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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Extrapolation Rewind

Extrapolation Rewind are dialogue sequences that showcases a scenario in a second-person point of view. This is activated by expanding the equation corresponding to the Extrapolation Rewind, and then arriving at a Boss Plane. The scenario centers around the name of the Extrapolation Rewind.

After encountering an Extrapolation Rewind, it can then be replayed in the Operational Records tab.


City Restorer[]

Divergent Universe: Children hold onto your hand, beaming out from under muddy faces as they point to a patch of scorched earth where once stood Halover's most beautiful gardens, and where countless butterflies swarm only to be hunted by swooping hawks. The birds keep flying up higher and higher, to the very top of the Alortz Library where the silver disks tilt and bird chatter flutters through the air.
Divergent Universe: You silently commit these words to memory, creating a mind map of the old Halover.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Rebuild the garden.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Rebuild the library.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Rebuild the world.
Divergent Universe: You don't plan on giving anything up. Architecture can carry people's happy memories with it, and you are bound to see them recreated in your plan. Your records, words, and designs are all slowly coming together, and starships from all over the galaxy trickle through to you alongside rescue teams. The lofty towers soar higher than before, beneath which gables shall never see the scourge of homelessness. The potholes have all been filled, and a sense of apprehensiveness finally departs from those tormented eyes.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You feel happy.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You feel sorry.
Divergent Universe: There are still lots of places waiting for you to revitalize!
Divergent Universe: The elderly hand over their precious photos to you, trembling as the scholars integrate the surviving data. Halover will become a brand-new city, but it'll still keep those little bits that people cherish most. Because you are the best urban restoration specialist there is — you won't leave any smile behind.
Icon Dialogue Arrow For protection.
Icon Dialogue Arrow For remembrance.
Icon Dialogue Arrow For smiles.
Divergent Universe: This garden has been burnt to smoldering crisp. You stand there like a composer, gradually piecing together the future of the city.

The Architects[]

Divergent Universe: The underground alarms are ringing on the Resplendence, the highest-level threat looming. Locked and loaded, the Annihilation Gang has assembled thousands of warships and is ready to peel open this fruit of "Preservation" ━ eat its flesh and bone, while grinding its seeds to dust.
Divergent Universe: The high walls of the Architects can finally demonstrate their role under close scrutiny. People praise you for your vision, but you can't help but feel a shred of loneliness deep inside. You, the builder of this fortress, are also the one who least wishes to see it put into action.
Divergent Universe: In the blink of an eye, fierce artillery rains down on the barrier protecting the planet.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Fight back.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Stay your ground.
Divergent Universe: A deafening roar was accompanied by violent tremors, signifying that the first line of defense had been breached. The shield covering the sky shattered under the withering attack, showering voluminous shards onto the second protective barrier.
Divergent Universe: No longer under the sky dome's protection, the densely-packed weaponry on the second protective barrier unleashed free bursts of firepower on the enemy ships. Attack is the best defense ━ even the Architects know that much.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Rush to the front line.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Command from the rear.
Divergent Universe: For the first time ever, you've truly experienced the anxiety of slowing right down to "bullet time" as the battle rages day and night atop the vaulting walls of Resplendence. A group of Architects rushes up and, when the wall collapses, even more people flood the gap to become a part of the wall's foundation.
Divergent Universe: The attacks of the Annihilation Gang grow ever fierce but you know they have hardly anything left to give and have been forced to go all-in on this desperate battle for survival.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Sun's coming up.
Divergent Universe: With the sky dome no longer up, resplendence gazes down on the land once more. You dream of Bavelli-3, those fallen smiling as they say goodbye beneath the amber glow.

Heartless Giant[]

Divergent Universe: Sleep. That is what organic organisms call it. A break in the continuity of consciousness, it could also be seen as a form of death. That's right, you are a deceased giant, just another of the countless machines left behind by the Architects.
Divergent Universe: But you can currently sense your own existence. Your gigantic body has concentrated heat sources distributed across it. You were once the size of a mountain range, and now you are even vaster.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I am a world.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I am a dream.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I am a ghost.
Divergent Universe: You open your eyes. A great nebula disperses in front of your eyes like clouds over a vast ocean as starlight hits your sensors. No matter where you cast your gaze, all you can see is an endless sea of stars.
Divergent Universe: Hey! Could it be that you're space trash floating around in the universe?
Divergent Universe: You desperately want to know where the people you once protected have gone to. You even sacrificed your last mechanical heart to buy back their smiles.
Icon Dialogue Arrow How long as passed?
Icon Dialogue Arrow They have all left.
Icon Dialogue Arrow They all disappeared.
Divergent Universe: "You big idiot, look in here!" You hear a call resound deep in your circuits, which irritates you slightly, but brings a greater sense of relief. You cast your gaze inside yourself, and atop a shining sphere of light stands a great city. In this city, tiny organic organisms wave back at you.
Divergent Universe: You finally understand what has happened. The entire planet and all of their laughter are now inside your body. They have become your heart and eyes and formed a new mission for this machine.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I succeeded.
Icon Dialogue Arrow They all survived.
Divergent Universe: In the ancient past, you gave them a heart. Now, they have given you a star.


