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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Welt Sticker 01
"The galaxy is vast beyond compare, containing an infinite number of possibilities."
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Missing Mission Still

Distant Travelers, Listen to this World's Prayer is the second part of the Trailblaze Mission chapter Heroic Saga of Flame-Chase. It automatically begins after completing Silver Chariot, Away to that Blackened Land.


  1. Follow Aglaea to the bath
  2. Hear the creation myth of Amphoreus
  3. Hear the creation myth in different tones
  4. Move forward with Aglaea
  5. Continue to take the Elevator
  6. Speak with Aglaea
  7. Meet up with Dan Heng
  8. Head to Marmoreal Market
  9. Talk with the gathered crowd
  10. Try to use Oronyx's Miracle
  11. Head to the rooftop
  12. Continue to explore Okhema
  13. Take out a small amount of dromas feed
  14. Feed the dromas
  15. Prepare to return to Marmoreal Palace
    1. (Optional) Continue to explore the Okhema city area
  16. Speak with the citizen who are talking about the Rosy Celestial Maiden
  17. Head to the baths to inquire about Damionis' whereabouts
  18. Search for Damionis
  19. Catch up with Damionis
  20. Speak with Damionis
  21. Search for Verax Leo to try calm the storm
  22. Meet up with Tribbie
  23. Go see Aglaea with Tribbie
  24. View the Gate of Infinity from a distance
  25. Go see Aglaea with Tribbie
  26. Enter the private bath chamber
  27. Look around the private bath chamber
  28. Enter the Vortex of Genesis via the spirit basin

Gameplay Notes[]

  • During the step "Head to the baths to inquire about Damionis' whereabouts", only the Sensible Citizen is required to talk to to proceed to the next step.


Follow Aglaea to the bath[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Mission Description

After defeating a manifestation of Nikador, Aglaea, the leader of the Chrysos Heirs, guided us to Marmoreal Palace. There, she revealed the history of Amphoreus to us in a new and enlightening way.
(If the player approaches the water curtain)
Aglaea: It's this way. Come with me.
(If the player approaches any exit or door with a guard)
Holy City Guard: I'm sorry, this route is not open yet.
(While approaching the marked location)
Aglaea: We're here at Marmoreal Palace, Okhema's public baths. Normally, this place would be much livelier.

(Upon reaching the marked location)
Aglaea: This is a good place for our chat.
Aglaea: Both of you are new here, so it's only natural to be confused about the prophecy, Titans, and Chrysos Heirs that have been mentioned in passing. But I'd like you to learn about Amphoreus's history before I tell you more.
Aglaea: The bath sprites are excited to begin. This bath contains spirit water that has been blessed by the Ocean Titan. It can guide you back into the distant past. Go ahead, step in and listen to what the comforting ripples have to say.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do we really have to get into the water?
Icon Dialogue Arrow This feels a little embarrassing.
Aglaea: If it'll make you feel better... I can avert my gaze.

Hear the creation myth of Amphoreus[]

Icon Dialogue Talk Listen to the bath sprite's tale
Aglaea: Quiet your thoughts... Feelings are far more honest than words and can better satisfy your curiosity. Close your eyes and feel the warm ripples of water embrace you. Feel the delivery of this account from the seas.
Aglaea: The spirit water shall show you Amphoreus' distant and recent past.

Bath Sprite: "Before everything began, the world was in chaos."
Bath Sprite: "Three gods conceived space, time, and laws, laying down the cornerstones of life for all beings."
Bath Sprite: "Three more gods formed the skies, the earth, and the ocean, creating a nursery for the seedlings of life to mature."
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Keep listening.)
Bath Sprite: "Then came KephaleWorldbearing Titan, Throne of Worlds and the father of all people. They walked the face of the earth, delighted by the creations of their fellow gods, though also lamenting at the bare solitude of the gods."
Bath Sprite: "And so, they made clay figures in their likeness and allowed their golden blood to course through these creations, bestowing the breath of life upon them."
Bath Sprite: "The wise CercesReason Titan soon came forth and peeled open fruits from a flowering tree, granting reason to these clay beings, allowing them to learn and reflect."
Bath Sprite: "Curiosity propelled the dignified MnestiaRomance Titan to confer upon them an eye for beauty and a desire for love, teaching them to revere their beauty."
Bath Sprite: "With that, the first humans were born."
Icon Dialogue Arrow (An enrapturing tale. Keep listening.)
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Yawn and try to pay attention.)
(Both of the above options lead to the same outcome)
Bath Sprite: "In this fleeting Golden Age, all forms of life thrived and civilizations sprouted one after the other. Disasters and suffering were unheard of in this world. Landforms did not erode with time, nor did humans age or die."
Bath Sprite: "Not until the three calamities fell upon the world: Trickery, Strife, and Death. Their descent burst open the short period of prosperity, as though it were nothing more than a dew drop. A black tide swallowed the world whole, inundating it in blood."
Bath Sprite: "Fear permeated every corner of the world like a plague, inebriating mankind far more easily than ambrosia would. Mortals took up arms against one another, waging war in the name of the gods, marking the beginning of a tumultuous age."
Bath Sprite: "The wrath of the gods enveloped the earth and hid the firmament in shadows, ensnaring every living being. The divine war only led to one outcome: a shattered world on its death march toward destruction..."
Icon Dialogue Arrow (And then...?)
Icon Dialogue Arrow (When is it going to end...)
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Too much to take in!)
(Continue on to next section regardless of choice)
Icon Dialogue Exit (Give up listening.)
(Continue on to next section)
Icon Dialogue Exit (Stop listening.)
(Continue on to next section)

Aglaea: Is something wrong? The sprite is only halfway through the story, but I seem to be detecting some... distress and unease.
Icon Dialogue Arrow This history is way too convoluted...
Aglaea: I see. Perhaps the narration isn't engaging enough for you... That's why you find it difficult to remember the key events.
Icon Dialogue Arrow No one enjoys purple prose...
Aglaea: I see. Perhaps the words are too cryptic for you... That's why you find it difficult to understand.
Aglaea: That's fine. We can try a different approach. You'll be glad to know that bath sprites have mastered the art of catering to the needs of others.

Hear the creation myth in different tones[]

Icon Dialogue Talk Continue listening to the bath sprite's tale
Aglaea: Take my suggestion, bath sprites. Please narrate the story in a style that this guest here prefers.

Bath Sprite: "Okie doke, make yourself comfortable~ Time for a history class on Amphoreus!"
Icon Dialogue Arrow Now that's more like it.
Icon Dialogue Arrow This is... catering to my preference?
Bath Sprite: "Hey! No butting in. Class is still ongoing! Ahem, where did I stop the last time...? Oh, right."
Bath Sprite: "Amphoreus started off as a ball of chaos!"
Bath Sprite: "The three Fate Titans wrote laws to govern the world, another three Foundation Titans created the earth, ocean, and skies, and a different three Creation Titans designed and gave life to human beings — like you and me."
Bath Sprite: "But three baddie Titans soon snuck in, bringing a terrible horrible disaster with them!"
Bath Sprite: "So, the Titans got angry, and no one was willing to give in. Their followers then decided to do the same, fighting and killing each other."
Bath Sprite: "Everyone fought for a really, really long time, disturbing and hurting all people living in the world. Until one day — something big happened!"
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Listen eagerly.)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Yours truly descended upon your world!
Bath Sprite: "It's not your turn! No interrupting me in class!"
Bath Sprite: "A prophecy appeared on Amphoreus! Something no one saw coming!"
Bath Sprite: "The tripartite prophecy says there is only one way to stop this war."
Bath Sprite: "Assemble a band of heroes powerful enough to take on the twelve Titans and reignite their Coreflames. Only then will their divine wrath abate, and peace return to the world."
Bath Sprite: "We know this band of heroes by a certain name~ Any guesses? That's right! The Chrysos Heirs!"
Bath Sprite: "So, here's the takeaway: Eat well and train well, so you can grow up into a powerful hero and do your part for Amphoreus!"

