Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

"It is said that in the Great Trial of the Furnace, to challenge Mr. Yingxing, they gave him a pile of defective products and waste. But after a day and night, he crafted a lifelike mechanical lion that moved as if it was alive."

Discarded Ingenium Parts is a Tier-1 Synthesis Material.

Dropped By[]

No enemies drop Discarded Ingenium Parts.

Sold By[]

Oldies DepotCredit×200100Daily


There are 3 items that can be crafted using Discarded Ingenium Parts:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Automatic Wooden Dummy Automatic Wooden DummySynthesisInterdimensional Leaf Interdimensional Leaf ×1
Slime of Harmony Slime of Harmony ×3
Jade Abacus Unit Jade Abacus Unit ×4
Discarded Ingenium Parts Discarded Ingenium Parts ×5
Prayer Machine Prayer MachineSynthesisAmbergris of Abundance Ambergris of Abundance ×2
Jade Abacus Unit Jade Abacus Unit ×2
Discarded Ingenium Parts Discarded Ingenium Parts ×5
Self-Sufficer Self-SufficerSynthesisHuman-Height Auspicious Crops Human-Height Auspicious Crops ×2
Discarded Ingenium Parts Discarded Ingenium Parts ×2

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishDiscarded Ingenium Parts
Korean폐기된 기교 부속품
SpanishComponentes mecánicos abandonados
FrenchPièces d'ingéniosité jetées
RussianВыброшенная запчасть изобретения
ThaiDiscarded Ingenium Parts
VietnameseLinh Kiện Máy Móc Bỏ
GermanAusrangierte Ingeniumsteile
IndonesianDiscarded Ingenium Parts
PortuguesePartes de Engenho Descartadas

Change History[]