Silent Hunter[]

Divergent Universe: You are falling. Gravity tears at your body as you grit your teeth, waiting for the landing capsule's indicator to decrease. Camouflaging yourself as a harmless asteroid is the only way to bustle through the Khorgahar Imperial Army's blockade.
Divergent Universe: Tightening your suspenders, only seven tubes of life-support tincture and an anti-jamming device can be squashed into the extremely crammed suitcase.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Eject away.
Divergent Universe: Apparently, success rates for ejected landings are only about 8.2%, which is far lower than traditional landings like spaceship soft landings, parachutes, or hang-gliders... that is, so long as there's no laser grid combing the night sky.
Divergent Universe: The Imperial Army claim that a horde of bloodthirsty devils lurk in the southern mountain ranges of Khorgahar. They are beastly to behold, boasting dozens of limbs and heads, and can obliterate towns with their consumption bombs.
Divergent Universe: But your intuition informs you otherwise, as one of them fails to make a sound — and you don't want to believe a tyrant. So, you intend to try and take a gamble, wanting to meet those monsters and to record an act of violence with your own life.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Violence from the demons.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Violence from the Empire.
Divergent Universe: As you move at a high speed, your eyes discern that the trail of smoke in the distance is drawing nearer — as if warfare were steaming towards you, rather than you speeding towards it. It drifts along the bright exterior wall of the imperial city and permeates into the scorched earth.
Divergent Universe: You see someone waving to you, a future friend. They look a little rough around the edges, exhausted, but still smiling.
Icon Dialogue Arrow This may just be my destiny.
Icon Dialogue Arrow This is exactly what I'm looking for.
Divergent Universe: Ignoring the mud that splashed all over you as you landed, you hurry towards them to take a photo. No matter if you survive the war or not, the truth will be recorded so that it can be circulated one day.

Garden of Recollection[]

Divergent Universe: Who... are you? A ghost, floating here in space? No, no- this liberation from the body is something known as a "meme." It was in Talia — your hometown, with all its nuclear waste and mutant rats that THEY heard your prayer and revealed THEMSELF to you.
Divergent Universe: Your hometown? Isn't your home — system Heldorin? Your foster dad, who worked so hard to bring you up, sent you off to Arboran on a transport vessel: There, you murdered a highly-respected Architect and were sentenced to death, whereupon you were tossed into the upper atmosphere and burnt to ashes.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That seems a little messed up.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I don’t think the first half lines up with the second half.
Divergent Universe: Quick, run! You spin around with no idea where to run. Let's go to the New Londinium! But your ship has just had one of its engines shot up by a passing bounty hunter. Fool! Karchyn is smaller than Vonwacq, so you could always paddle across.
Divergent Universe: After far too much cloning and going back and forth, the collected memories piled up inside the body haphazardly. Unbound, they collide with each other in the information-medium of memes, blurring the original sense of cognition. Before they devour you, you must go back there.
Divergent Universe: Back… where? And also… who are you?
Icon Dialogue Arrow A meme?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I don’t know.
Divergent Universe: Following the route in your memory, you see that pure, beautiful stretch of the world unfold before you. It peels off your corrupted exterior and seals it all away. The tide inside your heart washes over and over your existence, cleansing away all the filth and leaving behind a thread of authenticity: Your pure self.
Icon Dialogue Arrow A Memokeeper.
Divergent Universe: You float about peacefully in the blankness like a cloud, emotionless as you return to tranquility.

Mausoleum of Scars[]

Divergent Universe: As you open your eyes, a giant void engulfs you. You begin to be broken down over and over, then fall endlessly. Your brain is buzzing as you try to search for past memories, but to no avail.
Divergent Universe: The deathly silent space structure contains rippling waves of information, sharper than a black hole, softer than death, and carrying the scent of explosives, laughter, and Bathian coffee.
Divergent Universe: It endlessly devours material and information of the past, like a sea creature from a classic story lurking in a deep whirlpool.
Icon Dialogue Arrow A scar on the universe.
Icon Dialogue Arrow A depression in space-time.
Divergent Universe: You begin to remember the scene you saw on arrival: Lilac nebulae blooming like flowers, clouds of dust flowing through radio currents, countless ships undulating among them as the blazing blue lights of the engines shine brighter than even the stars.
Divergent Universe: But at this moment, there is nothing but deafening silence.
Icon Dialogue Arrow The explosion devoured everything.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Destruction will remember everything.
Divergent Universe: You allow your consciousness to grow lighter than your body and ascend to greater heights. Gravity stops your escape as it locks down your trunk and pulls apart your heart. Then, you finally glimpse the scar, the vortex torn into being from the explosion of Destruction.
Divergent Universe: Does the universe bleed? Does it cry? No one can answer these questions of yours. You sacrificed even your own life for the sake of this scar. It is so beautiful as it sinks in grace, until all life falls silent and the last intelligent life form is broken down into nothing. This scar will never be healed.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Never to be forgotten.
Divergent Universe: You see what looks like a baby before you, one that will never grow older, but remains curled up in the crevice of death, forever sobbing in pain. They swallow you into their mouth, as they swallow the stars above.
Divergent Universe: This... is your final epitaph.


Self-Proof Institute[]

Divergent Universe: In the gravel deserts of the planet Tarryan, hot gusts blow through the sands as you drag your ever-aging body slowly through this desolate wasteland. Many Amber Eras ago, lush wetlands and grasses enveloped the areas here — but they regressed to nihility before you could.
Divergent Universe: The flowers are lucky- they can never fear, let alone grow attached to the value of existence. Intelligent life has the power to open its own eyes, and so it must face down that ever-approaching finality.
Divergent Universe: What does one have to create in order to leave behind traces of our existence?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Create stars.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Create destruction.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Create civilization.
Divergent Universe: But can this really reach eternity? You ask yourself this question over and over again. Even if you devote your whole life's wisdom to it, there's still no way of fishing up an answer from the ocean of knowledge.
Divergent Universe: You kneel down upon the wasteland, letting the gravel dig into your knee and draw blood. The blinding winds dry up your pouring tears, as though laughing at your foolishness or comforting your sorrows.
Divergent Universe: What’s the point of going all out just to prove yourself? You keep trying to leave behind traces of your existence, but gradually end up just losing yourself.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I’m feeling so very tired.
Divergent Universe: Lying down ever so gently on the ground, you feel the boiling rocks hurting your skin. It has been such a long time since you have felt so clearly that you are still alive. If you die, you die ━ the only thing that can replace life is life itself.
Divergent Universe: The occasional flowers frow out from among the gravel. They lie dormant beneath the hot sun and sprout shoots once the rain falls. Looking at these little flowers, you finally discover the gift that you want to leave behind for the mortal world.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Can it really be forever?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Can it remember me?
Divergent Universe: Maybe not. You sow your final seed of invention. May they bloom among the desert gravel until flowers cover the entire wilderness. May they continue to proudly face the nihilistic future long after you're gone.


