Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

A feather adorned with the Titan Aquila's symbol, often found on cliff faces near the heavens. Some believe these are ciliary feathers shed by Aquila, the hundred-eyed giant bird, while others think they are remnants of birds of prey that soared too high, caught in Aquila's gaze, and met their demise. In ancient times, Aquila's disciples collected these feathers in bulk, using them to craft the ceremonial priestly miter. Notably, the Titan symbol on the feathers fades if left exposed to the night air for too long.

"If my love for you could be measured... it would surpass the number of Aquila's eyelashes!"
"...Though, now that I think about it, does the hundred-eyed giant bird even have eyelashes?"

Distinctive Tattered Feather is a Tier-1 Synthesis Material.

Dropped By[]

No enemies drop Distinctive Tattered Feather.


There are 3 items that can be crafted using Distinctive Tattered Feather:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Dromas Steak Dromas SteakSynthesisAmbergris of Abundance Ambergris of Abundance ×1
Basic Ingredients Basic Ingredients ×2
Distinctive Tattered Feather Distinctive Tattered Feather ×5
Rough-Brew Ambrosia Rough-Brew AmbrosiaSynthesisBough of Thought Bough of Thought ×2
Distinctive Tattered Feather Distinctive Tattered Feather ×1
Veil Bundle Veil BundleSynthesisFresh Seed of Dawn Fresh Seed of Dawn ×2
Silk Spindle Silk Spindle ×2
Bough of Thought Bough of Thought ×2
Distinctive Tattered Feather Distinctive Tattered Feather ×3

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishDistinctive Tattered Feather
Korean눈에 띄는 깃털
SpanishPluma del despertar
FrenchPlume du départ
RussianБроское перо
ThaiDistinctive Tattered Feather
VietnameseLông Vũ Chói Lóa
GermanErwachende Feder
IndonesianDistinctive Tattered Feather
PortuguesePena Esfarrapada Distinta

Change History[]