Aglaea: Hmm? Is... something else wrong?
Icon Dialogue Arrow They're treating me like a child...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Sounds like they might have glossed over some things.
Aglaea: Is that so... Looks like you're a bit hard to please. Trusting and perceptive at the same time.
Icon Dialogue Talk Amphoreus seems to be going through a rough patch.
Aglaea: Rough patch... That's a mild way to put it.
(Go back to dialogue choice with the option removed)
Icon Dialogue Talk I still don't get what's going on with the Titans and Chrysos Heirs...
Aglaea: I suppose the things that are common knowledge to us are just a garbled mess to you. If we want to straighten out the threads of this world, perhaps I should explain things to you myself.
(Go back to dialogue choice with the option removed)
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you really know nothing about what's beyond the sky?
Aglaea: I seem to hear a note of pity in that question. Perhaps you find us to be weak and defenseless.
(Go back to dialogue choice with the option removed)
(After all choices have been selected)
Icon Dialogue Arrow So, what do we do now?
Aglaea: We can move on to the problem at hand, now that both of you have some understanding of Amphoreus's history. Come with me.

Move forward with Aglaea[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

In the Chrysos Heirs bath, Aglaea affirmed our good intentions in her way, and it seems Okhema is willing to welcome us as honored guests. Let's hope this trailblazing expedition continues to unfold as smoothly.
(Approach the marked location)
Aglaea: Please give me a moment.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What's wrong?
Aglaea: The way up from here leads to a bath that the Council granted exclusively to the Chrysos Heirs. The bath is strictly off limits to anyone other than the Heirs.
Aglaea: I'm willing to make an exception, considering you're guests from beyond the sky. But if I were to bring both of you in at once... I'd be blatantly disrespecting our traditions.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That's a puzzling custom.
Dan Heng: It's probably more of a "hero's privilege."
Icon Dialogue Arrow That's a strict custom.
Dan Heng: Seems like prophesied heroes and civilians aren't treated equally in Okhema.
Dan Heng: Why don't you go up with her, (Trailblazer)? I don't mind waiting for you here.
Aglaea: You have a very considerate partner. Follow me, then.

Continue to take the Elevator[]

(Talk to Dan Heng, optional)
Dan Heng: Why don't you go up with her, (Trailblazer)? I don't mind waiting for you here.

Speak with Aglaea[]

(Approach the marked location)
Aglaea: Take a seat, (Trailblazer). Make yourself comfortable, then close your eyes.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Close my eyes again?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why do I have a bad feeling about this...
Aglaea: I won't force you, but... people hope to regard one another with bare honesty when they enter a bath. Are you willing to trust me?
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Sit down and close your eyes.)

Aglaea: ...Thank you. You can also move a little to your left. The water is warmer there.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Follow her suggestion and move a little to your left.)
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Refuse to move.)
Aglaea: ...You don't trust me?
"Why should I trust you?" That was your immediate response. However, you and Dan Heng need to build good relationships with the locals to complete your trailblazing journey.
"At least cooperate for now and try to earn her trust," you persuade yourself.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Move a little to your left.)
You move to the left. How wondrous — You've only moved a few centimeters, but the water around you has become distinctly warmer.

Aglaea: Now place your left hand onto the bench. Lift your arm up with your palm facing forward, and part your fingers slightly...
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Do as she says.)
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Extend your right arm instead.)
Aglaea: ...I understand now. You do not really distrust me, you just wish to show your rebellious side.
You feel your cheeks warm up and quickly switch hands.

Aglaea: Yes, you're doing great. Alright, it's about time I formally introduce myself: I am Aglaea the Goldweaver, dressmaster of Okhema and one of the Chrysos Heirs of Amphoreus. The trust placed in me is how I came to lead the Chrysos Heirs in our mission today.
Aglaea: My duty may be to weave lavish robes, but I most enjoy coming to these baths in my personal time. Garments are shields after all, hiding both our bodies and what we truly think...
Aglaea: This place though, is where we can drop our cloaks of pretense, for the waters shall bring us closer together.
Aglaea: You can open your eyes now, (Trailblazer).

Welt Sticker 01
"The galaxy is vast beyond compare, containing an infinite number of possibilities."
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Missing Mission Still (Aglaea smiling version)
Aglaea: Look, we are joined together now.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Wha... Is this some kind of ritual?
Aglaea: You're not wrong to think of it that way.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Wha... Is this some kind of trap?
Aglaea: Trap? Hardly. Think of it as a ritual that allows us to communicate.
Aglaea: The golden threads of MnestiaRomance Titan entwine us, capable of sensing even the slightest quiver. We are bound to speak the truth to each other this way.
Aglaea: You will learn the truth about this world from me, and in return, I ask for you to promise me something.
Aglaea: Fulfill this pact between us, and you can expect your journey on Amphoreus to be free of troubles.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Go on.
Icon Dialogue Arrow And if I can't promise?

Welt Sticker 01
"The galaxy is vast beyond compare, containing an infinite number of possibilities."
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Missing Mission Still (Aglaea troubling face version)
Aglaea: Did you feel that? The golden threads are rippling. They reveal the distrust you still have for Okhema, and I take it upon myself to dispel these concerns.
Aglaea: You learned the legends of Amphoreus from those bath sprites a while ago, but that was a sanitized version that spared you from the harsh and bitter realities of our history.
Aglaea: The pantheon of Titans that once ruled our world has become the very affliction that eats away at Amphoreus. An unfathomable power changed something within most of these Titans, inducing their rage and madness.
Aglaea: Amphoreus has since fallen into eternal night, the black tide engulfing our world. Okhema is now the only city to still receive light, and we owe it to KephaleWorldbearing Titan's protection.
Aglaea: The Chrysos Heirs gathered here are Amphoreus's only hope. People hail us as heroes, as protectors, and as deliverers...
Aglaea: ...They are counting on us to vanquish the Titans, reclaim their Coreflames, topple them from their thrones, and take their authority for ourselves.
Aglaea: It is only upon reclaiming all Coreflames that the miracle of genesis can reveal itself, granting a new lease on life to this broken world.
Aglaea: This is Amphoreus' Flame-Chase Journey — "a band of heroes dedicated to slaying the gods and reclaiming the twelve Coreflames for the world to start over anew."
Aglaea: With the end times before us, we are expected to lead all of our people toward the summit. Okhema needs as many allies as possible, to aid us in the upcoming battles.
Aglaea: The two of you may be just the "reinforcements" that the Chrysos Heirs have been waiting for.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You think too highly of us...
Aglaea: If I'm putting my hopes in the wrong place, so be it. But for Amphoreus, I am willing to take the chance.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Saving the world is what we do best.
Aglaea: You must have been blessed by many miracles to say that with such unwavering confidence.
Aglaea: I may be getting ahead of myself, but for Amphoreus, I am willing to take a chance on you.
Aglaea: I have laid my heart bare, and in return, I just want you to make a single promise.
Aglaea: Promise me to never tell the people of Okhema about the worlds beyond the sky, no matter what may happen.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Sounds doable.
Aglaea: I'm glad to hear that. Please understand, Okhema is approaching its end, and I do not wish to give my people false hope... Not when we've been badly scarred by it before.
Icon Dialogue Arrow But why?
Aglaea: Okhema is approaching its end. I do not wish to give my people false hope... Not when we've been badly scarred by it before.
Aglaea: Can you promise me that?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I promise.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'll try...
Icon Dialogue Arrow I have to, for the sake of the Trailblaze.

Welt Sticker 01
"The galaxy is vast beyond compare, containing an infinite number of possibilities."
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Missing Mission Still (Aglaea smiling version)
Aglaea: Thank you, (Trailblazer). The agreement between us is now complete.
Aglaea: I apologize if this ritual upset you, but I hope you understand... I had no other choice.
Aglaea: As much as I am interested to hear your story, I'm afraid I've already taken up too much of your time... Mr. Dan Heng's worrying has created ripples in the water.
Aglaea: Why don't the both of you tour our "holy city"? See how our people make ends meet in this difficult time. I will have your welcome gifts ready later today.