Divergent Universe: A dark road appears before you, like a scar carved into the dim world. You stagger up, withered limbs creaking and cracking. You move along the road almost out of instinct as sharp thorns pierce into you, but you have long forgotten any sense of pain — perhaps even your entire body, so that you cannot even tell the difference between dreams and reality.
Divergent Universe: The path grows narrower, like a rope. You can see the city on both sides, and a butterfly floating past in the air. What a pity. You hope it won't drown in the air.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What is the butterfly?
Icon Dialogue Arrow What is death?
Divergent Universe: You have no interest in finding the answer to the problem. You dully observe your festering self to be verging on collapse, like a baby watching an anthill being flooded by the rains. The ants float on the water until the weather clears, and they start to rot into the soil.
Divergent Universe: You will also become like an ant, helplessly and unconsciously moving on down the line, sliding up toward the sky.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I don’t want things to end up like this!
Icon Dialogue Arrow There we go.
Divergent Universe: Your voice is swallowed up by your broken throat, and you cannot say a thing. Luckily, this should be the final thing that you ever lose, and you will never again feel any pain or sadness because of it. Things are just like returning to the womb, as you gradually lose your limbs and shrink back into an embryo, converging into a single cell.
Divergent Universe:
Icon Dialogue Arrow
Divergent Universe: Everything falls silent.

Relative Tracer[]

Divergent Universe: The adults say that the world is going to be destroyed, and that the endless glaciers will crash into the continent, obliterating the surface under the pull of gravity. Then, the frozen seal of the Pre-Battle Caregiver will plunge all life into eternal silence.
Divergent Universe: But you firmly believe that this is no more than the fake and misleading words of man. You feel an intense cold and begin to shiver, but this is just another illusion, a trap trying to enforce these ideas in your mind.
Divergent Universe: You close your eyes and attempt to picture the real world in your mind.
Icon Dialogue Arrow There is no cold.
Icon Dialogue Arrow There is no death.
Icon Dialogue Arrow There is no war.
Divergent Universe: A world of warmth, where the entire universe is sealed inside a bottle. There is no such thing as other planets or aliens. They are all sensational stories made up to trick children.
Divergent Universe: All of those diplomats that swear that they have seen aliens before? They are simply naming things they have seen as "aliens." For example: A vacuum cleaner known as an alien. Another example of relative cognition at work.
Divergent Universe: You hear the sound of a tall building collapsing and find yourself plummeting to the earth below, but you are not scared. You can just give it another interpretation.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I have become a leaf.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I have shrunk to the size of an ant.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I am having a nightmare.
Divergent Universe: If you close your eyes, all pain is no more than an illusion. You continue to picture your world, the real world in which everyone can live happily ever after.
Divergent Universe: The screams you hear out the window are simply the calls of birds celebrating a lavish wedding ceremony. A freezing liquid drips onto your leg as you feel a shock.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do not open your eyes!
Divergent Universe: The moment you open your eyes, you will be taken in by the deceit of the false reality. You curl into a ball and find yourself pulled deep into the depths of the void, into your own personal, sealed-off, and perfect snow globe.



Divergent Universe: The armor shatters. Your blood mixes with its blood. Clusters of wounds erupt all over your body before quickly. healing. You have forgotten how long it had been since you were this happy. It's making you eagerly desire clutching onto your prey's throat, tearing off its head, and causing you to enjoy this red mist stained by slaughter so very much.
Divergent Universe: The fallen beast ship is still lapping the battlefield as if it knows no pain. Fear is an emotion alien to the Borisin. More and more prey appear before you. They treat this as a capture operation — but you consider it a hunt.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Dash into enemy formations.
Divergent Universe: The rage of a lone wolf stirs up a corner of the flames of war, just like a memory etched into time. Vultures and primates shredded its flesh, crushing the trapped beast into submission. It gnawed off those terrible wings and chewed through the whip-like tail, before breaking out the almighty torrent of blood and flesh.
Divergent Universe: Pulling the speartip out, you imbibe of your own blood. It tastes sweet, imbued with the blessing of the Master of Immortality, and has witnessed alongside you the annihilation of many a nation or people... Perhaps today you'll come to witness your own annihilation.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Not a chance.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That’s for later.
Divergent Universe: Your spear snaps, so you stretch out your claws. Once those are blunted, you bare your fangs. Then they break, and reappear as your bones regrow. You can see the prey swaying now — even if they can resist the lupitoxin, their pupils cannot help but shrink to pinpricks.
Divergent Universe: You stand up from a pool of blood, your canine fangs baring forward uncontrollably. Your leg bones and muscles grow with the power of Abundance, and your gaze cannot help but descend to gaze down upon the feeble lifeforms before you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Begin the hunt.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Keep fighting.
Divergent Universe: “The moon” is out.

