Generally speaking, seeing a Dream Jigsaw is the same as seeing a door... Intentional or not, this creepy design is so common in Penacony that it makes you wonder whether The Family has run out of creative ideas.
Anyway, you might as well go through the procedure and collect all the jigsaw fragments. You know how your professor friend isn't known for his patience.
Aventurine: Thanks, Doc!
(Approach marked location)
Aventurine: Ratio, you should come in and take a look. The view here is breathtaking. Honestly, you could easily squash me with just a pinch.
Dr. Ratio: If that is your wish, I will do so without a moment's hesitation.
(Collect jigsaw fragment)
Aventurine: All done. Piece of cake.

Complete the Dream Jigsaw[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

Dream Jigsaws are ubiquitous in Penacony. Generally speaking, seeing a Dream Jigsaw is the same as seeing a door... Intentional or not, this creepy design is so common in Penacony that it makes you wonder whether The Family has run out of creative ideas.
Finally, you have collected all the fragments. It's high time to leave this desolate and eerie place.
(Solve Dream Jigsaw)
Aventurine: And the joyous tour of Toy City has come to an end. It makes me feel sad.
Aventurine: Penacony isn't all bad, right? I'll use this interesting experience as a talking point at the poker table.

Head to The Family's council chamber and face Sunday[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

Now, you're all set to meet the head of Oak Family. Good luck.
(Approach marked location)
Dr. Ratio: It's a pity you made it out of the sandpit alive. Sunday is just beyond this door. From my limited understanding, he's not someone easily handled. Are you prepared?
Aventurine: Yeah, only I believe he's the one who should be prepared to face me.
Dr. Ratio: Tell me about your plan.
Aventurine: I don't have a plan. I'll just play it by ear. There are only two kinds of bargaining chips when dealing with people: Benefit or fear.
Dr. Ratio: Looks like "sincerity" isn't in your dictionary.
Aventurine: Am I not sincere enough? There's no need to emphasize it. We've got to make good use of death. That man's sister is dead. He won't be able to turn a blind eye, and that's "fear."
Aventurine: And I'll help him find the murderer. He can't do it due to his status and position, but I can, and that's "benefit."
Dr. Ratio: On what basis do you believe he's incapable, necessitating the delegation to someone from a rival faction, the IPC?
Aventurine: Simple — Because that murderer could very well be a traitor hiding inside The Family.
Dr. Ratio: ...Do you mean the Galaxy Ranger whom you accused previously?
Aventurine: That was just an excuse, good doctor. There's something wrong with that woman, and we need someone to keep her in check. It's better to minimize the variables outside of our control when we execute our plans.
Aventurine: Moreover, I need to know her identity. If I'm lucky, she could be an important pawn. And it's good to have more helpful friends when dealing with this matter.
Aventurine: But honestly, the murder case is likely unrelated to her. I believe my standpoint: There's a rat in The Family. Otherwise, why would Mr. Sunday arrange a private meeting with us? This isn't an interrogation, but a secret negotiation.
Aventurine: We'll see. Using Robin's death as a bargaining chip, I'll win back my freedom and power. In the end, I'll ruin this beautiful dream and create the grandest death.
Aventurine: If the chance of winning is just beyond this door, even if that chance is close to zero, well... you can't win if you don't play, right?
Dr. Ratio: Ah, the charming audacity! To think that you, of all people, might emerge victorious, dear gambler.
Aventurine: Three chips are enough.
Aventurine: All or nothing.

Meet Sunday face-to-face[]