Meet up with Dan Heng[]

(Talk to Aglaea again, optional)
Aglaea: Why don't you and Mr. Dan Heng tour our "holy city"? See how our people make ends meet in this difficult time. I will have your welcome gifts ready later today.
(Approach Dan Heng)
Dan Heng: You're finally back. What did she say to you?
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Summarize your earlier conversation.)
Relay the information obtained from Aglaea and the agreement reached with her to Dan Heng...
Dan Heng: Promise not to tell her people about our interstellar voyages... I didn't expect that to be her only concern. Though this is consistent with how Phainon was acting when we were at the Abyss.
Dan Heng: Something is definitely off about this world. Even on a planet as isolated as Jarilo-VI, the people still had an understanding of space, and even Paths and Aeons.
Dan Heng: The sky above Amphoreus, though, is more like... a prison. They clearly have advanced technology, so who could imagine that even discussing what's beyond the sky would be taboo?
Dan Heng: Do you remember the mass of chaotic matter concealing Amphoreus from the rest of the universe? I can't help thinking that someone is intentionally keeping Amphoreus hidden. Their Titans could also be related to some Aeon.
Icon Dialogue Arrow This is indeed a foggy situation.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What should we do now?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I can't stop thinking about your broken spear...
Dan Heng: Phainon promised to fix it. We can ask him about it when we see him.
Dan Heng: Let's explore the city like Aglaea suggested. We helped defend their city, after all. This is a good chance to fish around for information while they still have a good impression of us.
Dan Heng: We can also take some photos for our records.

Head to Marmoreal Market[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

Okhema, the holy city... It is said to be the only place with eternal daylight amidst the end times' Long Night. We decide to tour the city to familiarize ourselves with the area and gather reliable information.

Talk with the gathered crowd[]

(While approaching the crowd)
Dan Heng: That's fast. The citizens are already back in the city.
Dan Heng: Why are they gathered there?
(Idle quotes)
Okhema Resident 1: Come on... Put in more strength!
Okhema Resident 2: Why did it have to fall right in front of our home...
Okhema Resident 3: Maybe someone should go fetch a priest?

(Approach the marked location)
Dan Heng: Excuse me... Do you guys need help?
Disturbed Resident: You are...? What strange clothing and accent you have...
Disturbed Resident: Oh! Are you the warriors that followed Lord Phainon back from the frontier?
Icon Dialogue Arrow The frontier...?
Dan Heng: Looks like Phainon is helping Aglaea keep that secret, too. There must be some kind of understanding among the Chrysos Heirs.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Looks like Phainon is helping Aglaea keep that secret, too.
Dan Heng: Yeah, there must be some kind of understanding among the Chrysos Heirs.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We... speak with an accent?
Dan Heng: That's nowhere near as puzzling as how we have a common tongue.
Dan Heng: Yes, that's us.
Disturbed Resident: Thank goodness... I hear you're both exceptional warriors as masterful as the Chrysos Heirs. Could you help us restore this column here?
Disturbed Resident: Nothing has been going right these days. First those minions of NikadorStrife Titan attack, and now this column collapses right outside our home... Can we really keep going?
Dan Heng: Restore it...? With just human effort, that's going to take a couple of days, at least.
Tribbie: Not with human effort, of course, silly!
Disturbed Resident: High Priest Tribbie! O KephaleWorldbearing Titan on high, our prayers are heard! We won't need to trouble you any further, kind warriors.
Dan Heng: Oh... He thought we could summon miracles.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I did feel something strange in me...
Tribbie: Eh? When we all arrived in Okhema? Come to think of it, we felt something a bit odd, too.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Surmount the myriad passages of Janus...
Tribbie: Eh? You can recite this, too? Wait, did you also chant this when we arrived in Okhema?
Tribbie: Maybe... you also have the ability learn Oronyx's prayers, too?
Dan Heng: Is that rare?
Tribbie: Not at all! We have lots of priests here, but some are more gifted than others.
Tribbie: Why don't you both try chanting? Tribbie will see if you get it!

Try to use Oronyx's Miracle[]

(Displays Oronyx's Prayer Tutorial)
Tutorial Oronyx's Prayer 1
In Amphoreus, memory-laden objects can be found everywhere. When the Trailblazer approaches, they reveal an energy ripple over them. At this point, by holding down the button, you can use "Oronyx's Prayer" to rewind them to their previous state from a certain time ago.

Tutorial Oronyx's Prayer 2
The power of Oronyx's Prayer has limitations. Under normal conditions, it can only be sustained for three seconds. If used beyond three seconds without the object rewinding to the critical time point, it will return to its state prior to activating the ability.
(Interactive tutorial)
TapTap/PressPress/ClickClick and hold the button to activate Oronyx's Prayer to rewind time.

(After restoring the pillar)
Tribbie: Wow... (Trailblazer) got it on the first try! You're a natural!
Disturbed Resident: A miracle... A miracle fresh from the oven! Go, bring word to the bard: Frontier heroes grace Okhema, feats abound right here...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Well said, my friend!
Icon Dialogue Arrow They also teach journalism here in Amphoreus?
Dan Heng: I don't seem to be cut out for this.
Tribbie: That's okay, there are many others like you. It just means you're meant to be a warrior!
Tribbie: Ooh, you met Agy, right? How did your chat go?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I now know all there is to know about you...
Tribbie: Really? That's pretty impressive!
Icon Dialogue Arrow We reached an agreement.
Tribbie: Alrighty, as long as things are going well!
Tribbie: You know, we are pretty certain there's more to your sudden... arrival to Okhema. And Tribbie has never seen a priest achieve resonance with OronyxTime Titan on their first try.
Tribbie: But with this, you should be able to clear any obstacle when traveling around Amphoreus... Um, most of the time, at least.
Tribbie: Oh, right... We came by to check if you have teleslates with you. It'll be a lot easier to get around Okhema with them.
Dan Heng: Teleslates...?
Icon Dialogue Arrow (pull out your phone) Is this...?
Icon Dialogue Arrow (pull out your phone) You mean this device?
Tribbie: Yeah! We knew it, there are also Janusopolis priests beyond the sk — um, beyond Okhema... like the city you're from!
Tribbie: Let's see... This looks different, but it works more or less the same. Hmm, maybe a little resonance will do the trick...
Tribbie: All set! Now we can contact one another with our teleslates. Only in Okhema though. Messages won't send once you're outside Agy's web of golden threads.
Dan Heng: That is... surprising.
Tribbie: Hah, did you think we were some backwater people who don't understand anything?
Tribbie: You can also use any currency you have on you. Talanton'sLaw Titan scales will determine the value of all items, so there's no need to worry about being penniless in the holy city!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Won't that mess up the economy?
Tribbie: Not if it's just the two of you. But if any of the Council Elders happen to ask... it's our little secret~!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Oh, so we have to pay for our own food and accommodation...
Tribbie: Hmm? Were you expecting otherwise...?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Titans are really capable of anything...
Tribbie: We know, right? Aren't Titans amazing?
Tribbie: Okay, time to get back to work. Have fun exploring the city! We'll see you two later!
(Tribbie leaves)
Dan Heng: ...The list of inexplicable things only gets longer.
(Pans over to a man on a roof)
Dan Heng: Look, someone's on the roof.
Dan Heng: That should be a good vantage point to photograph the city. Let's find a way up.

Head to the rooftop[]

(Idle quotes)
Okhema Resident 1: A miracle... A miracle fresh from the oven!
Okhema Resident 1: Go, bring word to the bard.
Okhema Resident 1: Frontier heroes grace Okhema, feats abound right here...
(Approach the marked location)
Dan Heng: An excellent lookout over the city. We can even see that Titan statue. Let's get a photo of this view.
Damionis: What are you two doing up here?
Damionis: I know you. You're the heroes who helped defend our city, right? I, Damionis, saw your valiant figures in the battle.
Dan Heng: Nice to meet you. We're... soldiers from a faraway city.
Dan Heng: It's our first time in Okhema, so we thought we'd find a nice vantage point to... uh, create...? No, capture...? I mean, to remember this city and its sights by.
Damionis: Oh... You mean to say "take a photo," don't you?
Dan Heng: ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow There, there.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Try hard to hold back your laughter)
Dan Heng: Ahem, yes. I meant to say that.
Damionis: Aha! You met the right person! The name's Damionis, and I may have some humble insight on travel and photography... After all, everyone in this holy city knows me as the explorer!
Damionis: Alright, pass me your photostone.
Dan Heng: ...I'm not even going to bother guessing their logic for naming things.
You give March 7th's camera to Damionis...
Damionis: Oh, this is an entirely foreign make. But that's not going to stop me! I'm guessing this here... and that... Hah! Easy-peasy, I know how to use this now.
Damionis: ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow What is it? Cat got your tongue?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Didn't you say you knew how to use it?
Damionis: ...It's no biggie! Okay, strike your poses and look this way!