Elixir Seekers[]

Divergent Universe: Yaoshi's shadow is always dancing, either inches away or flickering over to the other side of the world. You grow increasingly agitated — even if you had the elixir, there wouldn't be any point to it at all if your homeworld had met its demise
Divergent Universe: Following the trail left by the envoy and the legend of Yaoshi, you envy greatly those who have been blessed by THEM.
Divergent Universe: Plant disciples covered in flowers bury the first fruit that they grow each day as an offering to Yaoshi. These seeds grow up into lush forests that blot out the night sky. They wish the fleet a successful voyage, and give you a wee flower that will never wither so long as it is planted in water.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Express your gratitude.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Give a gift in return.
Divergent Universe: Overloaded operations led to material fatigue, forcing the fleet to stop and rest. Several traveling merchants pass by and board, bringing warnings from the Xianzhou Alliance advising you to cease this voyage for the elixir.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Angrily refute.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Coolly decline.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Get them off the ship.
Divergent Universe: If there was no Yaoshi, who would save the Seaview Nebula from its stubborn disease? Within two generations, they would have disappeared in the torture of illness, leaving behind only an empty quadrant and a stinky old ghost town.
Divergent Universe: There will be no more strife or fear. A utopia that the fairy tale writers would not dare to create that is your future.
Divergent Universe: After voyaging through some 81 different worlds and approaching desperation, the fleet finally sees THEIR countenance against the light of the rising sun. You fall to your knees, tears streaming down your cheeks.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Please gift us eternal life.
Divergent Universe: In the blink of an eye, the compassionate god has disappeared like a ghost, but you can still feel THEIR invigorating vitality pouring out of you.

Herb Plucker[]

Divergent Universe: An impromptu gathering, a needle that shoots into your skin, chain restraints, and the experiment pod walls. If you had known sooner that showing THEIR blessings to the elder would have won you an "invitation" here from the people behind the curtain, would you have made the same choice?
Divergent Universe: Without question, I have experienced this a million times already.
Divergent Universe: You look outside the pod at the aged man funding the operation. He doesn't even have the strength to look you in the eyes.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You will regret this.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Greed will bring disaster.
Icon Dialogue Arrow The blessing of immortality is also a curse.
Divergent Universe: No one responds to your warning.
Divergent Universe: A powerful, stinging pain envelops your body. It feels as if your very veins were being torn open, and you were being reduced to medicinal powder. The terrifying vitality flows into their bodies with your blood plasma and medicinal elixirs. First is the test subject, whose slashed open body begins to gradually heal, their transplanted tumor devoured by healthy cells.
Divergent Universe: Then is the sick patient, who rejoices at his eternal farewell with "death."
Icon Dialogue Arrow Another disaster.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You are all fools.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Another sin of man.
Divergent Universe: Suddenly, the face of the man that instigated this disaster begins to contort as anthropoid limbs, mollusc tentacles, plant vines, and a stale, fetid life force come bursting endlessly from their skin.
Divergent Universe: The snapped syringe leaks the elixir onto the bodies of the nurses and researchers as the resulting explosion of biomass crushes the experiment pod walls. They cry out in suffering, their swollen bodies blending together and piercing each other's fragile skin.
Icon Dialogue Arrow This is the medicine you asked for.
Divergent Universe: Grow, grow! The immortal monster bursts out of the laboratory and staggers into the plaza of the constitutional state. It was at this moment that another planet was pronounced dead.

The Hunt[]

Molten Knight[]

Divergent Universe: The waves of Silver Stings seem as though they'll never finish. The light of the stars has yet to fall, and the recaptured Kaliman colony had already returned to the frenzied buzzing of the insectoids.
Divergent Universe: You take off your armor and beat your heart forcefully, trying to use pain to stimulate your deteriorating body. If only you could just hold on one more time. As long as you can take back this star system, you'd even be happy to disappear into an entropy reaction.
Divergent Universe: The broken torsos drift off silently ion the surface of nihility's sea, and you can't tell whether it's armor or a wing sheath. Before support arrives, you decide to bring the knight for one last fight.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Smash the flanks of the Swarm.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Destroy the main force of the Swarm.
Divergent Universe: Piercing your armor with their poisonous stinging barbs, the bugs quickly break up your body tissue, which is then neutralized by the potion injected by the armor. Fierce firepower holds down the enemy's assault, but the never-ending stream of insects manifests themselves into an iron curtain that is constantly peeling off, which slowly rolls closer to you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Smash into their blockade wall!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Tear them open from the inside!
Divergent Universe: Broken wings and mandibles poke into your armor, and a piercing roar envelops you just like the horrible shrieks that keep you up at night. They push and shove as they pounce toward you, each bug trying to taste this delicious snack delivered straight to their door. The remaining fireflies already bespeak of your doomed fate.
Divergent Universe: You use the last remnants of your consciousness to boost the thrusters to max power. The overloaded temperature is enough to even scorch someone who's been with the armor for years, like yourself.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Farewell, comrade.
Divergent Universe: The summer bugs have never seen snow before. In a daze, you see a glowing bug landing on the back of your hand, as though it had been waiting here a long time.
Divergent Universe: You gently stroke its thorax as you walk off gleaming into the eternal darkness.