(Approach marked location)
Sunday: It seems my puzzles are too effortless for you, IPC Ambassador.
Aventurine: I appreciate your words, and I see you put a lot of effort into welcoming me, Mr. Sunday. However, this is no way to greet a guest.
Sunday: Well, this isn't an invitation, but a summoning. Before we speak, I need to test your character.
Sunday: I imagine this knowledgeable doctor friend of yours has been of great help, yes?
Aventurine: Certainly, you ought to know this better than I do — he has already faithfully fulfilled his duties, hasn't he?
Sunday: Yes, the doctor has assured me of your noble character. He considers you, like himself, a virtuous person who can be trusted by The Family.
Sunday: I have come to know you very well as a person, Mr. Aventurine. You're diligent, generous, and willing to cooperate. The fact that you succeeded in overcoming many obstacles just to meet me gave me the reason to believe in your wisdom and courage.
Sunday: But there's one thing I must ask you — that is, you've used your wisdom at the wrong place to meet the wrong person and put yourself in a situation where you shouldn't be... witnessing a tragedyRobin's Case that shouldn't have happened.
Aventurine: You don't look too well. Am I making you anxious?
Aventurine: ...If not, then it means I'm on your side.
Sunday: If I wasn't mistaken, you'd just made a serious accusation against The Family.
Aventurine: You weren't mistaken, for depravity is creeping in around you.
Aventurine: There's no need for us to be evasive. Let's talk about your sister. Your sister's talent is unrivaled in the world of show business. As you know, her voice has been out of tune since she returned to Penacony. What's more disheartening, she can't sing anymoreDeath.
Aventurine: Who could be responsible for this? Many suspect the culprit is among the outsiders, but I know... you hold a different opinion.
Aventurine: Now, your noble status has become a shackle, preventing you from apprehending the murderer and avenging your sister's death. You're feeling anxious because you're out on a limb.
Aventurine: But don't worry. I am on your side.
Sunday: I'm immensely honored by your concern for me, Mr. Aventurine — since you're so selfless and generous, I believe you wouldn't ask for anything in return, would you?
Aventurine: Naturally, you wouldn't incur any loss from this. I just want to reclaim what is mine: My liberty, and the personal items under The Family's custody — the bag of gift money, and...
Sunday: The box in which the Cornerstone is stored.
Aventurine: That's right.
Sunday: Cornerstone — I've heard it's a treasured asset of the Strategic Investment Department, a sacred stone that seals the "Preservation" Emanator, granting significant power, and every Liquidation SpecialistTen Stonehearts holds one.
Sunday: ...For an object so precious, it probably comes at an even higher price than other forms of recompense.
Aventurine: I'm sure you're aware of the high level of risk I'll be undertaking to bring the truth to light.
Sunday: Mr. Aventurine, when you're out and about, do you always make adjustments to your appearance? Your tie should be on the center line, your shirt must not protrude from your vest, your trouser creases should be perfectly straight, and always aligned with the tips of your shoes.
Aventurine: Of course.
Sunday: But I don't, because it's not appropriate to do so in public — you should make sure everything is presentable and in order before leaving the house.
Sunday: I'm not the kind that takes risks. The Cornerstone must be in the custody of The Family.
Aventurine: No room for negotiation?
Sunday: Please don't let me turn you down twice.
Aventurine: ...Sure. The gift money is good enough. I suppose you wouldn't mind that? After all, a merchant can't function without a bargaining chip.
Sunday: You compromised quicker than I thought. Unfortunately, it's a gambler that needs a bargaining chip... not a merchant. I can give you your gift money, but before that, I want you to tell me —
Sunday: — The fact that you can decisively forsake the box you asked for, what exactly is stored in it?
Sunday: "Oh, Triple-Faced Soul, please sear his tongue and palms with a hot iron, so that he will not be able to fabricate lies and make false vows."
Aventurine: ...What have you done?
Sunday: Under the light of the Harmony, all wickedness is revealed. I implore THEM to shed THEIR light, and I'll ask you questions on THEIR behalf. Next... you have 113 seconds to prove your innocence and gain my trust.
Aventurine: And if I refuse to answer?
Sunday: You can try — and we'll see if the Harmony rejects you.
Aventurine: ...
Sunday: "Question: Do you own a Cornerstone?"
Aventurine: Yes.
Sunday: What a simple answer. You, too, understand that idle chatter leads only to poverty.
Sunday: "Did you hand over the Cornerstone to The Family when you entered Penacony?"
Aventurine: Yes.
Sunday: "Does the Cornerstone you handed over to The Family belong to you?"
Aventurine: Yes.
Sunday: "Is your Cornerstone in this room right now?"
Aventurine: Yes.
Sunday: "Is your memory free from any kind of tampering or deletion, encompassing but not restricted to the techniques of the Garden of Recollection?"
Aventurine: Yes.
Sunday: "Are you an Avgin from Sigonia?"
Aventurine: Yes. You even know about that?
Sunday: "Do the Avgins have any ability to read, tamper with, or manipulate one's own or another's mind?"
Aventurine: No. Does it matter?
Sunday: "Do you love your family more than yourself?"
Aventurine: Yes.
Sunday: "All the Avgins were killed in a massacre. Am I right?"
Aventurine: No.
Sunday: "Are you your clan's sole survivor?"
Aventurine: ...Perhaps.
Sunday: "...Do you hate and wish to destroy this world with your own hands?"
Aventurine: ...
Aventurine: I don't know.
Sunday: Interesting. Now, the final question...
Sunday: "Can you swear that at this very moment, the Aventurine stone is safe and sound in this box?"
Dr. Ratio: ...
Aventurine: ...
Aventurine: ...Of course.
Sunday: Looks like we can get an answer.
Sunday: Open it, Mr. Aventurine... It's your last chance to defend your honor.