Damionis: And... we're done! Here, have a look!
Trailblaze Mission Distant Travelers, Listen to this World's Prayer 1 StelleTrailblaze Mission Distant Travelers, Listen to this World's Prayer 1 Caelus
Dan Heng: Not bad.
Icon Dialogue Arrow A greater aperture and a shallower depth of field would work better.
Dan Heng: ...Don't be so nitpicky.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Can you also apply some filters?
Dan Heng: ...Let's leave that to March.
Damionis: Heh, as long as you're happy with the photos.
Damionis: Say, I've been wanting to ask you guys something. I didn't think I'd actually get the chance but...
Damionis: You're... You're not really from another city, are you?
Dan Heng: I don't think I understand your question.
Damionis: I've heard some things here and there. Refugees that just came into the city are saying that the people Lord Phainon picked up are from beyond the sky.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Pfft, did he really pick us up?
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Remain silent)
Dan Heng: ...
Dan Heng: Sorry to disappoint you, sir. I'm afraid those rumors are just rumors.
Dan Heng: We're from Thalassopolis, a sparsely populated frontier village. Our journey to the holy city was fraught with challenges but thankfully, we were able to make our way here after meeting Phainon at the Abyss.
Damionis: Thalassopolis...?
Damionis: ...
Damionis: Oh, is that so... I... I'd thought that I had finally found proof that a world beyond the sky exists.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Express concern) Well, actually...
Dan Heng: ...Hey, remember the agreement.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Remain silent)
Damionis: Haha, it doesn't matter! At any rate, thanks for your help, warriors of Thalassopolis.
Damionis: Okhema welcomes you.
Damionis left thoughtfully.
Dan Heng: That was close, but I have a bad feeling about this.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That was a good story, Dan Heng.
Dan Heng: I don't think that we managed to fool him.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I don't think that we managed to fool him.
Dan Heng: After all, Thalassopolis was something I came up with on the fly. If he's truly an explorer familiar with the geography of Amphoreus, I'm afraid that he'll have already seen through our lies.
Dan Heng: Fortunately, there's no evidence. But... it seems like even though the starry sky is taboo on Amphoreus, there are people who still yearn for it.
Dan Heng: Looks like we have to be even more cautious.

Continue to explore Okhema[]

(Trailblazer): Where should we go next?
Dan Heng: Right, we were going to explore the city before we got distracted.
(Getting close to Phainon)
Dan Heng: Look, Phainon is over there.

(Approach Phainon)
Chartonus: ...Out of the shadow of the past, you've not stepped, Chrysos Heir.
Chartonus: The weight of the Coreflame, if you wish to bear... You must bury the past, suspend the pain.
Phainon: I'll try my best, Chartonus. But why keep mentioning it if you already know I can't do it?
Chartonus: ...Here, your guests are.
Phainon: (Trailblazer), Dan Heng! You're back much quicker than I imagined. I thought that Aglaea would keep you for a bit longer.
Trailblaze Mission Distant Travelers, Listen to this World's Prayer 2
Phainon: Here you go. This is the compensation that I previously mentioned. I asked the most famous Grand Craftsman in the holy city to repair your spear.
Phainon: Once again, let me offer my sincere apologies for any offense I caused during our first meeting.
Dan Heng: ...
Dan Heng: Judging solely from its exterior, I cannot see any signs of damage. It's truly incredible.
Phainon: The one who crafted this spear must also be a renowned master. I guess there's always someone greater out there. Although I still can't imagine a world outside Amphoreus.
Phainon: ...Or perhaps I've just never given it much thought until I met you two.
Phainon: You've probably now heard about the tripartite prophecy that descended upon Amphoreus and the mission of the Chrysos Heirs. For us, pursuing the prophecy is the purpose of our journey. Therefore, thinking too much about other things is unnecessary.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Hasn't anyone questioned the prophecy?
Icon Dialogue Arrow And who was is exactly that issued the prophecy?
Phainon: The reason it's a prophecy is because it appeared in the form of a miracle. No one knows exactly whose will it represents.
Phainon: There's another theory that it is the whispers of KephaleWorldbearing Titan before their eternal slumber. It was the sky father who scattered their divine blood all over the land that gave rise to the Chrysos Heirs... Of course, this is just one of many popular folktales.
Phainon: Please don't simply dismiss it as silly superstition. The people of this world have already experienced the transition from skepticism to firm belief, and this transition wasn't easy to achieve. Many have paid the price.
Dan Heng: What Aglaea conveyed to us was more of a collective mission. As an individual, what role do you play in all of this, Phainon?
Phainon: Me? I'm still seeking that answer myself.
Phainon: But if the gods favor me, I believe that my Coreflame won't be far.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is it Nikador?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Your Coreflame?
Phainon: It's NikadorStrife Titan.
Phainon: I'm a soldier who was taught how to fight at a young age. From the day I was selected by the prophecy, I've regarded the Lance of FuryStrife Titan as my goal.
Phainon: One day, I'll break the lance and take the Coreflame of Strife.
Phainon: ...But discussing such a bitter topic is a bummer. I'm embarrassed since I think I'm the one who brought it up.
Phainon: Oh right, Tribbie mentioned that you two also use teleslates. Why don't we exchange contacts? Please also accept these gifts as a token of my appreciation.
Phainon: Since the weather is great, why don't you two look around some more? I won't take up more of your time. See you later.
(Talk to Chartonus, optional)
Chartonus: Your spear, not too serious, the damage. Has been completed, the repair.

(Getting close to Castorice)
Dan Heng: That's... the lady we encountered previously.
(Approach Castorice)
Castorice: Ah... It's our two distinguished guests.
Castorice: Welcome to the dwelling of the dromases... Well, I'm also just passing by.
Icon Dialogue Arrow The air here isn't too fresh...
Castorice: Really? I find it rather sweet... It's the fragrance of life.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You're also here to unwind?
Castorice: Yes. I enjoy the air here. It's rather sweet... Full of the fragrance of life.
Dan Heng: Speaking of which, is Miss Castorice also a Chrysos Heir?
Castorice: Yes.
Castorice: ...
Dan Heng: ...My apologies. If you don't wish to talk about this topic, I'll stop myself here.
Castorice: Thank you, Mr. Dan Heng.
Dan Heng: ...
Castorice: ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Should I show off my dance moves?
Dan Heng: ...No, thank you. Unless you wish to make things worse.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (point at the dromas) Let's liven up the atmosphere!
Dromas: ...
Dan Heng: ...It seems to have understood you, but it's choosing to ignore you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Remain silent.)
(Trailblazer): ...
Dromas: ...Grumph!
Castorice: Oh, this child looks hungry.
Castorice: Since you are here, do you two want to try feeding the dromases?

Take out a small amount of dromas feed[]

Castorice: Their feed is dry redsoil and it's very clean. There is some over there.
(Interact with the Redsoil Feed)
Castorice: Since it's your first time feeding, just a small piece will do.
Icon Dialogue Talk Can I have a taste?
Castorice: Of course, but it's very bitter and hard to digest.
...Her serious tone immediately quashes your wild idea.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Grab the crystallized dry redsoil.
You gently pick up a piece of red clay from the container, while the dromas watches your every move intently... Don't mess it up.

Feed the dromas[]

(Talk to Castorice again, optional)
Castorice: Their feed is dry redsoil and it's very clean. There is some over there.
(Feeding the dromas)
Trailblaze Mission Distant Travelers, Listen to this World's Prayer 3
Dromas: Grumph...
The dromas lets out a slow but joyful sound, clearly anticipating your performance as its new caretaker.
Should it get what it wants so easily, or...?
Icon Dialogue Talk Offer the feed to Dan Heng.
Dan Heng: ...That's not gonna happen.
Darn it, when did he learn to read minds?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Eat the feed in front of the dromas.
You stare intently at the red clay in your hand, then look up to check the dromas' expression.
Dromas: ...Grumph?
You see confusion... hesitation... and perhaps a hint of hidden defiance. The big guy looks down at you, as if to say, "Do you have the guts, little one?"
You've never been underestimated by an animal in your life — though your life hasn't been that long. Now, there's probably only one way to save your dignity...
You take a bite from the red cube. Next to you, the two spectators who witness this gasp in disbelief.
Dan Heng: *wince*
Castorice: Ah...
Castorice wasn't lying. The taste of this red clay is truly... bitter. It's a bitterness unlike any medicine. It strikes the softest part of your soul, making you question the very meaning of "Trailblazing."
Surprisingly, it isn't hard, but that's not necessarily a good thing. After chewing it a few times, the sticky flecks of redsoil stain your teeth. No matter how you use your tongue, you can't get rid of it.
Dan Heng: ...Drink some water.
You hold the clean water in your mouth, trying hard to rinse away the remaining clay, but the bitterness lingers stubbornly...
Dromas: Grumphhh...
The dromas lets out a mocking cry. Now, you've not only earned its ridicule, but also the ongoing duty of feeding it...
Castorice: Haha...
Castorice: That was a little unexpected. Don't worry. There's a lot more feed over there. Just go get another piece.