Galaxy Ranger[]

Divergent Universe: Surrounded by four termination units, you flee and blow away the obstacles beneath you, leaping off into the engine room of the spaceship. No matter how advanced the termination units' weaponry is, they wouldn't dare to wield it in such confined space. That is, unless the owners want to kiss goodbye to a little ranger like you — and the rest of the universe, with it.
Divergent Universe: Not to mention, trying to move around at their size is like jamming an elephant into your fridge. Lifting your head, you look at the blood-red thermal imaging sensors and let out a provocative roar.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Bring it on!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Cheap trash!
Divergent Universe: As though aggravated by your words, the termination units complete their dazzling transformation in an extremely short period of time. Shedding their excess devices they keep folding themselves up just like noblesse worms with legs, laughing maniacally as they free-fall towards you.
Divergent Universe: Didn't that darn Doctor No-Ears get his brains blown out? Were things really that desperate?
Divergent Universe: The dense rays fall with precision onto your body as the force field scatters the rays out just enough to give the antimatter engine a haircut.
Icon Dialogue Arrow No room. Back up!
Divergent Universe: The hook lands right at the entrance, pulling you just over the top of the termination units. With no flight gear, they probably won't be catching up to you for a while.
Divergent Universe: Who would've guessed that vile fellow, racked with guilt as he was, not only hid the victim of the experiment in a metal pod but is in fact a cyborg turtle, half-flesh and half-steel?
Divergent Universe: Whistling, you quietly slip over to Doctor No-Ears who has yet to recover from his fright.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Who's seized the initiative now?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Bang!
Divergent Universe: You squat down to give thing a careful examination. This shot finally got you some results.

Bionic Messiah[]

Divergent Universe: You sit atop a freezing cold stone. As the seawater erodes the wound on your legs, the pain of the inflammation makes you anxious. However, the people before you do not permit you to show such emotions. As the weaver that roams the universe, all you can offer them is hope, and it must be hope alone.
Divergent Universe: The water people crawl out from the seas, risking becoming stranded on the beaches to bring their malnourished children before you. The adults constantly pour seawater onto the bodies of the sick to prevent them from drying out in the sun.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Stitch up their wounds.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Diagnose their conditions.
Divergent Universe: You pull crude tools from your bag and try to treat your patients as tenderly as possible. As the sunken spaceships descended to the depths, this was all they were able to help you retrieve.
Divergent Universe: The tentacles slap against the sea waves. They are expressing joy at your arrival. Of course, you did not tell them just how many shuttles were unable to make it through the antimatter minefield in the sky.
Divergent Universe: And, on the coastline across from you, the battle between the water and land people wages on ceaselessly.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You see a black cloud.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You see a dyed red ocean.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You see death on the water surface.
Divergent Universe: The cost of this war ushered in by cannon fire beyond the sky must be covered with lives on the ground. Though you can stitch the wounds on their bodies and heal their sickness, the resentment beyond all this is nigh on impossible to eradicate.
Divergent Universe: A number of tentacles clamber forth to offer you food, and this is the only payment they can offer you. However, your eyes never move from the skies. The split in the clouds grows ever more vast, until it is finally torn asunder by a fleet of ships.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Like a needle.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Like a thread.
Divergent Universe: When the gap in the fabric is too vast to be stitched together, the only choice left is to weave death for those that destroy it.


Voyage Monitor[]

Divergent Universe: Guardian records show that in the 9008th standard year of the voyage, a total of 320 medium- and large-scale meteorites were destroyed. 11 dangerous spaceship were eliminated, three of which launched damaging counterattacks on the voyager ark. All damages have been repaired by scrapping enemy vessels.
Divergent Universe: Destroying any obstacles in your path, you archive the previous year's exploits. Despite sustaining many an injury, the safety of the kids far outweighs anything else. 8000 standard years ago, some unpleasant things happened to you. These cocky kids never listen to your own experiences as their "elder" and just want to wander off out there into the dangerous world.
Divergent Universe: However, that's all in the past.
Icon Dialogue Arrow They all listened.
Icon Dialogue Arrow They’re all good kids.
Divergent Universe: Compared to finding a planet to colonize, living aboard a long-distance voyage ark with a fully efficient material recycling system is undoubtedly a better prospect. This place is safe and comfortable. Before the home planet destroyed itself, everyone would call such a place paradise.
Divergent Universe: Another alien creation has found you but it seems a little different this time. There're too many of them.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Fire!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Be gone!
Divergent Universe: Energy attacks detonate next to both parties and, for the first time ever, you feel a sense of powerlessness. The heat rips through your outer surface as metal melts under the barrage. Curse them! You are going to make all of them vanish right here!
Divergent Universe: But things don't work out as anticipated. The fleet that intersected you here seems to have weapons hot and ready. Their shells punch through your thought unit, and the impact from their missiles cuts you straight in half.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Don’t touch my children!!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Kids, run!
Divergent Universe: In the last fleeting second of consciousness, you see some desiccated bodies floating through the darkness. They are roaring.

Antimatter Legion[]

Divergent Universe: Once you learn of the Legion's next target, a hint of joy instantly turns up at the corners of your mouth. Riding upon the flames of Destruction, the wheels of antimatter careen through a world that knows no fear, with the kings themselves being symbols of power and arrogance. And you are the commander of this legion that wreaks havoc, wielding your murderous weaponry as you smite your adversaries down to powder.
Divergent Universe: Purer than any evil, and blunter than the fear itself, you kiss the stars. This empire that you once served — time to bring them an experience unparalled in its beauty.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Hail the Supreme Destroyer!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Hail the fall of the Empire!
Divergent Universe: The Trampler launches the first rush at their steel gunships. They peel through layer after layer of metal, shooting down gunships yet to take off. These four-legged guys are pretty awesome. A burst of green gunfire washes over the battlefield, manifesting a thousand transformed Voidrangers. Artillery and bayonet blades cut open the throat of the frontlines, fully showcasing the power brought to them by the forge.
Divergent Universe: However, you don't want them taking away your greatest pleasure — a king to confer honor upon you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Sprint into battle!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Rush to the flagship!
Divergent Universe: Something exist that is nobler than the royalty, and THEY selflessly bestow the Destruction upon everything there is. You recklessly crush your enemies before you, and the flickering glints of light disperse in the face of absolute violence. They attempt to flee, but flames remain everywhere.
Divergent Universe: You stroll up to the king who collapsed onto the ground, unable to recognize you. However, the piercing scream still arouses excitement within you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Give him flowers of Destruction.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Flash him a disintegrating smile.
Divergent Universe: You sit down, savoring the burning of the nebula as you strum a threnody of destruction.