(Cutscene plays)
Sunday: Please.
Sunday: Are these what you're looking for?
(Cutscene ends)

System hours ago — Dewlight Pavilion
Sunday: Since you came as promised, learned Doctor... Does this mean that you are willing to take the side of The Family in this farce?
Dr. Ratio: What makes you think you can convince me?
Sunday: I've heard you haven't enjoyed Mr. Aventurine's company. I also understand that you're an avid learner who sees the pursuit of knowledge above all.
Dr. Ratio: In that case, you ought to realize that a competent scholar knows their position and wouldn't forsake more vital matters for the sake of petty pride.
Sunday: If you agree to assist The Family, I'll share our research findings on the Stellaron. You must be quite aware that, besides The Family, no other faction is willing to share such information.
Dr. Ratio: ...
Dr. Ratio: Cut to the chase. What do you need from me?
Sunday: I need Mr. Aventurine's comprehensive plan.
Dr. Ratio: Haven't you confiscated his Cornerstone? You can't expect a featherless bird to take flight.
Sunday: But I've also heard the ten elitesTen Stonehearts in the Strategic Investment Department have united, progressing together in the interests of the IPC.
Dr. Ratio: You'll have to speak more clearly than that.
Sunday: The Cornerstone which Mr. Aventurine surrendered — was it really his?
Dr. Ratio: You question whether he would entrust you with someone else's Cornerstone? The Ten Stonehearts aren't as united as you think — Cornerstones are significantly more precious to them than their very own lives.
Sunday: But you know that he's a crazed gambler. The more vocal he is about it, the more cautious I must be.
Dr. Ratio: I never imagined someone would share his way of thinking. Honestly, you should see a shrink.
Dr. Ratio: Bring it. The box containing Cornerstone is unique, and only IPC senior staff and related members can access it — but I happen to be among them.
Sunday: I appreciate it.
Item Topaz's Cornerstone
Dr. Ratio: Unfortunately, your guess is correct.
Sunday: ...
Sunday: Ha, the golden stone. Its color and glow are similar to that of Qlipoth's body.
Dr. Ratio: This is the very ruse he intends to use to fool you. He won't reveal to you that the Ten Stonehearts chisel their own will into the Cornerstones, granting them an unparalleled radiance.
Dr. Ratio: And this golden stone is also known as a topaz, not aventurine, and it belongs to TopazOne of the Ten Stonehearts.
Dr. Ratio: So? Do you wish to confront him?
Sunday: Not at the moment. I'm more interested to know the location of his Cornerstone.
Dr. Ratio: The safest place, somewhere you'd never think of. Because he never intended to hide it — in fact, that Cornerstone has been in your hands from the very beginning.
Item Jade's Cornerstone
Sunday: I see, this bag... Mixing a Cornerstone, more precious than life itself, with a bunch of worthless jewels, disguised as a gift of money waiting to be confiscated, is indeed in line with Mr. AventurineGambler's style.
Dr. Ratio: Then he makes up some trivial excuse, downplaying the matter, and requests the gift money. This is a gamble, one he's all too familiar with, betting on your single misstep leading to a total loss.
Sunday: Learned Doctor, I'm grateful for your help. The Family will surely reward a righteous person like you.
Sunday: As for the villain... I hope he retreats in humiliation.