(Taking another Redsoil Feed)
(Feeding the dromas again)
Dromas: Grumph...
The dromas lets out a slow but joyful sound, clearly anticipating your performance as its new caretaker.
Should it get what it wants so easily, or...?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Offer the redsoil feed to the dromas.

Icon Dialogue Arrow Offer the redsoil feed to the dromas.
Trailblaze Mission Distant Travelers, Listen to this World's Prayer 3
Dromas: Grumph... Grumphhh!
Dromas: Grumphhhh... Grumphhh!
The big guy in front lets out a satisfied sound.
You don't know how it chews and digests these clumps of clay — but to them, these hard red clays must be as delicious as a freshly sizzling steak.
Dromas: Grumphhh!
Castorice: It looks very happy. Perhaps... you could try petting it?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Gently pat it on the head.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Rub its neck with some strength.
Dromas: Grumphhh... Grumphhh!
Castorice: It seems to enjoy it a lot. You get along very well with the dromas.
Castorice: It makes me envious.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Don't you want to try petting it as well?
Icon Dialogue Arrow It will also like you.
Castorice: Me? No, thanks. It's alright...

Dan Heng: Miss Castorice, are you concerned about something? Since we've just arrived in this area, we hope to build closer relationships with everyone through our actions.
Castorice: Please don't misunderstand. When you helped Okhema, you already showed ample goodwill. It's just that I...
Castorice: ...am not too good with social "contact." Regardless of whether it's with people or with these children.
Castorice: So, please don't take it to heart.
Dan Heng: ...Alright. (Trailblazer), take a photo of the dromas as well. It's rare to encounter such an amazing creature.
Castorice: Would you two like a photo with this child? In that case, I might be able to help.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do you enjoy taking photos?
Castorice: Yes, it is an interest of mine.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You don't have to force yourself.
Castorice: That's not it. Photography is an interest of mine.
Dan Heng: Alright then. Thanks for your help.
Castorice: No problem. Please place the photostone on the ground.
Icon Dialogue Arrow On the ground?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Can't I just hand it to you?
Dan Heng: ...Let's just do as she says.
You put March 7th's camera on the ground, and Castorice bends down to pick it up...
Castorice: What beautiful colors. It's... very cute.
Castorice: The aperture, exposure index, and preset filter... Although it looks different on the outside, it actually has the same internal structure. There won't be any issues.
Castorice: Alright, get into position.

Castorice: And we're done. I hope that you like it.
Castorice gently places the camera on the ground, and you bend down to pick it up.
Trailblaze Mission Distant Travelers, Listen to this World's Prayer 4 StelleTrailblaze Mission Distant Travelers, Listen to this World's Prayer 4 Caelus
Dan Heng: ...But, what's the reason behind using the black and white filter?
Castorice: Ah... My apologies, it's just personal preference. I like black and white photos. If it bothers you, I can take another photo.
Dan Heng: That won't be necessary. This is fine.
Castorice: I'm glad that I could help.
Castorice: Then, I'll take my leave now. Please continue playing with the dromases.

Dan Heng: ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow That was a little strange...
Dan Heng: You could say she's not very talkative? No, that's not it, she's just a little elusive.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What a mysterious lady...
Dan Heng: You could say she's not very talkative? No, that's not it, she's just a little elusive.
Icon Dialogue Arrow There's even a stand-in photographer in the "script"?
Dan Heng: ...Why are you speaking like a Stellaron Hunter all of a sudden?
Dan Heng: You could say Miss Castorice is not very talkative? No, that's not it, she's just a little elusive.
Dan Heng: Even when we came across her previously, she avoided having physical contact with others...
Dan Heng: These Chrysos Heirs all have wildly different personalities. In comparison, Phainon seems like the most normal one.

(Receive a message from Tribbie, Dan Heng, and (Trailblazer)'s Group Chat)
Character Tribbie Icon
Hello, Dan Heng! (Trailblazer)!
How's Marmoreal Market looking to you guys?
We've wandered plenty
Character Trailblazer Icon
We've wandered plenty. Run into lots of interesting people and things
Plenty of interesting people
Character Trailblazer Icon
We've wandered plenty. Run into lots of interesting people and things
Character Tribbie Icon
That's nice! As long as you enjoyed yourself
The baths have also returned to their original bustling state from before the war. Once you're done walking around, come find us back at Marmoreal Palace
Aglaea's prepared a huge gift for you!

(Optional) Continue to explore the Okhema city area[]

Dan Heng: Should we return to Marmoreal Palace? Or do you want to wander around for a bit more?

(Investigate the murals record, optional)
The murals record in simple and delicate carvings the stories of Kephalethe Worldbearing Titan creating life and building Okhema.
In the murals, Kephalethe Worldbearing Titan bears the enormous Dawn Device on their back. Golden divine blood courses across their body, flowing to the ground from the left-hand side of their chest and spreading in all directions.
At their feet, the humans bathed in the golden blood work together to create a great city. This city is Okhema, the origin of Amphoreus civilization.

(Interact with the poet, optional)
Bard: ...The strife of day and night birthed the all-knowing giant. Their feet measure the earth and their back carries the dawn and dusk.
Bard: With the night as their curtain, they dreamt until they awoke. Only then did they realize: My perfection was born for creation.
Bard: Gods, please hear my wish:
Bard: Craft my likeness with fresh earth, and grant my intellect with your fruits. Illuminate my emotions with the wings of a butterfly and forge my fate with golden blood.
Bard: The perfect gods created the very first humans, and the first humans created the first city.
Bard: Okhema! Standing at the foot of the Throne of Worldsthe Worldbearing Titan, your golden blood can be traced back to the very beginning.
Bard: Though the black tide devours the ancient lands, the holy city will cross over to a new world...

(Approach Phainon, optional)
Phainon: Ma'am, this item of yours is new! Completely new! There's no doubt about it.
Elderly Appraiser: T—That's impossible! This is an heirloom that's been passed down by my ancestors... Where's Theodoros? Get him over here to take a look!
Phainon: Although I'm not as experienced at doing appraisals as he is, I'm very confident about this. If you don't trust me, you can take it elsewhere for a second opinion.
Phainon: Or, I can burn it for you? You'll be able to tell once you smell it!
Elderly Appraiser: N—No way! You can't burn my family heirloom!
Dan Heng: I never would've thought that Phainon had such a hobby...
Dan Heng: He seems to be dealing with someone difficult right now. Let's leave him to it.
(Approach Phainon again, optional)
Dan Heng: He seems to be dealing with someone difficult right now. Let's leave him to it.

Prepare to return to Marmoreal Palace[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

As we prepared to return to the bath chamber, March 7th's photographs were unexpectedly leaked, and she was celebrated by the residents of Okhema as the "Rosy Celestial Maiden," causing quite a stir.
(Approach the marked location)
Charming Citizen: Hey, are you in the forum?
Bored Citizen: Forum? Which one?
Charming Citizen: The one about the Rosy Celestial Maiden. Its getting more popular by the minute! I don't see you in there yet. Hurry up! It's filling up quickly.
Dan Heng: Rosy Celestial Maiden, forum...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Who's debating what?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm starting to get a little curious too.
Dan Heng: I have a strange feeling about this. I hope that it's not what I think it is... Let's go take a look.

