Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
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A dark network in the cosmos, whose existence is still unconfirmed.

Loading Screen: Device IX

The Device IX is a faction in Honkai: Star Rail.


"Device IX is real. Go find it! There lies all of Dr. Primitive's secrets!"

— Some Drunken Galaxy Ranger

Everything in the universe is bound by the prison of Existence, constrained by their body and mind and blinded by the world's superficial appearance. Even the most intelligent beings cannot comprehend this. Matter, order, logic, and life... Everything that makes up "reality" is but one side of the coin. On the opposite side, of equal entropy, there exists "nihility." The two balance each other to create the complete universe.

Legend has it that a mysterious faction known as Device IX lurks in the empty reflections of void, difficult to be perceived by the material world. Those who gaze into the void for a long time will gradually be drawn to the dark energy overflowing in the abyss, eventually passing through the Dark Web that separates reality from nothingness — This legend has yet to be proven, though.

The most prestigious geniuses in the universe attempted to solve this mystery, challenging Device IX with no results. Why was this organization created? What are its goals? How many members does it have and what do they do? Does... Device IX truly exist? The answer is as empty as the question itself.

Faction Mentions[]




Data Bank

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishDevice IX
Korean제Ⅸ 장치
SpanishDispositivo IX
FrenchDispositif IX
RussianУстройство IX
VietnameseCơ Quan IX
GermanApparat IX
PortugueseDispositivo IX

Change History[]