Sunday: It was all thanks to your friend with a keen eye that I could add a blot of utter failure to your storied career.
Aventurine: Ratio, you wretch...
Sunday: Finally shown your true colors, heh. Oh, and just to remind you: You currently only have seventeen system hours left to live. Treasure your remaining time, and savor the delectable aftertaste of defeat.
Aventurine: ...You might as well explain yourself a little more clearly.
Sunday: What I performed on you just now was the Harmony's consecration. You were to show allegiance beneath the illumination of THEIR grace, yet you acted willfully, uttering nothing but falsehoods, transforming the consecration into a trial. I genuinely see no reason to absolve you from it.
Aventurine: Is this what the Harmony represents? Is it built upon constraint and coercion?
Sunday: You misunderstand, Mr. Aventurine. Punishment is meant for the irreverent, but I have seen your resilient spirit, and thus I offer you the possibility of a new beginning.
Sunday: Throughout these seventeen system hours, you will be unable to escape the Dreamscape or contact any of your companions. You only have two paths before you, and it all depends on whether you can complete my test within the time limit.
Sunday: Should you succeed, you will be able to coalesce into the Harmony and be with your Family. If you fail, you will suffer the wrath of the Eternal CenturionEmbodiment of Harmony and fall into an abyss of doom.
Aventurine: Sounds like I'm going to end up the same either way.
Sunday: I indeed do need a servant to help me uncover the evil hidden in The Family from an external perspective. I will purge the evil from the inside and bring the real culprits to justice within seventeen system hours.
Sunday: When the time comes, compare your findings with mine. If both our findings align, or if you can provide me more insights... then THEY will truly be able to grant you mercy and honesty.
Aventurine: Shameless hypocrites... You took everything from me and still demand the truth? That isn't fair. Your carnival reeks with the stench of cash. Nothing is achievable without it!
Sunday: This is meant to be an act of personal virtue, not requiring The Family's support. Your bag is over there, do as you please. I believe you can trade this bag of worthless jewels for everything you need. That's what gamblers excel at, isn't it?
Sunday: Off you go, Mr. Aventurine. You are free. I will wait here for your good news.
Aventurine: This meeting isn't an interrogation, or a negotiation...
Aventurine: It's an outright execution.
Sunday: Why would I do that, Mr. Aventurine? I'm just wondering what a passerby who stumbled upon a scene of murder could have found out, that's all.
Aventurine: ...
Sunday: By the way, before you go, I have a personal question.
Aventurine: What is it now?
Sunday: You...

Sunday: ...Do you truly wish to bring about the destruction of this world?

???: Kakavasha, where did you go... Are you injured!?
Kakavasha: I got it back, Sister.
???: You went to look for them...? That's too dangerous! It's just a necklace. It's neither food nor water. We can survive without it.
???: But I can't live without you, little brother... Promise me not to look for those KaticansShellslasher again, okay?
Kakavasha: Sister, don't be afraid. The Katicans are fools, but I'm smart. I played a "game" with them, and I won.
???: Won? What happened exactly? Tell me.
Kakavasha: I made a bet with them — the two birds in the desert and me, who will die first? I won.
Kakavasha: They suspected me of cheating, but I didn't... I won fair and square.
???: Of course. Of course you'd win... You've always been a lucky child. Gaiathra TriclopsFenge Biyos must be watching over you...
???: But that's no reason to push your luck by going up against those... those bloodthirsty, CRUEL Katicans! Have you forgotten how Mom and Dad...!
???: Look, this is just a necklace. But Kakavasha, you are my only family.
Kakavasha: ...
Kakavasha: I'm sorry, Sister... I thought you'd be happy. Because mom left you this necklace...
Kakavasha: ...There'll be no next time.
???: It is important, but not as important as you, my dearest brother... I don't blame you, but you must remember what mom said...
???: Pain and poverty are the trials of Gaiathra Triclops. SHE has also granted us a chance, and that's your good luck, Kakavasha. Your good luck is the most precious wealth we — all Avgin have.
???: You're a child blessed by Gaiathra TriclopsKakavasha and can lead the clan to happiness. So, always remember to protect yourself and never resent the pain and poverty you're going through... All right?
Kakavasha: ...
???: Listen to me, and swear to Gaiathra Triclops.
Kakavasha: ...Okay. I will swear to Gaiathra Triclops to protect this "wealth"...

Kakavasha: But Sister... If Gaiathra Triclops was really watching over us...
Kakavasha: Then why did SHE not protect Dad when he was swept away by the quicksand...? After all, Dad went to the Katicans' land only to prepare for Gaiathra Triclops' offerings...
Kakavasha: And where was Gaiathra Triclops when Mom was shivering in our arms? Mom was still pleading for Gaiathra Triclops' forgiveness under her breath until the moment she closed her eyes...
Kakavasha: Sister, everyone praises me for being smart, but I don't get it... If every rainpour was Gaiathra Triclops' forgiveness and grace...
Kakavasha: Then how bad were our sins? ...So much so that we were born in this world of death...?

Returning to the Trailblazer's POV...
When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret.



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishDouble Indemnity
Korean이중 배상
SpanishIndemnización doble
FrenchDouble indemnisation
RussianДвойное возмещение
VietnameseBồi Thường Gấp Bội
GermanDoppelte Abfindung
IndonesianKompensasi Ganda
PortugueseIndenização Dupla

Change History[]