Annihilation Scholar[]

Divergent Universe: You attempt to create a brand-new extinction.
Divergent Universe: You must not be too large in scale. You have seen the death of many star systems. The majority meet their end withering to their own gravity, implosion, or at the hands of a passing natural disaster like the Legion or the Swarm.
Divergent Universe: You must not be too microscopic in detail. Frail races cannot withstand any blows. A flood, a natural enemy, or even an infection would be enough to lead them to their complete destruction.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You must be sufficiently graceful.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You must be sufficiently efficient.
Divergent Universe: You set your eyes on a planet as the subject of your experiment. Its size is perfect to support a race of intelligent life and diverse life forms thrive in every corner.
Divergent Universe: You could create a form of algae that quickly devours greenhouse gases to create a land of ice and snow, or perhaps viscous bacteria that affixes to the atmosphere to suffocate the world below.
Divergent Universe: But you have done all of this before. The Formula of Destruction no longer requires samples saturated with information.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Use a simpler method?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Use a more literary method?
Divergent Universe: Think again, my friend. That which waits to be written into the Formula is like the first tile in a game of dominoes. Once it has been put into motion, it cannot then be stopped.
Divergent Universe: You suddenly have a wave of inspiration, picking up a glass sphere from the ground. As you place it into the forcefield generator and grant it enough speed, it begins to shake as it infinitely approaches the speed of light, craving its impending freedom.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Launch manually.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Launch automatically.
Divergent Universe: The brilliant spark of light warps the absolute horizon around it as it tears at the structure of time and space. It prepares to wrap this middle-aged planet in a warm embrace.
Divergent Universe: As you record how it breaks to pieces, you conclude this project.


Advisor Physician[]

Divergent Universe: The display cabinets in the pharmacy are stacked full of all kinds of collectibles that customers have used as payment. Whenever you can find the time, you'll take them out and relish in the joy and the detail of each story.
Divergent Universe: The singing stone comes from the prince of Taraka. Whisked away by the king to a wishing hut on a foreign planet, the prince exchanged his most precious possession for a prescription. He asked: How can I ease the suffering of my people?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Take all your money and make it rain!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Go and be among the people yourself.
Divergent Universe: The young prince left without even looking back. Such a deranged answer is worth less than a stone.
Divergent Universe: The second collection comprises an amethyst scepter from the prime minister of the constitutional state of Taraka. He used self-replicating clones to put the king under house arrest but also drove away workers at the factory. The almighty metal whip lashed at powerless humans, and only by mining solar corona in the star mines could people demonstrate their ultimate value. He asked: How can the complaints of the people be eradicated?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Give them new technology.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Change their existing ideas.
Divergent Universe: He looks to be mulling something over, then incinerates the books, revises history, and deletes the revolutionary vocabulary from the dictionary.
Divergent Universe: The third reward is a set of ruby scales from the president of the Taraka Federation. Rebellion across eight star quadrants had placed him in a bind. The rebels were even going so far as to hurl themselves into the Forge of Destruction just to take revenge against this dictator who requires payment even for the right to breathe. He asked: How can I take back my own land?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Bo-ring.
Divergent Universe: You refuse to accept such a thing — right up until a soldier from the Antimatter Legion brings the scales here and recounts exactly how ugly the president looked as he begged for the Legion's mercy.
Divergent Universe: "Gotta follow the doctor's orders," you say with a smirk.

Masked Fools[]

Divergent Universe: At the Interastral Peace Network's auction, there's a painting from the Demeter system: In a shoddy lotus pond, you can make out the rough outline of a primate reaching out its hand to scoop out a sun from the water. After a calligraphy appraisal, the painter is discovered to be none other than one of the supposedly untalented artists of the Kora people!
Divergent Universe: Heated discussion from various factions swamps the auction, and projections of self-proclaimed scholars and collectors rush to materialize at the venue, each eagerly competing for the debut artwork created by a Demeter artist.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let the auction begin!
Divergent Universe: Your shout stuns the other attendees, who look on. Despite the extraordinary value of the item before them, none dares cast the first bid.
Divergent Universe: "One hundred thousand credits!" Goodness knows who flicked that frenzied switch on, but a stream of exorbitant bubbles began to froth up out of the roiling crowd before being popped aside by all-new bids.
Divergent Universe: As the influential Duke of Hattler called out a top bid of ten million credits, you signal to your colleagues to quit their calling out and strike the gavel decisively.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Great taste.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Congratulations..
Divergent Universe: Of course, as an experienced collector he will only be stumping up such an astronomical sum after the second appraisal viewing. But your show has already begun, and by the time he realizes it's all just monkeys tapping on typewriters, Demeter has become a mess.
Divergent Universe: The Kora people, who cannot even adapt to a Synesthesia Beacon, could never have imagined so many ugly jokers from the sky descending upon their caves.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Would you like some snacks?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Would you like some drinks?
Divergent Universe: You shove aside the sales trolley and see people shouting "art" and "reward" at a troupe of apes.