Speak with the citizen who are talking about the Rosy Celestial Maiden[]

(Approach the citizens)
Dan Heng: Excuse me, we accidentally overheard something about a forum just now... We would like to find out more.
Charming Citizen: Hmm? Your outfits, who exactly...
Dan Heng: We're warriors from a foreign land who assisted in the defense of Okhema.
Charming Citizen: Ah, brave warriors, pardon me! I didn't expect you to be interested in such social affairs, but sure thing.
Charming Citizen: Please take out your teleslate. I'll help you connect to Okhema's World Wound Web.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Oh, it's actually an online discussion forum!
Icon Dialogue Arrow I knew it...
Charming Citizen: Got it! Please take a look!

Sky-Breaching Explorer
It was as I said. The Rosy Celestial Maiden doesn't resemble someone from Amphoreus no matter what
And there are so many wonders you won't see in Amphoreus in that photostone: A world of snow, countless small boats in the sky, splendorous skyscrapers...
The "world beyond the sky" is real!
Zagreus Give Me Money
Her hair was pink, and she wore a short blue blouse, and her eyes were as the sea reflecting the light of sunset...
Is this seriously not Mnestia's human avatar?
Just Wanna Be A Mannequin
Lady Aglaea is Mnestia's ambassador
Sky-Breaching Explorer
Nonsense! I already said that the Rosy Celestial Maiden isn't from Amphoreus! She's from beyond the sky!
The 13th Titan
I'll admit that I've read a great many unofficial historical records, but the Skyship Calamity is not an apocryphal tale! It is a tragedy that really happened
No one can pass the sky dome while Aquila maintains their baleful gaze... After all, it's questionable if any world beyond the sky even exists!
Phagousa Is Still Drinking
Even the existence of the Rosy Celestial Maiden is in dispute
Just Wanna Be A Mannequin
I still have a few attires made by Lady Aglaea herself. I hope I can make the Rosy Celestial Maiden's acquaintance with these supreme garbs as a gift!
Sky-Breaching Explorer
I told you I saw it with my own eyes!
The 13th Titan
Really? Then I saw Nikador and Kephale clasping hands in a gesture of peace with my own eyes!
Zagreus Give Me Money
My dear explorer, you're speaking drivel. You must have been deceived by Zagreus
Sky-Breaching Explorer
I speak with honesty, and you treat me like this...? Fine. So be it. I'll prove the existence of the world beyond the sky through my own means!
Just watch me! I will soar to the world beyond the sky
Even if I have to risk my own life, I'll find the Rosy Celestial Maiden and silence you all!

(Trailblazer) & Dan Heng: Oh no!
Dan Heng: That Damionis guy who took a photo for us... It must be him! He must have opened the album and saw the photos that March 7th previously took.
Icon Dialogue Arrow How sneaky of him!
Icon Dialogue Arrow March 7th has now become a celestial maiden.
Dan Heng: That's beside the point.
Dan Heng: There are more than a hundred people in here. Although no one believes what Damionis is saying now, we don't know what he'll do next. If the situation gets out of control, the consequences might be disastrous.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I hope that the Chrysos Heirs are too busy to surf the web.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Mankind's greatest enemy, social media...
Dan Heng: Quick! We have to find Damionis before things get worse.

Head to the baths to inquire about Damionis' whereabouts[]

(Entering the bath house)
(Trailblazer): There are so many people all of a sudden...
Dan Heng: At a time like this... Why not ask around?

(Idle quote)
Romantic Citizen: Rosy Celestial Maiden, Okhema's light...
(Talk to the Romantic Citizen, optional)
Romantic Citizen: Rosy Celestial Maiden, just from this name alone am I able to imagine your beauty! You must be the incarnation of MnestiaRomance Titan. You cause me to sink deeper and deeper, unable to get a hold of myself...
Romantic Citizen: Oh, beautiful celestial maiden, how can I ever win your affection?
Icon Dialogue Arrow With snacks, plushies, and cute clothes.
Dan Heng: ...March 7th is really that simple in your eyes.
Dan Heng: Let's get to the point.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Have you seen Damionis?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Have you seen Damionis?
Romantic Citizen: Dameas? Aminos? No, I don't know what you're talking about, friend...
Romantic Citizen: Right now, I only have the Rosy Celestial Maiden in my heart!
Dan Heng: I wonder what he drank. Someone should come calm him down.
Dan Heng: Let's go and look elsewhere.

(Idle quote)
Dashing Citizen: My radiant maiden, how I wish to witness your beauty...
(Talk to the Dashing Citizen, optional)
Dashing Citizen: Oh, Rosy Celestial Maiden... You truly are a gift from the heavens, a daughter of the sun!
Dashing Citizen: Even AquilaSky Titan cannot restrain you. Will you gently carve open the sky? If only to lead us out of this long dark night...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Have you seen Damionis?
Icon Dialogue Arrow She's not that gentle.
Dan Heng: ...Hey.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Have you seen Damionis?
Dashing Citizen: Who? No. I do not care about any Damionis. Right now...
Dashing Citizen: ...I only have beautiful fantasies and poems in my heart! Oh, Rosy Celestial Maiden, the light of Okhema...
Dan Heng: ...Next.

(Idle quote)
Sensible Citizen: The maiden talk is just a lie!
(Talk to the Sensible Citizen)
Sensible Citizen: Dear citizens, please stop spreading images of unknown origins!
Sensible Citizen: Please wake up! The Rosy Celestial Maiden is a lie crafted by ZagreusTrickery Titan as a prank. We should follow the lead of Lady Aglaea and not subject ourselves to such mind-numbing fantasies...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Have you seen Damionis?
Icon Dialogue Arrow It's not exactly a lie...
Dan Heng: Don't stir up trouble.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Have you seen Damionis?
Sensible Citizen: Damionis? That explorer who thinks very highly of himself?
Sensible Citizen: I've heard of him but have never met him in person. Others have said that he's completely crazy—
???: Rosy Celestial Maiden! A world beyond the sky!
Sensible Citizen: What's that commotion?

Search for Damionis[]

(Idle quotes)
Who is shouting?
A world beyond the sky? Can you even speak of that?
What is he yelling for?
Celestial maiden! Celestial maiden!
I wanna be high up like that too!
(Approach the marked location)
Damionis: Stop chasing after me! Don't come any closer!
Dan Heng: It's really Damionis! Let's give chase.

Catch up with Damionis[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

The "Rosy Celestial Maiden" fiasco almost caused someone their life. We rescued the persistent Damionis at the cost of exposing our identities as guests from beyond the sky. But in doing so... we broke our promise to Aglaea.
(Approach the marked location)
Holy City Guard: He's running toward the Garden of Life. Give chase!
(Approach the next marked location)
Damionis: I'm Damionis! And I will prove it to everyone!
(Idle quotes)
Merchant 1: What's all this fuss...
Merchant 1: Can't a guy run his business in peace?

Citizen 2: That guy...
Citizen 2: Barged into the Chrysos Heirs' baths?
Citizen 3: He was just shouting about... the Rosy Celestial Maiden?
Citizen 3: Maybe we should go home to stay safe...

Child 4: Celestial maiden! Celestial maiden!
Child 4: I want to become a celestial maiden one day!
Parent 5: Stop that nonsense!
Parent 5: Be realistic!

(Approach the marked location)
Kind Guard: Citizen! Calm down. Don't do anything foolish!
Impulsive Guard: This is the Garden of Life, the holy ground of the Bough of RiftReason Titan! Are you trying to defile the gods?
Damionis: Defile the gods? No, you guys are completely wrong! The wise CercesReason Titan will be proud of me. Just watch!
Dan Heng: What is he trying to do? Let's get closer and take a look.

Speak with Damionis[]

(Approach Damionis)
Damionis: The wisdom of CercesReason Titan should be shared equally by all.
Damionis: I, explorer Damionis, shall put on these wings today and touch the sky — proving to everyone that a world beyond the sky exists!
Impulsive Guard: ...Wings?
Damionis: That's right — right here, right now!
Impulsive Guard: That is a giant Flying Amphora. You're going to fall to your death!
Damionis: Heh, ridicule me all you want. I shall prove myself and remove all doubts!
Icon Dialogue Talk Use the clockwork tricks on him!
Clockie doesn't react.
You think you can use a Penaconian key to open an Amphorean lock? Ha, that's wishful thinking!
Icon Dialogue Arrow I think he's going to die.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do you think he will succeed?
Dan Heng: Obviously not.
Dan Heng: We can't stand by and watch him die. Let's go.

Kind Guard: You two are... the distinguished guests of Lady Aglaea?
Dan Heng: Mr. Damionis, please calm down. Don't act rashly.
Damionis: ...My dear friends, I know that you must have your own reasons to hide the truth. I shall not make things difficult for you.
Damionis: But thank you for showing me the image from beyond the sky. Now, I shall embark on this earthshaking undertaking — Damionis always follows through on his words!
Icon Dialogue Arrow We believe you, we really do!
Icon Dialogue Arrow You've really misunderstood...
Damionis: Save your words of persuasion. I've made up my mind.
Dan Heng: Since appeasing him did not work, it's time for a change in strategy.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Your efforts are meaningless!
Damionis: Haha, my friend, your tone has betrayed you! I understand that you're trying to persuade me to stay...
Icon Dialogue Arrow No one will remember you!
Damionis: Haha, trying to enrage me in hopes that my emotions will overwhelm my mission? It's... It's a pity that I've seen through your intentions. You're... You're trying to persuade me to stay...
Impulsive Guard: A clever fool. That's how to describe people like him, right?
Kind Guard: I'm almost moved by his persistence...
Damionis: Save your words. AquilaSky Titan, feel my wrath!
Dan Heng: We're running out of time...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Dan Heng, what should we do!?
Icon Dialogue Arrow If we don't take action...
Dan Heng: It's a human life after all! There's no choice. Let's just tell him...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Damionis...
Icon Dialogue Arrow You're right...
Icon Dialogue Arrow A world beyond the sky really exists!
Damionis: ...
Impulsive Guard: What... did you just say?
Damionis: So... I was right? You really are from... beyond the sky?
Dan Heng: ...We are bound by a pact. I cannot reveal the truth to you.
Damionis: A pact? Ah, so that's why he called you "distinguished guests of Aglaea"...
Impulsive Guard: Damionis! We're taking you in for an interrogation!
Damionis was dragged away by the guards before he could finish his sentence.
Kind Guard: This is not going to go well.
Dan Heng: What will happen to Damionis?
Kind Guard: He learned something that he should never have learned. We can only hand him over to Lady Aglaea for judgment.
Kind Guard: Instead of worrying about his safety, perhaps you guys should worry about the impact of the rumors. Although no one believes what Damionis said about a world beyond the sky, the Rosy Celestial Maiden has already spread everywhere.
Dan Heng: ...We're sorry for the trouble that we caused.
Kind Guard: It's alright. I think there's only one thing you can do right now. Go to Verax Leo and share something even more interesting with him. That way, there's a chance that you can cover up the rumors.
Kind Guard: As for what happened earlier... We won't tell anyone else about it. So, go now, brave heroes.

Search for Verax Leo to try calm the storm[]

Dan Heng: This is going to be difficult. Let's try to salvage the situation before Aglaea finds out...
(Approach the elevator)
Dan Heng: What's this? It looks like one of those mannequins in the clothing stores of Penacony.
Dan Heng: There's also a... butterfly? Is that a fashion accessory?

Goldenfly: Now there's a warrior I've never seen before... Pretty cute, too... I like it...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Babe, you are a talking butterfly...
Icon Dialogue Arrow What do you mean?
Icon Dialogue Arrow It's obvious that you're not a real human!
Goldenfly: Wow~ You actually saw straight through my disguise. Don't tell me you're my lady's priest, are you? I haven't seen them in a long time...
Goldenfly: What a shame! If you were also nymphs, we could have had a lot of fun together.

Dan Heng: ...How intriguing.
Dan Heng: We should catch these nymphs the next time we encounter them... Perhaps they can help us better understand Amphoreus.
(Open Tutorial)
Tutorial Adventure Chirping Secret 1
Nymphs with blessings are everywhere in Amphoreus. Approach and interact to collect the nymphs, and bring their blessings to Aglaea.

Tutorial Adventure Chirping Secret 2
After collecting all the nymphs of an area, the Garmentmaker will begin deciphering the prophecy and may provide unexpected information to unknown surprises.

(Approach Trinnon near Janus' Steed, optional)
Snack Vendor Nike: Gosh, isn't this Lady Trinnon? How rare that you would leave the Garden of Wisdom.
Trinnon: Yeah... I came out to clear my mind.
Snack Vendor Nike: Then you've come to the right place! Look at all these snacks that I've just gotten. They are all flavors that you and your sisters love!
Snack Vendor Nike: Lady Trianne's favorite sour melon candies, Lady Tribbie's favorite butter cookies, and your favorite stuffed grape leaves. We have everything!
Trinnon: Oh, that's indeed tempting...
Dan Heng: Since we haven't solved the Rosy Celestial Maiden problem yet... Let's avoid the Chrysos Heirs for now.
(Approach Trinnon again, optional)
Dan Heng: Since we haven't solved the Rosy Celestial Maiden problem yet... Let's avoid the Chrysos Heirs for now.

(Approach the marked location)
Dan Heng: Verax Leo... should be nearby.
(Approach Verax Leo)
Dan Heng: This is Verax Leo? It really is a lion's... head?
Dan Heng: No matter how I look at it, it just looks like any other statue. How do we even interact with it?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Whack it with the baseball bat.
Dan Heng: Even if it's just a decoration, we will still have to pay if we damage public property.
Dan Heng: Since its mouth is open, perhaps we can try putting our hands into it?
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Put your hand into the lion's mouth.)
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Put your hand into the lion's mouth.)
Verax Leo: Roarrr! Look who came to visit this mighty lion!
Verax Leo: Aren't you Okhema's two new friends? The brave warriors from a faraway place? It's an honor to meet you, roarrr!
Dan Heng: It seems like you're very well-informed.
Verax Leo: Didn't anyone tell you? I'm the far-seeing eye and all-hearing ear of Okhema. I see and hear every single thing that happens in the streets and alleys of this place.
Dan Heng: We would like to request your help. Currently, rumors regarding the Rosy Celestial Maiden have spread throughout the holy city...
Verax Leo: Roarrr! Brave warriors, I'm afraid that I won't be able to help with that.
Verax Leo: Rumors? Hah! As long as the citizens like it, who cares about whether it's true or not? However, the way you two are trying to stop it from spreading further... Could there be some other reason? How about sharing it with me?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Sorry, can't do that.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why are you so interested in the tea?
???: Don't be fooled by it. This lion loves engaging in gossip and rumors.
Mydei: A few days ago, when people were besmirching my tribe's honor, didn't you also turn a blind eye?
Verax Leo: O—Oh, roarrr! Isn't this Lord Mydei! H—How have you been lately?
Mydei: The face of a lion but the courage of a soulless hyena.
Mydei: You and your brothers will do anything for the sake of entertainment, even encouraging despicable acts such as fabricating history. There's no limit to how low you would stoop.
Verax Leo: H—How can you call that a fabrication? At most, it's just a little... umm... reinterpretation! Artistic reinterpretation!
Mydei: Shut it!
Mydei: Do as they say. Otherwise... I'll turn you into iron dust with my bare hands.
Verax Leo: Roar! Y—You got it. I'll fix that right now!
Verax Leo: I assure all of you that from now on, you'll no longer hear the words "Rosy Celestial Maiden"!
With the "cooperation" of the Verax Leo, the rumors gradually die down...
Dan Heng: Thank you for your help.
Mydei: Don't misunderstand, I'm just annoyed at that lion head.
Mydei: Also, Phainon seems to think highly of you guys. If you were to be disposed of for such a trivial reason, his weak and fragile heart might not be able to bear it.
Icon Dialogue Arrow D—Disposed of?
Mydei: Pray for the best, outsider. Pray that this farce has not reached the ears of Aglaea.

Dan Heng: That boldly dressed Chrysos Heir also has an eccentric personality.
Dan Heng: Regardless, this matter has come to an end. Let's prepare ourselves and head to our appointment.