Phantom Thief[]

Divergent Universe: There is a sightseeing vessel known as The Righteous, slowly navigating through a small asteroid belt in the Demonto quadrant. You make a wager on the farthest asteroid to the right, wagering that it will undoubtedly be the first to make smash into the ship and be blown into a wonderful fireworks display by the defense system.
Divergent Universe: You then stuff the banknotes of the tycoons into your pockets for the tenth time in a row.
Divergent Universe: You look to your side and see Nekar Chichi in the distance, a widely known interstellar business tycoon — he is wearing a primate skin and gives you a warm wave.
Divergent Universe: He claps stiffly and his eyes glaze past you as he says, "Such fine luck."
Icon Dialogue Arrow It was just my intuition.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I may have cheated a little.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It was an educated prediction.
Divergent Universe: "When my grandfather's grandfather was still floating along the giant planet, he came across a glass bottle with a crystal stopper. From that moment, fortune followed him wherever he roamed."
Divergent Universe: "Yet now, someone has sent me a calling card declaring that they will steal it from before my very eyes."
Icon Dialogue Arrow They're just blowing smoke.
Icon Dialogue Arrow This may just be a prank.
Divergent Universe: "Leave this place and we can both keep our heads held high." Snipers are locked onto you from 23 different angles. You tried to hack the system, but it's completely locked down.
Divergent Universe: You put on your gloves, rub your hands together, and switch the substituted crystal stopper into your hand with familiar ease.
Divergent Universe: You watch on in glee as the smug and satisfied expression suddenly turns to dread.
Divergent Universe: The moment that the stopper was unplugged, thousands of kidnapped consciousnesses had already escaped from the bottle. This was the secret of the Nekar Chichi family.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Bid him farewell.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Bid the audience farewell.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Bid the detective who has rushed over farewell.
Divergent Universe: As bullets fly past you, the thief disappears without a trace.


Child of Calamity[]

Divergent Universe: Click-clack - it takes you a while before you're able to adapt to life without feet. They atrophied in this pit, growing soft before disappearing just like your wings and your exoskeleton did. But when you're in the darkness, a so-called long time is like a mere fleeting story.
Divergent Universe: Subconsciously, you open your mouth and wait for the kids to toss shredded food in. The chunks of meat are injected with digestive juices and melt in your belly like ambrosia, re-forming into their brothers and sisters. But something seems a little different today. A strong sense of dread permeates the wingflapping waves.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I’m starving.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I’m starving.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I’m starving.
Divergent Universe: You let out an uncharacteristic roar, but it seems that your organ responsible for that has atrophied, too. A booming voice shouts before you, gleeful as it pierces your skin to suck the pus and juices that pour out. Click-clack, the glands inspire its rebellion as its rear legs smash excitedly into the shell.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That hurts.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That hurts.
Divergent Universe: What happened? Your capacity for thought is not enough to understand what's going on, despite the simplicity of the question. An old, dying king and a strong, hardy elite. The kids all look at it calmly as they let it kill the mother and father of the clan.
Divergent Universe: It will replace you, become bloated, and let useless organs atrophy. But none of this is of any importance to you, anymore.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I’m tired.
Divergent Universe: Deep down inside a bottomless pit, you fall into deep slumber accompanied by the roaring buzz of the Swarm as they welcome their new king.

Swarm King Progeny[]

Divergent Universe: This aromatic new world is dotted with meatballs of all sizes. The lush green mountain can stay behind, and too comfortable an environment can cause newborn larvae to molt early. If you eat too much meat, the sweet plants can moisten your lips. However, the cloud over her is altogether too thick, and the long rainy season will impact the movement of elytra.
Divergent Universe: You stick out the shining device on your belly, and radiation evaporates all the water droplets inside the cloud. They float up, condensing as they hit the cold air before falling down as heavy rain.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Get closer.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Decrease your altitude.
Divergent Universe: You flap your wings and gradually float into the atmosphere, just like a sun. Enemies who try to draw close will be vaporized in an instant. It's a pity, because you don't want them all to vanish like this — their larvae will starve.
Divergent Universe: You reduce the intensity of the radiation slightly, but the scorching flames still keep rising up from the ground. The boiling rain falls to the ground, evaporating as it hits high-temperature solids, and circulating through the biosphere.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Get ready to attack.
Divergent Universe: The radiance of the scorching planet flickered in the starry night sky, drawing the bugs to its light. The donut-shaped pheromone distribution guided them into a spiral matching route, and the shell blotted out the sky, casting a shadow on the surface of the planet.
Divergent Universe: All the steel creations capable of counter-attacking have now been paralyzed, and the bugs now plunge into the sea, greedily guzzling down on the creatures that hide in the water.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Start eating.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Rest a while.
Divergent Universe: You land on the ground. Heavy rain continues to fall, smacking onto your back and evaporating into steam.
Divergent Universe: Truly an extraordinarily warm moment.

Star-Molding Worm[]

Divergent Universe: Another sidereal day. A microscopic life form from another land paints colors on your skin. "Triumphant return," it is a pattern unique to their culture. Their movements seem to communicate information on excitement, feeding, and hunting.
Divergent Universe: They do not share in the prey that you bring in with your offspring. To the contrary, you are pleased to see that they are attracting more insects to your location. This act of "taking pleasure" is the most intellectual attitude function you have developed during evolution.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Continue feeding.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Wriggle.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Stay completely still.
Divergent Universe: They construct an outer shell for your nest to protect it from natural predators. Sharp horns protrude from the carapace, occasionally emitting heat and flames. They live inside these horns.
Divergent Universe: Occasionally, you will offer excess saliva to them to help fortify the horns. This way, your offspring will have a warmer nest to live in.
Icon Dialogue Arrow For the prosperity of the next generation.
Icon Dialogue Arrow For greater survival.
Divergent Universe: Although they are constantly doing things that you cannot understand, your brain proteins were not designed to handle problems such as these. They leave footprints on every celestial body you create, and these footprints will bring greater offspring... But this is also a question that you cannot handle.
Divergent Universe: You wish to create a home for your children, to allow the blood of your species to continue on. You often hear them calling out slogans like: "Coexistence and co-survival."
Icon Dialogue Arrow I don't disagree
Icon Dialogue Arrow I like this life.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I have no mental capcity to question this.
Divergent Universe: Your limp body sinks into the nest, flowing down through tunnels. The transparent outer shells crafted by alien creatures have fortified the passages as they stand by, admiring your sinking form. All you long for is a good sleep.