Meet up with Tribbie[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

Fortunately, the "Rosy Celestial Maiden" fiasco was quickly resolved before the Chrysos Heirs discovered it. As a token of gratitude for saving Okhema from Nikador, Aglaea seems to have prepared a special gift for us.
Dan Heng: If they ask us about it, we should just come clean with everything.
Dan Heng: After all, we still saved a citizen's life.
(Approach Tribbie)
Tribbie: Hey, over here! We've been waiting for quite some time.
(Talk to Tribbie)
Tribbie: Where have the two of you been? We've been waiting here for quite some time. Even our wings are tired.
Dan Heng: We encountered some trouble, but thankfully everything has been resolved.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Tribbie, do you surf the web?
Tribbie: Wow, you guys are well-informed. You even know about the World Wound Web? Young people sure are full of energy! But it's been such a busy day, where would we find the time to surf the web?
Dan Heng: That's good. Surfing the web... isn't a good habit to have.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It was really an accident!
Tribbie: ...What accident?
Dan Heng: Ahem... It's nothing, don't worry about it.
Tribbie: What a strange thing to say... Anyway, let's go. I hope Agy isn't annoyed from waiting too long.

Go see Aglaea with Tribbie[]

(Approach the marked location)
Tribbie: Oh right, you can see the Abyss from here. It's quite a nice place for a photo.

View the Gate of Infinity from a distance[]

(Approach the marked location)
Tribbie: Look — the Gate of Infinity! It's very eye-catching, isn't it? That's where we met.
Dan Heng: The landscape of Amphoreus is breathtaking. In the past, this place must have been a beautiful paradise.
Tribbie: Ah well, the past cannot be recreated. All we can do is follow the prophecy and move forward.
Dan Heng: The past cannot be recreated? But you clearly showed us Oronyx'sTime Titan Miracle before.
Tribbie: Those are two different concepts. We can draw upon the power of the "Veil of Evernight"Time Titan through prayer and then salvage necessary items from the past for our own use. It isn't actually reversing time.
Dan Heng: Even so, it still goes against the laws of physics that we know of.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is that even surprising, considering that there are also gods in this world?
Dan Heng: Even gods have to obey the underlying laws of the world. I'm still trying to understand Amphoreus's laws.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I've been meaning to ask that for a while now...
Dan Heng: All things have to obey the underlying laws of the world. I'm still trying to understand Amphoreus's laws.
Dan Heng: We'll take photos later. Let's go and meet Aglaea now.

Go see Aglaea with Tribbie[]

(Approach Aglaea)
Tribbie: Agy, we're back.
Aglaea: Thanks for your hard work. Is there any news from Trianne?
Tribbie: Not yet. But we've already figured out where the deserters are headed to. With a little more time, we'll be able to track down the location of Castrum Kremnos.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Castrum Kremnos... Where is that?
Aglaea: Nikador'sStrife Titan territory and their current abode — it's a moving city-state enveloped in fog.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Mydei has mentioned this place before.
Aglaea: Oh... He's that candid with the two of you?
Aglaea: Castrum Kremnos, both Nikador'sStrife Titan territory and their current abode, is a moving city-state enveloped in fog.
Dan Heng: So, back when the Titan was repelled, Lady Trianne was off chasing the enemy.
Aglaea: Let's talk about something less serious for now. Would you mind giving the three of us some space, Tribbie?
Tribbie: Of course. Hope you like this gift, heheh.

Aglaea: As Tribbie mentioned, the both of you spared no effort in protecting the holy city. I would like to present you with a gift in recognition of that.

Enter the private bath chamber[]

Aglaea: If you are to stay in Okhema, you'll need a place to rest.
Aglaea: This gift will address your troubles.
(Approach the marked location)
Aglaea: Welcome to your private bath chamber.
Icon Dialogue Arrow How fancy!
Dan Heng: Indeed. It's spacious, and the decor is quite impressive.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It's even better than the Penaconian hotel rooms.
Dan Heng: While it's hard to compare them directly, this place... is indeed more spacious, and the decor is quite impressive.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I don't want to go back to the Astral Express anymore.
Dan Heng: This place is indeed spacious, and the decor is quite impressive.
Aglaea: I'm glad that you're satisfied with the arrangements. Here, take some time and get to know your surroundings.

Look around the private bath chamber[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

Okhema, the holy city... It is said to be the only place with eternal daylight amidst the end times' Long Night. We decide to tour the city to familiarize ourselves with the area and gather reliable information.
(Talk to Aglaea again, optional)
Aglaea: I'm glad that you're satisfied with the arrangements. Here, take some time and get to know your surroundings.
(Investigate the Lounger)
The lounge chair in the room looks so comfy and enticing. You're worried that you'll completely lose the motivation to Trailblaze if you lie on it.
Think about it. All the twists and turns and hardships you've been through... are they worth it? Lying here and welcoming an eternal, comfy slumber... Maybe that's where you belong...
Dan Heng: ...Ahem.
Dan Heng: I know what you're thinking. Don't be tempted by a mere lounge chair.

(Investigate the Bath)
Dan Heng: Hm...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Aren't you going to test the water's temperature?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do you like it, Cold Dragon Young?
Dan Heng dips two fingers into the bath to check the water temperature.
Dan Heng: It's lukewarm.
"Great," you think silently in your mind, trying hard not to let him see your schadenfreude.

(Investigate the Balcony)
You lean against the stone railing of the balcony, gazing into the distance. The mist-shrouded mountains of Amphoreus appear as vague outlines, like stone giants slowly shifting between crouching and standing.
From somewhere, a bard's song drifts through the air. Though the words are unclear, the melody still conveys a tinge of nostalgia and longing for the past.
Dan Heng: This view is... absolutely breathtaking.
You agree with Dan Heng, very much so.

Aglaea: Finished exploring? I still have one last special gift for you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What is it? Tell us.
Aglaea: Come this way, I'll explain it to you.

Enter the Vortex of Genesis via the spirit basin[]

(Investigate the basin)
Dan Heng: Is this... a basin? It looks like something used for rituals.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I feel like I've seen it in a movie before.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What a premium sink.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is this a mini Dreampool?
Aglaea: It's not your average washbasin. This ceremonial vessel belonged to the Chrysos Heirs and is now my gift to the both of you.
Aglaea: You have learned, to some extent, about the history of Amphoreus and of the holy city Okhema. Now... I wish for both of you to witness the journey of the Chrysos Heirs for yourselves.
Dan Heng: What do you mean by... witness?
Aglaea: In ancient times, PhagousaOcean Titan, the Chalice of Plenty, concealed the beginning of the world amidst billowing waves.
Aglaea: When the ancient Ocean Priests discovered that place, they used spirit water to build a barrier in order to prevent the site from being disturbed by external forces. However, they also left behind a passageway.
Aglaea: That passageway is none other than the ceremonial basin in front of you. Clear yourselves of all distracting thoughts and wash your faces with the spirit water inside the basin. When you next open your eyes, you shall witness for yourselves...
Aglaea: The Vortex of Genesis: A great sanctuary that houses the original divinity of the twelve Titans. It's also the place where the prophesized Miracle of Genesis will occur.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I can't wait to see it...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is it really that amazing?
Aglaea: For your first time, I shall personally guide you into the depths.
Aglaea: Close your eyes and hold your breath. Sever all other sounds and let my whispers fill your ears.
Aglaea: Take a handful of the pristine water, lift your palms in front of your chest, and feel the water gently flow away through your fingers...
Aglaea: Sink deeper and do this once more. Submerge your wrists in the spirit water. Familiarize yourself with its temperature, its touch...
Aglaea: Spread your fingers, then lower your head and search for the palms of your hands. Feel the spirit water flow against your face, until all of your senses are submerged...
Aglaea: Floating, sinking...
Aglaea: Diving into the depths.

(Cutscene starts)
Aglaea: You now stand at the heart of this world.
Aglaea: Now, I require your "honesty."
(Cutscene ends)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishDistant Travelers, Listen to this World's Prayer
Korean멀리서 손님이여, 세상의 기도에 귀를 기울여라
SpanishVisitantes de lejos, oigan el rezo de este mundo
FrenchVoyageurs venus des cieux, écoutez ce vœu
RussianО гость издалека, услышь молитвы этого мира
Thaiแขกแดนไกลเอ๋ย จงฟังคำอธิษฐานของโลกนี้
VietnameseKhách Phương Xa, Hãy Lắng Nghe Lời Cầu Nguyện Của Thế Giới Này
GermanReisende aus der Ferne, hört die Gebete dieser Welt
IndonesianPengembara dari Jauh, Dengarkanlah Doa Dunia ini
PortugueseViajantes Distantes, Escutem a Prece deste Mundo

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