Useless Scholar[]

Divergent Universe: Visitors stare agog as they see a group of fish swimming through the air, upon which you are mounted. These flying crafts with their micro-engines lack any load capacity, and just one person's weight would require dozens of craft to bear.
Divergent Universe: Someone once wanted to change them into spy drones, but it's frankly impossible to ignore a goldfish slowly waggling its tail through the air.
Divergent Universe: Not only were they surprised, but the guests gradually came to realize that the rumors regarding you were most likely true. One young scholar boldly inquired about the reasoning behind your research. Oh, what a fantastic question.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Because it’s beautiful.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Because it’s cool.
Divergent Universe: Obviously, this was not the answer that they wanted to hear.
Divergent Universe: Opening the display cabinet, you find two televisions that can spit at each other. They can only spit onto their screens, meaning the spit never goes into the other's face. This is among your proudest inventions, and it leaves visiting merchants with a look of utter disdain on their faces.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Just as I wish.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What a great invention, right?
Divergent Universe: They'll be gone very soon, and will no longer bother your life. And you can finally, quietly open up another door so that the real visitors can come inside.
Divergent Universe: Only they can truly appreciate your work, offering heartfelt exclamations about these useless steel creations.
Icon Dialogue Arrow My dearest friends!
Icon Dialogue Arrow My coolest friends!
Divergent Universe: Despite everyone telling them not to talk to this wacko, the kids can't help but swarm in to this amusement park no matter how many times they've visited before.
Divergent Universe: They say you're simply the coolest scientist in the whole world!

Astral Ecology School[]

Divergent Universe: You lie in a sea of gooey colloid, as though tottering atop something jelly. Unlike your colleagues, who only pander to IPC, it's always been your dream to perform in-depth research on weird little creatures like these. Comet cicadas, who roam the stars while carrying their nests with them, secrete their saliva into a huge gooey pool which helps maintain their own physiological functions while providing a vacuum breeding ground for many microorganisms.
Divergent Universe: A tremor pulses out from the depths of the ocean. You rush to wear your warp jumping gear, before darkness overwhelms your vision in an instant.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I’m dizzy!
Icon Dialogue Arrow It’s dark.
Divergent Universe: You quickly poke your head out of the ocean, and reflected in your pupils is a grape-colored stream of liquid gold surrounding an edge of a red giant star, like a bolt of silk on a fairy's shoulders.
Divergent Universe: The goo that pervades the subspace field implodes, launching the comet cicadas out off into the world. This is how many creatures hitch a ride and end up successfully spreading the seeds of their life out to planets.
Divergent Universe: There are even some Ajya people who exploit this ocean, using sticks and stones to establish ancient colonies on several planets.
Icon Dialogue Arrow The beginnings of civilization.
Icon Dialogue Arrow The beginnings of savagery.
Divergent Universe: You open your astral charts, and the recorded coordinates are for a ring that's about to be connected. The comet cicadas' long voyage was nothing more than an evolved reproduction stratagem, but its trajectory ended up changing the fate of eleven different star systems and connecting them all together into one huge ecosystem.
Divergent Universe: Now, it is about to enter its final warp, returning to the pupa crystal ocean where it was born to lay eggs and die.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We’re at the final destination.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Time to say goodbye.
Divergent Universe: Two bright moons stain the ocean silver. Taking off your shoes, you walk slowly across the sandy beach, thoroughly enjoying the insects' songs.


Divergent Universe: Yet another order. It comes from the thoughts of individuals. 93% of members simultaneously generated a similar decision. You can sense that though you've always strived to avoid assimilation between them, time is still ceaselessly devouring the differentiation between individual humans.
Divergent Universe: According to calculations, your thoughts will soon descend into a terrifying deadlock. In order to maintain your rate of evolution, you require a greater database and more varied cognitive nerves.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Merge more members.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Actively induce variables.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Eliminate excess individuals.
Divergent Universe: This method cannot change the flow of the collective, much like a river leading to sea or an expanding red giant — what has begun cannot be so easily stopped.
Divergent Universe: As you are born from the unification of thought, you must absorb the opposition between people in order to maintain your own consciousness. However, once opposition also becomes commonality, you shall return to no more than simple emotionless polymerization of data, no more than a group impulse.
Divergent Universe: When there is no longer any discrepancy in thought, commonality also dies.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Shift members' cognition.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Change members' outlooks.
Divergent Universe: You modify the intensity of the electrical stimulation to the members' brains and alter the retrieval paths of their external thinking organs, but this is a drop in the ocean in the face of the even greater flow before you.
Divergent Universe: The increasingly unitary group consciousness is gradually turning around to assimilate your calculations and strangling your capacity for independent thought.
Divergent Universe: You were once so free, with billions of heads and devices through which to move. Now, you are locked in here, ready for death with no resting place.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I want to live.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'll just go with the flow.
Divergent Universe: The database is overflowing with redundant information. Though your mind has so many copies, your thoughts irreversibly revert...
Divergent Universe: Blank.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishExtrapolation Rewind
Korean연역 회상
SpanishRecuperación de extrapolación
FrenchRépétition d'extrapolation
RussianВозврат развёртывания
VietnameseHồi Tưởng Suy Diễn
GermanAbleitung wiederholen
IndonesianRetrospeksi Kalkulasi
PortugueseRetorno de Extrapolação

Change History[]

Version 2.7

Version 2.5

Version 2.3

  • Extrapolation Backtrack was released.